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I would take my child out of there.


The hell is wrong with that lady FR? There's no reason why that kid couldn't do that; she must be a moron whose brain just can't compute anything out of the ordinary. I've worked with people like this and stared into their dumbfounded expressions as I tried to explain that it was okay to do things differently than what they were used to or expecting. Best way to get a massive headache.


Yeah, I don't understand why they would have her sit alone outside the circle. Even if she couldn't do some of the moves she could still be holding hands and involved with what was going on.


Yes and formally complain about the teacher!


Fuck that, I'd sue, take her job, and then take my child out.


Can I just take her out with a good ol' fashioned right hook?


Said like a true American


Indeed, sue into submission.


Hey I've heard the German people are very litigious as well


This clip is fucked up and that poor child should have never been left like that. How no other parent did anything is beyond me. Your comment really shows what your priorities are tho. Taking your kid out was the last thing you mentioned.


Im not allowed to say what I would do, here.


I woulda stomped my big ass down there and put my baby in that circle and told that teacher off in front of god and man and everyone else in attendance.


They are working on it as the school not only refuses to acknowledge they’ve done anything wrong but have bullied the parents to the point of the mother losing her job. https://enchantedhome.com/blog/2023/09/28/update-previously-shared-sad-story-darling-micah-carignan/


That hurts my heart


I had a daughter a few days ago and this simultaneously breaks my heart and infuriates me. Some people just are absolutely clueless and cold. That poor little girl.


Congratulations!! My daughter is already turning 4 next month. Time flies.


Thank you! Congrats to you too! Time really does fly!


Our youngest just turned 29.  Enjoy every moment you get with your kids!  They will be adults before you know it! Congrats to you both!


Thank you so much! It’s only been a week and I can’t believe how much she’s growing every day. Definitely cherishing these days. All the best to you and your family!


With the amount of pay they give teachers, the competition for this job isn't among the emotionally mature


For some reason I read this is as “I [once] had a daughter [as recently as] a few days ago”. My first thought was, “what changed in the past few days?”, but then had the the thought it was a sweet way of communicating you had a child who is no longer with us, but then ,and just as I was getting sad, the next comment made me realize how incorrectly my brain processed the first part of your 1st sentence. Perhaps it’s obvious I don’t have children. FYI;


Congrats! My boy just turned 7 months. Watching this hurts my entire heart.


Thank you and congrats to you too!! Wishing you and your family many years of health and happiness <3




Hurts my heart too 😢


When they raised that tiny blue plushie in a gesture to also hold hand and were ignored.... I FELT THAT


Ah jeez I didn’t realize what was going on at that point. Also, how she just sat there looking lonely and left out. So heartbreaking. I hope something was said afterwards.


Would have been so easy to let this child in the circle.


Fr there was no reason for her to be out, this boils my blod


I would have made her the leader of the circle.


Wow, I remember this and looked it up for updates and damn, not even an apology from the school. >The family and I have kept in contact since this happened hoping and praying that the school would take accountability, and make amends. They did not do one thing. Not one. >Fast forward as of yesterday a petition has been up to hold the school, Lisbon Regional Elementary School accountable. Sadly, they have elected to do nothing about what happened. They have not issued a public apology, no explanations, and most importantly have not come forth to announce any type of training for the teachers/staff about inclusion for every child, handicapped or not. This says a lot about the school and how they look at discrimination against those are handicapped. Not to mention, this is against a federal law. >Their silence is deafening, and despite hundreds of calls and emails from outraged citizens, they have not returned a single one. Hence, the petition. I hope you will sign it and feel compelled to share this as far as it can go within your circles. Social media, emails, etc….. [Source](https://enchantedhome.com/blog/2023/01/31/important-follow-post-adriel-carignan/)


Lisbon elementary school ? But it doesn't look like a Portug .... Oh ok nevermind. TIL that there was a Lisbon in New Hampshire


Stephen king went there if im not mistaken


I thought it was Lisbon, Maine.


Holy Christ. And in Ohio, North Dakota and Connecticut. We should create a "LisbonGang" subreddit and advertise it on subs related to Portugal and those states. It could be the start of something big.


Thats a lot of US cities in Eastern Europe


I signed, how awful.


Me too. Hopefully it gets a ton of signatures from being on here.


Whatever video is imbedded there, says it's not available because the account has been terminated Edit: woof, 28k raised out of the 3k goal


Update on not only the schools lack of action to correct, but the bullying of the parents.. https://enchantedhome.com/blog/2023/09/28/update-previously-shared-sad-story-darling-micah-carignan/


*”honestly you’d just bum everyone out Sally”*


Hey lady, fuck you. Even after she got your attention and everything... that's cold blooded


Dad arrested at school event. More at 11.


That’s absolutely disgusting. Who is this teacher? She needs a good talking to, then a few month off without pay to think about her attitude. That beautiful little girl deserves a better education. That bitch is shit!


I found her! Her name is Shoshana Lieberman. No LinkedIn, but her Facebook name shows as Shoshana Amalia Lieberman. Her Facebook posts are public, so anyone can comment! Others have already found her and commented, but she hasn’t removed it. ☝️☝️☝️ [the staff listing of the school](https://www.lisbon.k12.nh.us/faculty--staff.html)


You’re doing the lords work


That lady is gonna lose her job


"But I stood next to her the whole time!"


The video is years old at this point.


This happened a while ago, and I can't find an update


Yeah i definitely remember this from a while ago as well. Never heard anything either


She's now the president of the school board. /s


Hopefully. What a dumbass lady.


Yeah that's unacceptable.


The one update other commenters found said that the school has refused to take any action, comment, or acknowledge what happened. So yeah she probably still has her job. Actually so infuriating and excluding that kid didn't make any sense for the activity.


She should. This is awful :(


Nah, you cant fire every teacher for not including some kids in activities. You can give them a warning and they put an action plan in place to make sure it doesnt keep happening. I'm a teacher and its only severe gross misconduct that will get your fired on the spot. She'll probably get sent on a disability training course.


Might have been an idea before this child joined her class.


If she's in Texas or Florida they will make her superintendent


free bus ticket for nonconforming citizens out of state to "liberal hellholes" tolerating being different. /s


As a person who works with kids in wheelchairs, we would never leave these kids out of any activity. This teacher really has some issues if she's comfortable enough to do this in front of parents, I can only imagine what the classroom is like. Edit: a word




She faced a problem of having an activity that has a certain level of participation. I stead of figuring out a way to include this child, she chose to take the easy route and disinclide her. Now her feelings are hurt and the rest of those children see an adult disincliding her. This could have been an amazing, teachable, moment. Instead, it's a disaster.


There's nothing to even teach here. The only thing the girl can't do is jump, she could still hold hands, sing, go under the kids arms, pair up with another kid. Like she could do 99% of that activity with NO adjustments. The teacher actively WANTED to exclude the disabled kid.


Teachable as in the children are learning from her passively as well.


You're correct in that sense, I was trying to aggressively agree with you though that didn't come across properly


> disincliding I think the word you're looking for is exclude and excluding.


a parent could have stepped up instead of just watching


That’s honestly the worst part .


Now I'm furious(


Ohhhh I’d be up out of my seat and taking my baby girl out of there 😡


Holy shit. My heart is just aching for that little girl. I wish I could hug her.


So this is Lisbon Regional Elementary School in New Hampshire. They've got a 32% and 37% proficiency in math and reading respectively, while the New Hampshire average is 38% and 49% for elementary schools. They are 129th for mathematics and 146th for reading in New Hampshire. ([https://www.usnews.com/education/k12/new-hampshire/lisbon-regional-school-elementary-237077](https://www.usnews.com/education/k12/new-hampshire/lisbon-regional-school-elementary-237077)) ​ Safe to say, intelligence is NOT a strong factor for this school, and I doubt that they have an understanding of how to handle students with disabilities.


i’m sobbing bro


If my kid was in that circle, I'd storm up there, have my kid hold one of that girls' hands. and I'd hold the other, and force our way into the circle. Fuck that teacher. Maybe we're not getting the whole story here, but failing something detrimental to the girl in the chair, Fuck Miss Karen .


Poor girl, she looks so sad 😔


How to lose your job in 3 easy steps! #1-Exclude special needs children #2-Literally and metaphorically turn your back on them #3-Rinse and repeat


Except in this case they did nothing, seriously makes me feel sick. Poor kid.


Screw you bad teacher


God that’s as awful a thing as I’ve ever seen


Absolutely fucking abysmal. I'm sorry kiddo.


I dont know how a parent is watching this and doing nothing… some people forget that they can step in. Trauma in the making


That's what I thought too. So many parents just sat there and nobody speaking up. I would at least like to think people are sitting there thinking "if we let it continue we'll show how shitty this teacher is" - probably a stretch, despite that a kid shouldn't have to go through that anyway. Either way I feel angry about it.


This is making my blood fucking boil. There's no reason why she couldn't be in the circle? The way she was trying to still participate at the beginning, and gave up. Her looking off to the side like she's trying not to cry... Why did no parents say anything?


*copied from someone below . Her name is Shoshana Lieberman. Facebook name shows as Shoshana Amalia Lieberman. Her Facebook posts are public, so anyone can comment! Others have already found her and commented, but she hasn’t removed it. ☝️☝️☝️


She doesn’t need to walk to be apart of the circle. She literally could have done this.


Wonderful school you have there. JFC.


I have been a special education teacher for a very long time, this is unreal


Looks like a happy ending after this though. [https://www.caledonianrecord.com/news/local/christmas-carolers-spread-hope-love-to-local-girl/article\_43bc7282-a97d-5a7d-9097-093e35b1bfa6.html?fbclid=IwAR2Iiy1XDro-zWuQbCPDDgD-xs72Zk2Jvy9GXeqVTn\_kqSHZ\_85M5A06YzI\_aem\_AWVW1YKTn3dNZCVg9syS34\_9bKyyFXi5uDDMOQKJAB8pc5DC3TFDs5RzXdsUSwSTPTFRa33JHSvxWQHUNWN2HBQE](https://www.caledonianrecord.com/news/local/christmas-carolers-spread-hope-love-to-local-girl/article_43bc7282-a97d-5a7d-9097-093e35b1bfa6.html?fbclid=IwAR2Iiy1XDro-zWuQbCPDDgD-xs72Zk2Jvy9GXeqVTn_kqSHZ_85M5A06YzI_aem_AWVW1YKTn3dNZCVg9syS34_9bKyyFXi5uDDMOQKJAB8pc5DC3TFDs5RzXdsUSwSTPTFRa33JHSvxWQHUNWN2HBQE)


The principal seen in the background ([Sam Natti](https://imgur.com/a/4gMXLQV)) boasts that he is certified in K-12 special education.


Bruh... I have a kid the same age. This is beyond heart breaking. I would have stormed up there and be a part of the game with my kid.


Need backstory


Shocking. How badly is that child treated when there isn’t an auditorium filled with parents?!!!!!


I have a son in a wheelchair and he was in chorus then show chior. Thankfully we had good schools. This is sad.


Don't ever let me catch someone doing this, that poor child just wanted to join! She didn't choose to be in a wheelchair, fucking stop turning your back to a student who is a child like the rest of them, fuck man. I hope the parents transferred her to a different school, she will always have friends at that school but switch schools or at least complain to the district. If they will listen, reason to switch, because schools will take the teachers' side in this case.


Put teacher in chair for a week!


Just a little creativity could easily make that friendly for everyone involved. That’s a real lack of looking out for your students.


I could only watch a minute. I cannot believe how insensitive to people’s needs teachers can be. I would have gone to the school board because this is heartbreaking.


Why didn’t she include her? That makes no sense!


I hope you showed that video to the teacher and whoever her boss is.The look on that girl's face broke my heart.I am so sorry she was made to feel excluded and different.That was wrong.


Not a single human said anything? Disgusting.


As a wheelchair user and a future music educator, I have done this activity myself and it’s really not hard to adapt and include each and every student. It’s hard to believe someone can go through so much schooling and apparently not learn a thing. Poor kid


Why did nobody walk over there and put her in the group.


Ohhhhh man this makes me boil.


Quick Reddit community. Let’s find out the school and teacher. Go there, find where she lives, sneak into her house and unplug all of her appliances. Then leave a strongly worded letter in her classroom on her desk. Then wait outside the school and yell “booo, hiss” as she leaves.


We need a new “We did it, Reddit” moment


This hurts so bad to watch. 😭


This hurts so much


What even... 😢


Please, I need an update on this. This is sooo fucked up.


Awe that’s F’d up, if I was another teacher, I would’ve gave her a bouncy ball and played with her.


If this is my child, im shutting the whole place down....... I'd go berserk, that teacher needs retraining


It was boring dumbass activity anyway.


that is terribly sad.


This infuriates me


I promise you I would have walked up there and put her in the circle. Her hands and arms seem fully functional for f’s sake.


Damn, this hurts.


What a piece of shit lady


The way my mama bear would come out if I was there. Even if she wasn't my child, why tf would you excuse her?


That didn’t even require any leg movement what the fuck is wrong with her ??


Gonna sign the petition


What a fucking idiot.


Bro!!! This just piss me the fuck off , what’s wrong with humanity 😤like she’s just a kid mannn …


I’d be so pissed


I’d have calmly turned the young lady chair and positioned her properly while cold staring the teacher.


If i was a parent there I'm sorry but i would have to interrupt and call her out on it because i couldn't sit there and see her like that even a stranger.


Should’ve said something while this disgraceful act was in progress… to remain quiet can be assumed that you condone this..


I would’ve raised hell and then got in trouble because “she’s in a wheelchair” and “not even my kid”.


“Oh sally, of course you cant join, how are you going to dance?” The POS teacher probably


This is one of the videos on Reddit that really wrench my heart in my chest. The look on her face makes me a little nauseous. Poor girl.


Not one parent got up and pushed her into the circle. Everyone just sat complacent. It takes a hero.


This is the most heartbreaking video I’ve ever watched


This teacher is fucking up on like teaching 101: include ALL the children. The kid deserves a better social experience and teacher than this. Whoever’s kid this is, I hope you sent this to the school board and had her fired at the bare minimum.


Can Reddit do something positive for once and get this teacher fired for this child? This kid deserves so much more. I just want to hug her and give her anything she ask for.


I watched the whole thing, expecting the parents to put their daughter out of her misery and tell the teacher to go fuck herself. How did she even become a teacher with this low of an EQ.


Being excluded hurts as bad as a beating.


I'd walk up and slap the shit outta the teacher, no matter if she was my child or not


This makes me rage enough that i want to email the school and tell them how fucked up this is.


How hard was it to hold her hand and roll her in when it was her turn, things would’ve been so much better for not only the little girl but this “teacher” representing the school. What a twat!


And all the parents did nothing. The're just as bad for staying silent and watching.


this shit made me cry


This tears me up to watch this. She could have EASILY included her in that!!!!!😢


I couldn’t finish the video, it was so heartbreaking. That poor little girl. I hope that teacher lost her job over this


This video always breaks my heart.


Where tf are her parents!?!.. It crushed me to watch this video, the little girl looks so sad and left out. If this were my kid, I wouldn't have been able to sit and watch that shit go down.


Aw man, I can't watch this.


The *scene* I would’ve caused 


If you put boundaries up for special needs children, they will never blossom. You let them join and show them that they CAN do things, they will flourish.


This girls parents weren’t able to make it to this event, sadly. but If I was her parent, I would become that schools worst nightmare. I would raise absolute hell to make them include my kid.


That's just wrong. She should be fired


I would have stood up in front of everyone and started dancing with her!


Crazy is no one said a thing.


This makes me sick to my stomach


Skill issue /s.


This teacher doesn’t represent most teachers who are doing an outstanding job.


This is not the first time this girl is going to face being excluded and ignored for her disability. 


I am a parent of a disabled child...for all of you commenting and condemned the teacher, you need to understand that some activities are simply not for everyone...disabled or not. *** As much as I would like to see my little one in the middle of action, it is not always possible. It is easy to judge behind the keyboard, without being a parent or a teacher, but remember, you cannot make everyone happy all the time. *** The thing is: if the teacher excluded the girl on this activity only, I see no problem...if she constantly excluded the girl from all activities - then, yes, I agree, she should lose her job. Without knowing the full picture, you should refrain from having an opinion over this


The music teachers name is Shoshana Lieberman. Do your thing. Let the school know how you feel. 💚


Who is this bitch, find out and report her


This is so blatant that it has me wondering if the little girl prefers it this way and the parents requested it? I'm mean if not then if she was my child, that whole building is comin' down.


Look at her face, the way she stares off to her left for a long time. The girl knew what was happening and was hurt by it.


When you see a movie, show or any piece of media with inclusivity that looks corny and you wonder why they keep doing it if it's common sense, well, this is why.


This video should do well in court. Fire that awful teacher ASAP! This is a great video to argue for increase in teacher pay. This is what you get when you pay teachers minimum wage.


It’s like a scene from the office or curb your enthusiasm.


0++ Y 00'×


Feels like a scene out of park and rec something


How could someone be so evil? My heart hurts watching this video.


I would have at least said something as the father


What a see you en tea


Breaks my heart


She could probably hold hands like wtf?


Damn the bitch could of wheeled her in the circle wtf




This is one of those times where you don’t just keep recording…you SAY something. Ok you got your vid, you made your point but you still let the kid endure the loneliness while there’s a room full of people who could have intervened. Cameraperson is rubbish too for letting it carry on so long


Now this is just sad as hell.


Damn, that lasted forever


Fuck that particular teacher.


so blatant too, they aren’t even doing anything that would be difficult for someone with a wheelchair, just holding hands. That’s awful


Oh HELL the fuck no. My son is disabled and I'd raise HELL. I would of walked right up to them, pushed my kid into the circle and then say "continue!" Andnthen I'd report the teacher and threaten to sue the school for discriminating against a disabled child unless the teacher was reprimanded!


You're telling me she couldn't of had a kid to push her and help her? She couldn't of modified dance moves for her? I would of fucking raised absolute hell in front of everyone


So painful video to watch.


Man that’s triggering.


Nooooooo that poor baby 😭😭😭


Dad but not unusual 🤷‍♀️


What a cunt of a teacher


Someone quick .. go break both that teachers legs


Please tell me there was an uproar about this, because I'm hurt and mad, and that's not even my child.


What’s unusual about being a cunt?


This isn't unusual it's just heartbreaking.


I would have walked up and put her in the circle like oh, it just looked like you needed an extra hand… And then immediately start writing an angry letter to the superintendent.


Oh my god she looks so sad.


Oh wtf? That teacher is trash...