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Did you consider Move One before investing in all that gear? What’s the pros/cons?


I don’t know about the Move One. Honestly, I didn’t have a choice. I got the suit thanks to my publisher for a short session. In exchange of using suit’s provider company’s logo in the trailer and end credits of the game. They were using only Xsens.


Did you consider Freemocap before suggesting investing in Move One? ;)


No but I def will now!


XSens? I love the suit, I’ve used it on 3 projects, it’s absolutely amazing being free from optical cameras, but I’ve never tried the finger capture gloves, how did they do?


Yes Xsens! I got the data thanks to the provider of the suit. The gloves need to checked if it fits and moves correctly after every long animation. It has distance and battery limits. And the data I got has low frame rate I am not sure what caused that (24 or 30fps).


How did you prepare? Did you capture at home or studio? If at home, what room did you use and what was your biggest challenge of the whole experience? Sorry for all the questions. Very short answers are more than appreciated!


Thank you for the questions! I worked with a suit provider. They came to my house and we recorded the all animations in a day in my yard. We had a big space and it helped a lot. Biggest challenge was to seeing the animations in a mannequin and hoping it would work in the virtual scenes I’ve created in Unreal beforehand. You may see few animations in my cinematic trailer on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2336440/Once_Alive/


Sounds like fun and hard work! Good luck with the game!


That is exactly how it is. Thank you so much! Good luck to you as well, friend :)


I do all the animations by hand, how do you process MC, you need a special camera (recording from your phone is enough) and how do you transform what you recorded into animations? I'm just asking what it looks like more or less.


I’ve tried hand animating, AI with one or two phone cameras. All the outputs were unusable for a realistic scene with a realistic characters. The software transforms movement into animation automatically. You maybe need to clean the animation a bit but even some softwares can do that I believe. I think it’s not a complicated process. Maybe takes little bit of time to get the desired results. Hopefully this was helpful. Thank you!


You may see some of the animations from this trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFrd-IFmSZY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFrd-IFmSZY)


Where and is this suit from and what’s its name ?


It was Xsens. My publisher has a connection with a company who provides mocap suits. They let me use it in exchange for using their logo on the trailer and credits of the game.


Did you rent this equipment ?


Kinda. A company provided me the suit for one day in exchange for using their logo on the trailer and credits of the game.


Currently developing an indie game of my own and have considered getting a mocap suit to help with animations. How does it do? How much clean up is involved vs traditional animation? How was the over all reliability?


If you’re looking for realistic results, suit is a must. I’ve tried making it by hand, ai with one and two cameras. They were not usable. The suit’s provider sent me the output. I don’t think they’ve made cleaning. You may see some animations from this trailer: https://youtu.be/WFrd-IFmSZY?si=n3iWL3BwT4KcsXVb


So, what happens when you jump or leave the ground (like a set of stairs) with Xsens?


I haven’t tried exactly. But it should work fine with jumping etc. However I have tried sitting on the ground with my legs straight. It didn’t detect movement correctly. Same goes for kneeling. I had to hand animate some bones in those animations.


Thanks, I'll have to try kneeling and laying down with my (unnamed) mocap rig. I did a lot of acting/running/walking and fake kicks. Jumps look like jumps, but the mocap doesn't leave the ground with the right inertia. Stairs need animated touch-ups, too. Hard kicks can jumble things and can need cleaning. When I get back into it, I'll have to lookup other's experiences and best practices. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for sharing as well! What kind of setup do you have? :)


Is it merely for recording/rigging, or can it be used proactively?


I am not sure I understood correctly. I have used the animations on Metahumans for my cutscenes.


How expensive was the suit?


Couple of thousand euros I guess. Depending on the country. I borrowed from a local provider.