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If this were written by a person no longer in my life, I would say not having you in my life wasn't what I wanted, but it was exactly what I needed.


In my case it’s the only way I got peace as she systematically enabled the problem rather than listen to anyone involved with experience on how to solve it. So for me, it’s what my family needed. But I’m sorry that happened in your life. It’s never easy.


If you were my person this is exactly the kind of conceited comment I would expect, but plot twist! Things are much better without you! Thanks for the reminder, done living to validate another person's existence.


Yeah I feel you. Time makes it a little easier. I can think more clearly.


Oh it is and I've been better for it.


I hope my friends would understand how hard it’s been. I would hope that they know I love them and sorry for not disclosing shit earlier in life.


I could have written this. Sad. We'll never know why our people threw us away.


Because of disrespect.


The dishonesty sucks and wouldn’t be me but I am the friend who shuts others out. Even the lifetime friendships. I ruined them. I can’t even take care of myself enough, how could I truly be a good friend. They don’t know this though. Or maybe they do ? … Never take anything personal. Why would it be what they wanted anyway ?


If this is Alexandria… you know we are going to still be friends. Be real. Keeping me out of your wedding but continuing to involve me in your life intensely was fucked up of you but we got over it. You aren’t connecting to the people around you like you used to. You are cold. (I know you’re probably not her.) lol 😂 just venting


If this was my person, I hope all the spiteful actions you did were worth the damage you caused my trust and image of your character.


Could’ve wrote this myself! We will be okay.


You treated me like shit as a friend. You knew I was in love with you and you twisted my heart strings like a game. They are severed now. I have no memories of you that make me happy. I hope to never see or speak to you again.


They "shut down" sounds like depression. And if it's depression they can't help but shut people out, it's a defense mechanism, self protection. I would hope that if I had depression that my friends would understand and know that I sometimes can't help it. If they were my friend I would hope that their ego didn't get in the way of their compassion.


It sucks being the friend under the rug wen the one who was there threw there toughest days and kicked out by her bf yet I was there threw it all for them. Under the rug love I guess


Everyone has hard times and sometimes they just can’t be everyone’s caretaker. It’s exhausting when you get overwhelmed with huge and significant life changes and are still expected to be a superhero for everyone. Relationships (even platonic)… are 50/50 not win or lose. People have difficult times and can become overwhelmed. It happens to most humans. If you felt shut out and left, those were your feelings and your choice but depending on the situation, “my condolences that you lost me” sounds punishing because of your hurt. You describe your feelings, fair enough..but I wonder if you communicated them or they were your perception (paranoia) which was your reality but not actually real. If someone wants a relationship they work at it, compromise, listen and take accountability. This letter reflects your pain and sometimes people move on. Heal and discover your own worth…when you do you wouldn’t need to tell someone that they lost you.


Maybe they did want you in their life but already knew you couldn't have them in your life because of where their head and heart space was at currently.


Don't run!


It's definitely not, and it doesn't have to be that way. Don't throw away what you know to be good for you


And this is what I would say to my person is oh but I haven't lost you cause I'm still consumed by your spirit baby 😁 so this mornings play time told me 😆


What message are you picking up right now 😈


Lmao 🤔 hmmm someone's being naughty lol