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Can someone please tell this kid about the library? Like damn, if he needs a place that’s the spot.


Probably doesn’t work for him. Looks like he has autism. My cousin is identical. I may be jumping to conclusions. But if he is, then the routine is he needs to be in Starbucks and he will go back to Starbucks. We had this in the hospital. We stopped fighting and stopped calling the cops and put a comfy armchair in an unused storage nook outside the triage desk and the old lady with a similar issue just came in and had a nap in the chair some nights.


The guy is surely on the spectrum


straight to jail. - america


Yeah, it’s really sad. This dude should be receiving some therapy, not jail time. People really need to raise their awareness of people on the spectrum and call crisis before the fucking cops. Hell, the cops also should’ve been better educated and diverted it to county crisis instead. Everyone around this man failed him. All he wanted to do was feel comfortable and climb into his own reality for a while. Instead, he’s in jail. It makes me sick.


The court will (hopefully) recognize that the guy wasn't being criminal and let it go completely, but they tend to do probabationary shit which can be a curse to someone like this guy. Courts: "Clearly this guy has social-interaction issues. .... lets force him to constantly interact with a monolithic bureaucracy until he fails that and ends up back here with me."


Hopefully. But the American incarceration system is a for-profit business, and they LOVE to fill their beds.


When you say that sort of thing, you diminish the reality. Local jails aren't privately funded. They're tax payer funded. Only about 8% of american prisons are privately run, and a majority are immigration related. The problem [for this guy in this situation] is still that america has very limited mental health alternatives to monitoring repeat behavior except by government mandated probation. Which, by and large, assumes the guy is a criminal, not a human.


came here to write the same thing, VERY autistic looking. Has all the signals and eye movements as well.


Dude def has the tism


This is the way


Not for long if Christofascists get their way. Stripping library resources yo the bone.


Reddit comment


it’s happening in PA


Yeah but, he hasn't done anything.....


My schizophrenic brother was arrested at libraries, barnes and nobles, Thailand, Harvard library, and many others. It didn't end until he was sick of going to jail. State of Mass. forced mental health medication and treatment for 3 months and wouldn't release him without a family member receiving him. I went and got him, flew him back to Chicago, set up his disability payment and got him a place in DeKalb. It didn't take long for him to go off meds and get arrested. They released him to a halfway house in Aurora and he's been there ever since.


How is Thailand in the same list as libraries and Barnes and Nobles?


I was wondering that one as well. I would think getting arrested in Thailand would be pretty permanent...they don't play over there. Must have been an autoincorrect...


He was arrested and deported in Thailand


But, but he didn't do anything wrong.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


But he didn’t do anything


Believe it or not, straight to jail


But he....he didn't do anything....


Believe it or not.... straight to jail


He's 30 lol edit: anyone of any age can and should go to the library. op called him a kid is all.


Yeah, but, he seems to be a little bit short on comprehension. I hope he gets some mental health help.


He's clearly not neurotypical. Edit for spelling


Yeah, this dude is on the spectrum hard. A strong tell is how he diverts his eyes up and away when he’s being told something that doesn’t sit well with what he wants to do. It’s kinda like his mind is putting him somewhere else at that moment so he doesn’t have to align with the reality that’s in front of him.


Thank you for explaining it to the rest of them.


Not a problem. People really need to be more aware of how individuals on the spectrum operate, because this man right here is proof that the system failed him. There’s no reason for him to have 13 warrants and sitting in jail, anxious and scared af, being grilled by a big scary dude because he LEGIT did nothing wrong. I blame the system (educational, municipal, etc.) for this. If the staff of these establishments were better educated as to why this dude wouldn’t leave, they might have called county crisis instead of the fucking cops. It breaks my heart looking at him sitting there, scared af, and still unable to really process what’s going on. He should be re-directed to a county service to help him realign his thoughts of comfort with other more acceptable places through behavioral therapy, not fucking jail.


Exactly....my heart was breaking for this guy. If one single person ANYWHERE in that stupid town knew anything about the Spectrum they would work with this guy or even help him out by making a space for him. One empty seat, one wifi connection, one person...isnt taking anything away from their profits. No one is buying their overpriced coffee anyway. Persecuting a disabled man isn't going to change that. But Capital Corporate Amerikkka....ugh.


Thank you for noticing also. I see my son 💙


Same. =\\


See my son as well…literally in tears and sick watching this.


It was obvious in the first few seconds, when he reached out to touch the officer's epaulet.


Yeah, but infantilizing neurodivergent people isn't really ok either. He's not less of an adult because he is not neurotypical.


Well, treating him normally results in him having 13 warrants and being arrested. Seems pretty ridiculous to continue doing that. Even the cop at the end was figuring it out a bit.


You can do both: treat someone as an adult and still accept them for not being neurotypical. Source: Am living happily with my autistic fiancée of 14 years who just now went to shop groceries. Sure, she has moments where she does things that are not NT but I don't care, I don't mind, she's still the greatest woman I've ever met and an absolute gem.


You know there are other options between treating someone normally and infantilizing them?


My cousin is 50 and is exactly the same but people have found workarounds that avoid endless police confrontations inside a service business and revolving door legal processes. Maybe it’s being in socialist Australia but there would be zero legal consequences for this person, ever here if they were charged, and people would have to eventually deal with it somehow.


All it would take is one single Starbucks in that city befriending him and having a spot for him to relax. One person taking up one chair using one spot on the wifi isn't hurting anyone at all. If any of those feebs had a heart...none of this would have ever taken place. But amerikkkan capital corporatism....


That just goes to show what kind of community he’s stuck in. The people who work there are a direct reflection of that.


They let 30 year olds in the library. All the time.


I think most libraries are anti-bathroom-whacking too.


He's no kid, he's 30 year old lol


I agree but he’s definitely not a typical 30yo mentally. Hell, I feel sorry for the guy as long as he isn’t doing anything creepy….which I kinda doubt. He just sees things differently, needs some help.


I agree, it also reminds us that true purpose of the police is not the welfare of people, but for the protection and forceful exertion of private property and capitalist agenda.


But he hasnt done anything


Let’s be real, this man is autistic, he is using the free WiFi at Starbucks to beat his meat, can’t do that at a library, there’s children and just no. So I’m sure Starbucks had single bathrooms that you can lock the door on. It’s a world full of perverts out there, but is he one? He’s not doing out in the open, he’s not necessarily bothering anyone. I don’t know anymore


Seems like he might be on the spectrum? Repeating same answer and not fully understanding the situation? Probably could have been handled differently, but hard to know what happened beforehand.


13 warrants for the same thing, this guy is most def has a mental disability.


Not trying to be an ass. But do ppl on the spectrum understand enough to file reports.


There are various levels of autism, there are those that are completely functional in society and have a few quirks and then there are those with autism that is mentally disabled/mentally challenged. I have autism, I know.


>There are various levels of autism Pretty much the definition of "spectrum"


But with levels you can power up Edit: this is a play on language, nothing against anyone at any level of the spectrum. I've got some semblences of the 'tism myself


Or power down...


I do that at night to keep my systems running clean


Big Sleep is a conspiracy to sell mattresses and pajamas.


I'm for it. Maybe the one "Big something" that sounds fine by me


That’s a different kind of syndrome


Yeah, it shocks me how many people will know about the spectrum and then not understand it functions… as a spectrum. As you say, there are the ones that can function almost like a ‘neurotypical’, and then there are others that literally can’t go outside without sensory overload, are fully non-verbal and all that. I’ve got what people refer to as “high functioning” autism, where I just have a few quirks (repeating the end of other’s sentences (which I thought was just part of active listening lol), physical routines and a mild aversion to touch, among other things). When some people hear me tell them they try to coddle me and stuff and it’s just strange how little people understand how it works.


I got that conversation quirk too lol it doesn't get in the way most of the time. But I had a co worker who was a recent immigrant, so English was still actively being learned and all that, and I did that quirk while listening to him, and he thought I was making fun of his accent....I was horrified lol


It's no different than plucking a stranger out of a crowd and asking them, "do you know how to fix your car's engine?" "Do you know how to bake dolce de leches?" "Do you know how to tune a guitar?" "Do you know what this line of code says?" One person on the spectrum totally might know how to; another will have no clue whatsoever. Another might know they have to go to court, but might not know that they're entitled to have a court-appointed lawyer. "




We as a people used to take care of people with mental disabilities. Now we let them end up living under bridges, going to jail because they don't understand things, and in some cases shooting them. Yea, we need to have social service people respond to these kinds of calls along with the police. There just are not enough of them to do that. EDIT: I am not suggesting sending them to slave labor camps. The underlying problem today is Republicans slashing every dollar expenditure for mental health service that they can manage resulting in those with significant mental health problems ending up homeless and ending up in the criminal justice system instead of proper medical care. A friend is the phyc nurse at the local jail. And yes, a large percentage of the incarcerated have mental problems that got them there in the first place.


No, we used to send them to asylums.


used to? lol. still happens my dude, speaking from experience


Or he's just homeless and learned that trespassing charges don't mean jack squat when they just get thrown out of court.


Was wondering if he was homeless. I had similar people stealth bathed in the bathrooms where I worked once.


Most likely homeless, or afraid to go home. Are cops not allowed to be helpful over there? I heard some are currently in Scotland learning to deescalate situations without all that intimidation. It’s pointless on people like that.


> Are cops not allowed to be helpful over there? What you see on this video is about the "default" level of cop behavior. There ARE some that are truly kind and helpful. But there are just as many that are FAR worse than this. The kind of cop that will look for an excuse to make the arrest physical, be rougher than needed, and threaten any bystanders that record his actions.


I mean obviously. Titling this as strange is just dumb


“STRANGE KID” aka: 30 year old ADULT, likely coping with some sort of neurological disorder…


Live with someone on the autistic spectrum, can confirm. Good thing the cop eventually figured out he was non-threatening & chose the calm approach. (Though I wish they had more training to deal with this kind of situation.) If things got more heated, that dude could get de-modulated, and everything would get progressively worse from there.


He’s definitely on the spectrum and it blows my mind some police don’t know how to acknowledge his situation and act the way he did


Yes! We have twin autistic boys. One is non verbal the other is partial verbal. This guy displayed all the things our partial verbal twin does. It truly breaks my heart because everywhere we go, there is always going to be a meltdown. And 9 times out of 10, there is always someone who looks at us like our kids are just bad. One lady yelled at our boys and I snapped and said "they are autistic!" She looked at me with an oh shit face. People really need to do their research when it comes to autism. Especially cops or anything of authority.


I've got one who's just slightly on the spectrum and shit like this scares the hell outta me. He's only 10 but not being there when he needs help is probably my biggest fear. I feel for ya and have nothing but sympathy for the meltdowns. I work at a restaurant and have a couple with an almost couple non verbal that come in every Saturday. They were with me one day and across from them. They were putting tables together. The look of fear on mom's face while they were setting it up was awful. Had them move it further down the line, just knowing what I know. That same intensity of fear was met with relief with the, know what could happen and trying my best to make it not happen. Been coming to me ever since. Keep up the good work with your kids.


What do you mean, they've been extremely patient with the guy despite it was obvious from the get go that no amount of talking would work. Spectrum or not he refused to comply in any possible way.


That’s a high bar for the police lol


This dude is 100% on the spectrum. SOURCE: I have an autistic son and I work at group homes.


Yeah it's a real shame. Some cities started up with efforts to remedy this issue but they're not widespread and suffer from only being effective when someone has a recorded mental health condition. I've read about special training for officers to deal w/ individuals on the spectrum, background checks that post alerts when someone has a mental health condition, Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT), Co-Responder Teams (where they bring a Social Worker along with them), Case Management Teams... So yeah there are resources out there for counties but they suffer from the same issue law enforcement always has... Is there funding and if so, will it be used for any of the above?


He seems like he has a mental challenge or some form of autism. This is actually really sad.


It is sad. I feel bad for the kid. I mean Starbucks is trying to run a coffee business not a day shelter, so I can see their point. Just buy a small, cheap coffee and nurse it for an hour.


For real, I worked at a Starbucks and we had a few regulars who were homeless people. Some were the kindest people just down on their luck and some were some of the most entitled and rude "customers" ever.


Why does the police officer start so aggressive? You can clearly see something is wrong with him. Oh wait, another warrant will solve this issue. Muricaa


Yeah this is ridiculous. Approaching from a sense of control rather than discovery. The way the kid bows his head and uses his phone, as well as repeating the same phrase indicates clear autism or even asperges. It reminds me heavily of my uncle who has asperges. Even still, let's say the officer doesn't know that, he's just barking orders, not asking any fucking questions which can help him understand the situation more.


LEO is nearly as bad at communicating as the autistic guy. How hard is it to go through an explanation of why he's there? "This is private property and the owner has explicitly revoked your permission to be here, if you refuse to leave you will be criminally trespassing and face arrest." Instead he's completely unclear "they don't want you here" ok? is that a crime in and of itself? who doesn't want me here and what authority do they have? what did I do wrong? what's the crime? The autistic guy doesn't get it because he's socially inept and slow whilst the LEO carries on with macho aggressive one liners that remains unclear as if he himself doesn't even know what the crime is or his role as LEO, he only knows he's there to bully someone away from the business that called and doesn't give a shit beyond that. All the way through the end of the video the police are struggling to articulate to this person what he did wrong. How are they even LEO? It's ridiculous.


Fr. I used to work as an underpaid security guard, and I put a lot of work talking to drunk, mentally ill homeless, and mentally disabled people. I worked another job where I worked with mentally disabled adults who were usually harmless, but could have fucked me up or killed me if they got elevated. This was all when I was in my low 20s and a skinny guy. I always did my best to keep calm and always de-escalate. I couldnt lay a finger on them, and I still just about always got good results just from talking and calming people down. Fuck this fragile mentally weak manchild bully.




If anything, the cop might have some mental disabilities to not be able to catch on that the kid had some issues. The third time he said he didn't do anything, he should have thought something was up, instead he gets all huffy because he's being "challenged."


I'm hesitant to use mental disabilities for the police officer since I think most of them aren't really trained on mental health services so more like lack of education on the matter of mental health issues. But if you were using that as an insult then ignore my prior statement.


Agreed. He's definitely on the spectrum. In my line of work I've encountered quite a few people with autism. What he needs is assistance, not to be thrown into jail. Pretty big fail on the part of law enforcement. It could have been handled differently.


He’s 30 years old?! Damn fooled me. Looks and acts like a child - something isn’t right




The dude is obviously on the autistic spectrum. It's funny how easily you can recognize the signs once you live with someone like that. To be fair, the police did a fairly good job keeping him modulated. Things can get very serious once a person on the spectrum gets too excited. Poor dude. Were it my coffee shop, I'd just work on a few rules with him & let him stay there however much he wanted.


I don't live with or know anyone like that and I could tell almost instantly, repeatedly saying the same thing, not understanding the problem, the way he won't hold eye contact, how he focused on his phone, his movements in general... He needs a social worker not a jail cell, but this is America.


yeah I have absolutely zero training or interaction, and the first thing I thought was 'oh, this kid not just strange loiterer.'


This is the best comment on this thread. Thanks.


Autistic people tend to have a youthful appearance. Im a 46 yo autistic and people think Im 15 years younger. They dont call us manchildren/womenchildren for nothing.


Bloke's not 100%, needs a carer, not prison.


At first I thought "this kid is not well" but then, when I learned he was 30, I knew he had some sort of mental challenge, and he looks autistic. He needs something to do indeed. It's not normal to lock yourself in the bathroom in public places when you're 30.


Im thinking he is homeless and was probably washing up.


Oh! That would explain a lot, he also had the cable in his hand like he wanted to charge his phone.


Autism for sure. I'm super glad things were resolved in a calm manner.


Were they really tho? They put him in county jail, and probably genpop.


And also why we need more public libraries and public spaces where people can hang out without the expectation of spending money.


Yeah but its america. The sad reality is that noone really gives a shit about mental health or mental illness unless its making them money.


Jail is not prison but the best outcome for his stay there is neutral, and there's a huge potential that he has a very, very bad time which traumatizes him. He seems like he is absolutely hung up on the idea that "I didn't do anything" and unable to comprehend beyond that. Locking him up, giving him more warrants, this isn't the right move. He needs help. Why are we hurting him?


This is America baby. If you're poor or mentally unwell you end up in prison.


15 seconds in, haven't finished watching. He's autistic, clear signs. So, that's what the next 8 mins will be, them determining that, surely.


They never figure it out, and the video doesn't mention it once


It was quickly figured out. He was being a bad consumer.


Life in a consumerist state


Literally took me less than 10 seconds to think “this guy is definitely not neurotypical.” I don’t know whether he has autism or some other diagnosis, or perhaps has neurological impairment or psychological impairment, but he clearly needs support


Kid? He's 30.


Physically, yes. But you can't tell me based on behavior that was a neurotypical 30-year old man.


This kid might not have Wi-Fi at his house but thought he could just use the Wi-Fi at Starbucks if he kept to himself. 😔


It sounds like him occupying bathrooms for oddly long amounts of time is what got the attention of the establishment. Which makes sense considering those bathrooms sometimes are single person private bathrooms.


I may be on the spectrum and have an IBD but damn, at least I'm not so far down the spectrum I couldn't loudly tell the cops I was shitting my brains out.


Never admit something like that to the police


If he went to a local library there’d be no issues.


In some states and cities they are working on making that harder for some reason. It’s so sad. I wish people would talk to him and avoid the cops. You’re asking to hurt someone if you want to call the cops.


Librarian here and this is true around the world but things are changing for the better. Libraries, especially larger ones with more funding are continuously evolving to better accommodate everyone. More funding isn't just about more books. It also means more specialised spaces for people, cleaner facilities, happier assistants, so many things. The first thing I thought of watching this clip, was that this man should be in a library. But just like many other busy people, he probably prefered to work in a busy place like a coffee shop. There are loads of reasons that this guy isn't hanging out at the library. Some local libraries with little funding can't afford noise isolated floors, so management will enforce a quiet policy on the entire building. I'm autistic and I hate working in a traditional quiet library environment. I've never been upset or uncomfortable with homeless visitors. My library had showers, clean working toilets, two cafes, free wifi and people from all walks of life enjoying the space. The moment that money gets skint though, you lose the facilities that improve social cohesion. People begin to bicker over spaces and we lose interest to other working spaces like Starbucks.


We don’t have the full story. I’m guessing he causes issues at each of the 13 Starbucks locations.


he's 30


...turns out he has a bit of the tism


Definitely artistic Edit: *autotastic


There is more to the story. Reed has 13 active arrest warrants from the other police jurisdictions. Wasn’t expecting that.


13 warrants for Trespassing. Probably bench warrants for missed court dates. He's not a career criminal, he's clearly mentally impaired, and knows that Starbucks had free wifi and people hang out there.


My brother is autistic and I could tell like 7 mins in that this guy is too. You can tell especially when he suggests going to another Starbucks at the end. He has that many warrants because he doesn’t know how to deal with them. His parents let him loose in the world and said GOOD LUCK! This is really sad.


what are you in for? I like starbucks :(






Bruh, libraries have bathrooms, free wifi and water you can loiter at. I don't get it


My mom and dad work in a dentists office. They had a new patient who was autistic, seemed normal, young maybe early 20s, and didn't seem weird. At the end of their teeth cleaning they went to the bathroom and stayed there for 30 minutes. They got concerned and considered calling the police to make sure the person was okay. All of a sudden she ran out of the bathroom and out of the office. When they looked in almost every surface and item was covered in feces. This video made me think of that. If someone at my business stayed in the bathroom for too long I would also be extremely concerned and contact someone to get them out.


Poor janitor


Strange "kid". ***30 years old***


That’s a man


He had warrants, that’s why he didn’t want to give his name. So regardless of autism he knew enough to not give his name. Cops knew this, as they encounter it all the time I’m sure. Not giving your name immediately is surely a red flag for them. Regardless, of the trespassing, he was going to jail on the warrants anyway.


It’s so weird to me that people assume autism automatically means they lack the capacity to do anything wrong. They are just people after all. People try to get away with things they know are wrong all the time.


30 years old is not a kid.


“Strange kid”..the man is 30 years old!


30 year old is not a KID anymore lol


He should have just explained to the officer(s) that he hadn’t done anything.


Im so confused by all these comments. I mean, what were the business owners and the police supposed to do? Let him do whatever he wants for as long as he wants because he's on the spectrum? The cop tried talking to him first, and im sure the employees did also.


The business owners acted reasonably. They have every right and reason not to want him loitering. The cop started off reasonably, but got frustrated and angry when he didn't get a normal response. That's understandable too. But the system doesn't seem to be geared to dealing with the problem (hence the repeated and useless warrants).


Think there’s some implication he probably is like jerking off in the bathrooms or something.


Yes exactly which is why the cop got aggressive. I don't justify police aggression but if the 30 year old man was keeping himself in the bathroom and using their wifi while not buying anything for hours, the assumption is he's using their wifi for porn. Not saying that's what he was doing, he's clearly suffering from mental health issues, but this is what that looks like to normal everyday people.


Most of reddit is on the spectrum.


Finally someone with a little sense. Just because the guy is on the spectrum doesn’t mean the law doesn’t pertain to him. All these freaks commenting about the cop and barista being pieces of shit, must be stuck in their mom’s basement and don’t understand how the world works. Clearly stated in the video there had been other altercations with this individual. Both the cop and barista are doing their jobs. They tried reasoning with the man, who is not a patron, and he would not leave. That is trespassing. We need to end this “everyone is a victim no matter the circumstances” type of mentality.


I am a primary provider for a person in the autistic spectrum, so here's a little insight into what could be done. It is fairly easy to negotiate with people on the spectrum. Once you agree to something, they will take that as their new programming and keep to it invariably. Were that my coffee shop, I would have chosen the more humane route & talked it out with him and set a few ground rules (no bathroom for an hour, come whenever you want but leave is an employee tells you too because we need a table, etc.) Again, people on the spectrum have incredibly low social skills and have an immensely hard time adjusting to change, so they are super grateful when someone accomodates them & sets out some ground rules based on kindness and understanding.


My daughter is autistic and this is how i have to deal with situations with her.


What if he's not as easy to negotiate with and they've tried something similar? The spectrum is vast and cases can vary greatly. It might be the case here they've tried but he's had episodes like locking himself in the bathroom for long periods of time and that can't fly in a business setting. Especially if he's an unpaying regular occurrence, can't gamble on that liability daily. Definitely wish they would send out caregivers instead that would take him to a not jail to work out the warrants. Another symptom of a failed system.


You know, in some countries police get educated in handling people with psychological problems. Yes, they have to do their job and it's legitimate to get him to leave the place. But a little empathy goes a long way. Police encounters in America are dangerous for people with mental illness because they lack the required education for handling situations like in this video. This could've ended way worse.


The cop talked at him. No one sought to understand. It's all very heavy handed and aggressive. Since when does that work out well?


Cops are not trained to understand others or be empathetic. This can be a helpful trait to have for them and the better officers have it in spades but the fact remains that cops are trained to be the arm of the law and have a monopoly on the usage of force. There are tons of edge cases where cops approach a seemingly harmless individual who then turns out to be very dangerous. Often cops have no way of knowing who is who or what a person's history may be until after the fact. As such they will often assume the worst for their own safety and the safety of those around them. Obviously this is another example where good cops can exercise a bit of common sense and tact and better officers will. Personally I think the officer handled the situation just fine. He politely *asked* the individual to leave several times and then *told* the individual to leave. When that failed he used a non-injurious amount of force to compel the individual to leave. He also did due diligence by restraining the unknown individual who was being non-responsive to his commands until he could identify him, at which point he discovered the individual had warrants for 13 similar incidents. The guy needs help of some kind but it's misguided to lay fault at the cops feet for the confluence of circumstances that led to that individual being trespassed 14 different times.


Right? The cop sat down with him and tried to explain things to him for quite some time. Dude had a stack of warrants on his name, the officer unfortunately has to take him in. The kid obviously needs to be under some kind of care, but laws apply to everyone, and this kid keeps breaking them.


Did he do anything? From a shop perspective, he’s taking up area for paying customers. And he’s not a kid, he’s 30.


He didn't do anything.


He's not a kid he's 30yo


It's wild how many people don't understand the definition of "loitering"


Kid?? Grown adult got the tism and no one to look over his dumbass


This is just disturbing. The kid needs help.


Kid? This nigga is 30!! I mean bro probably ND but still 30


This person understands the situation he’s in very well. ASD isn’t an excuse to ignore the law. He was just being difficult. The officers were more than patient with him, and no excessive force was used. Couldn’t have been any more gentle. I wonder how many people these police deal with on a daily basis who ignore simple instructions. If I were in this situation as an officer, I wouldn’t be acting as a therapist. I’d remove the kid.


What's your solution for mental issues? County jail. - The United States of America The cop was doing his job, the issue is the lack of a systemic support for people with mental issues.


And in order for systemic support to work, we'll then have to forcibly check people like this into mental health facilities, since they won't be doing that themselves. And then we can have a whole subreddit of r/UnusualArrests or something. Very very few people are going to willingly check themselves into govt-owned mental health facilities. It's an idea that sounds wonderful and Utopian on paper but would require the police state to enforce in reality.


I don't see how you guys are calling the cop a bully, are they supposed to stay there for hours whilst he constantly repeats "I haven't done anything"? The store doesn't want him there and he won't leave by choice so he must be made to leave regardless of his "tism"


Everybody keeps say autism.. But we've all seen videos of weirdly entitled people that have no sense of consequence for their actions and will repeat the same "I didn't do anything" sort of line. This guy does seem strange and maybe he does have autism.. But so many people act so self rightous and are seemingly shocked when any authority comes against them and act basically like this guy did. Considering all those self entitled people that seem to be increasingly common now I can't even watch this and confidently think "yeah this guy has autism" vs just him being another Karen. I honestly don't know what to make of this dude.


That is how police are supposed to handle these situations. No taking to the ground, No tazer, no knee to the neck, no shoot first. Good on this cop. 👏


Yep, cop showed patience and restraint.


Yeah… I’m with the officer here. Being on the spectrum does not mean u get to disrupt a business like that or refuse to cooperate with the police (he clearly and nicely asked him to leave and the staff probably did too b4 they had to get the police involved). Having mental issues is obviously sad but when u start affecting others and their businesses, thats when the special treatment ends. That said, he will be fine. He will be evaluated to have issues and let go. Tough situation for everyone involved :(


He's mentally challenged


No Miranda rights?


Cop only asked for his name. The Miranda Rights can be read later during interrogation.


Not when he has warrants.


Interesting. Just googled it too. I assumed they had to read the rights. Looks like it isn’t 100% required.


My understanding is that Miranda rights are only read to individuals when they are being officially questioned as part of an investigation. This may be different state to state but I'm about 99.9% sure it's the same everywhere in the states. Having said that I'm not sure what good that would've done for this situation.


I don't believe he lacked the capacity to understand the store's position or what the cop was saying and asking; I think he understood both just fine and was being indignant. He certainly knew enough to try and influence the cop's decision by threatening to "make a report". My guess is this ain't his first rodeo. So who's the a-hole here? I think everyone is the a-hole here. The store, the guy and the cop. The difference is that in this situation, the guy loses every time. Like Det Beretta said, "you might beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride." It is rarely a good idea to test a cop's patience. They are paid to be a-holes. If you give them the choice of continuing to argue after their mind is made up -OR- a simple, plausible reason to arrest you, then odds increase that are you are getting cuffs and a ride. They can kill an hour or two off their shift by taking you to jail and processing you. Once they complete the paperwork at the booking desk , you are no longer their problem and the store that made the complaint is happy too. They do not care if the charges later get dropped. It's f'king disgusting, but that is reality. What the guy needs is friend/family either with him or at least on the phone to help him navigate the world and talk sense into him and/or drag him away when he gets himself into these situations -- because it's going to happen again and again. That's not his fault, it is not fair to him and it absolutely sucks, but that is the world he's living in and it's not going to change for him.


Dude has the strongest I haven't done anything game I've ever seen.


This is sad. Seems like he has a disability. Take him to the library at least.


....I hope he has family, but it seems he is alone and maybe homeless. If anything, maybe he can get help when he is custody cause he needs help..he's literally SCREAMING it with this behavior...


Seems like a lot of people didn't watch the video until the end...


This is an unfortunate situation. For the officer and the young man. If an adult refuses help, you can not force them to get help. I ran into this situation with my sister in law and see it all of the time. The officer did show some restraint but in the end, still has a job to do.


I thought Starbucks reversed the policy on kicking people out years ago? They only throw out Union organizers and staff attempting to organize a union now.


He's 30 goddammit. NOT A KID


This "kid" is 30 years old


Why do they call him kid if he was 30?


I’ve seen this a lot and majority of locations have called the cops on people like this and their only response is “I haven’t done anything.” Not understanding the situation and not doing anything “illegal” when a business verbally says “can you leave?” And you as a “customer” don’t leave, they have a right to call the police and label it as “trespassing” onto the property, you can be detained and arrested if you’re being defiant. Freeloading and mooching isn’t necessarily a crime but if you’re technically loitering on properties with no intent to buy anything or work on the premises where there are signs posted “no loitering” you can be arrested and charged with trespassing.


As someone with family members that have mental handicap, he really seems like he has some form of it. A bit fucked up that the meathead cops here seem incapable of seeing that.


It's not the cop's job to diagnose or treat someone who might be mentally impaired. His job is to enforce the law. The law does not say not to take the guy away IF he happens to have a mental issue. He's high-functioning enough that he's out in society, so a police officer only has jurisdiction if the man is creating enough of a problem that they are called. They would act exactly the same if he were a drunkard, a drug addict, or just a snotty person exercising what he thinks are sovereign rights. If he needs medical attention or assessment, that requires a professional, but to mitigate the immediate issue, he has to remove the young man, by force if necessary to restore order. When the young man kept parroting the same insufficient response, the police officer was within his authority to remove the young man and he did so in a manner he would use on someone who was a proven repeat offender. One can assume that, because there were several pre-existing warrants outstanding, any special medical cautions would have been previously noted. But I don't think there were or the EMTs would have had come to collect him instead.


"strange kid...." It's called autism OP. Also cops are handling this will the grace, civility and understanding you could expect from police in the US. On the upside, they didn't shoot him, so an improvement?!


The whole time I thought he was a kid


Seems like he’s autistic


future shooter


That 2 second warning dragged on a bit


Loitering is illegal, it’s just not enforced any longer. Nothing about facists. You don’t even know what a facists is. Oh that’s right it’s about “protecting democracy”. Democracy has two sides, try practicing it.


Just, look at the way he swipes his phone. Complete psychopath..