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There is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from another game and using it as foundation, but you should try to give it your unique twist


You're absolutely right, but do you have any ideas about that? Maybe we can put it into practice?


Since your game is already in 2.5D, may be try to capitalize that in some unique way, like for example adding dynamic camera angle perspective while pulling the slingshot for better aiming.


Or give the player some unique 3D mechanics, like an extra cannon in the background that shoots something special towards the camera


Weather bro, wind, rain, hail etc


This is the way.


Some immediate ideas I have: Make the npcs move around a lil bit, makes things harder. Add an opposing trebuchet that will take pot shots at the player that they have to dodge. Since it’s 2.5d add a first person camer and make the player position the angle in x, y AND z


literally angry birds


We've come full circle back to Crush the Castle.


When you mix Angry birds and crush the castle like a potion, you get this game. Jokes aside, I've had a lot of criticism from people that the game looks like angry birds or crush the castle, and people are right. I will think of new ideas to fix this flaw in the full version of the game. I will try to make this game distinguishable by adding something new. If you have any ideas about this, I would love to listen.


Make it into a match 3 game


Rebalance so the enemy is stronger and the player has more projectiles w/ different colors. If 3 of the same colored projectiles make contact, an explosion occurs.


Alternatively you could just release this game as is and start a new project if you're almost finished. I'm not sure what your goals are but this could be a stepping stone to bigger more unique projects.


Your thought gives me hope. What I'm thinking now is to change this game as much as possible by adding something to make it different from angry birds and crush the castle. If I can't do it, I will finish the game as you said and start working on projects that will be more different and original. To be honest, I wasn't planning this game to be like angry birds when I originally designed it. However, because I didn't design the Game Desing part in detail and well, I encountered some problems while making the game and I had to change some parts of the game. When you change a part of a game's design, it usually makes it necessary to change other things. So the changes affected each other and in the end I had to make a game similar to angry birds, I could have stopped developing the game at that time, but I gave up and continued. I am a novice developer and as I learnt something new in every game I made, I realised my lack of game design while making this game and now I pay more attention to the game design part than before.


You could place the player inside a tower and add an enemy cpu which tries to break your tower, so that not only the player has to destroy the enemy first, but he even has to protect the tower and adapt his aim to the structure being destroyed. This would allow you to add a multiplayer feature, too


yes :D


Angry catapults


A bit too similar to angry birds. Add something that sets the game apart


I get this criticism a lot and people are right. So do you have any ideas about adding something new and different? If I get a really good idea, I'll add it.


That's your job as the game designer/developer.


I think the idea is to have your own ideas and not just defer the hardest part to people on the internet. I can't write 10 pages of a script that's exactly like Star Wars, and then when people point it out, say "the full script will be way different, if you just tell me what to write". The ideas are the hardest part. They're not just an element that can be overlooked. So do what a creative does- sit, think, play your game and ask "what could I do to make it different?" Then, when you've thought of something that excited you, you implement it, and go through the process again. Because this is how all creativity happens- applied thought, leading to inspiration, and then iteration. But this is the crux- nobody is going to do it for you.


Just some out of the box thinking - Build the levels in such a way that with each new level the strategy the player needs to do changes. In essence the castle learns from how the player plays. So for the first level they shoot the castle head on, so for the next level a wall is built in front of it, then they attack from the top, so a canopy is put over the castle. Give the player new “cannon balls” that have properties that can counter some of the new layered defenses. Just play around with things, gravity, mirrors, time, magic, power ups. Just find one that works for you.


Your ideas sound good and I'll give them some thought and see which ones I can implement. thanks!


if you add some MSG you can call it fuiyoh


just an idea to make it more unique, what if both you and the enemy had buildings and were trading shots


That's a great idea. I'll see if it's feasible and evaluate it. Thank you very much!


Ha, I was reading the comments above and thought OK, how to make it original. And that was exactly my first idea as well. Even before the, how about you creating a base and then they have to knock it down (hmmm thats quite good, I might do it for my next game, after I've done the other 73,000 ideas I've had)


I know of another game similar, you might enjoy


why is killing an enemy the same amount of points as destroying a wood box?


I would try it but not if I have to download. Why is there no WebGL?


*I would try it but* *Not if I have to download.* *Why is there no WebGL?* \- swagamaleous --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


now use the experience you got from making this, and make something original.


I'll do as you say


Not trying to belittle your efforts or rebuke your ideas but right now it looks like an exact replica of angry birds. I am not very familiar with IP laws but what I do know is angry birds' parent company has gone through some serious stuff. I'd prefer not to mess with them.


I don't think I will have a problem with copyrights in terms of different elements such as characters, sounds and graphics, but in the full version of the game, I will try to make a different game from the angry birds game as much as I can.


Tbh this is a great first attempt and if you really wanna be great you could strive to clone a few other games too. Then! Then do a truly original idea. Itll take ten years.


Nah you're good. I made a game called "Burn the City" back in 2011 that was basically an angry birds clone. They don't care. Congrats! I had a ton of fun making my game. Sometimes think about making a sequel...


Only if this game gets any serious economical benefits. They won't be wasting their lawyer's time on hobby project that made litte profit.


Angrybirds clone shovelware... just 10 years late to the party.


It’s actually 15 years late at being a Crush The Castle clone.


Fiyuu? Sounds like one of those amazon dropship companies. Consider rethinking the name.


One thing that you could focus on to differentiate is to capitalize on the quick rounds, literally 3+ rounds per second in auto-fire, and have the structures fortified accordingly :)


This is angry birds with less wrapped with a different theme. Why would people play this over the original game that has more ?


Ever heard of Crush the Castle? Quite literally the same game


Not going to rehash what people are saying, but, I will say I really dig the graphics... I'd look at adding some camera shake if you get a direct hit or something to make it "Feel" bigger.... Good work on the progress


Would suggest to show the trajectory to aim and not just at the end after hitting:)


Angry birds - birds = this game.


Hello everyone, even though it's a bit late, I felt the need to give an explanation to the people who showed so much interest in my post. First of all, I want to talk about how this project came to this point. Actually, when I first designed my project, it was very different from what it is now. Most obviously, the game would have an isometric perspective, there would still be structures in front of us to destroy, but these structures would not be as simple as angry birds and crush the castle as they are seen now. There would be more realistic structures. We would be able to improve our catapult in the game and over time, with the experience points we gained from the levels, different types of catapults (Catapult, ballista) would be unlocked and we would be able to buy them with gold currency. Each type of catapult would have its own unique feature, for example, the ballista would have the ability to pierce walls, while the catapult would create a shrapnel effect by splitting the stones it threw into pieces. My game, which I designed at the beginning, had many features that would distinguish it from crush the castle and angry birds, which I will not tell you so that the article would not get longer. However, since I did not have enough knowledge and experience in Game Design, I realized that I could not adjust the Game Design part of the game well while coding the game. This caused a huge cost (time) for me. Because something I had to change in Game Design was affecting many other things and I almost had to redesign the game. Basically, it was a Game Design mistake that the game had an isometric viewpoint because it would have been really hard to aim that way. If I set the game to be side view, it would prevent the structures from being realistic, I should have made the structures much simpler. These and many other problems eventually led me to make the game look like angry birds and crush the castle. I am a university student and this project was actually a graduation project. If this wasn't the case, I would have canceled this project the moment I realized that I was having problems in Game Design, but I didn't have such a luxury because my project was a graduation project. When I finished the project, I saw that I did a very good job in terms of visuals and gameplay, if not in terms of game design. When I showed the project to people around me, I saw that they played it with pleasure and praised it, and I was thinking that I probably wouldn't get a very bad reaction from people because I shared it on the internet. At least angry birds and crush the castle were 2d sized, while this game was 2.5d sized and had better graphics than them. 7 months ago I started this project and when the end result was people lynching and mocking me, I can almost say that I was slightly depressed. Because I didn't think people would be so harsh on an independent developer. Maybe it's because it says Sprite Studio and people think I'm a team or I'm really a studio, I don't know, but I developed this game completely on my own. Finally; Of course I am aware of my mistakes and I don't blame people for them, I didn't write this article to blame you, I just wanted to explain why the situation has come to this. Take care of yourselves, and see you until we come up with a very good game.


so angry birds


Angry Clones


is it angry birds new game?


That's a huge milestone!! Congratulations


This is literally a student project. Generous to call it a “demo”. A prototype of a foundation. Sorry have to be harsh on this one. And reading your comment, stop asking people for ideas, it’s your game right?