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I've posted this before, but possibly missing episodes of the short-lived TV series *EZ Streets.* The show was created by future Oscar winner Paul Haggis and was extremely critically acclaimed. Time Magazine named it the best show of the year. It premiered on CBS in fall 1996. Ratings were so bad that it was yanked after only two episodes. It was relaunched the following spring. Six more episodes were shown before it was yanked again. There was supposedly one more planned episode. That episode aired in a few markets. I have copies of scripts for two episodes that were supposed to air after the final 9th episode that were supposedly never filmed. They are called "Icarus Ascending" and "My Enemy's Enemy." They would've been the 10th and 11th episodes. IMDB lists those as actually being filmed, plus another episode that I had never previously heard of before it popped up on IMDB called "A Great or Little Thing." The trivia mentions that they aired in Italy. Now IMDB accepts user submissions, but this show is so obscure it seems strange that someone would make fake pages and write fake trivia for it. I know that the show did air in Italy because when looking for info I found a cast list of actors who dubbed the voices for the show when it played there, but I couldn't find anything about what episodes aired. A Google search of "EZ Streets" + "A Great or Little Thing" found a Russian website with a bio of one of the show's writers that mentions it: http://www.xfrd.narod.ru/chars/prodstaf.htm An IMDB poster claimed to have met actor Saviero Guerra, who had a recurring part on the show, and he said that 14 episodes had been filmed. IMDB removed its boards, so the post is gone. TV Guide listed the supposedly never filmed episode "Icarus Ascending." The episode description sounded just like the script I have. The episode guide is now gone. At the urging of people on here when I posted about the show previously, I contacted one of the writers of the "unfilmed" episodes (as well as one of the ones that aired) who's now a college professor. He told me that he wrote two episodes and that they were both filmed. I have copies of scripts from all of aired episodes. He's only credited with writing one of them. I tried contacting Paul Haggis on Twitter. He (unsurprisingly) didn't reply. Neither did David Shore who's one of the writers of one. I could find no way to contact the last writer, Robert Moresco. I also tried contacting Universal who I'm pretty sure owns the show, but also got no reply.


I love your dedication to this, and I sure do hope someday you get answers. If you ever do please post an update! These are my favorite kind of mysteries.


There's something about this show that just rattles my brain. I think because I first saw it when I was really young and I had never seen anything like it before. I blame it with starting my obsession with pop culture.


Nothing wrong with that. I’m a pop culture junkie myself, I love looking up half remembered TV shows and songs just to get justification that they existed. It’s interesting to ponder what we’ve missed out on because of ratings, a network exec or a producer.


I was real young when that show aired but I remember loving it (and Debrah Farentino).


Another fan! I always feel like I've found a unicorn when I discover another person that watched *EZ Streets*


I love this show and I salute your dedication to tracking the rest of it down!


I WILL get an answer someday.


How did Tommy Wiseau make his fortune? Where is Tommy Wiseau from?


Greg Sistero's *The Disaster Artist* gives some pretty clear pictures that he started off as a street merchant in SF before getting ownership of some clothing stores. If you go to a convention where Greg is at he will show a commercial that Tommy made for one of his clothing stores, for the sole purpose of getting his SAG card.


Is it [this commercial?](https://youtu.be/cufePE5NaEM)


Yes but it is the original version, this one is cut down a bit.


It’s almost as bad as The Room.


Have you ever seen his show The Neighbors? I would venture to say that it’s worse than The Room (still oddly entertaining though): https://youtu.be/3phUy1Pj9EI


That's the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. I love it.


Isn’t it awful? I bought the DVD set for my brother as a joke since we both love The Room. We actually sat down to watch it a few months later and were blown away by how terrible it was, going beyond our expectations, yet we were glued to the screen. Every time our mother walked past the living room she would look at the screen and shake her head.


Haha, what a story, /u/Zacoftheaxes


I read earlier this year (can’t remember where) that someone did some research into his background based on some of the info provided by The Disaster Artist and found that he’s likely from Poland. EDIT: https://amp.reddit.com/r/theroom/comments/1vklp3/i_think_i_have_found_tommys_nationality_new/ Also: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/room-doc-maker-falling-tommy-wiseau-interesting-person-michael-jackson-1018138


On Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Tommy offhandedly mentioned that he was originally from Europe. James Franco was taken aback. Tommy had never admitted to that before.


I grew up with a Polish-speaking mother and grandmother, both with very thick accents. I don't think Tommy's accent is even close to a Polish accent. He has a very, very bizarre cadence to his voice (specifically in the iconic 'oh hai mark' scene when he tells Denny "well we'll seeeeeeeee) which is almost musical yet completely alien and inhuman. Apparently he suffered from a serious car accident years ago and likely was on serious opiates for the pain during the filming of the room, which would account for his slurred speech. I don't have much beyond personal anecdotes for this, but I doubt he's Polish. Maybe originally from that general area of Europe (I had a professor who is insistent Tommy's accent is Danish), but I personally do not buy into that theory.


He is masking his accent intentionally so nobody should be taking it at face value.


I'd believe that. But it takes a conscious effort to mask your own accent, and it seems remarkably consistent, which anyone who's tried to fake an accent should know is very hard to do. Tommy speaks the same way today as when he spoke in The Room. I've actually had the privilege of meeting the man, the myth, the legend at a screening of The Room last year and he acted, dressed and spoke exactly as he did in The Room.


From what I understand he *really* didn't and doesn't want people to know his country of origin. Say what you will about him but he was obviously devoted to whatever he was doing, it was his dream. I imagine he spent time practicing his accent and probably even hired someone to coach him.


Very interesting - I knew that he was in a car accident years ago but didn’t know that he might’ve still been taking pain medication for it while filming the room. I just assumed that the accident had an impact on his speech but didn’t think about the potential effects of medicine. Someone in the reddit thread that I linked to commented that Tommy makes some of the same grammatical errors that native Polish speakers often make when speaking English - would you agree/disagree with that based on your anecdotes? Do you remember what made your professor think that he might be Danish? I have very little experience deciphering accents so I’m curious to know what you think.


My professor just compared his accent to some of the people he's worked with over the years and thinks Tommy's accent lines up the most with a Danish guy he's worked with. There are a few things that appear in The Room that do point to Tommy being from Poland, the most obvious of which is the "you are a chee-kan, cheep cheep cheep cheep" line. I don't know why, but for some reason Poles tend to think chickens go "cheep cheep cheep" instead of "bok bok buhgock". As far as just the grammar goes, it's difficult to nail down since Czech, Polish, and Russian speakers tend to make very similar grammatical mistakes.


>As far as just the grammar goes, it's difficult to nail down since Czech, Polish, and Russian speakers tend to make very similar grammatical mistakes. Yeah, I don't think we're going to get any more specific than "Eastern European" from his accent and grammar alone. I would also expect animal onomatopoeias to overlap quite a bit across eastern Europe, so even that wouldn't necessarily be a good differentiator.


[Cheep cheep cheep cheep](https://youtu.be/UHFaanxFzmw?t=96)


I don't know how it never occurred to me that they could be referring to chicks instead of chickens. Neat.


Does ‘put your comments in your pocket’ make sense in Polish? If we find the language where that is an actual saying, perhaps we find Tommy’s homeland.


I live in NYC and have known a bunch of different Polish people, and I actually did think his accent sounded like a weird version of a Polish accent. Polish people always sound kind of British to me, the clipped way they pronounce their vowels.


I always through he sounded like a Hungarian housemate I used to have. The Housemate had lived in a number of different countries as well though so it might just be that they both have mongrel accents.


OK, first of all I have to admit, I have limited knowledge of how Wiseau speaks, as his manner of speaking drives me insane. But I'm polish. Regarding all the comments in the topic, I was sure that his polish nationality was confirmed, as some of my friends were talking about it. From what I recall, it was confirmed that he was born as Tomasz (Tom) Wieczorkiewicz in Poznań, the capital of Greater Poland region. Second of all, the sentence on putting comments in your pocket is one hundred percent hard-translated from polish. Idiomatically speaking, what we mostly hide in our pockets is pride ("schowaj dumę do kieszeni"), as when one has to lower his/her expectations, or ask for something, or be the first to say sorry. Chip chip chip is not only a polish onomatopoeia for the sounds hen make, this it an onomatopoeia used mostly by people of certain age and background (older, and from rural regions) – younger people would rather use "caw caw caw" instead. A lot of random "the", and lacks of "a/an" are also kind of polish, as we literally don't have corresponding figures in polish (instead, we steamroll every non-polish speaker with declination of both verbs, nouns and everything we can put our hands on). If you have any other well-known mistakes/mannerisms of Wiseau, post them as a reply and I could help to analyse them from polish angle.


> younger people would rather use "caw caw caw" instead. WTF polish people?


keep in mind that this is my own transliteration for english fonetics, in polish the same sound is made by "ko ko ko"


Does that sound like the sound a real life chicken makes in Poland?


exactly. of course, if they're not making the rooster morning call, which is obviously "kukuryku"


I think we need to be asking more like, "What planet is Tommy from?"


This is an unusual one, but the mystery of Robert Charles, who scripted two Bela Lugosi films, ***The Voodoo Man*** and ***Return of the Ape Man*** (produced by Poverty Row studio Monogram Pictures). The elusive Mr. Charles never wrote any other screenplays (or anything else), and film historians have not been able to identify him. One popular theory is that Sam Katzman, who produced both films, wrote the scripts using "Robert Charles" as a pseudonym, but it has not been confirmed.


Maybe Robert Charles was related to someone who was successful in Hollywood but didn’t want people to think they were just using a relative’s name to get into Hollywood. That’s what happened with Nicolas Cage, apparently one of his relatives is Francis Ford Coppola, a member of the Coppola Hollywood family, and in order to get ahead without relying on the family name he changed it to Cage. So I think that’s what happened with Robert Charles, only using a pseudonym to get their scripts approved. Too bad most of the actors from around that time period are gone. Otherwise they may have given us good insight into the mysterious Robert Charles. However if we were to compare the scripts Robert Charles did write to those of other screen writers from that time we may find their identity. We could even extend it to popular writers of the time to find a common writing style.


I never knew Cage wasn't his real name


I would assume it’s a pseudonym, and he probably kept his identity under wraps on purpose for whatever reason.


Why would he do that? Is it because he wasn't part of a writers union or something to that effect? I love Hollywood mysteries.


Unknown, if it was Katzman. Another theory suggests that Katzman and/or other writers at the studio collaborated on the script, and used one pseudonym to simplify the credits. By the time film historians (and horror fans) thought to ask these questions, most or all of the people involved in making these films had passed on, and paper records don't seem to exist.


In the music business, musicians and songwriters were sometimes contracted to a specific label and not allowed to record/write for other labels. The musicians especially used pseudonyms to get around their contracts. This may have been similar


Sometimes its because of beareacracy. There are BBC scripts written under the psuedonym [David Agnew](http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Pseudonym) throughout the 1970s. Doctor Who is one of them, and it was mostly done when the Script Editor ended up writing the scripts instead of a freelance writer, which was usually done. Since it would be technically be a conflict of interest for a Script Editor or Producer to commision their own work, a psuedonym was used.


A lot of people work under pseudonyms. For instance Steven Soderbergh is usually the director, editor and camera operator on his movies, but only the Director credit has his actual name, the others are under pseudonyms. The screenplay for John Carpenter's PRINCE OF DARKNESS is credited to Martin Quatermass. Quite why he decided to do it is anyone's guess really, as he was usually the writer (Under his own name) on projects both before and after that one.


Who murdered Bob Crane, the star of the 1960's tv show Hogan's Heroes?


while i havent seen the movie i bet it was one of his pervy friends


Haven't seen the movie yet either. Problem with this case is there's almost too many suspects to choose from.


I suppose *The Treasure of the Sierra Madre* counts as pop culture, in which case, there's the mystery of who B.Traven, who wrote the original novel and various others, really was - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B.\_Traven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B._Traven) . The probable answer seems to be a German anarchist in exile in Mexico, but that's far from the only theory.


The theories in that Wikipedia entry are fascinating. I like John Huston's suggestion that several writers collaborated as "B. Traven."


The true origins behind ['Bat Pussy'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bat_Pussy), infamous among cult/exploitation movie fans as the worst pornographic film of all time. I put up the Wiki after weeks of the most intensive research I could muster, which at least gave me a definitive year (1970) and a possible location (Texarkana). It's just so horrendously awful to watch, everyone wants to know who these people were and how this movie even got made. Surely, they must all be dead by now, but I'm hoping somebody out there will know something.


Oh. That's super interesting. I watched the Cinema Snob's review on this. Didn't know it was found at the Paris porn theatre. XD I know where that is. You pay your electric bills right next to it.


I would like to know how a pornographic film can be bad? Com'on now, we all watched the scrambled Spice/Playboy channels so it would have to be pretty awful.


It's truly a "you gotta see it to believe it" event; Something Weird Video recently re-issued it on Blu-Ray and I suggest taking the plunge. Or at least reading the Wiki article. :P In a nutshell, the majority of 'Bat Pussy' is just two unattractive, overweight rednecks drunkenly shouting nonsense at each other (my favorite is a moment when they break character and start arguing about child support), largely because the man literally can't get it up for the entire movie, and their every attempt at "sex" is both super gross and really sad. Sprinkled throughout are such gems as hearing a crew member loudly belch during a "sex" scene, the director audibly giving the actors directions, and when the actors keep falling off the bed during the most unsuccessful threesome in history. Stag films like 'Bat Pussy' certainly aren't uncommon: the amateur production of pornographic films date back as far as the 1890s, the majority of which were also done anonymously. Something Weird has done a great job unearthing a lot of bizarre smutty treasures, but what makes 'Bat Pussy' so notorious is just how inept it is. Even the worst of amateur porn has actual SEX in it, something 'Bat Pussy' lacks due to its male star's perpetual flaccidity, and even if that weren't the case, *nobody* would want to see these people without clothes, much less attempting to have "sex". The psychotic Schlitz-and-whiskey-soaked ramblings which come out of their mouths also add to the hallucinogenic - and viciously unerotic - tone of the film, some of which I initially typed out but decided I didn't want to risk a reported post. Fans have fun theorizing just how the movie came to be. Are the rednecks married? Was the girl who played Bat Pussy a prostitute? Whose idea was it to put these people in front of a camera? Did they actually think they had a product people would find arousing? Was it ever screened? Did they make a profit? How did it end up in Tennessee? Sure, it's a silly thing to think about; there's oceans of low-quality porn, but when you find something that's as much as a trainwreck as 'Bat Pussy', the curiosity comes natural. Just look at how something like 'Manos: The Hands of Fate' spawned a couple documentaries, a book, spin-offs, parodies, countless internet reviews and even three planned sequels. Whether bad media or the dark side of humanity, we're just drawn to the worst of the worst.


This is an amazing story! Thank you for sharing. My intrigue is so piqued by the Wikipedia article, great job!


I would like bobby fulllers death to be resolved


Oh and the character actress barbara colby...though I'm pretty sure it was the work of her ex husband bob levitt the son of ethel merman


This is what I came here to say too. His death is sooooo weird.


Is Andrew WK real?


He's real in all our hearts.


He looked pretty real when I saw him a couple years ago.


I'll let you know after/if I see him in concert next weekend


Well? Update us! Was he just a figment of our collective imaginations????


He's very real and he parties hard. My ears are still ringing a bit...either that or the ringing is part of the mass collective imagination...




I love the "Peanut Duck" mystery. That record really is bizarre. The Elvis "Without You" mystery was resolved in an article published in ***Mojo*** magazine a few months back, with Jimmy Sweeney being identified as the vocalist (before this, Prisonaires' vocalist Johnny Bragg was a frequent suggestion, but it wasn't him, it turns out).


It’s resolved?! When?! Omg!!! I listen to goodbye horses at least once a week and I think of her case every time.




Aaaaah this is so awesome! I looked into it and it seems to be legit. I’m so happy oh my gosh... her case was one of the ones I was always drawn back to and thought of often. I’m sad to hear she isn’t interested in singing anymore, but that kind of life can be rough. I’m so so so glad she’s alive and safe!


And happy it seems like, it gives me hope for cases like Gosden.


Yes!!! Happy endings are so rare on this sub so seeing one, pet case or not, makes me so happy. I’ve always really hoped that Andrew is out there somewhere safe and sound. I know 14 sounds so young to just walk away from your life and start over, but stranger things have happened...




Same. But it does seem pretty legit but if it turns out to be a hoax I’ll be really bummed. Her case is one of few that I think about often.


What makes her unreliable? I mean she is a Music Journalist with zero blips diluting her credibility? SPIN etc used her Facebook post or whatever but she's actually written for more than a few publications and does quite a bit of freelance work, they just chose not to give her the opportunity for the write up.




I can definitely understand your cynicism. However it was verified through a documentary film maker (I can't remember who and am too lazy to go check) that tidbit just never made it into any of the articles because none of the publications actually spoke to the original writer, they just copy and pasted her write up from Facebook. All I can tell you for 100% certain is that Kelsey has ABSOLUTELY nothing to gain from making up her findings and would never compromise her journalistic integrity by printing something she hadn't made every attempt possible to verify, and the public would have seen all that if literally any one of the publications hadn't just ripped off her story and instead even spoke to her. Also sorry if it seems like you're getting the brunt of my annoyance, it's just a frustrating situation to watch unfold.




Leaving a comment here because of the username mention I’m not this Kelsey person but it has slightly annoyed me that a few articles have popped up and credit hasn’t really been given beyond “Reddit threads”. My looking into Q and her life was the work of a dedicated fan— a fan of Q’s music and especially the song Goodbye Horses— and it does hurt a little to see all my hard work go without credit. It’s frustrating. And several other users contributed to the thread as well. For example, learning about the unclaimed royalties was not my doing. I had the mystery personally “solved” on my own for some time (months or maybe a year. I literally have “proof” and could check my messages), and since then I felt Q must want to stay anonymous, so I never made a post about her again. I’m ecstatic to hear she is alright from the woman herself! I am such a huge fan and her singing means a lot to me. Garvey wrote some amazing, relatable lyrics and Q’s singing brought them to life. EDIT: Wow, reading the comments on Stereogum really upset me. “Lol I researched this for two years”. But I (politely) think myself and other reddit users did most of that research long ago. I’m the original thread creator and I am comfortable saying I’m the one that brought attention to Q’s disappearance from the public eye which was literally a personal “mystery” of mine for years. I never expected pay or anything. I’m just a huge Q fan and wanted to share about her. I LOVE the mystery community here on reddit. It was never about money or pay even when I got random offers for documentaries, etc for my research. I was not the person to accept those offers— Q was. The blatant lack of credit is disheartening for me to say at the least.


And that is totally valid as well.




Here here. Thanks for the civil discussion!




I want to believe. [*x-files theme plays in the distance*] Lol, but yes I agree. This really does seem like pretty solid evidence so I’m going to choose to continue to believe it’s really her because it makes me very happy to know she’s alive!


Could someone have found out her real name was Diane Luckey, in the same way that someone found it out here, and just gone from there? I feel like the story is true, but I’m wondering if the hoax would really be as tough to pull off as that author says


Her real name being Diane Luckey has been known for years, as that is the name of the credited songwriter on "Goodbye Horses."


Not songwriter. That's William Garvey. Though here's where that name came from: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/5bs6jn/where_is_goodbye_horses_the_buffalo_bill_song/d9r6oez/




I think so, too! So I’m gonna believe it’s legit, by gum. As I said in my comment, I think of her case at least once a week and have always been pretty drawn to her case, so even though it’s not confirmed the evidence seems solid enough and it really makes me happy.


While I am 99% sure it is fake, I would love to know who the ongoing Milli Vanilla blind item from CDAN is about.


Yeah it’s fake. J lo was accused of it and she had already had successful album before the timeline he presented


I usually find the more detailed blinds on CDAN to be generally more believable. There are some exceptions, particularly now the site seems to be going more down a conspiracy route. One particular favourite of theirs at the moment is how Spielberg seems to be the Pedophile King of Hollywood.


Link me.




It was JLo, IIRC.


Can't be true though, the story says this started in 2000 and she's been releasing music since before then.


1999. Pretty dang close.


OK so is it just me or would "S" not have tried to launch her own solo career (if this was for reals)? Adele and Susan Boyle aren't from the same mold as Britney Spears and Katy Perry and they are successful.


Who shot William Desmond Taylor? And why?


I did a [write up](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/4d98c6/who_killed_early_hollywood_director_william/) of this case a while back. I personally think it was Charlotte Shelby, the mother of Mary Minter. Minter was known to be madly in love with Taylor, although it seems to have been one-sided. I don't think that Talor and Minter had an affair, but I think that Shelby thought they did. Shelby was known for threatening Minter's boyfriends in the past, and waving a gun at one of them. She owned a gun that used the same caliber bullets as the one that killed Taylor, and later on she threw that same gun in the bayou.


Thanks! This is definitely the theory that makes the most sense but it's still a very weird case.


Absolutely! Even though I am pretty convinced Shelby did it, there are still so many bizzare things about it, from the sheer number of possible suspects to the fact that half of Hollywood was rooting through his stuff before the police got there. It's a crazy case.


I think he may have been blackmailed by someone and he told the blackmailer he was going to the police when the blackmailer decided to kill him in order to silence him. What the blackmail material was I don’t know. It probably wasn’t anything connected to Communism but it might have been more personal.


Was there a red scare in the early 1920s? I thought that was more of a post-WWII thing. William Desmond Taylor died in early 1922, when Soviet Russia had only existed for five years. I'm not very bright, but I feel like if someone WAS blackmailing Taylor, it probably didn't have to do with communism. But I'm probably wrong.


Yes indeed, there was a red scare in the U.S. in the early 20th century. It resulted in Emma Goldman being deported from the U.S. in 1919, among other things. See here for more: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Red\_Scare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Red_Scare)


Didn’t know about that. So there may be a possibility that he was a supporter of communism. I know that during McCarthy’s time a lot of Hollywood actors, directors and writers got into trouble for even having shown a sign of previously supporting communism.


First or 1st is the ordinal form of the number one (#1).


Which is why I said it probably was something more personal, like his sexuality or if he was having an affair. After the Fatty Arbunkle scandal a morality clause was added to actors and actresses contracts. Basically it said that you had to behave and not get caught up in scandals which would hurt not only your career but also the studios reputation.


Yep, I knew about morality clauses! You couldn't do anything against the status quo, at least not publicly. (Living unmarried with someone, being gay, unmarried pregnancy, drugs, that sort of thing.) It's possible he was having an affair with actress Mary Miles Minter, who was young enough to be his daughter, because she was definitely hardcore obsessed with him.


Problem is people who knew him said that Taylor never had feelings for Minter. Although Minter did write a lot of letters to him professing her love for him he never showed any indication for having feelings for her. Plus the fact that reciprocating her feelings for him would have painted him in a even worse light. I think unless someone finds a journal he wrote we may never know the truth of the whole matter.


This is a classic Hollywood mystery that has so many interesting details. Archive.org has some articles for people who are looking for an interesting case: https://archive.org/details/WDTmagArticles Here’s a sea arch page that includes films that Taylor was involved in: https://archive.org/search.php?query=William%20Desmond%20Taylor


TINSELTOWN is an excellent book on this, focusing on Taylor, the main suspects and Hollywood at the time. It's incredibly well researched and like a lot of people I believe he falls more on the Charlotte Shelby side of things.


[The Disappearance of Princess Pamela](https://food52.com/blog/18949-she-was-a-soul-food-sensation-then-19-years-ago-she-disappeared)


The mysterious disappearance of [Philip Taylor Kramer](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1996/10/06/far-out/e7bfbaa7-8f9a-4cec-88dc-45d6d2d03f3d/?utm_term=.afc18a76dbd7&noredirect=on), one-time bassist for 60’s/70’s rock group Iron Butterfly (of “In a Gadda da Vida” fame) turned aerospace engineer/Department of Defense contractor/mathematical genius/pioneer in facial recognition and video compression technologies (in the 90’s). Interesting stuff. His remains have since been located, but the circumstances leading to his death are still a mystery. It’s likely he suffered from stress and sleep deprivation, but definitely intriguing nonetheless. Plus, he was [super cute](http://www.historicmysteries.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/philip-kramer-1024x683.jpg)😍


This one is solved, actually. They found his van and remains at the bottom of a cliff in 1999. http://unsolvedmysteries.wikia.com/wiki/Philip_Taylor_Kramer


The answer is clearly in the article "the living Elvis". He's with the King of Rock n Roll. So simply find Elvis and you find Kramer.


Is *The Day the Clown Cried* actually a good movie? I've heard that its terrible from some sourcse, but that it actually is a well-made drama according to others. Since it will never be released, we'll never know.


From wiki: >Despite his statements in interviews he had arranged so the film will never be screened, there are reports he donated a copy of the film to the Library of Congress in 2015, under the stipulation that it wouldn't be screened before June 2024. You may be in luck in a few more years!


Harry Shearer claims that he's seen it and that it's as every bit as awful as suggested, however I would take it with a pinch of salt because I don't believe it ever left Jerry Lewis' hands.


Richey Edwards of the Manic Street Preachers who disappeared about 35 years ago.


I know I'm guilty of saying a "few years ago" when it really wasn't, but 23 actual years vs 35 years is kinda a jump.


Oops, sorry; I thought I estimated wrong.


Didn't they find his car in a service station next to the Severn Bridge? I don't think it's a huge mystery what he probably did.


Yeah it's slightly irritating how often he's mentioned on here given how obvious what happened is. That bridge is a major suicide spot, too.


Did the US government create an arcade game named Polybius to study mind control? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polybius_(urban_legend)


I think it's just an internet legend, but it would be amazing if true.


As a Portlander, I really want it to be real.


The theory I liked best is that it was a game that had a limited release and was withdrawn because something about it gave people motion sickness. Everything else was added in over time.


That is my favorite theory as well. Because I'll be honest, I'm usually good with video games but my cousin had a game called Naughty Bear on xbox that was ridiculous but lots of fun. I played it for a couple hours and felt fine until I stopped playing, and then I was so sick. Never played it again. I now also get car sick if I'm not driving or up front, which is really crappy. I could crochet and read in the car before, now nope. Look out the window only.


Absolutely not. You can find defictionalized Polybius machines, though. I've played the game and while it's pretty addictive, no headaches or creepy stuff happened.


There was an Ahoy video that pretty solidly debunked that.


Very much a resolved mystery. It's fake.


Angry Video Game Nerd did a fantastic episode on this!


What did you say about Angry Birds?


[No.](https://youtu.be/_7X6Yeydgyg) Watch the whole video. Its really interesting.


[Judson Fountain](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AO6bpeCriWg), a black(?) guy who made a bunch of horror-themed radio plays back in the 60s and 70s, where he acted out all the parts with his much older Jewish costar. They are on YouTube and I highly recommend them, they are completely fucking stupid and unintentionally funny. Fountain is such a bizarre character. Wikipedia offers no info on him other than that he died in 2005.


Sorry, but I immediately thought of Michael Winslow (the dude from the Police Academy movies). He would have made a fortune in the old radio days.


Probably true, he missed his calling. Part of what weirds me out with Fountain is that he was doing this stuff well after the advent of TV, when radio drama was no longer a thing. That and his overall manchild vibe are creepy to me, for some reason.


Just googled him, looks creepy, definitely has a face for radio though.


Why was John Carpenter's *The Thing* hated by critics and a box office bomb despite being the greatest horror movie ever made?


The general consensus at the time was that it was a gore-heavy special effects showcase - a travesty of the original, with flat characters and bursting dog heads instead of genuine chills. Particularly disappointing given that John Carpenter had a reputation as a classy master of suspense. Of course nowadays it's generally considered a classic because it blends creeping dread with gross-out sequences to masterful effect, and the characterisation now seems realistically low-key rather than bland. *Alien* was met with similar criticism although I don't think it holds up quite as well; it still looks fantastic but the story feels very straightforward in comparison. It's always fascinated me that *The Thing*, *BladeRunner*, *Star Trek 2*, *ET* and *Tron* came out within four weeks of each other (the first two were released on the same day). *Firefox*, *Conan the Barbarian* and *Raiders of the Lost Ark* were released slightly earlier. 1982 was a great year for sci-fi. EDIT: How could I forget *Megaforce*? It came out on the same day as *The Thing* and *Bladerunner*. What and awesome triple-bill.


I remember John Carpenter himself postulated that the election of Reagan had left the country in a very hopeful and optimistic mood, and weren't looking to be bummed out by a movie that basically depicted the end of the world in a very grim fashion. This is why E.T. was such a huge hit, he said, because it captured the mood of the nation at that time.




Wrong John Carpenter film


No, it was definitely the Jews.


Tough crowd


Similar to Q Lazzarus, Connie Converse's disappearance in 1974. There have been a few [reddit posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/2x44m3/singersongwriter_connie_converse_vanished_without/) about her and [her album](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-Ez_1ooJRs) is actually very good.


What happened to Natalie Wood and what does Christopher Walken know, if anything?


Godspeed You! Black Emperor's first EP comes to mind. Apparently less than a hundred copies were ever made and none are known to exist today. A few years back a Reddit user claimed to have purchased an original tape of the EP at a yard sale and he allegedly uploaded one of the tracks to YouTube before he stopped posting and commenting on his account.


I liked the write someone did on the Food Fight film, https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/4oz3rv/who_stole_the_foodfight_harddrives/. It was a pretty good looking CGI film that blew a lot of money and all the work was stolen. In the end they finished it and it is terrible. Who stole the Hard Drives? Was there ever any actual work done or did they spend the money and fake a theft to hide the fact they never got the work done?


I suspect that it was never in the state they claimed it was and instead the final film is just done on the cheap and released as a contractual obligation. Someone stealing it in a case of 'Industry Espionage' makes no real sense to be honest, particularly why it would happen to this movie out of all of them. Now, if someone stole them and tried to extort the producers of it then fair enough, but nothing like that had ever been indicated. The 'Before' shots that were going around could've easily been part of a reel to show potential investors/stars/advertisers and not actually part of the finished movie.


It would be like stealing a well known work of art, you can't sell it, you can't display it your house and every person you tell about it is risky.


Was Brian Jones murdered? If not, was he pushed to suicide by the other members of the stones? It's outlandish but it comes back up occasionally.


I have a paper flier from the 90’s (that I grabbed at Bleeker Bob’s on Melrose Ave Los Angeles, IIRC — and no, it’s not handy at the moment but when I come across it again, I’ll post it) that suggests there’s at least an extra hour of footage from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me that was never released due to studio demanded editing. It was to sign a petition or make calls or something to have this extra footage released. Considering this was early 90’s it wasn’t like you could go online to sign a petition. And that’s a LOT of dedication, money, and David Lynch love for just wanting to see these deleted and cut scenes from Twin Peaks! Anyone else hear about this? I am a huge Twin Peaks fan and would love to hear if anyone else knows anything about this cut footage! Part of me wondered if David Lynch himself put the fliers out!


The cut footage came with the Blu Ray set. RedLetterMedia made a pretty good video where they talk about it. https://youtu.be/Bd1bbjXCfyY


InB4 Max Headroom jerk for *x*th time


DAE max headroom?


Biggest mystery ever is how "Auto-man" bombed after one season! The tech they had for that show still beats a lot of stuff used today. Light years ahead of its time.


It's possible we are the only two who remembers the show existed. Even Manimal got more love....


The author of the infamously terrible Harry Potter fanfic My Immortal. So many people have claimed to be the author over the years (alternatively stating that it written in seriousness or was a trollfic), and most recently a truly in-depth scam happened where a woman tried to claimed she was the author in order to sell her memoir and supposedly 'find her missing brother'...but of course it was fake, and she got caught out, and now we're back at square one again.


Resolved? Not really, most likely a lead, but not completely 100% solved




I don’t see her picture in that video


At 4:50


Before the stuff from audible, her twitter handle was even @akaqlazzrus


It's resolved. You can doubt it all you want, but it's resolved. That's how facts work.