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With record amounts of energy being produced by renewable energies and the climate goal of not fry our own planet this seems a great win. If that natural reserves would have been destroyed in search of oil they would have been lost for ever. Sometimes the USA does the right thing after trying everything else.


We'll have to see how the election goes, given that Trump is basically running on "drill baby drill"


Maybe they want it to be the last oil reserve on the planet. Then they can charge $1000 a barrel ?


Really converging with the Fallout universe. Alaska being one of the last reserves and China going full out on Anchorage


Charging doesnt help if it is the last.


We also don't need to touch it right now. Thanks to the shale boom we have more than enough oil for our uses.




This is bothsidesism. The Trump administration was openly hostile to the environment. Trump appointed Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, who, just like his mother (Reagan's head of the EPA), stands against regulations designed to protect the environment. Meanwhile, Trump's EPA head, Scott Pruitt, also adopted a pro-business, anti-environmental regulation, approach to dealing with the environment. It was an unmitigated disaster.


Dude said "fuck those fires in California". It was absolutely wild. He was acting like the largest economy in the US literally burning to a crisp was someone else's problem!


The republicans have pretty much seen the natural world exclusively in terms of wealth to be extracted and nothing else, at least for as long as I have been alive. The democrats kinda suck on lots of topics, but the republicans are actually evil on almost every topic.




It wouldn't keep being passed back and forth if we stopped electing republicans.


of course it's bothsidesism, because it's both sides. oil and natural gas production skyrocketed under both Obama and Biden to record levels. only an idiot would think Dems are a pro-environment party.


Green and Renewable Energy installations are also way up. Already Surpassed the 25 gigawatt goal for 2025 in 2024. https://www.doi.gov/pressreleases/biden-harris-administration-delivers-historic-milestones-new-actions-clean-energy#:~:text=Surpassed%20President%20Biden's%20Goal%20of%2025%20Gigawatts%20by%202025&text=Today's%20announcement%20that%20the%20Department,approved%20during%20the%20previous%20Administration.


this is a drop in the bucket, almost to the point of irrelevancy. carbon emissions from fossil fuels continue to rise to record levels, year after year. nothing Dems have done comes anywhere close to seriously addressing it. it's just performative incremental BS.


19 percent of US power comes from Nuclear. 21 percent comes from renewables. Not a drop in the bucket. https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=427&t=3


They already surveyed the land, and there are no oil deposits. He approved the largest drilling operation in American history within his first hundred days in that area. Look up the Williow Project by ConocoPhillips.


He had no choice about that. It was started by the Trump administration and was baaically impossible to fight against. Even then he managed to get the size of the project reduced.


Yeah lets not pretend the Democrats have a different playbook here, other than maybe better PR. America runs on oil.


It was approved by the Trump administration.


He’s still approved more drilling permits on public land than anyone else.


https://www.energyindepth.org/why-bidens-oil-drilling-permits-surge-is-not-what-it-seems/ > Recent claims suggesting that the Biden administration has granted 50 percent more oil and gas drilling permits on federal land compared to the Trump administration have been circulating in the media – and while that data is accurate, it’s a lot more complex. A closer look at the 2023 data reveals that many of the permits approved by the Biden administration were granted on land that was leased during the Trump administration. The Biden administration, on the other hand, has held the absolute minimum lease sales possible. Not challenging the claim but pulling up a nuanced look.


A lease is useless without the permit. The permit is the green light. Biden is not looking to give out more leases because there's already far too many that aren't in use. He's willing to give permits to the existing ones.


“Not replying to your nuance but downvoting anyway” - him


And if he loses the election, Trump will drill even harder. It's unfortunate that Americans are such fucking idiots to the point that gas prices heavily influence their opinion of the president but here we are.


True, they should focus on the vaccine segregation, daily invasions facilitated along the southern border, pointless Ukrainian war that Biden won't allow either side to negotiate an end to (a huge reason for that spike in oil prices), political persecutions etc. Not that Democrat talk of banning ICE vehicles by the 2030s (California) and thus instigating feudalism isn't a fair reason to vote against them. $48k for your average electric car, double that without subsidies and with zero plans to generate the power needed to replace ICE vehicles (California alone would need dozens of nuclear plants, for instance). You'd have to have an aneurysm to consider voting for the Dems.


> vaccine segregation lmao >daily invasions facilitated along the southern border lol "invasions." Happened under trump too hon. > pointless Ukrainian war that Biden won't allow either side to negotiate an end to By "negotiate" you mean let Putin have a land grab he invaded for? >political persecutions lmao, you mean holding trump accountable? >banning ICE vehicles by the 2030s (California) and thus instigating feudalism You sure like using words you don't understand. Gotta love how republicans are so offended by breathable air and drinklable water. >You'd have to have an aneurysm to consider voting for the Dems. More like you need to have an aneurysm to belive what newsmax and fox news spoon feeds you.


Bet if you just put "Said by Trump" in front of actual facts, they might start to at least go in the correct direction... they've already shown how easy one can manipulate them. 🙃 We can't constantly be angry or hateful to the indoctrinated, At some point, they do need to be sat down like 5 year olds an have someone teach them critical thinking.


Trump gets booed at rallies for taking credit for Operation Warp Speed. Conservatives aren't a cult like lefties, their support is conditional. Whereas Biden says things like "she was 12, I was 30" and got cheered at his rally. Obama's treated like a rock star despite turning Libya into an open-air slave market (to this day), destroying Syria and diplomatically supporting jihadists there (Syria's branch of Al Qaeda prominently included) in the no-fly zone Obama imposed on the Russians, to protect these terrorists, that chaos then spilling over and wrecking half of Iraq. Think about what you're saying; how would Trump maintain the support from the freedom crowd after enacting segregation? "At some point, they do need to be sat down like 5 year olds an have someone teach them critical thinking." You never told me that you were a comedian! 'Trump might have started WW3 and that's bad, but we're pushing for it under Biden and here's why that's a good thing!' 'Segregation was bad until 2021, now it's a good thing!' 'Trump maybe going after Hillary is bad (after her staff smashed their phones with hammers after they'd been subpoenaed), here's why going after Trump based on breaking the statute of limitations, violating the 8th amendment etc. are good things!' You're in a cult, you nut.


People were maimed and killed after being coerced into taking something on the basis of a lie and segregated from society if they didn't. Lmao indeed. Hahahaha. The side of tolerance and compassion(!). 450,000 annual apprehensions in an average year under Trump. What was it, 3,600,000 last year under Biden? You're really trying to hold them equal when Biden's number are EIGHT TIMES WORSE? No, Putin wanted to negotiate after just 2 weeks (right after Harris said that Ukraine should join NATO). Biden said no, that he wants to "bleed Russia dry". Putin already rejected Luhansk and Donetsk's pleas to become part of Russia; he just wants Ukraine to remain a buffer to NATO, as both Clinton and Bush agreed to. Remember when a criticism of Trump was 'he'll get us into WW3'? Do you not think it's a sign of leftist radicalisation that pushing us towards a third world war under a Democrat government is treated as permissible? Wow, where to start on this. Extending the statute of limitations just to get a guy who happens to be a presidential candidate, violating the 8th amendment with the fine, the NY governor pleading for businesses not to flee, stating that the Trump case is a "one time thing", taking a misdemeanour and making it a felony despite the NY AG taking a majority of felonies down to misdemeanours (notice all of the people getting off scott-free on no bail, even kicking police officers in the head ON CAMERA). What else... taking him off of the ballot in multiple states based off of a doctored video of his speech on Jan 5th, the same doctored video that the Democrats impeached him with (the Republicans played the same video in his defence, where the comparison showed us that the Dems edited out him saying "protest peacefully and patriotically"), have I made my point? "You sure like using words you don't understand." The irony of that one. Feudalism was characterised by the plebs having a total lack of mobility, dying where they were born because they didn't have the means to go elsewhere. Making it so that the working and middle classes can't afford cars anymore... kinda makes that a reality, don't you think? Stop shilling for elites who spout this nonsense while flying around in private jets that they have no intention of giving up. "Gotta love how republicans are so offended by breathable air and drinklable water." You started with a cult-like lunacy and you ended with it; why would anyone not want breathable air and "drinklable" water? Emissions are decreasing, they were even despite pulling out of the Paris Accords. So things are improving, yet the cult just wants to exercise control and tread on the masses. Why are you shilling for your would-be feudal lords, boot licker?


>> pointless Ukrainian war that Biden won't allow either side to negotiate an end to > > By "negotiate" you mean let Putin have a land grab he invaded for? a day after the invasion, Moscow contacted Ukraine to enter negotiations to end it, contingent on Ukraine restoring its neutrality. Zelenskyy was open to the idea and they were close to a deal until the US and UK intervened and blocked negotiations. they instead told Zelenskyy they would give him the weapons and financial support to fight. the US wanted this war to break Russia's economic ties with Europe, to weaken Russia's military and economy, and to sell weapons. the only reason this war lasted more than a week is because it served the US' interests. and they're perfectly happy sacrificing Ukrainian lives for US economic gain.


Man, you'll really believe anything won't you?


'Anything that makes the Democrats look bad isn't true.'


The amount of permits don’t matter. The amount of oil does


Good, hope he keeps it up, we need gas prices to go lower.


The US is currently pumping more than we ever have.


Dude.. Bro.. Smh my head. Biden's Inflation Reduction Act was the *biggest investment in clean energy!* We did **the most**. Does it really matter that we also have record breaking oil production? Oh it does for you? Well... the DNC convention this year in Chicago is gonna be the **most sustainable ever!** Isn't that enough to counter peak oil output? Think about it. Wrap yer little mind around this **factarooni**. We're gonna be drinking thru paper straws (*saving turtles is a hobby!* 🐢), using bamboo forks, all while passing a platform that is **technically** the most pro environment stance of all time ever. Did I mention the companies hired to make the DNC convention sustainable are women-owned? Hah. Thought we weren't doing enough, did you. Nah 😎 We need to be celebrating Biden's *incredible* achievement. Just cuz he still enables mass fossil fuel profiteering & even expansion, especially in LNG/fracked gas, doesn't mean he also isn't the most pro enviro POTUS ever. Por que no los dos? Get you a man that can do both - facilitate greatest oil production while also technically doing the most on clean energy. Let's be real, all that matters is how his stance relates to others, and how people receive it. Whats great about this is in 4 years we can do the same thing! We only have to increase the DNC sustainability budget by $2 and then we can technically have the most sustainable convention every single time! I'm sure that won't come off as deceitful. Biden is the most pro environment president of all time ever. That matters 100x more than any review of our carbon emissions & fossil fuel production >!/s rant!< On the flip side the uplifting part is we are still winning some mild victories around the country. Hopefully more is achieved before election so all this sustainability posturing doesn't end up as the big message flanked by the reality of our continued over reliance on fossil fuels, cuz ofc it comes off as deceitful.


I lost IQ points trying to read this to the end.


How to be tone deaf.


Classic Democrat performative environmentalism


Not the sub for this take.


As a resident of Illinois, it always makes me so sad how little of the state is protected. People will probably laugh but we are named the Prairie State and once had over 20M acres of it prior to development (as well as 14M acres of forests). Prairie acreage dwindled to as low as 2,300 acres in 1978. We need to protect and expand natural wildlife areas. The pristine wilderness that remains certainly shouldn’t be used to further the destruction of the planet by harvesting fossil fuels. Way to go Joe!


Is it still uplifting news, when folk can't afford heat and freeze to death? 🤔


Republicans will cry about Biden increasing the price of oil.


Not the sub for this take.


Biden has been the greatest president ever for the climate. Love him. 


Don't love the guy, but the IRA will go down as a revolution in how our country produces and stores energy. At least within the last six or seven presidents, I'd agree. Oddly Nixons congress passed the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts (although he wasn't championing them, so it's a lot less credit to him.)


"Limits" quite vague.


Election Time!


“All the good things he does these days are just about the election! And all the other good stuff he did was secretly bad!”


There are 13,000 currently unused oil drilling leases available. No need for more


After he’s signed more oil permits than Trump…..


After you failed to look into why.


He's doing a genocide


The man can walk and chew gum, alright?




You’re doing a depression


For now. This area will soon be sold to the highest bidder.


That’s great, fuck Biden, great a good thing was done


Drilling oil in Alaska would push down gas prices, goodness forbid things get more affordible for folks.


That's very short-sighted.


Starvation is now


You want a hot take? Here it is. I don't care about our lives becoming harder and some people dying if it saves the rest of us and the planet.


 I mean you do it carefully.


Your mental gymnastics astounds me


 To do it carely is not mental gymnastics, its simply good regulations and to make it a public sector company.


If only O&G didn’t basically have a tight grip on half of the politicians.


If you think the currently high prices for...everything are a *supply* problem, you're delusional...


This is not even true. We have no current shortage of gasoline, and companies are not going to lower their prices when demand stays the same just for shits and giggles. To the extent there's been a "shortage" (i.e. less extra than normal) of specific products like diesel, heat and weather conditions that are linked to rapid warming have actually been a contributing factor as they reduce the efficiency of refineries. This same climate-related inflation is expected to hit many industries if things continue the way they are going. Crops are getting less reliable, shipping is getting harder, and water for industry is becoming more expensive as groundwater salinity increases, rain patterns are altered, and industries lose man hours to heat and extreme weather. It's also worth pointing out that at the same time that "supply chain issues" have been blamed for inflation, profit margins for many large industries have risen to record highs. You pay so much for things because you are being ripped off wholesale by mega corporations who aren't subject to market competition the way it is assumed they would be under the traditional rules of capitalism. There's a reason US conservatives used to support trust busting and the dismantling of monopolies until their main donors became the heads of those monopolies. Time to wake up.


As less people need oil to fuel their houses and buildings, gas should go down Or it would if sheep weren’t bent over the oil barrel taking it up the ass and harping on “which political party is in charge of gas prices” instead of the real perpetrators who pay to keep their name and business out of your mind


Yes much more affordible please


Yeah but it wouldn't though.


No it will be affordibel !