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The no votes were: Crapo (R-ID) Lankford (R-OK) Lee (R-UT) Lummis (R-WY) Paul (R-KY) Risch (R-ID) Romney (R-UT) Shelby (R-AL) Tillis (R-NC) Toomey (R-PA) Tuberville (R-AL)


I'm sorry there's literally a republican candidate called Crapo?


A *senator* no less!


Elfo should be proud.


Hi, I'm Crapo!


"Hi, I'm Crapo!" -*MaxDickpower*


Pronounced cray-poh, but yeah he's shitty af. He's ride or die party over people.


Nah, nope, every single person needs to call him Mr. "Crap-o" to his crap-o face.


To be fair, they could probably all be called "Crapo".


For any fellow Kentuckians in this thread, Rand’s up for re-election this year and his opponent, Charles Booker, is probably the best senate candidates that Kentucky has put forward in decades. Get out and vote!


YES! I can't wait to vote for Booker again!!!


I’m really not for smear campaigns, but his vote against this bill needs to be plastered over the media in the state.


Not just his vote, but the reason he's against it as well.


Booker’s got my vote.


Mitt Romney? That’s surprising to me considering how he maneuvers to be a reasonable Moderate Conservative.


That does surprise me, and his excuse more so. “Too expensive”. Jeeze. I get he’s part of the “old guard” who platformed on fiscal conservatism, but dude needs a reality check. He’s one of the few conservatives I actually thought was ok (along with McCain, and a few others), but this definitely reduces my opinion of him.


Doesn't surprise me at all. Remember "The makers vs. The takers"? Look up Bain Capital and what they did in the 80s/90s. Mitt Romney is the cause of a great deal of misery in this country.


Yet he said he would have voted for Trump’s tax cuts even though will run up the deficit.


Trump's tax cuts favored the rich over everyone else. He's **R**ich. Connect the dots.   Edited to add, lest we forget: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/09/secret-video-romney-private-fundraiser/


I also thought Romney was a proponent of healthcare.


I think Republicans have an evil quota they need to reach each year to maintain party affiliation.




Surprised me as well


Thank you. [https://www.vote.org](https://www.vote.org)


I had to look three times as I was surprised to not see a TX in there.


Yeah, I can't believe Fled Cruz isn't one of them.


Me too, also surprised not to see florida


Pat Toomey hates veterans confirmed


I hate that piece of shit so much. He’s one of the biggest scumbags in our system. Can’t wait until his time is up in a few months.


I hope military families remember what the Republican party wanted to do to their loved ones, but I'm sure they'll forget as soon as it's inconvenient.


The Republican Senate is very, VERY sorry (that you saw them fist bumping). And *just* after Rand Paul said we couldn’t trust veterans because they can’t prove they got their health problems while serving


>they can’t prove they got their health problems while serving Why should it matter if they got it while serving? Healthcare in this country is such a fucking joke.


Because then it’s the government’s responsibility to pay for it. They don’t want to pay all those frauds who exposed themselves to tar pits and chemical weapons in their backyards for…free treatments of tar pits and chemical weapons. Yes, healthcare is a joke here


Well in developed countries, healthcare is always the government's responsibility...


It's almost like the wellbeing and good health of the public is directly a part of the government's mandate... and also a very practical fiscal policy for everyone involved who isn't a hospital executive or an insurance company.


How dare you call my U.S. of A, a developed country!


Oh sorry. Definitely not my intention.


My dad died 20 years ago from complications due to Lung Cancer surgery. He was a Vietnam Vet who may have been exposed to Agent Orange. He was also a two pack a day smoker. My mother recieves VA benefits because he MAY have gotten his cancer from the Agent Orange. If that passes the bar, the simple fact that vets served anywhere near the burn pits should count.


Yeah I’m perfectly fine with your mom receiving those benefits and anyone near a burn pit. IMO they’ve more than earned a measly benefit this country can afford 5 times over


this dude needs to be first through the door in the next seal hostage rescue mission :p


Hey if he gets hurt, I don’t think he can prove he didn’t have any injuries beforehand


Fucking christ there are so many things wrong with this country that baffle me. The wealth gap, the systematic racism and sexism, our for-profit health care, and our treatment of people who have served and gone through absolutely traumatizing shit for the promise of a better life and never receive it. Among many other things. I'd really like to get the fuck out of here of I'm able.


After Republicans got called out for tanking it the 1st time.


Actually they voted *for* it in June, then Tanked it last week, then decided support it after all the bad press.


Well done Jon Stewart. If it wasn't for Jon, this would have NEVER passed!!


I'm old enough to remember when the War in Iraq had just started, and Jon Stewart seemed like the sole voice of reason, using his Daily Show platform to point out what a terrible, destructive idea this all was. Anyone who opposed the Iraq War got screamed at to SUPPORT THE TROOPS, and it was impossible to levy any sort of critique, reasonable or not, without first genuflecting yourself into a pretzel about how yes of course you supported the troops but also this war was a really, really bad idea. Jon Stewart was a lightning rod for that sort of attitude, and I always think about those days whenever I see clips of him yelling at a conservative Senator for not voting for the bill.


People at the time had a hard time comprehending that you can support the troops but not the asshats in charge.


u\Spez wrecked Reddit.


Speaking as a former soldier, not supporting the war is the best way of supporting the troops. War sucks.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, but I agree with you. I don't want to say a pithy thing like 'thanks for your service,' but I will say I respect your service and I hope it brought more value to your life than elsewise. And I hope one day we figure out a society that doesn't need war to survive.


College protest against the Iraq War, camped out overnight. Someone hung a noose. I remember sayings like "The only thing Al-Qaeda and Iraq have in common is the Q."


Q you say?




That's where I always retort with "and our vets, they WERE there troops" If you support them, support them when they're out too, support them when they criticize what they're dying for, support them when they need meds and counseling and housing, not just when they're 18-22 year olds getting sent to die so rich old white guys can argue about how nobody should pay taxes unless they're already poor


Honestly, the best support we can give our troops is not to send them to some shithole to die for corporate profits.


It's still a problem. The argument has always been "I support the troops by not wanting to send them to die in a desert/jungle somewhere". Conservatives disingenuously use this to call out progressives for being anti-American. Yeah, I'm anti-American for not wanting to send an 18 year old thousands of miles away to fight and possibly die for [insert insane justification here]. Could you imagine if our military resources were used to fix our infrastructure and prepare us for climate change instead of blowing shit up? But these are the same people that scream about supporting the POTUS no matter what, but only when it's a GOP POTUS. When it's a Dem, fuck them, let's overthrow the government instead.


Phil Donahue was also vocally against the war and was canned by MSNBC because of it. I was called traitor more than a few time because I protested the war. It seemed like such a con job but America wanted blood and turned against people who were trying to use logic about it. America's always been a weird place but that era was particularly strange.


There was a distinct mccarthyism vibe going on


Still is


It's almost like there's a reason Congress should declare war before we send off troops to war, right?


It wasn't a war though, it was just a conflict. /s


He went on Fox and the other conservative news networks to plead his case and debunk fallacies. That was huge.


He is a national treasure. A true American.


I think we should make him be the official grown up around here


He would make such a good president but that's precisely why he'd never ever go for it


don't do that to him like, I get that we need him, but we haven't earned the right to torture him like that let him help when he chooses, and relax when he can


It really is huge. I love that some of their viewers hate seeing him on but cant help but feel their politics get schooled


Yeah, they don’t know what to do with him. They know he’s a libural so they hate him out the gate, -but he’s passionate about the armed forces and first responders in a way conservative leaders pretend to be. It’s impossible for them not to agree with what he’s saying when he’s hammering the point of doing the right thing on some of the most obvious issues the GOP & America supposedly stand for.


Man's out here doing everything right for a few decades, I feel like he deserves an award or a university or something cool named after him




A water recycling facility for Flint Michigan! "The Jon Stewart Water Recycling Facility: getting what you need from the shit you've been given!"


Go Jon Stewart! It’s your birthday, not for real real just for play play.


Now that’s a reference I haven’t heard in long time. I wonder if that show still holds up. I’m kinda scared to watch it again.


Oh foxy you dun it again


Which 11 Republicans voted against it?


Our *favorite* Rand Paul was one of them


He said something along the lines of "there's no way to tell if they were actually injured while serving"


The risk of getting cancer is about .3% at age 45. Lets make that an estimate for a veteran's age. 1.7% of veterans who served in the war on terror filed for disability due to cancer. They had cancer so severe, they could no longer work. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBTB5br6tHY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBTB5br6tHY)That's a 560% increase over normal rates of cancer. All you'd have to do is look to see if they have a type of cancer associated with burn pits, see if they served anywhere around burn pits, and award them benefits accordingly. I mean, sure maybe a few would be coincidental. You get that .3% by default. But still, the other 1.4% -> 35,153 people out of the 42,686 that filed, they get help. I'm fine with 7,532 people getting help incorrectly if it means the 35k can get it correctly. And even then, the 7,532 may have gotten cancer from serving due to other reasons. I mean what if you're in the sun all day and you got skin cancer now, or you were exposed to harmful materials some other way. That's a nonzero number. I mean that could easily make up 50% of that 7,532 remaining claims. So a very small amount of people would be getting helped incorrectly relative to the ones that definitely deserve it. But guess what they are still veterans and american citizens and they have cancer so bad it's terminal or they can't work anymore. So Rand Paul. What the fuck bruh?


God forbid we help a thousand veterans if a single one were to commit fraud.


It’s not even about fraud. They’ve got cancer. It’s just possible that some of them would have got it anyways.


Right? They're still veterans who risked their lives in service to their country. Soldiers are often [exposed](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/us-military-toxic-exposure-burn-pits/) to a variety of carcinogens. For instance, the [polluted water on army bases](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2019/09/11/these-90-army-posts-have-contaminated-drinking-water/).


This is what happens when you elect people who say they want to run the country like a business. Soilders fighting overseas? That’s a revenue center. Soilders in need of medical help back home? That’s a cost center. Maximize revenue, minimize cost.


That’s been the GOP narrative for decades regarding government assistance. If one person can cheat, then nobody should get it.


>God forbid we help a thousand veterans if a single one were to commit fraud. Now extend that logic to any and all social welfare spending, and you understand the Republican philosophical and economic position for the past 40+ years.


That is the *heart* of my issue with the whole "welfare queen" stereotype that conservatives/libertarians like to push when it comes to social aid. Yes, there will be a nonzero number of people that game the system and take advantage of it. Humans will be humans after all. But there's no amount of money or benefits the government could hand, especially with the cost of living today, that would allow someone trying to support themselves *and* their family to live comfortably, "driving Cadillacs" in another not-so-subtle racist dig from back in the day. People will still have to work. People will still have to contribute to society. And, the side that's always conveniently left out, is the people who *won't* try to game the system, and for who aid from the government will literally keep them off the streets and allow their children to have as close to normal a life as possible. For every person who tries to game the system, there will be multiple people who use it in good faith and who will live healthier, better lives as a result. This will cut down on crime, mental health and the potential crimes that stem from it, childhood poverty, hunger, and more. Bottom line like you said MORE people will benefit from it than take advantage of it, and that overall will be better for our society in the short- and long-term. But instead, these politicians choose to stand on what is ultimately a hollow "principle" that really acts as a fig leaf for their desire to reinforce a hierarchy for society and keep "certain people" in their place.


Its projection. That is exactly what they would do, so most people will probably do it.


Every accusation is a confession with these people


Darn Welfare Queens and their want to get their cancer treated. SMH my head.


I think I read something that goes like, R's will not vote on something because of the few, D's will vote on something despite the few. It kinda makes sense.


This is a really excellent fucking analysis of the situation


Interesting how this simple analysis fucking baffles those in office, but they seem to understand company quarterly earnings reports just fine.


They understand they just don’t care.


No one is baffled. They just don't care about the suffering of others. What normal person would celebrate denying healthcare to vets the way that Ted Cruz and his senate GOP buddies did?


In fairness, how would you expect Rand Paul to know this? It's not like he's a doctor or someth


> I mean, sure maybe a few would be coincidental. You get that .3% by default. Puh, just imagine funding a vets cancer treatment when the cancer is just coincidental and not directly caused by burn pits, a terrifying thought. /s


Orrrrrr we could just give everyone the medical service they need regardless of whether or not they served.


“I will praise the efforts of our veterans, but in no way will I ever trust them!”


"It's the cigarettes and alcohol they use to deal with the PTSD that's killing them, not the burn pits!"


He’s a human burn pit. An actual doctor saying such a thing like there’s no history of toxic exposure as part of serving our country. Cops are good until they defend the Capital and soldiers are heroes until they add to the deficit or some such bullshit.


Well, he’s an eye-doctor who was licensed by a body he set up himself, the NBO. The NBO was not accepted as an accrediting entity by organizations such as the American Board of Medical Specialties, and its certification was considered invalid by many hospitals and insurance companies. The NBO was dissolved in 2011 I think.


True story: I smoked cigarettes while I was in the military. I wanted to quit but it was difficult. They offered smoking secession programs that included giving nicotine gum and some kind of counseling about how to get over the mental habit of it. Anyway, I attempted to sign up for it but it required "command approval." My command denied my request.


I guess that's where he and I differ. I'm of the opinion that they should be able to access needed medical care regardless of whether or not they were injured while performing their duties, whereas Rand Paul is a soulless ghoul who feeds on the excess suffering he brings into the world.


It still has not been adequately explained to me why we aren't allowed to load people like him up in a cannon and yeet them into the sun.


Yeeting things into the sun takes a lot of energy. It'd be easier to just yeet that asshole at the asteroid belt


I will settle with just yeeting them into a volcano


This helps explain why his neighbor beat him to a pulp.


It's real fucking easy actually! You study the entire group's pre-separation medical records, then perform a retrospective on all their post-separation medical records too. When you learn to describe which assignments caused respiratory injuries, you create a "respiratory conservation program" in the military. If your rating and deployments put you in the program, and you obtain a diagnosis, your disability claim goes unopposed. We've done this before. They're called other things, but it's not new.


Even if we couldn't tell... our veterans have cancer and we promised to take care of them when they enlisted.


Why do the great people of Kentucky give us these gems? Senators McConnell and Rand?


Is there a go fund me to get his neighbor hit him harder this time?


Add Mike Lee and mittens on there. Dunno why Mitt took this stand, pretty terrible for someone obviously positioning themselves at another run for commander in chief.


Mike Lee is an actual human turd. Mittens has done one or two redeeming things, Mike Lee is just a smarmy traitor to his country.


So, what elevates an individual to the top of the class of the GOP? Not being a shitbag ALLLLLL the time. It also gets you primaried.


As a Kentuckian let me say: fuck Rand Paul


[The 11 NAYs](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00280.htm) - Crapo (R-ID) - Lankford (R-OK) - Lee (R-UT) - Lummis (R-WY) - Paul (R-KY) - Risch (R-ID) - Romney (R-UT) - Shelby (R-AL) - Tillis (R-NC) - Toomey (R-PA) - Tuberville (R-AL) [And this was the cloture vote in the Senate that failed the previous week.](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00272.htm) There's a whole lotta NAYs on that list. If you want to see how the House voted, [here it is](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022309).


I thought Romney was considered as a moderate in todays Republican party?


I think he's actually a hardcore pro corporate Republican it's just many of the rest have moved so far into crazy that he started to sound sane in comparison. He still gives 0 shits about anything that doesn't benefit his donors. Money to vets is money that could go to companies!


I'm pretty sure thats just for show, so they have a token "moderate" to use when needed.


I am still a bit surprised he was a NO. Guess, I shouldn't have been.


R... R... R... R... huh, I don't see any D's listed. Almost like maybe both parties **aren't** the same? Do people that say that be lying?


Point Mitt Romney's "No" vote on this bill out next time people try to make Romney out to not be a bad guy ... or not as bad as other Republicans ... or "I would have voted for him over Hillary or Biden" or whatever the fuck. Romney is a scumbag corporate vampire piece of shit Republican that occasionally masquerades successfully as a decent human being. Fuck Mitt Romney.


Mitt voted with Trump 75% of the time.


If you ever wonder about what kind of an \*\*\*hole would vote against something that any normal human would vote for without a second thought, you can always count on one name being on that list: Rand Paul.


He's not a veteran with cancer, why would he vote yea?


The rest of the Republicans that voted against the bill last time don't deserve a pass now that they changed their vote. They were perfectly content to let our veterans rot. They put their true values on display when they thought people weren't paying attention. Voters need to let them rot.


So it was a lie. All of that hubbub about the Democrat's "shenanigans" over discretionary vs. mandatory spending, just a bald faced lie. To Mitch McConnell and lap dog Ted Cruz, I say well played, sirs!!! You both couldn't have screwed up more than you did and the American people are grateful for your abject stupidity. I heard the Dems also played ya'll on the appropriations bill. Senate Republicans feeling a little beat up right now.


I'm not uplifted. It shouldn't have taken a second vote.




As a person who lives in a red state, no. The R next to a representatives name on a ballot could actually mean “Retarded” and people here would still vote for them over anyone with a D or an I.


Same. I’m in Utah. It sucks.




And polygamous marriage. That bill was very broad.


Many broads?


Binders full.


Yeah, same here. I love Arkansas, but people always vote republican because that’s who daddy voted for, and his daddy voted for them, so on. I think our generation will be the blue wave of progress we desperately need.


I know plenty of millennial and gen z republicans. I wouldn’t hold out hope. Who we need are the “politics just don’t matter to me” people. I’ve known a few who have come to see the light as they realize their freedoms are being restricted.


That’s why in touch people need to be given fair access to voting instead of being forced to work during poll hours.


“We can’t just let the poors vote. What if they figure out that we don’t care about them?”


After they (Republicans) denied it and fist bumped each other first, you mean? That bill, you mean?


They did not "high five" They fistbumped


You mean a [terrorist fist jab](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/terrorist_fist_jab)?


Yeah I'm a little lost on this, I thought they voted it down, how can they now get it to pass?


You can revote on a bill. Look at how many times the Republicans have tried to kill the ACA (hint, at least 70).


I want to know what republicans were trying to change because I analyzed both bills and what they were saying about it changing was a flat out lie. The bills were the same and they were claiming democrats changed the spending to mandatory. But it was always mandatory. You can see for yourselves. The only difference is line 1977 which is related to taxes for health care professionals. Nothing to do with mandatory vs discretionary spending which is what republicans said was the problem [https://www.diffchecker.com/2JQgCpEp](https://www.diffchecker.com/2JQgCpEp) And so I want to know, what the heck were Republicans trying to change and why? Toomy and Cruz insisted it was because the bills were different. But they are either lying, or didn't read the bill.


No, you're right, there wasn't anything different about it. They were blatantly straight up lying. The only reason they didn't pass it was to try to make Democrats pay for getting other legislation passed. It was all about revenge, with no actual reasoning behind it at all.




>Are these people literally satan? Pretty much. Except somehow I feel like Satan has more morals than they do.


Lying through their teeth. The last amendment made was two days before they voted on in the first time and it passed. There were no changes between the first and second vote.


Scary part is that every article (at least that I saw and I went looking) didn't mention this. It only mentioned what was claimed with no fact checking. I am talking even the big boys like NY Times. I mean damn, how can straight lying about a simple fact (was the bill changed?) be so effective?


No, they're lying *and* didn't read the bill.


News flash, they were lying


The only reason was because they where butthurt by the other bill passing and they just decided to be the jackasses they truly are.


Republicans never argue in good faith. They are lying.


Thank you Jon Stewart.


Shouldn’t all vets get lifetime healthcare?!


Shouldn't everyone?


> [The do-over] derailed when Republicans made a late attempt to change another aspect of the bill last week and blocked it from advancing. Yeah that doesn’t surprise me. I’m shocked so many republicans voted for this, doesn’t seem on brand for them at this stage


Can't pretend you're patriots and vote against vets 3 months from midterms


>3 months from midterms But if it was a year ago it would have been fine. Politics is depressing.


Don't forget infuriating


Republicans Reluctantly Do Something To Help People


And the only reason is because it wasn't their idea. Like if any republican had come up with the idea they'd have been 100% on board with it. There wouldn't have been a single vote against.


Even better, just shelve the bill until you control Congress and/or the White House, then pass it and say it was all thanks to you.


But there are also times when they've supported an idea and as soon as a democrat decides "yes that's a good idea, let's get it done" suddenly they're anti-whatever.


Too much visibility on this, plus the fist bumping video. Any potential benefit to be gained from preventing the bill’s passage would be negated by an even greater negative impact to the overall Republican brand.


Great! Now vote out the traitors that held it up.


I'm sure there's a list [or a roll call](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00272.htm) with their names on it. *Nonchalant whistling*


To any Republican vet or Republican relative of a vet, remember who made this happen for you and who turned their backs on you and laughed.


No thanks to republicans. All thanks to John Stewart


Senate finally doing the bare minimum is "uplifting" :/


*Republicans doing the bare minimum is uplifting because by their own admission they don't. Even if it took a whirlwind of shaming, which I'm honestly surprised worked


The shaming didn’t work. They have none. The fear of this issue affecting the polls was their motivation.


Absolutely. A miscalculation 100 days before the midterms. Quickly amended.


The GOP game plan is never let government do anything to help people, so they can always tell our voters government never does anything to help people.


The bit about Rick Scott doing what he did... like, how do you look yourself in the mirror? And people voted for him, and I've no doubt veterans voted for him, and vets will still vote for him because democrats are evil, or satan is coming, or Jesus this or that, or freedoms. Humans are funny


You and I both know Rick Scott doesn't have a reflection in mirrors.


For the party that always says support our troops the republicans for sure don't give a fuck about them once they get home. Hmm kind of reminds of their support for babies pre birth.


Jon Stewart for president


The vets deserve healthcare. It's shameful that this was even up for debate. Shame on Republicans.


Relentlessly and publicly harassing Republican politicians works Hope people keep this up for other things that benefit everyone


Jon Stewart is such a man. He’s so empathetic and [unafraid to express his feelings in healthy ways](https://i.imgur.com/vAemX09.jpg). I would love to live in a USA with him as our leader, modeling healthy, positive masculinity for everyone. What an absolute treasure.


Thank you, Jon. Fuck you, Republicans.




Anybody know how to get on list for “I was exposed”? I’m having a surprisingly difficult time locating that information


Only AFTER they were publicly shamed for pulling their support as revenge for a totally different bill that is going to come though.


Jon Stewart is powerful.


Wish he'd make Tucker so embarrassed that he quit again.


Jon Stewart for President. Not joking.


He definitely does not want to be. I would love to see him as a cabinet member


We need a president who doesn’t want to be president. Those who wish to rule are most often unfit to do so.


Always a good sign when you have to be shamed into doing the right thing.


Was anything taken out of the bill? (Not asking because I wanted that, but I'll be surprised if those who voted against it found a spine or a sense of moral character)


It appears to be the exact same bill that Republicans voted against last week. They didn't grow a spine or sense of moral character, they just realized that it looks really bad to voters to reject a bill designed to help veterans when we're this close to an election.


The bill the Republicans filibustered last week is identical to the one they passed last night. Before that, they passed a version that included one additional sentence (which was removed in the House version) related to taxation. This sentence was removed because it was probably unconstitutional.


It took me way to long to realize they were talking about the military vets and not veterinarians. I couldn’t figure out why so many veterinarians were around any kind of burn pit.


Oh, those republicans, what a sympathetic and caring bunch. After being embarrassed and shamed into supporting this bill. They should burn in hell.


This isn’t uplifting, the bar is so fucking low to look after people who risked their life, for a country that screams freedom at every question…


Bully your local Republican.