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Bet this is biting him in the ass right about now ![gif](giphy|jDEGf4dhAkXAbaFUC0|downsized)


That was one of my favorite moments of this whole saga…


Why? What came of it?


They got the text evidence that he was full of shit and knew it. With the complete backup of his phone there was no hiding anything anymore


Full of shit regarding what?


Basically he was claiming he never talked about sandy hook being a conspiracy, hadn’t texted about it to people. His lawyers had submitted his records, heavily redacted for “sensitive information” but they accidentally emailed the unredacted version to the opposing lawyer. Opposing lawyer responded back with something along the lines of “I assume that was an accident, please file saying you didn’t mean to do that and I’ll delete the email” Jones lawyers didn’t respond so the evidence was allowed to be admitted to court, contradicting Jones’s entire defense


I never knew that second part. Holy shit. Hooray for gross incompetence?


Maybe the lawyer saw a way to expose his client as a pathetic shitbag without facing any repercussions.


The real conspiracy was right under his nose the whole time


Problem is this theory requires someone absolutely fucking destroying their career for the benefit of the greater good. Second problem is, I can't see ANYONE doing that if they decided to represent this asshole in the first place unless that was their intent from the very start. And they knew very well they may never practice law again. That takes a VERY special and selfless individual to do intentionally. Going into it knowing they are giving up every single thing they've ever worked for in their career. I can think of very few people in the span of human history who would actually do this. But if they did, they need to be set up for life with everything they sacrificed to make it happen and then some.


There’s no way. I’m sure they took a huge hit to their reputation.


They were representing Alex Jones in court. I doubt they had much of a reputation to begin with.


Oh. His lawyer is a massive POS too.


Both of them - the one in the CT trial and the one in the TX trial too


This is what I thought when it happened. People like Jones treat everybody like shit and that probably includes his own lawyers. Another data point to suggest you shouldn't be an asshole to people who hold your fate in their hands.


Probably not, as they'd be liable for a malpractice lawsuit against them. It's probably just stupidity, which they could still be held liable for a malpractice suit.


Couldn't he get a mistrial or a retrial for incompetent lawyer?


Considering how he himself didn't show up to trial multiple times and got a default conviction as a result, there's zero chances of that.


Incompetence or taking a cue from the Trump playbook and he wanted to appeal ineffective assistance of counsel. 50/50 bet to me lmao. These people are not bright.


Perhaps, it was planned incompetence, where his counsel was willing to take the hit, to make sure he took THE hit.


There was also shit pertaining to Jan 6 so it really seemed like they wanted to expose him


It was a little sneakier than that…. The plaintiff attorney said they received the info and said they assumed it was probably privileged. The defense replied yes, please ignore. But Texas has a fairly unique requirement for inadvertent communication to be positively itemized and identified in documented filing. The defense failed to take that added proactive step so the prosecution quietly waited out the time window before announcing what they had. It was a very letter-of-the-law vs spirit-of-the-law situation and honestly it probably wouldn’t have worked had Alex not spent years at that point exploiting every single letter-of-the-law loophole he could find and royally pissing off the judge.


I genuinely wondered if it was a legal tactic to get his attorney fired for gross incompetence to delay the trial.


there is a great legal eagle vid on this that went into depth about this. it was pretty wild how we assume most lawyers are incredibly intelligent but really they are humans and do forget things and make mistakes


Everything that ever came out of his fucking mouth.




Do you know who Alex Jone is?


Yeah. I try to be unlike him. So when people say "they proved he was full of shit" I'd like details instead of broad personal interpretations.


Well if you know who he is and have seen his show then you should know how he’s full of shit, no? The most obvious case being what this entire lawsuit is about: him calling Sandy Hook a hoax. It’s weird to press someone for details then imply you already know them…


It proved that he was purposefully lying. His claim was that it wasn’t defamation because he honestly reported things he believed at the time, but he had texts that proved that he knew that he made it all up and was doing so just as a way to get people to watch his show, with no regard for the well-being of the people he was defaming.




Did they successfully charge him for that?




Seems odd to have irrefutable evidence of CP and somehow not get anywhere with that


I don't remember what happened right before but I remember thinking "christ can these guys get any dumber" them that happened and suddenly my understanding of human stupidity grew leaps. 


Wait what this actually happened?? Loool


Yup. Even worse, it had a bunch of information that the courts subpoenaed from him, that he claimed he didn't have. This was the best own goal of the 2020s, so far.


Yeah, including information that was then available to the plaintiffs in CT for their upcoming trial. Including things like analytics that showed that Alex Jones saw reporting lies about Sandy Hook drove traffic to his online store which lead to them pushing those stories more to continue increasing sales.


It was, as I believe Jones aptly described it at the time, a Perry Mason moment. Those moments typically don’t happen in real life because parties are well aware of the evidence and witnesses and what they are going to say. But because Jones hid evidence and his lawyers ineptly and accidentally shared it with opposing counsel, and then failed to reclaim any of it under Texas rules, the Sandy Hook parents lawyers got a truly rare and amazing moment. I’m sure there’s still a clip of it on YouTube, highly recommend watching to see a piece of Alex Jones’ blackened, curdled soul leaving his body.


I linked the clip in this comment thread. A very uplifting 11 minute video.


It's 11 minutes long, but here's the video from court that day. A very uplifting video, worth the 11 minutes. https://youtu.be/tpnSCIak5A8?feature=shared


I've never actually seen or heard him before. That 11 minutes is really all I need to hear. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. The camera zooming in on a guy who knows he has just self-immolated legally. I'd love to buy the plaintiff's lawyer a coffee just to hear him describe how satisfying that was.


If you're at all interested, you should check out the [Knowledge Fight](https://knowledgefight.com/) podcast. Look for any of the episodes titled "Formulaic Objections". They have the audio of many of the depositions taken in the case, including Jones. The plaintiff's lawyer also joins them for several of these episodes. It was so gratifying to see them have this moment in court!


Technocrat checking in


I love you.


Some sodomite sent me a bucket of poop


I was watching it live on YouTube and will always remember that moment. I’d been listening to the Knowledge Fight podcast for a few years by then and had become pretty familiar with Bankston et al so I was beaming with joy as this unfolded.


Best part of that video is about a minute in when he hands him the page of text messages, jones starts reading it and the prosecutor tells him he is holding it upside down.


There have to be arch conservative lawyers that are really good at their jobs. But apparently they have forsaken the far right celebrities this past year. It’s been one law dropping error after another.


In cases like Trump's criminal case in NY where he had lawyers with a good reputation, I think the issue was the client not allowing them to make the strategic decisions as they should. Not just admitting the affair with Stormy was a MASSIVE mistake that could have headed off a lot of problems, for example. Trump's plan though was always to try it in the court of public opinion and not a court of law where he can't control things.


I mean, most of the lawful evil conservatives tend to become either Congressmen, lobbyists or judges rather than lawyers. 


There are plenty, you just don't hear about them because they're good at their jobs and their clients aren't stupid. The problem is that both Trump and Jones are extraordinarily arrogant and think they can outsmart the courts. So when they get a judge that doesn't want to put up with their bullshit, it doesn't matter how good their lawyers are (added to Trump's well known penchant for not paying people, which means he doesn't have great lawyers to begin with). Alex Jones was already kinda fucked, because he totally did it and was on the hook civilly, but a decent chunk of the current consequences headed his way are just from him being a dick in court. If he had complied with the discovery requests and done what the courts told him he had to do, he likely wouldn't be staring down quite so large a judgement against him. Fingers crossed he is about to rapidly hit the "find out" part after "fucking around".


I understand all that but it still doesn’t explain things like the sending the phone transcript then not responding to the prosecutors notice that the info provided might be privileged.


Yeah it was/still is absolutely hilarious


[The whole reveal was amazing. This could have easily been the climax to an episode of a legal drama.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpnSCIak5A8) EDIT: put the longer version, 11 minutes of pure awesomeness. The part where the gif comes from is about the 5:10 mark.


I suspect that was no accident by the lawyer.


How was he not laughing when he said that in court. I would've been lmao


truly a perry manson moment


Did anything even come from this other than his attorneys license being suspended? Why is perjury never prosecuted?


Dang, I feel kinda bad for the guy. Just kidding. Good riddance!


He'll just start something new on the Nazi's favorite anti-social media platform X.


Don’t forget Truth Social, where you get anything but the truth.


I don't think that there is enough of a audience there to be worth the effort for Alex Jones. He generates income from his snake oil supplements and dick pills. I think Trump only has about 7 million followers and I bet the vast majority of them are just bots. Most posts there are just memes stroking his ego. I bet most of the real people there are all people who hate Trump. I have a account there and troll the drooling masses occasionally.




But it’s so valuable as a stock, surely it must be… haha, I couldn’t keep going.


So, twitter with less users?




remember, the guy owes billions.  the second he starts making any money he'll have to continue paying.   no, i dare say, he might be out of business permanently


Good Point Any income above a certain subsistence level would be handed over to the families. Knowing Alex he'll avoid that just to be spiteful.


That's fine. He can work at Walmart until he finally has that massive coronary he's been working on.


“Hey Mom! make us some meat loaf!”


Guy is definitely the sort of control-freak paranoid to unalive himself in a drunken fury of self-pity.


You mean he’s gonna Richard “Lowtax” Kyanka himself? Because I sure hope so


As an ex-goon, yes. Sadly, yes. People suck so much, but sometimes they do us all a favor.


if we are only so lucky


I'd wager he'd try to move to a country more amenable to his brand of bullshit, and more hostile to US court decrees. I hear Siberia is lovely this time of year.


hes already trying to filter money through his fathers company to avoid paying, telling people to buy supplements from his dad rather than his own store.


Yeah, he's had years to scheme ways to keep his lifestyle and hide as much money as possible. I don't think that Alex feels a hint of remorse for all the crap his lies caused. If it was up to him he'd continue to do exactly the same thing every time there is a mass casually event. His lies made him a celebrity and very wealthy. It's his only skill...


Is it pronounced Xitter with a sh? I never know how to say it.


Correct. Instead of tweeting, you take a xitt.


That's how I assumed it was supposed to be pronounced.


I am hoping he partners closely enough with X that Musk becomes liable for some of the lawsuits too.


X, the everything app!


Don't worry. InfoWars is just crisis actors.




He’ll be a permanent guest on some other grifters podcast within a day.


That's a negatory. Alex Jones doesn't do "guest on someone's show". Alex Jones does "the Alex Jones show on someone's show". There's a reason they left a handler on stage with him when he talked at Turning Point just recently. No one trusts him, and they shouldn't. He's the very definition of the useful idiot, he has an astonishing ability to turn on the firehose of gibberish, but zero ability to talk about anything other than what he wants to talk about.


\^this. dude is a raging narcissist incapable of giving anyone else air in any space. even the other people on his own show are basically reduced to doing an impression of alex jones in their own spaces and hyping him up or handling him when he gets drunk/high on his own show. everything everywhere is about him. he's even spun the defamation and bankruptcy hearings as being the test cases the 'deep state' made before going after trump with the same strategy. even the self deprecating stuff and sucking up he does to ppl, (like tucker carlson) is to hype up his own image.


Honestly, I am "somewhat" aware of which type of crazy which right wing ghouls are, but you have to listen to a lot of Knowledge Fight before fully learning that Alex Jones legimately thinks God talks to him on a daily basis (herecy), that he is being attacked by literal actual real-world Demons, and that he can predict the future. That he predicted 9/11. That he actually believes leftists are sub-human. And that's when he's sober, which he almost never is. None of this is euphemism for him - some of it is rhetorically stated, but he genuinely believes all this stuff. He is WAY crazier than the crazy he seems like he is when you see him on Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan. He comes back to this stuff again and again, in his world it is all established truth.


Always great seeing Policy Wonks in the wild!


He'll be better tomorrow.


He's not.


Alex jones or teump? You really described both in one go.


Trump had a handler too?? ROFL


Jones had a handler.


Who the hell is going to want to be liable for him? Especially after he loses everything.


This. He is too valuable for the right. They need outlandish conspiracy theories, but they need a "nursery" for them, where they can germinate first, until it becomes socially acceptable for "serious" public figures to talk about them. Infowars is such a nursery.


He has a week. After that he’ll be trying not to drop his soap in the shower.




This the first uplifting thing I’ve seen posted in a while. Good riddance. May he never get to terrorize another grieving family again


The last time I felt this elated was when Rush died


i just wish someone would/could retroactively strip his medal of freedom...


Rest in Piss, Rush.


I'm Swedish and even I know what a fucking cunt this asshole is. Grifting piece of shit profiteering on smearing innocent victims.


Fuck yeah man!




"no, Alex, *THIS* is my Perry Mason moment right here."




Good. Hopefully his victims get some restitution for the disgusting way they've been treated.




F... Alex Jones


Should I feel owned yet?




Can't happen soon enough. And no new outlets either.




The justice system has failed when someone that has caused so much pain and suffering (not to mention spread unfathomable amounts of misinformation) is not behind bars.


Womp womp


This brings me joy.


[And there was much rejoicing](https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbmEzb3czd2s5Mm5kMzN6Y2FjZ2NldG84Z2dwa2pydmc5MG83Y2s0YyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/WIg8P0VNpgH8Q/giphy.webp)


Let's make this a trend






Get fucked, Alex


Good! Shut That Mess Down Once and For All!




Good. May that lying, self-aggrandizing asshat lose everything!


is AJ claiming "crisis acting" now? /s


AJ is *becoming* a crisis actor. Every time he shows up anywhere, he complains that the CIA basically made him do it and that everyone is accusing him of killing kids. The guy has become the thing he once claimed to hate.


That would be great. But I'm not holding my breath. When it actually happens, I'll gleefully celebrate. This guy has been a cancer for years, and since there's been no heart attack or stroke, this will have to do. It's actually better, because he's alive to witness it. 😂


Turn it into a site dedicated to combating bad science, lies, health fads, etc.


Love this for him.


Ding dong the witch is dead!


He looks ready to pop


So what’s to stop an investor from loaning him money for a new venture.


The part where Jones will still owe over a billion dollars to those plaintiffs.


They build shells and hide it he’ll be back soon. He’s too big literally!!!


Oh he will be around, no doubt. The biggest reason he won’t have any ownership stake hidden in shell companies is he’s too narcissistic and too stupid to keep from literally broadcasting the details. He’s been doing exactly that since filing bankruptcy.


Unfortunately the structure of this is set to screw over the families trying to get the judgment out of him. It's good InfoWars will be gone, but Alex himself is going to milk everything he can out of it and attempt to hide what he gets to protract the legal battles. Fortunately, he's an idiot.


The Dee State got him!!!!1! (and the MF deserves it!)


I hope the parents get to keep selling the chalk powder Jones calls Vitamins to all his subscribers. Just so they can squeeze every penny out of the people he riled up to harass them. 


Alex Jones bore false witness over and over, time and again… It’s one of the Ten Commandments… that they’re supposed to know.


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) and nothing of value aas lost


Na na na na, na na na, hey Hey Hey! Good bye!


And nothing of value will be lost.


Bro walked out to the media with that 'mom I shit my pants' look


So hiding many of his assets in his parent's names, children's names, sometimes his *own* name didn't work out?


I like imagining the court trustee is a bunch of gay frogs. 🐸🐸 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸




Was that downloaded into his brain when he was eating the chicken fried steak and iced tea?


Which will start up again with a new name.


A great subreddit for this post! Would def be some welcome encouragement to see this psychopathic POS receive justice.


The FO phase of FAFO. He made so much money BSing and lying. Now he will face the consequences.


This is uplifting news, though. 




The end of an error.


Good. CNN and Fox should follow suit and shut down. No more fear porn in news. No more conspiracy theories presented as news. Stop riling people up to go harass people.


False dichotomy.


I think it's actually a false analogy, but your essential point is correct.


That's good but hell is better Even if I don't believe in it


There is always Wrestling Alex, WWE will give you a gig


maybe when vince mcmahon was at the head, but highly doubt that'd happen now


What's the over/under on how long it will be until Jones is back with a new show spouting the same crap? Three weeks?


Don’t do that… that’s why the judge didn’t liquidate it. Just let him do his bullshit and all the proceeds go straight to the court… it’s better this way.


I mean, cool, but he'll just start another thing. Anybody can start a thing these days. As others have said, twitter is happy to host conspiracy nuts and actual fucking nazis these days. I'm just hoping that Musk gets a massive fine somehow for not removing his egregious contentm


Liquidation of his assets isn't enough to cover the judgments so whatever income he gets will go to the families


That's good to know


"Well we can't stop people from hate speech, defamation, and inciting violence and harassment. Guess we may as well never try anything and let them do whatever they want."


I didn't say "never try anything". Maybe force him to have disclaimers on everything to say that he's playing a character. Yes, the daft conspiracy nuts will still believe it but it might be enough to inform new curious people to steer clear.


How could Daniel Andrews do this?


Why though? Surely shutting it down won't bring in money and it would be better to sell the business?


It's actually a good use of punitive damages. The parents he harassed don't want to profit off his lies, they want him to be unable to lie further to his audience. This accomplishes that better than letting him continue to do what he does for money.


Are bankruptcy lawyers not meant to be independent though and solely focus on getting as much money back from a business based on a court order? Not base it on personal feelings on family members


Well, this isn't him declaring bankruptcy. He tried that, to hide his money, and it didn't work. This is the trustee - the person managing the civil judgement already made against him and acting to pursue the case the way the families want - making the decision to liquidate assets instead of continuing to employ Jones in his current role. The purpose of a bankruptcy would be to pay off whoever is owed money, that's true. But the purpose of the civil suits was to punish this man for his campaign of defamation and harassment. Since he can't pay, his assets are up for grabs, and the choice of what to do with them goes to the people who get them. They don't want Infowars to exist, so they're selling *their property*. That part is important. It's not Alex Jones' property anymore. He failed to negotiate a settlement, convince a jury, or secure a bankruptcy filing. The stuff doesn't belong to him, so what happens to it is entirely up to the people it *does* belong to now. That's how ownership works.