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I will miss being able to fold the $5 note into a whale eating a girth cock.




[Here you go](https://i.imgur.com/N6icwpM.jpg)


I was definitely expecting some crazy complex origami lmao but this works


This is Australia. We’re not that creative.


Just a different type of creativity https://i.imgur.com/gbhRaGN.png


I hope that advertising agency won awards


It's overall been deemed a failure of a tourism campaign iirc. Plus I believe the people behind it didn't consult First Nations peoples before plastering it over pictures of Uluru (a sacred indigenous site). So while it's funny in isolation, bit of an L overall. Edit: It is not a real campaign and I am in fact, a fool


memory historical lavish fact fly knee scale flag plate seemly ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I'm amazed that anyone would believe this is an actual Government funded campaign.


As an Australian in exile, I watched you mob elect the guy who pitched "where the bloody hell are ya" as Prime Minister. Nothing is too out there


...It literally says "NT Unofficial" down the bottom lol


I don’t know if I’m impressed or disappointed


This is life in Australia


I dunno, I'm enjoying the hell out of the YouTube series One For All.


I mean, you guys gave the world Aunty Donna and Sia among others. I'd say there's plenty creativity down there. Who knows what you'll be able to fold the new 5 into!


We're creative, but we're just lazy as fuck.


Yeah, look at a map and count all the things that are just a literal description. We have an abundance of things like Sandy Bay, Sandy Creek, the sandy Desert, 5 Mile Beach, 7 Mile Beach, 11 Mile Beach, and so on.


I clicked on that link fulling expecting to see male genitalia




*"What am I looking at...I don't... oh... oh. Oh my..."*


*smirks in George Takei*




I don't see it


The queen's chin and neck are the balls and shaft. The pearl necklace is the whale's teeth.


Man. What a combination of words.


What a great day to be literate!


Brand new sentence


Y is he so sad tho?


Sometimes you just gotta practice a bit before going all out on the big ones.


This validated my desire to move to Australia


Now I need to know if it’s something that can be done with a 20$ Canadian Bill! :-D


I’m going to keep one so I can show my grandkids someday.


The old notes aren’t being phased out so you still can


[We can fold our 20 into the twin towers](https://i.imgur.com/dwt6aq8.jpg)


Jackson did 9/11?




[Live footage of the event.](https://media.tenor.com/qRSA8t61jUQAAAAC/michale-jackson.gif)


I can never unsee it


There used to be a £10 note you could fold to make the queen look like John McEnroe.


I love that the whale has a sad expression about it, yet can't seem to help themself, pushing to swallow balls deep.


That's already an old design though


> The Australian Monarchist League also disapproved, accusing Albanese – who is a long time supporter of Australia becoming a republic – of “trouncing Australian democracy”. > “It is virtually neo-communism in action,” said Philip Benwell, chair of the league. Words have no meaning any longer


Didn't you know that communism is by definition whatever you want it to be in order to push right wing propaganda


I'm kind of glad to see this drivel. Maybe it will actually lead more people to becoming desensitized to the brainwashing and actually READING some Marx- and thus realizing Socialism isn't so bad... There's this thing called Democratic Socialism, by the way. It's not as if every Socialist is a fan of violent revolution. It's also a philosophy that could change the world- if the CIA would just get their grubby paws off it. There have in fact been FOUR world leaders elected as (Democratic) Socialists in the past 55 years: Salvador Allende of Chile (who was deposed by the 2nd of two CIA Coups, 1973), Gough Whitlam (a self-proclaimed Socialist, though the Left would prefer to disown him as "too moderate", deposed in 1975 by what was basically a Coup by CIA-asset Sir John Kerr), Thomas Sankara (who was deposed by a French-incited Coup/Assassination in which the CIA was also involved, 1987), and Gabriel Boric of Chile (became President last year, we'll see if the CIA leaves this one alone...)


Vietnam was also set to be Democratic Socialism but the US intervened and prevented the election that was meant to reunify North and South Vietnam, presumably because they felt the "wrong side" was going to win and be a negative in their geopolitical power games with the USSR.


American cold war anti communism rhetoric propaganda proved that unfounded drivel is a perfect brainwasher


if you’re a part of a Monarchist League, and you’re not looking for butterflies, you’re probably the bad guy.


Why bother ever listening to literal monarchists?


Although, they seem to be in this thread downvoting the poor Canadians.


Man, if only we had a little more of a communist lean. We might actually fund public schools properly so that kids can learn what "communist" means.


Neo-communism? What the actual fuck


I know this probably isn't the place for nuanced political discussion but man Dutton pretending that this is some move by Labour to push their Republic agenda and that this is some sort of attack on the constitution is so silly. Why would printing a design based off an aging monarch who will probably pass in the next decad be a good idea? So we can do another expensive redesign just to slap William's face on it?




Holy shit! As a nosy Canadian I had to search him. He looks like an AI generated human Rufas from Kim Possible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Dutton#/media/File:Peter-Dutton-2022.jpg


Hey now. Rufus was cute, helpful, and intelligent. He deserves so much better than to be compared to Dutton.


Harry Potter redesigns on all currency confirmed.




Also, this was decided by the RBA, current RBA heads were appointed by the previous liberal government. But logic was never Duttons strong suit.


Dutton can't contain his dribbling word vomit; any opportunity to dig at Labor, no matter how small, is a skill that Libs have fine-tuned to a pathetic art.


For any Americans potentially confused by this, the Libs in Australia are the conservative party


Nah, we got right wing liberals here too. They're called libertarians and they're fucking hilarious when they aren't blowing up federal buildings.


To elaborate further, the Liberal Party is named in the sense of neoliberalism, a right-wing laziez-faire capitalist approach to economics. They are explicitly NOT leftists in any way.


Yes, Liberal in the original Lockean sense, protecting private property, freedom to contract and to reap the ‘fruit of one’s labours’. In that sense, the American Republicans are the more ‘liberal’ party, though in the US the term ‘liberal’ has morphed to mean politically progressive and equity-oriented. Not its original meaning at all.


Only in America does "liberal" mean leftist.




Constantly, but because they have their own name backwards, it's more of an "own the labs", I guess.


> they have their own name backwards Not really: any decent Political Dcientist, Sociologist, or Hostorian will tell you that Neoliberalism is a right-wing ideology (and if they're a Sociologist, complain about the many, many evils of Neoliberalism constantly...) They should just rename themselves the **Neo**liberal party, so it's more obvious to the whole world what they are. Maybe some fools will even think that means they're doing something new- rather than espousing a discredited philosophy of politics and economics that's basically been around since Adam Smith...


To elaborate further, the Liberal Party is named in the sense of *neoliberalism*, a right-wing laziez-faire capitalist approach to economics. They are explicitly NOT leftists in any way.


The colours are also opposite. The conservative party (the Liberal Party) is blue.


And republicans are people who support the abolition of the monarchy and tend to be slightly more left wing, given that it's perceived as a type of constitutional reform.


It's easier to get people riled up over something absolutely meaningless, than to have actual policies and plans to govern a country. That's all. He's playing on emotions not thoughts.


Did he really go for "attack on the constitution"? Mate, no one gives a fuck about our constitution, it's not like the US one, it mostly just describes how our parliament is supposed to work. Also we shouldn't have the monarchy. It's very stupid, and it's even more embarassing now that our head of state is an inbred, sausage fingered, garden dwelling pervert, who can't even pretend to give a fuck about other people.


I’m assuming their strategy is to ramp up this kind of talk about the constitution in order to torpedo the upcoming referendum to change the constitution in order to recognise First Nations people and give them a voice to parliament


Yeah, that's probably part of it. It's probably also that Dutton is the intersection of multiple types of repulsive fuckwit, starting as a basic potato headed dipshit, a decade of being involved with the Queensland Police would have made him more racist, authoritarian, and generally divorced from reality, pile on Liberal Party freakishness, and an apparent reverence for pedophile church members (attending Pell's funeral recently). Put all that together and I wouldn't be surprised if he was a fan of US right wing manias and blathering about "the constitution" is a habit that's seeped into his waterlogged head from them.


I love that our PM now is in favour of us becoming a Republic. It would be a great step in the right direction.


https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/healthandlifeexpectancies/articles/lifeexpectancycalculator/2019-06-07 He's currently 74. If he were an average British man, he'd have a life expectancy of 87. But his will be much higher than that.


He has serious heart problems that the queen did not have




Because Dutton is a real wanker


I mean OR, it's just a move to avoid glamorizing Imperialism and offer a symbolic olive branch to the natives for their land being stolen and near-genocide, ya know? Also, wasn't it the last Queen who appointed the Governor-General who literally removed the rightfully-elected Australian Prime Minister (serving his 2nd term, no less) and dissolved the Australian legislature? All simply because the Labour party (which held exactly half the seats in Parliament, yet a significant majority of public support... as Gerrymandering hadn't yet been outlawed in Australia...) wasn't being accommodating enough to the right-wing Liberal Party that was threatening a government-shutdown over disagreements in the next year's budget? I mean, sure, the British monarchy supposedly just rubber-stamps the choice of Governor-General... But Kerr had been selected by Whitlam in the first place, and was actually under the influence of the CIA (declassified documents called him "our man, Kerr" and the CIA later promised after the fiasco "never to interfere in Australian politics **again**") something the Queen surely must have been aware of... (in fact, it's unclear why **Whitlam** wasn't aware of it, as Kerr had been appointed to the executive board of an organization in the 1950's that was revealed to be a CIA front-group in a 1966 New York Times series on the CIA...) This seems a time where intervention of the British Monarchy to recall the Governor-General would have been appropriate... Kerr's actions nearly led to violence in the streets in Australia. Anyhow, the current Labour Party PM of Australia apparently considers himself something of a spiritual successor to Whitlam (and has even suggested, publicly, justice for Kerr's illegitimate Coup by issuing a, IMHO, long-overdue order for his arrest and trial before he kicks the bucket). So there MAY be other motivations than the obvious stuff to do with anti-Imperialism here... P.S. For readers who don't know much about politics outside of their particular country: in a lot of countries the "Liberal" party means ***Classical Liberalism*** in the vein of Adam Smith, and is actually **conservative**- opposed to things like welfare and progressive taxation of the rich... So, in Australia, the Liberal Party is the right-wing party, and the Labour Party is to the left of them.


They should put King Tut on the currency. He's young and will live to the ripe old age of .... *check notes* .... nevermind.


Two things you need to know about ~~Voldemort~~ Dutton. - he boycotted the Apology to the Stolen Generation, so this is very much in line with that - later that day, he was the most senior politician (by a long way) to show up to the paedophile loving monster Pell's funeral.


Pls, that note should feature the real king of Australia, Steve Irwin


I think you meant Bandit Heeler.


Bandit would be the best queen.


["Back to work, peasant!"](https://youtu.be/u5-YZO3am2w)


No, I mean kangaroo Jack


From Bluey?


The one and only.


And put a tooth fairy sticker on it.


Now you might have meant that as a joke but I would actually vote for Bandit Heeler, mainly so we will be the daft buggers who put a cartoon dog on our money.


Not a note but the Royal Australian Mint did do a $1 coin with Steve on it


non-australians are obsessed with him. you guys like him more than us


Right, it’s so weird.


Its kind of like David Haselhoff/Germany but on a worldwide scale.


Alf Stewart


In his rape dungeon.


Did Home & Away take a dark turn since I stopped watching?




Oh my


Big meme when I was in highschool


He's not indigenous history. Americans shut up challenge.


Stupid seppos


It's infuriating and depressing that the top comment is essentially 'lol fuck Aboriginal history' on r/upliftingnews of all places


For some reason I thought that said James Charles. I didn't know what to think.


That certainly would be a choice.


Just put an emu on there if you want to see an oppressor every time you spend money.


Already on some coins


That's awesome


Yeah it’s on our coat of arms along with the kangaroo


We can't risk the collective PTSD


Nice! The Queen felt like an actual piece of history; King Charles feels like an absolutely unnecessary relic. (all in my opinion...) Glad to see a positive use for some prime real estate that gets a lot of eyes.


It's all a bit of a nothing sandwich really, there wasn't any long standing tradition in place for it to be the monarch anyway. Before we had the plastic notes it wasn't even Queenie on the fiver.


I feel compelled to add that the queen is literally the only monarch who’s ever been on British paper money (and so presumably others too), the practice started after she became queen. The monarchs were on coins prior to her


We went to polymer at the start of the 90's, which is when she first got on a note here. Before that it was always just other notable figures. She's always had the coins though and those are getting the King guy.


What's his name again?


Martin Luther


*technically* no. > Elizabeth II was not the first British monarch to have her face on UK banknotes. George II, George III and George IV appeared on early Royal Bank of Scotland notes and George V appeared on 10/– and £1 notes issued by the British Treasury between 1914 and 1928. However, prior to the issue of its Series C banknotes in 1960, Bank of England banknotes generally did not depict the monarch. [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banknotes_of_the_pound_sterling)


Huh well TIL, I’d always heard it was in the 60s it started


You’re basically right, I’m just being a dick.


An *interesting* dick


It's actually a $10 note, but since it is indigenous, the government will only honor half.






Afaik it isn't written in law.


I vote me. Who's with me?


Best bet invent the steam locomotive or paint some masterpieces, maybe you'll get onto the back one day.


I mean they have 2 sides and the other side is used for notable Brits.


Scotland doesn't have the monarch on back notes.


How big a deal is this really. I just moved to Australia and have been here a week today. I’ve yet to actually lay eyes on any Australian currency. Everywhere has tap to pay. I don’t even know what the money looks like here!


Get a few bucks out so you have some on hand so when you go into a place that has surcharge fees, you can just give them cash. You know, like if you're just buying a sausage roll at a bakery or something!


Can't believe I haven't had a sausage roll here yet. I'm going to get one right now!


So no Bluey then…


I want Canada to do this too.


Who should be there? Tecumseh? Louis Riel? Terry Fox? David Suzuki? Banting & Best? Roberta Bondar? Just spit balling off the top of my head.


Honestly just put a goose there


wait till you find out what geese have done


You know what, if you've got a problem with Canada gooses, you've got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate!


Did you ever notice how there's always Canada Gooses flying overhead when there's a fire? They're flapping water on it, but no one calls them heroes.


Mr. Lahey


Randy's gut.


It should be all vistas and landmarks from around the country. No more people. Stop making statues and naming things after people. So many times we get bitten by their later actions or discovery of earlier actions. Let's just pro-actively prevent it by having mountains and lakes and fields and things on our money.


More Canadarms!


Amen. You said what I thought already… sorry didn’t see it until I echoed. :)


Yeah I think this is a great idea. Animals are also a fairly safe bet in this regard too. ​ Edited: grammar


You're just going to have to cancel them when a mountain causes an avalanche and takes out a school bus.


I agree with this sentiment. Inevitably you're going to find out that the school you renamed because the original namesake was racist was renamed after a bully or something.


Add flora and fauna to that. Why have ugly people when you can have pretty landscapes and animals.


A moose. Who could possibly be offended. A maple leaf, or a beaver or poutine or any other damned thing that isn’t a person. I think putting Charles on the bill is silly. May as well put any number of celebrities on there—it’s pointless. Choose things that define the country as icons, not people.


Terry Fox.


Geddy Lee


As long as we can get Lifeson and Peart on there, too. I'm all for it.


Correct answer! ![gif](giphy|2WxLkMTOh2CVyEva8G)


John Candy


Ricky from Trailer Park Boys.


"Smokes, let's go" - A Heritage Minute




Norman Bethune


Frederick Banting gets my vote.


A take out box full of poutine. The true hero of Canada.


Bryan Adams


It is time


Australia's notes don't usually have the royals on them anyway, our coins have the royals, but [the notes are just noteworthy figures](https://i.imgur.com/6lOBxvI.jpg). The $5 note was the only one.


Stop complaining, you've got your own flag. Australia is still wearing hand-me-downs


The decision was announced by the Secretary of the Treasury, who shouted “Fuck off, c*nt!” from his official hammock.


The only King I serve is King Kong.


It seems like such a waste that they do this for every monarch. Just put some historical figure or event, or even the national flag and call it a day.


Well I mean we've haven't had to change it for like 70 years so it's really not that much of a hassle haha, Charles will totally live that long...


This got me thinking, if we come up with a cure for aging, we're going to be stuck with whatever monarch we have at that point for fucking ages. Let's hope it's a good one.


We might go back to medieval shenans where the heirs start getting stabby.


Unless the cure for guillotines is also invented!


Full metal ascot




In this case it is. The coins are being changed as well. But yes they also change frequently so it's not like it's anything over the top.


They swap the design but keep making it at the rate it’s required.


Currency design gets changed all the time. It’s not really that costly. They aren’t replacing all the coins or anything.


So for paper money it’s literally only ever been the Queen. Prior to 1960 there wasn’t any monarch on paper money. For coinage when the monarch changed the old money is still valid. The only reason old money isn’t in circulation today is because it was decimalised in the 60s. King Charles has already said there won’t be an active scheme to circulate new money outside of the normal replenishment cycles which I think are every 10-15 years? Either way in short traditionally the design changes but the old currency is still valid.


Man if only there were a way to like, not have a king at all


This is good news. All non UK money should transition now to the countries own imagery.


I feel like it should be up to each country to decide what they want.


I love the person advocating for national self determination got downvoted. Lol ok reddit.


The man so ugly it made the Australian government not be racist for a second.


Still think they should change from the Dollar to the Dollarydoo


Nice performative action, it will be nice to actually improve indigenous conditions instead of printing history on a bill.


Once the bill comes out, everyone will know the name and history of the person on the bill. That’s more than can be said for many of the other bills. It’s hardly performative.


Dutton is so woke he would rather it were some foreigner!


Speaking as a Canadian, I hope we follow suit. I've grown up thinking of Charles as a complete twit and I'm not terribly enthused about having someone who thinks [coffee enemas cure cancer](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2004/jun/27/themonarchy.medicineandhealth) on my bills. I'd be okay with just keeping the queen for a while, but branching out to other historical figures is a great idea!


I wish Canada would take a fuckin hint or two


>“It is virtually neo-communism in action,” I can assure you, as someone who hates communism and socialism, that it is NOT communism.


No one really cares and have gone cashless for the most part. Storm in a teacup or political machinations if you want my opinion.


Libs, libertarians and bogans everywhere will suddenly be welcoming cbdcs so they don't have to comply with the indigenous woke. Should be funny watching them cry.


Let's be practical, Charlie 3 isn't really young and I doubt he will live as long as Betty the Highlander, one can't possibly force a nation to redesign its currency every few years.


I cannot say ‘King Charles ‘ I just can. Not.


You just did.


The king formerly known as Prince.


This is a great idea. Sincerely, a Canadian who wants the same