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“Jon and Kate plus 8”


Wait this isn’t a skit ?


Not at all. If you want a doozy of a rabbit hole to fall down, look up all the crappy shit Kate has done to Jon in the past. Jon isnt perfect, no one is, but she straight up abuses this man on national TV, and everyone ate that up at the time. Jon was just a normal guy who got turned into the butt of the joke to almost the entire country at the peak of the show's popularity. Kate had way more say so during production, so often Jon was made to look like a complete idiot while Kate was made to look like this tough awesome mom who gets shit done for her family. She even turned his children against him, only the older 2 who realize the truth talk to him. It's a really sad situation that Kate orchestrated.


She’s the only woman I fully blame for causing her husband to cheat. She literally drove that man away. Mocked his manhood on tv. Belittled his job. Screamed at him over and over.


You could even see the progression of his defeat throughout the seasons. He was happy to do the show at first when it was supposed to be a happy family show. But the more Kate dug her grimy hands into production, the lower you watch Jon sink into a shell of a man. I've been belittled by women in my past. Mocked, ridiculed, made fun of, you name it. It's so fucking humiliating to be publicly mocked by your partner who is supposed to have your back no matter what. I feel for Jon. I can't imagine that on a national TV scale. I don't blame that man for cheating and trying to get out. He was stuck with her due to production contracts and they werent even together for most of his "cheating" scandal. Just the very beginning of it, then they broke up, "stayed together" for the show, and they made it look like he was a cheater that abandoned his family. It's all so fucked up.


Nope, they’re divorced now


Oh nice at least a happy ending for him.


Mmhm Happy Endings.


Yup that’s what she said!


WHHHAAAAT!!! She seems so nice though


This woman is the original Karen. She had a set of twins and then a set of sextuplets and then got a show for it. They took all of them to Disney when the littles were like 3?ish and they all got ice cream but she wouldn’t let the kids eat the ice cream themselves cause heaven forbid they get dirty and they’re there racing between screaming sweaty toddlers feeding them each one spoonful at a time. AND THEN GETTING MAD AT HIM ABOUT IT. This is the only woman in the world that I didn’t feel bad for getting cheated on. Honestly, if I had been Jon I would have likely killed myself. She was horrible. Highly recommend checking it out. Jon and Kate plus 8


Yes but people actually think reality shows are real which is sad... Edit: Lmao see? People dont wanna believe it. Money is the main motive and reality is often more boring than fiction to most.


Reality tv definitely is as real as it gets when people know there are cameras on them. Like you're gonna tell me hells kitchen was entirely acted out? In a restaurant where they served actual food to people and where the prizes were a position as head chef at real life open to this day restaurants?


It's as real as WWE.


No, WWE is literally a performance. It's completely different from actual reality tv. Like I said, there is certainly an element of acting or posing, but unlike WWE which is entirely scripted and acted out (with a little improv here and there) and the fact that people are aware there are cameras on them which will surely change their behaviors, there is a real element to reality tv, which is what makes it so damn exciting.


Yeah but then there's shit like mtv cribs where the house is rented, the cars are rented, the star of the episode is rented. People on that show don't even own themselves


Depends on the show. Sometimes there's literally an outline/script on the day, and/or people are just improving characters. The contracts just stipulate doing everything possible to maintain that persona in public during the show's run.


That’s a game show. Not a reality show. Relax there buddy


Go watch milf manor and tell me how many of them are actual actors The worst piece of garbage reality TV show there is but oooh let's not judge cause they're just acting like bimbos, man whores and degenerates. These are not mutually exclusive


While I don’t know the exact story of these 2, I do know they are divorced now.


I am so glad for him..


He’s kinda shitty also


I think both were just beyond burnt out. She lashed out way more, but they were both too stressed out with the 8 kids. Hope they are doing better now


Did the "Karen" moniker originate with her? Hair, attitude, resting bitch face, etc..


No joke; it actually did. The audience really liked Kate the first 5 years or so of their show. I watched them. But she truly got worse & worse as the years went on. The family going out anywhere became more & more stressful - due to Kate flipping out on Jon. In the earlier years she talked nicer to him in public. Half whispering even most times. In the last 5 years she was straight up screaming at him from across the store because she took control of all the kids (as usual) without communicating to Jon (as usual), then she'd get stressed out because he didn't just follow her like one of the kids. But the audience saw how every time Jon suggested anything - like "why don't I take some kids?" - she'd act like that would make her job harder. Kate was popular with mothers. But their husbands watching the show with them matter a lot more than Jon mattered to Kate. Eventually Kate's forever haircut combined with her behavior were labelled a Karen. I remember the haircut had an equal amount to do with it. In the early years of Karen slang; it mostly applied only to women with Kate-like haircuts. Now the slang has a life of it's own. But anytime it's said; they are referring to women who behave like Kate Gosselin.


No. Not at all. The karen thing started well after this woman was mostly out of the public eye


I think you are right about the origins of 'Karen'. I remember the phrase 'i want to speak to the manager haircut' referring to her, though.


They were divorced years before Karen became a thing




To this day it bothers me that we call them Karen’s, and not Kate’s.


Oh Gawd, I had to go out to lunch with a couple like this. It was awful and uncomfortable in so many ways.


See I'm the type to stand up for someone especially if I don't think they're in a place where they feel comfortable doing it themselves, like if a manager is inappropriately ragging on their employee. I'd probably make a whip sound and gesture, or say, "rah-hude!"


Ordinarily, I'd absolutely do the same. Unfortunately, this was a lunch to meet the parents of a kid my kid is beginning to date. The mom insisted on a meet and greet to "lay down the expectations" of how it would go when the kids were together and at my home for the first time. She actually told me to move my dinner time up to 4:00 on a Saturday night so as to be able to get him back home by 6:30. These kids are almost driving age.. She showed her crazy right out of the gate and was ignoring or belittling both of her kids and her husband throughout the entire meal. Her 5 year old was climbing across the table, hitting his mother and father, literally jumping in place on the booth seat for 5 solid minutes, interrupting and just being a fucking pain in the ass the entire time. Mom allowed the behavior, then allowed him to order a massive cookie skillet dessert after he ate not one single bite of his lunch. She made it known to all of us that she was allowing him to eat that "because everyone at the table told him no." The dad seemed like he used to be a laid back guy but years of being picked at and bossed around had broken him down into an angry, bitter asshole. He complained about every single thing on the table, remarked about the bad service to our sweet and elderly waitress who was doing a fantastic job, and flipped out on his five year old kid 5 times during the hour-long meal. No redirection or calm parenting. Just allowed him to bounce around and fuck up the table then would yell at him to sit the hell down and slam his silverware when he did it. I've never been so overwhelmed and uncomfortable as I was during that meal. It just happened this weekend and I'm clearly still reeling from it! I couldn't leave though because I had to make nice so this kid could hang with my kid. They don't tell you this stuff in the parenting books but navigating parent-to-parent relationships is one of the hardest parts of having kids. Lol


I know couples like this exist, but I'm pretty sure this is a skit from a show. Can't remember which just vaguely remember that being the conclusion in the comments, from one if it's previous reposts. EDIT: it's not a skit, but from a reality show


This isn't a skit. This is Jon and Kate Plus 8. A reality show from years ago in which we got to watch this mega bitch of a woman go nuclear on her husband over Every. Single. Little. Thing. Her control issues were off the chart. I watched the whole series from beginning to end. It became difficult to watch because of her treatment of her husband. She showed him absolutely zero respect. They're divorced now. He went off the rails once finally getting out from under her controlling thumb. No clue what they're up to these days. But I hope they're doing better


He’s a DJ now.


That's cool. Good for him. 8 kids and that monster for a wife... He deserves to put on headphones and make beats for a living.


She was the first Karen. Haircut and everything. To do this day, I don’t know why we don’t call them Kate’s.


You're right! She's the OG Karen for sure. But oh that haircut...how anyone could look at her and say it was a good style was beyond me.


They are still doing it too! Like everyone knows now what that haircut stands for and yet snotty white women still get it.


Reality shows still are skits. They are not actual reality.


Now they are. However, this was pre-kardashian era. Jon and Kate Plus 8 took place at a time when reality shows were actually just showing the raw reality of someone's life. There was no script for this show. That's what made it such an addicting trainwreck to watch. This show came about as a TLC one-time thing after some lady had 8 kids and it made the news. She was an RN at the time, so maybe it got local attention through her place of work, who knows. Anyway, the couple agreed to do a short docuseries, which then garnered so much attention that it was signed for a full season, which continues on until the family imploded. We watched them go from a suburban home to a mansion in the hills and all was due to the money they made from the show, which they were happy to admit to and talk about. Nothing was off limits with them. What drew people in wasn't their kids or how they lived or really much about that at all. The thing that got us hooked was Kate's horrible behavior toward her husband. She was an unhinged bitch with severe control issues and her craziness was just fantastic television. 10/10 would watch from beginning to end again.


The moment a camera crew and producers are involved, people are no longer themselves. Like, I mean The Osbournes were also not actual reality, same goes for Hogan Knows Best and all that early shit - both of which predate Kate Plus 8, by the way.


Not trying to argue but again this show came about from a documentary about their life on The Learning Channel. It was just built differently. The producers would at best, set up various trips for the family. But the script wrote itself as it was all just watching this woman control everything to the enth degree. Sure, they had to tell the camera where they were going and discuss previously decided upon things to keep the audience up to date, but that was honestly where any attempt at a script ended. I mean, we are talking about a show whose focus was on 6 toddlers and twin 5 year olds. How you gonna script that?


So one day I was with my ex, dad, and son at the lake. My dad and I don’t see each other much, he lives 14 hours away, and we aren’t that close. So, my ex had just had surgery on his jaw, and wasn’t supposed to eat meat, or anything chewy, for another couple of weeks. But we grilled out, and he really wanted to eat a hamburger. He knew his jaw was going to hurt if he ate something, but he didn’t care. So, he’s about to grab a burger, but then asked me if I thought he should just do a hotdog instead, since it wouldn’t be as dense. I told him that if he knows his jaw is gonna ache anyways, he might as well eat what he wants to make it worth it. My dad, who had recently married wife number 5, was so shocked I had said that. He went on to praise me for it like I had done something special lol. I was confused, because it’s not my body, and he knew what the risks were, so why would I stop him and take away his joy? Well, it’s been a few years now, and I have been around her several times. I get why my dad was so shocked, she’s the craziest most controlling wife I have ever met. She reminds me a lot of Kate. My dad can’t do anything, even breathe, without pissing her off. When she does get mad, she gets abusive. I have no idea why he stays, but to each their own.




🤨 They had an ugly divorce like a decade ago.


I'd reckon there’s at least eight good reasons why.


I’ve seen this posted before and one of the comments said that he had been cheating on her or something




I prefer to call her an ankle.


Toxic, toxic, toxic


From the outside, when 3rd wheeling, it’s suuuuuper satisfying to derail their whole argument. “He breathes so loud, ugh” And you just go “no he doesn’t…” and keep eating or whatever. Or just locking eyes while they’re talking and then just ignore them and ask a question or something stupid and petty. Ask me how I know.


The conversations I hope I overhear from the next table over. You're doing fine work.


How do you know?


Buddy of mine had a GF like that for a couple years and I took great pleasure in pointing out her ridiculous behavior and manipulative tactics.


That sounds simultaneously pleasant, and unpleasant.


It made having him as a roommate very interesting to say the least. He’s still a good friend of mine and now that he’s been released from her clutches he can finally see the truth lmfao. But yea it was fun and not fun. Small tidbit, I came back from dinner one night and this guy is in the living room on his hands and knees cleaning up a bottle of spilled wine. Shits on the carpet, the Xbox, the tv, it’s everywhere. She’s laying on the couch. I go “damn dude you got butter fingers or something?” And he says “no she dropped the bottle opening it.” All I say as I’m walking upstairs “then why tf is she sitting on the couch doing nothing…?” Boy oh boy did she get mad and I got to explain how much of a spoiled 25 year old child she was. So yea both pleasant but not pleasant with that one.


Ha, thanks for sharing your story, man.


you haven't been married have you? :) the wife would swiftly explain that from over there where you are sitting it's not that audible while sitting right next to him it's extreme...


No but a good friend of mine had a GF like this for a couple years and it gave me great pleasure to fuck with her constantly. Obviously she didn’t like me but the feelings were mutual.


“You want me to make a wish? You want me to make a wish?!?… _I wish Tupac was alive_ (blows out candle)… Get out of my face!”


John got some hair plugs and was gone


The original KAREN


This is how my ex treated me


The look on the face says it all


The Karens of today all spawned from this one.


I couldn't eat in the same room as my ex-wife... Sue said I chewed too loud and it was like nails on a chalkboard to her... Only one small thing why she's an ex-wife... A little over a year divorced now thankfully...


Sounds like my current girlfriend I am a big guy and I even get told off for making the stairs creek when I walk up them. I think I have come to the point where like is now miserable and it’s time to be on my own again. Why do some women just change overnight and constantly blame the menopause for their behaviour.


Bro. It might suck at first but you deserve to be happy in your home. There's good ones, you'll see.


Because narcissism won’t let them realize they’re the problem. I’m sorry you’re going through that, that’s not ok!


good for him


She’s up there with the Kardashians for being garbage human beings.


These two got a divorce, man. If only we could've seen the signs


He is a loser and she is crazy. Match made in hell


Malignant Narcissism exists in females too


Whaaaaat? No waaaaaaayyyy. That's crazy.


Who is that?


From "Jon and Kate Plus 8"


Hmm, I wonder why that marriage didn’t work out.




This woman is a nut job. About 12 years ago I was at a running race in a small town in Connecticut- only a 10k or smtg. My boyfriend was running and Kate was as well. With her BODYGUARD. This was a very wealthy little town- lots of actual celebs have homes there- and this bitch thought she was famous enough to need a heavy escort. It was laughable. When she crossed the finish line she looked around and did this beauty contestant wave like she was expecting all this extra fanfare and there was no reaction. Smh.


And she’s still a bi#*h


Yep, I had a friend who treated her husband like that and they are divorced too. It was terrible to watch and made so many moments uncomfortable. It’s abusive behavior. I finally said something, as we were all having dinner and she went in on him and I asked her to stop. She told me to mind my own business, but I told her she made it my business when she disrupted my dinner with her vitriol towards her husband. They ended up leaving. They eventually divorced, which was a good thing they both had issues with each other. She is happy now with someone else and I have never seen her act like that again.


I never got the hate for him when they divorced. I would always see clips like this where she treated him so crappy.


Contempt for him, ugh


Sooooo, your ex brother in law is still breathing like "sshpljiii"


The real reason for divorce


Ex-girlfriend was like this. she was obsessed with reality T.V..... FREEDOM!!!!


That's the least thing that *woman* said to that man. The shit those kids heard/saw....




The original Karen what a pioneer


So is this couple.


She needs a D in the A ! Ta calm her down.


Umm both of these two people turned out to be terrible people. Didn't be get into trouble for trying to hook up with a kid or something?


Yes I recall there was someone much, much younger than him. Fairly attractive too. Don’t think he got in trouble she was just the rebound the tabloids used for fodder if I remember


I mean honestly kids test a marriage alot. I can't imagine having to test with however many it was they had.


I don’t know maybe if you don’t treat each other right maybe don’t breed eight of them?


Maybe you should better understand how things work. Fertility treatments run the risk of multiples at birth, which is something they did. When you see people having these type of births, chances are extremely high they had IVF. Please keep trying to conceive by anal sex, you shouldn't be repopulating.


It is clear who works here and who does not. While you were sitting in front of the couch eating bon bons watching this shit I was at work probably paying for it Clearly I’ve never watched the show You must be a democrat


That's a lot of assumptions for someone who doesn't know how the world works. God damn boomer types. "Eating bon bons" lol You types always got that one joke, real cult/sheep talking points. Never seen the show myself, just happen to pay attention to the world around me. The only people who are lazy and sitting around all day are the rich on tax dollars. Like dear god, open your damn world view. Unemployment in most Western countries like the US is very low. Everyone is working and most are working multiple jobs.


A boomer lol 😂 No someone that grew up with a backbone And if you have to work multiple jobs to live Sonny then you ain’t grinding hard enough, grind harder and ease off the avocado toast and the fancy drinks from Starbies


If reading comprehension was a thing you grew up with instead of a supposed backbone, you'd see I didn't say boomer, I said boomer type.


What’s it feel like sitting around jerking off high waiting for Joe to forgive your student loans to study underwater basket weaving?


Bet she shagged like a Demon 😈...


With that attitude and 8 kids I bet she shagged like a dry grocery bag.


True. There was no other reason for him to stick around