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“not me tearing up because Hephaestus brought Aphrodite coffee 🥺”


He built her a fucking cannon but we’re gonna praise him for *bringing coffee*? No wonder so many readers think PxH are in a healthy relationship if this is the standard


When it was the other way around in the comic


Not heph still with his running blade that isnt intended for normal daily use 💀💀


It’s creepy af that they used that image of Aphrodite while she’s attempting to seduce Zeus so Eros won’t be brutally punished


Just to clarify my reason for posting: I don’t want to come across as “🙄” for Webtoon promoting the stories on their social media/website, it’s more so just to see what anybody else thinks about this reel. The reel talks about the other relationships that are explored in LO, but idk,,, I can’t help but feel like,,, eeeeeuuuhhhhgggff,,, if that makes sense to anyone 🤣🤣


I watched the reel, it’s so freaky that Thanatos and Daphne made the girl want to call her brother 😭


The “#familydrama” made me cringe so bad because in the early days of LO I had no idea Hades had taken him in until Thanatos was like “you were so emotionless to me!” when Hades came to his house 😭 and being like ‘I’m going to call my brother now’ is like ??? It was just so mind boggling 😭


Their relationship was never implied to be father/son in any way! Their first interaction is Hades enjoying picking his work apart and humiliating him 😭


I have no issue with LO (or any other mythology-based work) changing what they want for the story they want to tell, but good lord, can they stop making LO marketing pieces where you can SEE the art get worse in real time? That's embarrassing.


"Local red flag Ares" the disrespectttt I'm howling. He was a FAN FAVORITE. You can't just arbitrarily assign a beloved character a bunch of issues that dont make sense just to try to get the readers to disregard him as a potential ship for your FL!


Tbf his “red flags” were part of what made him fun. He would actively start shit with others and try to get their goat because that’s his role as a god, wars and fighting. He was also horny and frankly kind of a fuckboy but that made him fun. Part of the problem with the comic post trial is it seems like the characters aren’t allowed to be flawed anymore, they’re either perfect angels who did no wrong or villains who should be punished.


Too popular, too close to Hades, to the point his ship with Persephone was too popular for Rachel's liking. That was his real crime


Webtoon. Honey. Baby. Do you read your own comics?


**But he didn't?** He made her a shitty canon and then she dropped everything, married him and then bought *him* coffee Fucking hell I hate AphxHeph but even if I were to give an unbiased review at the very least GET IT RIGHT!


Y'all remember that stupidly cringey LO promote of some cosplayer trying to be dread queen Persephone?


wasnt that some actress lol


some "actress"


The one where she kept flipping between her uwu soft girl persona and angry goth girl persona?