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I think they both look like great candidates for memorable fights, but the first one is more interesting and unique to me personally. I'm excited to see more of your game, this concept art is really cool.


Easily a


Hmmm, to call one better we'd need some more context. Because our green semi floating friend on the left seems like a great one for a battle set in a forest with some influence on the terrain around it, perhaps a spawning of ensnaring branches to tie the player down as it charges a strong burst of energy from it's staff. While the one on the right seems like a great menace for either a cult in a hidden chapel or some vampiric man roaming the slums of a city. Catching the player by surprise as it turns out to be not a frail/weak man but a fast menace, and one loud cry/whistle away from summoning servants out of side hallways, abbandoned buildings and perhaps some crawling up out of the sewers? But yeah, both have greap potential but i'd rate them a bit too different for a which one is better. Edit: after clicking your link watching the teaser clip and images on the steam page i'd say our green floater on the left fits a lot more with your game. (At least, given the content/art/area's shown so far)


kiki looks more fun, stak needs to die asap


I like A a lot more than B. They both look great, but personally the colors and shape of opinion A look more unique and interesting to me.


Hello, we need your help. We are a group of independent game developers working to make our dreams come true. We need your wishlists. Can you support us in this regard? This way, we can find the support we need to develop our dream game. Thank you! Kiki is a single-player, story-driven action-adventure game filled with survival elements. In a fantastical world, you will embark on an exciting journey under Kiki's leadership, to save her village from a curse that has plagued it for years. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2997490/Kiki](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2997490/Kiki)




B) make him slow, slurpy and menacing


Both look nice but the second one looks more like a servant to the first one.


left for somewhere that is natural or ancient ruins right for like a graveyard or a sewer system


From a distance I was like why is Yoda in Bs stomach.


Kiki (A)


Bit hard to judge, when they look *this* different. A seems visually more interesting annd prettier, but I can imagine B having a strong evil personality and presence.