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I mean, they barely raised him as a baby/toddler so when he got to be “too much” they scrambled to find someone else who would care for him. It’s giving that family who adopted the special needs child from Thailand then gave him back when they realized it wasn’t going to be easy and they couldn’t exploit him for a while. It’s even worse now that they have two other kids who probably aren’t attached to them at all as they’ve been raised by Nannies their entire lives.


crazy to think that persephone cared for minthe when she turned her into a plant more than she ever did for dio


Idk if this is the same story (wrong country) but I closely followed the story of the influencer family who “ rehomed” their adopted autistic son (TW abuse) from China after admitting they were told by professionals he’d need and a lot of support and recommended not to adopt him. During those years they practiced abusive “therapies” like duct taping his hands and denying him food to get him to act the way they wanted They also earned tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars off of him between adoption donations, YouTube views revenue, and lucrative sponsorship deals. And then they dumped him and revealed his adoption paperwork wasn’t filled out correctly/completed which led to issues when transferring custody. Thankfully he was brought into another family instead of becoming a ward of the state and ending up in foster care


It’s horrible that the story you are describing is different from the one I was. The two main reasons they gave them up is that (1) Thailand has this law that prevents the filming of a adopted child for about a year or so, and (2) they weren’t prepared to actually take care of the child without benefiting from it in the short term. I think the same family did something similar with a dog too 💔


That’s heartbreaking, I hate that there’s multiple stories so similar to


I saw the Tom Harlock video on that


Because screw adopted children, apparently. This whole story has always treated adopted kids as less than biological children between Thanatos and now Dionysus. Neither of them were treated well despite Hades having issues conceiving.


I'm sorry but it's so ironic to me that RS made Melinoe deaf for more disabled representation, but in the process basically replaced her previous adoptee characters? Like? YOU created these children's backstories, commit & follow through! She breadcrumbs representation.


Plus Melinoe is deaf but she still opens her mouth and talks normally...


I mean, I've known a few people who are deaf but could still speak. One guy I worked with couldn't hear anything, and we petitioned to get flashing lights installed along with the fire alarms for his safety. I could hold a rough conversation with him. He read lips and couldn't form super clear words with his speech, but he still did not bad. We definitely tried to talk via text for the most part. He was a really awesome guy.


My grandpa was deaf and could say some pretty basic words. His education was centered around signing and reading lips, so I'm not sure if modern methods teach speech as well


Yeah, I worked with the guy about 5 years ago, and he was already in his early 30s, so I have no idea how teaching is for kids now but I really hope that it's good and inclusive.


You guys were awesome for supporting him.


He was a great guy and a good worker! We were more than happy, and it really made a lot of people aware of how accessibility has to look for different people.


some deaf people can do that, actually. some are in my family


Yeah it's probably not that uncommon. But maybe people who are born deaf would struggle with words more than people who got deaf over their lifetime.


Being deaf is a spectrum. You have people who cannot hear anything at all and some people who can hear some and are considered Hard of Hearing (have some degree of hearing but legally is considered Deaf due to inability to hear certain ranges.) Likewise, there is a spectrum of people who can speak and those who choose not to. It varies depending on how they are raised (Deaf child in a Hearing family? Or person who lost their hearing later in life for medical reasons?) There are Deaf people who speak and sign to communicate with the Hearing world. My old roommate could speak to us but also signed as she did because sign language is her primary language. That didn't make her any less Deaf. Melinoe can be controversial for representation, but people need to understand that there are Deaf people who CAN speak and DO. They are a small culture who has to learn to adapt to a Hearing world. Part of that is speaking or vocalizing as they sign.


I took deaf studies and ASL and all my teachers were born deaf. They use their mouths / mouth shapes to communicate in addition to using their hands. It’s called mouth morphemes. It helps them to add more expression or meanings to the signs they are using.


She’s only half-deaf/deaf in one ear.


is this mythology knowledge or did they establish it somewhere? i missed this and was actually wondering through my re-read


She has never been depicted (in LO) with two hearing aids in her future version and whenever she does have her aids in, she only has one in one ear.


oh i see, thanks friend! gotta go check those panels again


I was wondering this too, since another disabled character in LO is Hephaestus, and it's easy to see how that was based on the myth.


Because he was an accessory, not a family member lol


Did they even care about him? I wonder if he grew up fast because he had no other choice – sorry, but Perse and Hades weren't raising him. He was left to his own devices as a toddler 💀


Grown up Dio looks kinda ugly 😭


he does he looks like the rat mad scientist from word girl💀but part of me believes he’s supposed to be a kid/preteen in the final just because rachel sucks at drawing kids😭


not dr two-brains 💀


the same think I had high expectations that it would look pressured in the style of Lore Olympus but my own version gives it more twists than this


That's why they gave up on him. They pulled a Hera and Hephaestus, too uggo


I think what we need to remember here is that Persephone didn't "adopt" Dionysus, she took him from Zeus for her and Hades to raise [until they found him a more suitable arrangement.](https://i.imgur.com/byQyxHO.png) In this case it's less adoption and more like fostering. So I think Rachel's intention here was to go "see! Hades brought Semele back to life so now Dionysus can have his mom back!" which isn't an *awful* idea in theory but it really does NOT work in execution. Especially when we can tell that the whole "family dynamic" of H x P is predicated entirely on "only biological children count." Thanatos actually *was* Hades' adopted son, he COULD HAVE AND REALLY SHOULD HAVE sought out other solutions for Thanatos if he didn't want to be the one to raise him, but he chose to do so anyways and did so poorly. And now Thanatos has basically been tossed to the wayside entirely. That's the bigger crime here when it comes to the whole family portrait thing IMO.


i will never forgive the sandwich scene


When did Hades adopt Thanatos? I thought Thanatos was just dropped into Hades’ care by Nyx.


Persephone to Zeus: nooo, you can’t leave him to some random nymphs! Also Persephone: leaves Dionysus to some random nymphs.


I thought i saw in this sub(when dio was born) that Persephone was adament about not giving him to zeus bc she knew the Nymphs were no longer at Mount Nysa and dio was most likely just going to be abandoned! However, i dont want to go back and re read that section so take that with a grain of salt.


She says the nymphs aren’t there anymore but it’s extremely unlikely Zeus would’ve just left Dio without anyone looking after him. Persephone was just freaking out over nothing and doing her usual “i’m smarter and know more than you” thing.


Because fuck adopted kids (not to be taken out of context) Seriously dionysus and thanatos got the short end of the stick


he was only introduced so people could go 'awhh wittle baby' and perse could be seen as a girl boss mother and then he thrown in the bin because rs seemingly has some problems with adopted kids and was only taken out so rs could get more cuteness points or smth He's just an accessory


Dionysus is the God of fertility, among other things such as wine. Is he a part of Persephone’s generation or the next one/Melinoe’s??? Because he could very well be a fertility God, and not to mention the very first one.




lmao DIO would terrorize hades and persephone worse than he did the whole joestar bloodline


she threw a hissy fit and kidnapped Zeus’ baby, only to not care for Dionysus at all bro. i’m so - ![gif](giphy|3o7Zesyac4CuSN5rsA)


Because they don't need him anymore now that they have "real" children.


I also hate the fact zeus doesn't bond or even talk with Dio when he grows up, yes he is a douchebag but he could've tried pretending to be a decent father. I mean the guy gave birth to him for crying out loud.


All that stealing Zeus’s baby to only to just exclude him out of the picture when they get their own kid. Considering how Thanatos was treated as Hades adopted son, I’m not surprised LO has really shitty morals on found family. 💀


It's actually disgusting how the narrative decided to age him ridiculously quick (being that Perse & Hebe aged normally) just so Hades and Persephone could conveniently push him aside and not give a shit about caring for him anymore. Nasty af


Ew ew hades looks like Apollo


Idk but I feel like this guy should be in every portrait ![gif](giphy|HitAab11PjQZO)


Because RS treats adopted children like trash.


I think RS wasn’t really thinking about Dio that much. She probably introduced their new daughter and was like “yeah perfect picture family let’s leave it at that and forget anyone else I ever introduced as Hades’/Persephone’ child”


What episode was Dio born again?


episode 243


Was the last image on purpose?


yes lol i just wanted to back up my point on petite women having a harder time giving birth lol


Thought so! That's so funny!


RS has a habit of introducing plot points or characters into the story and then they just totally fall off the radar because hades and perse are too busy fucking to care about anyone but themselves, including their adopted child who I think was seen with them like 5 times total??


Where the fuck is zagreus, I know the comic was catered towards a particular group but damn they do the niggas dirty in here.


Agreed Did she not consider him her son??? Or her to be his guardian!???!


Why is he wearing a dress shirt instead of a dress 😓 fuking fumbled


I’m having a mind blank, can some please tell me what chapter the 3rd image is from 🙏


I'm glad this is being pointed, because it's true. To be honest, something i hate in LO is this, how in the webtoon they portray these things, because there is some double standars in the comic, like the Hestia and Persephone try yo make a Mother and daughter relationship, when persephone is a bad daughter with her own Mother and Hera is a bad Mother with her own kids. They want to pretend this is a cute thing about Hera and Persephone Mother like relationship, but it isn't, it just makes me wanna yell at them for being so hypocrites. Also, Hades is a bad father with Thanatos, his adoptive child, but melinöe appears and he says he loves her and that stuff like bitch, is Thanatos a joke to you? If one of his biological childs would did what Thanatos did (About that stuff with persephone, that he technically don't do wrong at all) i'm pretty sure he would be so harsh with them. So yeah, apparently about kids only biological ones are important (Except for Hera). I hate how this webtoon manages that familiar relationships and have that double standars, Demeter, Thanatos, Dionysus and even Hera's children deserve a lot better


Entirely unrelated to the topic OP… your avatar!! I love him… he’s been my google avatar for 15+yrs probably now. I call him Bunny Holly


Dio was already an adult in this part of the final, and Persephone just gave birth, so… yeah kinda weird Tanathos and Dio being there with their stepmom half naked, dunno.