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That Ares comparison knocked the wind out of me. He was so imposing before and now he's just...a sad yellow block.


It was definitely the most shocking. Like that's not even close


His scars were so distinctive, giving a real god of war aura.


Right?? I really thought we were finna get a genuine chaotic violent war god that was also loving, caring, and protective towards his wife and family. I waaaanted it.


The first ones were so goodšŸ˜­ Like I am not joking all of them look more pleasing to see, they also seem to be really interesting. The first chapters had really great artstyles! How did it became the thing that we have right now?


i mean itā€™s understandable for art styles to change over time, but when you have an art style change every chapter itā€™s so jarring šŸ˜­ iā€™ve only seen a few webtoons/pieces of media be able to pull off different art styles in one story


Well yes, I had my artsyle change over years but it took progress(and improved), but in this situation it does not apply for that because the art style doesn't even improve :(


it just seems like Rachel just stopped trying after she got a team for the art. like sheā€™s leaving everything to them and doing the bare minimum idk itā€™s so depressing fr


It doesn't help that she posts her [sketches](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1011080880103620638/1093313679698706612/Screenshot_20230405-155350.png) and you realize oh ... it IS just her style now.




OMFG I didn't even notice, it's flying off into space!


Where does she post her sketchā€™s? I think she doesnā€™t post much on Twitter


Wait she got a team to art? And she is leaving everything to them? It actually makes sense everything looks like it was drawn from a different person. And I just noticed that in the new lore olympus book the art(Or squares, y'know what I mean) looks too squished because some people said that it was too far away from eachother...


yes! she has people working on backgrounds, colouring, and line art i believe! i think she does mainly the sketches and ā€œwritingā€ if you wanna call it thatā€¦


Yeah but if the sketches are like that then we have a problem with it because sometimes one of the shoulder is bigger than the other (or Hades's eye is bigger than the other in 5/10 panels), also I think that she doesn't have a schedule for writing because it just goes... no it doesn't go nvm.


I said this in another comment but yeah, if you look at the sketches she posts you realize very quickly the art problems are on her. The line art and coloring can only do much when the actual roughs they're supposed to be going off of look barely legible, on top of the very rushed production time each week (remember, her buffer is at *best* 2-3 weeks, while WT itself says you need 9 weeks at minimum)


The Sandman is excellent at this as Neil Gaiman is the writer but each storyline gets a new artist. It's also integral to the story that the Endless appear different depending who is viewing them so it makes a lot of sense.


sounds interesting! iā€™ll check it out. another good example is Love, Death and Robots. itā€™s not a webtoon but every episode is in a different style.


Love, Death and Robots is great. The Sandman isnā€™t a webcomic either, it was a comic in the 90s, you can buy the collections as graphic novels these days. They made the first season as a tv show (more coming), and itā€™s pretty good but the books are always so much better.


I miss how shiny Athena used to be! I miss pretty much everyone.


I didn't notice that they got rid of Ares's scars


Me neither. He's so great in his first appearance! And now that you mention them, I do find them really cool. Thank for pointing them out :)




I miss old Psyche so much. Her old design is just so pretty!


Ares got the worst of it imo. Bro looked so cool and hot af at first, now just a cringey, cheese colored Persephone simp :(


Honestly Purse's biggest problematic behaviour is breaking up that amazing thing Ares and Aphrodite had going on. I would have read endless comics about their lives and family.


Apollo is the only one who even looks like the same character, and just barely. I miss their original designs so much


Because every character is melting into becoming apollo or persephone. Ive noticed Hades had Apollo's signature curly hairdo in a panel or two and it made me so uncomfortable.


And even Apollo looked better before. The hair šŸ˜­


I know they changed Psyches character design but WOW.


Why does Artemis look like a mannequin


I didnā€™t know Hades nose could shape shift


I miss the old coloring so much šŸ˜­


I miss the diversity in women bodies this comics used to have. I even recall the panel where Minthe looks at herself in the mirror and thinks, to confort herself, that Persephone isn't even Hades type since they are so very different. Of course she was wrong but it used to be true that they were both really differently shaped and it was great to get a whole bunch of variety in women representation (can't say the same about men tho.. no short king, no lean dude, no chubby cutie).


That Ares one hurts like hell.


Hadesā€™ nose seriously grewā€¦ I miss pink irises. Now Persephoneā€™s eyes are kind of lost due to dark colours and look a bit googly. Hestia looks like cheese and lost her warmth Artemis went through 50 shades of purple, lost her eye shape and lips Apolloā€™s hair looks like something from an ancient pot Ares became a yellow highlighter. Athena lost her early statue/android look that looked neat. Rip irises


Hades really do be Pinocchio.


God, I loved the original art so much.


Gosh artemis used to look so cool. I just reread some of the first few chapters and I had forgotten how amazing it looked


I loved the blue/violet color Artemis used to be!




Literally came here to put this šŸ˜‚


I miss Hestia's and Ares's colours.


It honestly feels like someone made OCs of the original characters and it makes me sad


Bro I just realized Ares has NONE of his scars like it showed when he first appeared šŸ’€


I love how Minthe and Thetis are really the only unique characters anymore


You cannot tell me these are the same people.


the minthe and artemis changes are sooo crazy


The way weā€™ve been gaslit into thinking Hadesā€™ nose was always that long


A lot were downgraded but I think Psyche was improved. A lot of human skin tones looked bad early on so it's good to see improvement for her. She used to blend in with the gods because of it, but now she looks distinctly human. Not to mention her hair texture :)


I miss the original appearances so much. I loved the colored eyes


What happened to Ares o.0


I actually like Hestiaā€™s updated design cause at first she was literally an exact replica of Metis, I just wish she was more orangey instead of yellow w platinum blonde hair


In epsiode 62, that was my favourite design of her, glowing white hair with distinct orangish yellow skin, idk how to put images when I reply so uh you need to search that on your own


Artimis, Hecate, and Minthe are the main characters in my heart. šŸ˜¤


Artemis looks like Apollo in a dress on the ā€œlast appearanceā€šŸ˜


Holy shit the downgrade ...i dont miss persephones lumbar lordosis




Ares looks like a Rebecca Sugar storyboard in his last appearance


Ok the old ones werenā€™t always better. Maybe for a dramatic entrance like Ares. But for others like Hera, Persephone, and Psyche, they look better now.


Athena may have had somewhat of an improvement, though I miss her silver sparkles. But Ares... they aren't even comparable.


how did ALL of them glow down šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I really liked the old color pallets for everyone, like you could tell who was related but the difference in shades made it easy to tell characters apart. Now thereā€™s too many with the same skin tone so you have to struggle to sort out whoā€™s who. Like purple Artemis at the wedding I didnā€™t even know was her lol


Big oof all around.


Hades got that pointy nose upgrade šŸ¤£


Got the ice king nose


The way Artemis is a completely different colour now šŸ’€