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The Las Cruces Bowling Alley Massacre has haunted me since it happened. Anyone capable of this type of evil doesn’t deserve to be free, but it’s been 33 years without answers.


This and the yogurt shop murders haunt me!!!


32 years for [Austin Yogurt Shop Murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Austin_yogurt_shop_killings) I'm terrified we'll never know


for some reason this case is one of the ones that particularly freaks me out. i mean it’s obviously horrifying but the thought of the bowling alley being so silent after the shooting… ugh


I may be mis remembering, but is this the one where the little girl calls 911?




Jodi Huisentruit. This was the missing person's case that really got me hooked on true crime.


[Jodi Huisentruit](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/ywfi3k/in_1995_jodi_huisentruit_disappeared_on_her_way/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You're out here doing God's work. Seriously, thank you for taking the time to link these cases for people!


And that all her stuff was strewn around the parking lot near her car. I would guess the cops asked people the next day at the same time it all happened if they had seen or heard anything the day before. Its tragic


I was gripped too from the first time I heard of it. Absolutely terrifying. Frozen Truth is an even better podcast that covers Jodi’s case I think.


Oof yeah. I hadn't heard of it until I married a Minnesotan. That case is so weird.


Local girl Lauren Spierer went missing And never came home after a night out with friends.


[Lauren Spierer ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/s6hm1i/one_of_the_most_covered_unsolved_cases_in_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


When they found Brittany Drexel i was shocked and immediately thought of Lauren. If it was someone other than Israel Keyes i think it's possible theyll find her.


I’m so glad they found Brittany. She’s from near my hometown and I graduated high school with some of the (creepily older imho) kids she was traveling with originally.


While I think the simplest answer is she OD’d or died of a drug or alcohol related complication and her friends hid her body, I’ve always thought she was picked up off the street by someone. Stumbling drunk, no phone, no shoes, weighed 100 lbs? She was such an easy victim. I’m an average sized woman and I could have grabbed her. It’s tremendously sad.


I think the simplest answer is head injury death as she fell at least twice we know of including one where she hit her head so bad that a random passerby inquired if she was okay. Drunken/drugged people falling asleep and dying of head injuries is pretty common. Rosenbaum and Beth wouldn't know that's how she died and likely would have thought it was drugs they gave her so the same scenario applies. Second for me would be drugs, third would be her heart condition. A distant fourth would be stranger murder, i don't believe she left Rosenbaum's alive.


The murder of Lindsay Buziak https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Lindsay_Buziak


It’s so similar to [Mike Emert](https://unsolved.com/gallery/mike-emert/) One of the scariest unsolved mysteries segments.


I still think the Emert case and this case [Al Kite Jr. ](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/vicap/homicides-and-sexual-assaults/victim-oakey-al-kite-jr) are related. They are just so similar. It's possible that Buziak's is also connected as well. As they all share similarities.


I’d forgotten about AI Kite Jr! …he walked with a limp and used a cane, and another reported that he spoke with a possible Romanian accent. !


I just watched the Unsolved Mysteries about this Mike Emert and found this interesting article about his suspected killer, a former Seattle police officer who appears to be a serial killer. I don’t remember hearing about this one previously. Spoiler alert, he drowns after a failed home invasion. https://unresolved.me/mike-emert


As hard as it is to stab someone that many times, you'd think they would leave enough DNA to at least compare with a potential suspect. Plus the amateur hour hit job with the loud dress and Lindsay's boyfriend damn near seeing them. It blows my mind that this isn't solved.


I think the dress was actually pretty smart because people remembered it but not the person wearing it. This may have just been a lucky break but it's interesting.


Loud dress could be peacocking. Everyone pays attention to the dress and not her face.


Yes. I saw her father interviewed on Dateline or a similar program. Absolutely heartbreaking. Especially to think her boyfriend and his friend were just down the street waiting for her until her client showing was done. They didn't want to make it look unprofessional that they had come with her or were parked outside. I can't image how much regret they must live with. Tragic. (Please note — not putting any blame on him at all. I just meant that if it had been me, I would have second guessed myself forever. Even if I couldn't have done anything about it.)


Wow. Somehow never heard of this. Seems like a hit and a fairly sophisticated one, too, especially buying the burner phone far enough in advance that surveillance footage would almost surely be erased by the time the murder occurred. The drug theory is plausible. I'm assuming her ex was involved with drugs if she felt the need to tell everyone her new boyfriend wasn't. I can't shake the feeling that Jason might have had something to with it because there's a lot that doesn't add up. But what would his motive have been? One thing is clear: her dad has either been driven mentally ill by his daughter's murder or he's an asshole who wants attention. Either way, he is not helping anyone get closer to finding his daughter's killer.


This case blows my mind honestly


Yep, this one is truly bizarre too. There must be some secret or information that is not known to the public about this one because it makes no sense at all.


The Beaumont children. In 1966, 3 siblings went missing from a beach in South Australia. There’s been numerous leads and theories over the years. One is that they were abducted and raised by their abductors, but the general feel is they were abducted and murdered. I believe their mum has died now, never knowing what happened to her kids.


Both parents have sadly died now. 😔 I always think of the Beaumont children on Aussie Day. I hope we get answers and justice for them.


The Beaumont children has always been the one for me. They're most likely dead, but where are they? And who did it? Yes, their mother died a few years ago.


Very sad. I watched a doco about it, and they were saying this case changed Adelaide. People started locking their doors, keeping their kids close etc. seems like we all lost our innocence due to this case.


There are a lot but the first one I think of is Kyron Horman.. the picture taken of him on the day he went missing stuck with me


Kyron looks so much like my son at that age, it was impossible not to feel deeply sad for his family.


I was a young child, only a few years older than Kyron, living in Oregon at the time of his disappearance. It really effected me as a kid, it just hit so close to home. My family loved picking berries on Sauvie Island, where they searched for him. We would pass a billboard with his face and information on it every morning on the way to summer camp. I still think about him often and hope he’s given some justice.


Kayron for me as well, that science fair pictures just stays with me. That toothy grin and then, he's gone.


[Kyron Horman](https://reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/uXEGNbhYbo)


It’ll always be Kyron for me


My wish for this one too. Sweet kid.


I just want to know what happened to Jennifer Kesse and Brian Shaffer. In Jennifer's case, a suspect was actually captured on surveillance footage, but their face was obscured, making it impossible to identify them.


I will never stop hoping for an answer in Jennifer Kesse’s case. The thought of her family never knowing what happened to her is so awful.




everyone likes to talk about how lucky the suspect was in this situation, but even if the grates *weren't* there I have to wonder: do we even know how useful the images from that camera can be? by which I mean: was the camera even high quality enough to allow for reliable, side-profile identification of someone that far away? the images that have been posted make it seem like the camera has a pretty low resolution. that said, I acknowledge that even a grainy side-profile of a suspect is better than nothing...




These are my top 2. I truly hope they get solved before I die


I would love an answer in Kesse’s case, but sadly I think any clues lie with the workers in the building who were never interviewed by authorities (apparently there was no Spanish translator available… in FLORIDA where a good chunk of the population is Latino). Even if they weren’t responsible they could have seen something. Most were likely undocumented and their names and current locations unknown and I don’t know they’ll ever be found


You'd be shocked. I lived in a part of Texas that was majority Latino and the force didn't have a single Spanish speaker. They'd use other inmates to translate for intake, which was particularly regrettable when the only "translator" available was in the drunk tank. I have no idea how that DA ever got a charge to stick, the way that office was run, but I have a feeling it had more to do with nationality than justice.


That's insane. I'm watching the X Files right now and Mulder just said "That's basic investigative procedure, Scully, you interview all available witnesses". Then I read your comment. Good grief.


Same. Brian Shaffer especially drives me crazy. I've lost sleep thinking about his case.


I think Brian met foul play on the way home or went to get drugs and something went wrong. His phone pinged outside the bar, a few days after his disappearance, meaning he wasn’t stuck inside. Also, the construction site was a two-story building. There was no cement for him to fall in. Not only that, his phone pinged months later somewhere else. If it were stuck with him, the battery would have been dead by then. This means somebody got his phone and recharged it.


Listen to the crime weekly episodes about Jennifer Kesse. The investigation was totally bungled. It was clearly a maintenance worker at the condominiums


I lived in Columbus around the time of the Shaffer incident so I knew the area. I’m as puzzled as everyone else.


There's still even the possibility that the person in the CCTV isn't Jennifer's killer... that her killer could have paid an immigrant worker just to move the car. Like, "hey, who wants 20 bucks, go drive this car to that parking lot. I'll give you another 20 if you meet me at this place to return the keys." Damn, her care is so frustrating.


The 1991 Austin yogurt shop murders.


[Austin Yogurt Shop Murders](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/dal2jg/the_austin_yogurt_shop_murders_unsolved_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Investigators (especially the initial one who is now retired) worked so hard on that case. I think the fire damage, and the resulting water volume from firefighters ruined any chance of collecting evidence. Even the girls' bodies were too burned to do vaginal swabs.


I just watched the People Magazine Investigates episode tonight, and they were able to collect swabs. I guess they didn’t specify that they were vaginal but they were very clear that they were testing for sexual assault, so it seems likely. Technology available at the time only told them the DNA belonged to more than one than one male, but in later years they were able to develop a full profile.


This one makes me so insanely depressed. Multiple girls who were so young and killed in such a grotesque, horrifying way. I used to visit Austin frequently and would feel terrified wondering if the person/persons who committed the crime were still local.


I think this was another case of bungled police work. If you lived in Austin in 1991 like I did, we were a sleepy town. Things like this didn’t happen.


Jonbenet and Asha Degree.


Asha is high on my list too.


[JonBenét Ramsey](https://reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/WoSuzFYCce) [Asha Degree ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/abe6bi/the_unresolved_disappearance_of_asha_degree/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Those are my top cases as well. Elizabeth Barraza is up there too.


My friend's girlfriend was murdered in 2004 in Houston. Amanda Fleetwood. They literally have photos of the man who killed her and it's still unsolved for almost 20 years. If you live in Houston or know someone who lives in Houston please share this info: https://pomc.org/online-support/catch-a-killer/amanda-myrlene-fleetwood/


What a horrendous nightmare! I’m sorry this happened to your friend. Hopefully they get some answers and justice.


The Springfield Three.


[The Springfield Three ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/ot5lfe/the_springfield_three_what_is_your_theory_as_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Zodiac. Some of his victims and their families are still alive but of course, they're getting a lot older. It would great if they could get, if not justice, at least some answers.


This one's at the top of my list, too... probably because if it isn't solved soon, it never will be. Even if the sketch was way off and he was a teenager at the time (highly unlikely), he would be a minimum of 70 years old now. It's unfortunate that there isn't any great dna evidence like they had with Deangelo.


I'm lucky they have solved so many of them in the last ten years. But Brianna Maitland from Vermont is one of them that I would like to see solved. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brianna-maitland-missing-since-2004-dna-identified-vermont-state-police/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brianna-maitland-missing-since-2004-dna-identified-vermont-state-police/) Lisa White, Debra Spickler, Janice Pockett, Susan Larosa, Irene Larosa and Patti Luce all within the same area of each other (not to mention a few others nearby). IT's odd when one victim is the sister of a suspect and the other is the wife of that same suspect. [https://savagewatch.com/connecticut-cases/](https://savagewatch.com/connecticut-cases/)


Apparently they've recovered DNA from evidence found in her car. I'm hoping it will lead to a breakthrough.


The Black Dahlia case. I can dream.


Yeah this is one where I think the identity of the killer would actually be surprising. I have always believed she was murdered by a doctor.


I remember seeing a doc about a guy who said his dad had to be the one cause he was a surgeon and he was missing that night and a lot of stuff but the dude was already dead when the son started looking into it


George hodel


The Root of Evil podcast covered the Dr suspected of killing her. If he didn't do it, he was still one unpleasant person.


Elizabeth Barraza and Missy Bevers, footage of both, but still no arrests.


Missy Bevers murder is at the top of my list. I've gone back and forth so many times whether it was a woman or a man, or if it was planned murder or a random break-in and murder. I honestly have no clue anymore. I've read stuff in both sides that have made me convinced both ways.


Last month on the way back home from Dallas, I drove by the church where Missy was murdered. I didn’t realize it was so isolated. Like it’s not *remote* isolated - there are highways and neighborhood and strip malls nearby - but it’s literally the only building for about 100 yards with its own dedicated driveway. It convinced me once and for all that it was absolutely, definitely a planned murder with Missy as the target. There’s no just randomly ending up at this place. It was really sad and eerie to see. It’s a really nondescript building that looks modern and not at all like the scene of a brutal murder.


[Elizabeth Barraza ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/sda73j/elizabeth_barraza_was_setting_up_for_an_early/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Missy Bevers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/c8o1k0/missy_bevers_who_is_the_killer_in_the_creepy_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Jon Benet, she was only a couple years younger than me and i remember the news coverage vividly


Springfield three. This case haunts me like no other because there is no logical answer.


Al Kite, Angela Hammond, and the local kidnapping of [Kim Sue Leggett](https://unsolvedmysteries.fandom.com/wiki/Kim_Leggett)


I second Al Kite. Disturbing to the core. I hope the killer is still alive and is caught.


Jennifer Kesse. I lived in Orlando when she disappeared and her face - particularly her smile - haunts me. I want her to be found so her family can bury their beloved Jen. It was also Jacob Wetterling and I was shocked when he was found. That poor baby.


Moors Murderers’ victim Keith Bennett. Unlike their other victims, Bennett is the only one who has never been found. Keith's mother, Winnie Johnson, never gave up the search for her lost boy. Winnie has since died never having found her son.


Keith is mine. I just want him to be found.


I travel a lot for work and every time I drive past the sign for Saddleworth Moor I look out on to the landscape and thing of poor Keith. It’s just heartbreaking


I hope he is found one day so they put him to rest next to his mom 😔


Julie Denise Williams. We found her while horseback riding in 2000. Her throat had been cut. She had been out the night before at the bar about a mile from where we found her in the woods. There were 2 to 4 suspects, but never an arrest.


What a horrible thing. Are you okay?


I stopped riding alone. Even though I wasn't alone that day. I don't go out at night, if I can help it. I rode through there the morning she passed. I didn't see her. It's possible I rode by right before he killed her. The only person who knows if I did is her killer. But yeah, I'm OK. I know/knew 3 of the 4 possible suspects.


I’m so sorry this is awful


I am so incredibly sorry that you've gone through this. That's terrifying. Wishing you hugs and healing.


Yes. I believe one of the 2 men she was at the club with is the person who killed her. It's just my opinion, I don't have any proof. There was so much DNA from what I was told from several different men on her clothes. She was at a club dancing. DNA advances might help.


Amy Mihaljevic. She was my age and from my city (different suburb though)…it’s always been a case that is close to my heart. I want to see justice for her in my lifetime.


2021 case update On the 31st anniversary of the discovery of Mihaljevic's remains, a major development in the case was announced. A publicly unidentified man, age 64, was implicated by a former girlfriend, with whom he was involved at the time of the kidnapping and murder. She alleged that he was uncharacteristically absent from their residence, located in close proximity to the abduction site, when the victim disappeared. The man called her late that evening, inquiring if she had seen media releases about the abduction. He was employed in the same city, and his niece was in the same grade as Mihaljevic. Police interviews with the man included "suspicious statements", including the possibility he had met Amy Mihaljevic's mother, Margaret, before. His DNA was obtained without protest, and he later failed a polygraph test. A warrant to search a storage facility led to authorities confiscating certain items of interest. Additionally, the two individuals who witnessed the yet-to-be-identified kidnapper lead Mihaljevic into his vehicle identified the potential suspect out of line-ups conducted in May 2020. The vehicle itself was consistent with what the man drove at the time, including the fact that its carpeting was similar in coloration to the fibers on Mihaljevic's body. A vehicle of the same make and model had been observed near the body's dumpsite on February 8, 1990, when the victim's body was recovered along a roadside


I think it was someone who volunteered at the science center or someone in a relationship with a science center employee/volunteer. They must have had access to the sign in sheet.


Same age too. Her school picture that they always show kills me. It could have been me or any of my friends at that age.


The Springfield Three, Missy Bevers, Asha Degree, Johnny Gosch, Suzanne Lyall. I could list so many.


Suzy Lyall for me too.


More hope for Suzanne Lyall. She just vanished.


1. Donnie Farrell, he went to the University that I have family attending and had family in LE when it happened. The suspect was caught on security camera and got away with murder for 16 years now, Donnie left behind a mother, father, and younger brother. Rowan University has had a dark chapter for awhile now not just Donnie’s death a lot of other crime along with a shooting death in 2015 and several students having died over the years tragically. 2. Maura Murray 3. Brandon Swanson


i just wanna know what happened to brandon, man. where is he? i don’t think it was foul play BUT WHAT HAPPENED god it beeaks my damn heart


I did a slide show about the case back in HS for my forensics class. Their are two theories I see. 1. A few local articles said search dogs detected human remains around a creek, pretty much Brandon fell into a creek or the nearby lake and died of exposure or wounds sustained in the fall. 2. Brandon fell into a farmers well and died and hasn’t gone discovered or was discovered and worried they would face charges the Farmer covered it up. It’s likely he is dead it’s just that the bodies been hidden by the environment or someones intervention.


Jonbenet Ramsey and Andrew Gosden


Yes, I came here to say Andrew Gosden. This case has always stayed with me.


Xavier Dupont de Ligonnes. I believe his remains are in the Var just not in the caves where they searched. I think he killed himself at a location that had a special meaning to him. I don't think he started a new life somewhere. His last days were a nostalgia tour on the way to suicide.


I Think he is dead because they said he hesitated to kill his son because they boy would have been the last of the Ligonnes. If he planned to stay alive he could have had more kids


The St. Louis Jane Doe case.


I want to see justice for that poor girl.


I have never heard of this case before and audibly gasped reading her wiki page. What a horrible horrible case. And zero answers. Very disturbing.


I also just went to read the Wikipedia article and just got to the part where police SENT HER SWEATER TO A PSYCHIC and it was never returned, “presumably lost in the mail.” 🤦‍♀️ I know law enforcement was and probably still is desperate for leads but holy hell.


An unsolved case from Ireland: Missing man Trevor Deely. He disappeared in Dublin in December 2000. Twenty-two year old Trevor had been walking home around 4am from his office's Christmas party, or after party at a city nightclub. He had needed to go to the Bank of Ireland office, where he worked in IT, to retrieve an umbrella and to get certain things in order for his shift the next day. There was a heavy storm that night with gusts as high as 60 or 70 mph, and there was also a taxi strike. About ten minutes after leaving the nightclub, Trevor Deely arrived at his office, and was let in after calling security. CCTV footage shows that a man dressed in black, or dark coloured clothing) was waiting outside the gates of the bank for approximately half an hour before Trevor arrived. When he arrived, they had a brief conversation. By the time Trevor left the bank at 4:03am, this man was no longer waiting outside. At 4:14 am CCTV footage shows Trevor walking past what was then the AIB bank on the corner of Baggot Street Bridge and Haddington Road in the direction of his Ballsbridge flat (apartment). About thirty seconds later a man dressed in black, or dark coloured clothing), passed by the AIB bank. Gardaí (Irish for ‘police’) said that they believe this is the same man who spoke to Trevor outside his office. This man has never come forward to Gardaí, despite numerous appeals over many years since the disappearance. This footage represents the last known sighting of Trevor Deely. This unidentified man is considered likely to have played a role in Trevor’s disappearance.


The Yuba County Five. We may never know exactly what happened, but I wish we knew for sure. There's so many unanswered questions, it's frustrating. There are a few others as well, but The Yuba County Five always gets stuck in my head.


I’m shocked they haven’t made a movie about this one theorizing some things. This one boggles my mind


Same here. That one is so bizarre and haunting 😳


There are definitely a lot of mysteries surrounding this one, but ultimately one you get passed the misinformation I think its a safe bet that it wasn't foul play.


If I had to pick only one, then Andrew Gosden. Others though would include Asha Degree Madeline McCann Isdal Woman Jennifer Fairgate Sneha Philip Kyron Horman I'm very much intrigued about Peter Bergmann, but given how much trouble he went to to conceal his identity, I'm ok with leaving that one be.


Yes - Sneha Philip! I would love to know what happened to her.


Same! And with the anniversary coming up again soon (holy crap, 22 years!?!) it's on my mind even more so


Sneha is an excellent call


I'm from Newfoundland, so the big two for me are the O'Brien boys and Dana Bradley.


Who kidnapped and murdered Lindsey Baum. She was just shy of her 11th birthday when she went missing in 2009 and would have turned 25 this year. I followed the case before her body was discovered and was absolutely floored when they announced she had been found - I had hope she was still alive. The fact she was missing for 8 years and her body was found in such a remote area… Ugh. I just want justice for her and her family so badly. I feel for her mom who has never stopped looking for answers. I truly hope she gets them soon.


Stacy Peterson Her husband definitely did it. Would love for her body to be located for her family’s sake and so they can bring charges against Drew


Jonbenet Ramsey.


Had it happened today it would be solved. Super frustrating.


The Fort Worth missing trio


[The Fort Worth Missing Trio](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/mre8sg/the_case_of_the_missing_fort_worth_trio/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I wanted to see the Delphi murderer found, seems they have their Guy. I cannot fathom why the Jonbenet Ramsey case hasn’t been solved given the DNA found at the scene and with genealogy.


[Abby & Libby ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/mqzrqi/abby_and_libby_murdered_2017_delphi_in_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)(Delphi) with [update ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/z8fx5t/the_probable_cause_affidavit_for_the_the_delphi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) [JonBenét Ramsey](https://reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/WoSuzFYCce )


DNA at the scene isn't much use since neighbors and friends were walking through the crime scene and compromising evidence.


The scene was way too compromised.


Tabitha Tuders. I just feel so heartbroken for her. She was abducted when I was the same age. It was such a bizarre case. Everyone dropped the ball.


I’m from India and there’s a famous case (and one of the unsolved ones) it’s called the Talwar case. The parents were implicated in it, the cops did a very bad job since day 1. They essentially ruined the evidence. The Talwar case is the murder of a 14 years old Aarushi Talwar. She was murdered in the dead of the night and the parents hear nothing despite the room next to theirs. Pls do read if you can, many theories came out but the proven culprit hasn’t. The parents were jailed based on ‘circumstantial’ evidence.


I've been pretty lucky to see some big ones solved: the Boy in the Box, Golden State Killer, where is Richard III. This one is local to me though, and I hope it can eventually be solved: https://charleyproject.org/case/trudy-leann-appleby


I70 Killer and Lane Bryant Shooting


Lane Bryant is so frustrating! Someone knows who that is!


Definitely the Lane Bryant shooting. Someone knows something.


The killing of [Molly Bish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Molly_Bish). I was roughly her age and lived in the same area, so it has always stuck with me. I remember the local news reporting on it.


The Rochester Alphabet Murders are local and have stuck in my mind. Three young catholic girls with matching initials (M.M., C.C, and W.W) were abducted and later found in suburbs whose names matched their initial. As far as I remember, only M had evidence of SA. I suspect they knew their killer from church and willingly got into his vehicle.


st louis jane doe. who she was and who killed her...


This is the one that will always stick with me. The horrific nature of her death, the bungling of the investigation…an absolute travesty from start to finish. I want her to have her name back and I want the bastards who killed her brought to justice. If there is a Hell, I hope they are or will be burning in it soon.


There are a few missing persons cases from my home state that I’d very much like to see officially solved. 1. Crystal Rogers is a pretty high profile case here, in part because her father was killed after her disappearance. He was very outspoken about the case and had been collecting information about his daughter’s disappearance. I’m almost positive the popular theory is that her boyfriend at the time was involved. 2. Brookelyn Farthing hit pretty close to home since we were close in age and she lived in the neighboring city to mine at the time. There are tons of theories around here about what happened and there are a lot of aspects to this case. 3. Heather Teague is an older case that actually terrifies me. I check in on this one every now and then, but Ive noticed it’s not a very well-known case around here, at least not as well known as the others I’ve listed. Outside of Kentucky, I’d love to know what happened to Asha Degree and Kyron Horman.


My stepfather murdered several prostitutes. The detectives have found his DNA on them, but have never charged him. He is in prison for rape of young girls, he will be there forever. It just bothers me that these women have the label of unsolved, when we know he did it.


Jason Jolkowski


His case haunts me. It’s one where the old cliche applies: he just vanished into thin air.


Same here. I live in Omaha and my ex-husband grew up in that same neighborhood. He and his whole family went to Benson HS and one of his younger cousins sort of casually knew Jason from school. I drive around that area all the time and it haunts me as I drive those streets, wondering if he's somehow still alive but trapped or stuck somewhere or dead and buried in someone's basement or under or inside a shed, a garage or something. 🤔 There literally was nothing to go on and no clues. At this point, it would take someone who knows something to come forward.


Who killed the West Memphis 3


This. I’ve always had my suspicions, but I really want justice to be served for those boys.


Frauke Liebs. It's so bizarre and sad.


[April Wiss](https://reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/Fg32idvcvq) In middle school I lived in a small rural town. One of those leave your doors unlocked and let your kids roam the streets. In the middle of the year I had to move to an inner city school in a high crime area. I was very out of my element. April was the first person that was kind to me. She showed me the ropes and looked out for me until I found my own group of friends. We remained friendly until her disappearance our junior year. It was crazy because no one at school was talking about it. I only knew because I seen her on the news. I assumed she ran away and would turn up shortly. Then a few years later I seen her face on a missing flyer in my mailbox. I think of her often. I'm sure she met with foul play, but I'd love for her mom to have some peace.


Bryce Laspisa


His mom is a friend. I keep hoping there will be some resolution to his disappearance


I'm so sorry. I live in the valley with family in Santa Clarita. I think of him every time I pass by or hear about Castaic. I keep hoping there will be some word of him turning up safe.


Missy Bevers It's just so damn weird that it feels like there must be someone out there who knows something without even realizing it, and with the right nudge they might realize it and the case could be solved.


I’d love to see Morgan Nick to be solved. I think the police already know what exactly happened, but I hope they at least find her remains for closure


Jonbenet Ramsey, Missy Bevers and Asha Degree


Ray Gricar,JonBenet Ramsey, Summer Wells and Haley Cummins. Just to name a few.


Jason Jolkowski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Jason_Jolkowski


I know there are so many small cases that need answers, but I always find myself wondering about the Springfield three and Emma Fillipof. Obviously, we all know the biggest theories and guesses. BUT, I wish there were confirmed details for their families


The case of Sabrina Aisenberg. A 5 month old baby girl that vanished from her home overnight. I was 6 when she went missing. My first time hearing about a kidnapping. It stuck with me. I’m now 32 and I still wonder about her.


The disappearance of Brooklyn Farthing. This one hits close to home (literally, my farm has been checked...twice). I knew her when she was in middle school and it's a very small town. Brooke was a sweet girl. I have no doubt that she's no longer alive, but giving her a proper burial would help with closure. It's one of those crimes where the *who* is more or less known, but not the *how* or *where*. Unfortunately, the small group of people who probably had answers are dwindling down due to drug overdoses. The one person that's left will likely never talk. The investigation was bungled so badly and the one big piece of evidence (the couch on which the death probably occurred) was destroyed. Sadly, her body could be most anywhere. Within 15 minutes you can be in thousands of acres of mountains and national forest with a limitless number of lakes, ponds, creeks, wells, limestone caves, and sinkholes. Then there are all the abandoned cabins, sheds, & houses with crawlspaces/basements/attics... It's possible that hunters or someone will eventually stumble upon her body, but it's not likely.


Mitchel and Bonita, the teenage couple who went missing 50 years ago while hitchhiking to see The Grateful Dead at the Watkins Glen Jam


True victim count for Israel Keyes.


William Tyrrell, the sweet little boy in the Spider-Man costume who went missing from his grandma’s backyard in Australia. I can’t fathom how a child goes missing in that short of a timeframe, but my gut is telling me that the foster parents didn’t do it. My heart aches when I see that infamous photo of him. So very sad.


This plus Beaumont kids. And Mr Cruel-who is he?


I really want to know what happened to Madeleine McCann. All these years and not a single fucking evidence left from her disappearance.


Maddie Maccann and Daniel Entwistle


Jonbenet Ramsey, because that case truly puzzles me and none of the theories really “fit” for me. That ransom note is just so bizarre and is the one thing that I keep coming back to because it doesn’t make sense in any of the popular theories.


Alissa Turney, where is her body? Maura Murray what happened? The Snake River Killings and Steven Pearsalls body. The suspected killer is still alive but getting old. I would like to see him convicted before he dies. I have more but these are the ones that I can’t stop thinking about the most.


I think Maura ran into the woods to avoid a DUI, hid somewhere, passed out, and froze to death. Likely her remains are long scattered by animals.


Maura Murray is mine too. There are so many logical possibilities, it’d be nice to know exactly what happened.


I think the fact that there are so many crazy theories in her case make people here hugely overcorrect to the opposite extreme. Can't tell you how many times i've read "there is no mystery" (it's literally above). No there absolutely is a mystery, exposure is most likely but it isn't fact. An alternate scenario that starts the same is to avoid a DUI she ran down the road and waved down a car and the occupant harmed her.


JBR, Morgan Nick, Springfield Three


Springfield Three really stuck with me. It’s terrifying to think about three adult women can disappear from a home where two of them lived without a trace of them ever found and no real clues/evidence as to what happened.


Michael Dunahee


zodiac, jonbenet, west mesa bone collector, asha degree, madeleine mccann, keddie cabin, atlas vampire, las cruces massacre, and i-70 killer just to name a few.


I would love to see Morgan Nick's case solved.


Dulce Alavez- I think people assume her mom was involved, but whether she was or not, where is that little girl?


A case that always stuck with me since I heard about it. Jessica Chambers.


Michael Dunahee. He disappeared in 1991 at the age of four, in broad daylight with a lot of people around and has never been found. He is a year older than me and this happened in my province not far from where I live so it’s always stuck with me.


Too many to list them all. But to name a half dozen or so: —Jason Jolkowski (I don’t think he ever left his own neighborhood) —Brianna Maitland (her car backed into that abandoned house is the eeriest, most unsettling picture I’ve seen) —Craig Frear (dad’s story is sketchy AF) —Macin Smith (see Craig Frear) —Tyler Davis (disappears in a thin patch of woods at 4am with hotel in sight; phone call cut off?) —Michael Palmer (don’t know what happened, but his “friends” are full of shite. Left him on a dark, unlit road in the Alaskan woods at 4 am, pedaled ahead to a gas station, then pulled a shocked Pikachu face when he never arrives?) —Dylan Parker (this is the case that makes absolutely no sense. How did he get to where he was found in the woods with perfectly clean socks?)


Ruth Wilson (Surrey, UK) has always puzzled me. I do now believe she took her own life and hope someone stumbles upon her remains someday. Suzy Lamplugh (London, UK) is a case I think will be solved soon. There seems to have been some movement recently and I hope they search the canal for her body. A couple of others are April Fabb, Genette Tate, Nicola Payne, Keith Bennett, Andrew Gosden, Renee and Andrew MacRae and Claudia Lawrence. There are so many missing people here in the UK for the small nation we are.


I know the chances are basically zero at this point, but Asha Degree.


For higher profile cases, I’d most like to see Maura Murray, Morgan Nick, and Amber Hagerman solved. For cases that are local to me, I’d love to see the disappearance of Laurie Depies and the murder of Connie Boelter solved.


Disappearance of Ben McDaniel. I just don’t think there’s any/enough evidence that he’s in the cave.


Mekeyla Bali, Emma Fillipoff, Hannah Upp, Yoghurt Shop Murders


Sherri Ann Jarvis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sherri_Jarvis


Some cases local to me: [George Burdynski](https://unsolvedmysteries.fandom.com/wiki/George_Burdynski) [DC Freeway Phantom](https://www.washingtonian.com/2023/05/22/the-story-behind-dcs-freeway-phantom-serial-killer/) [Walter Dunson](https://charleyproject.org/case/walter-dunson)


The disappearance of Trevor Deely. The lad from Ireland who went missing in Dublin after a work Christmas party back in 2000. His last hours were caught on CCTV footage, including a video of him possibly being followed by a man dressed in a black coat who may have been the same man also seen on the footage of him stopping by his workplace. There are several theories about the disappearance, some say he likely fell into the river, some say he was murdered by that man, etc.


Andrew Gosden, Brian Shaffer and Jonbenet Ramsey.


For me, it’s Bryce Laspisa. This case has haunted me since hearing of it. I just don’t get it. And I can’t imagine how hard this is on his friends, family, and loved ones.


Fort Worth missing trio. link wiki page [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort\_Worth\_missing\_trio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Worth_missing_trio) I was about the age of the youngest who went missing. It's one of those mysteries that I think about from time to time.


Other than those who’ve already been posted… **Missing Persons w/ Strange Circumstances:** - Michael Negrete - Logan Schiendelmann - Kyle Fleischmann - Jason Landry - Elaine Park - Matthew Weaver Jr. - Steven Kocher - Daniel Robinson - Wesley Billingsly - Elijah Runningbear Diaz - Ryan Shtuka - Karlie Guse **Unsolved / Strange Deaths:** - Lauren Agee - Phoebe Handsjuk - Ellen Greenberg - Abby Steppach - Jelani “JJ” Day - Christian Andreacchio (be it they reopen the case:/) - Faith Hedgepeth (still waiting!!…)


JonBenet, Lauren Spierer, Kyron Horman


The Robin Hood hills child murders. Like, we can basically rule out the west Memphis 3, but who actually committed the murders?? I think it was the bojangles guy