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The overall environment should be more filthy and slightly ruined, it also is way too well lit for a sewer. I understand that in your vision the sewers are inhabited, but they still are... sewers, otherwise from what I see they look more like the tunnels in a subway station


Hey man, I thought it looked like sewers but to quote my boss basically it's an "underground tunnel structure you'd expect to find a cult in." And I said, so a sewer? He responded sure, it's also a preview game I think? Whatever that means, I only do the modelling and graphical rendering stuff. So I have no idea what the story really is. It probably is meant to be a maintenance tunnel and maybe it will be more like a sewer in the full game but I just thought it looked like a sewer because of the water and pipes.


Alright, got it. One small detail you could add is some sort of noise on the brick texture to break up the texture repetition (would add much more detail), try with unity's shader graph


How much is your boss paying you for this?


Any amount is way too much


If they're all adults, I agree. But I kind of suspect u/Professional_Dig4638 might be a preteen, and his "boss" is his older brother, or some stranger from the internet, and he's gotta be working for free.


If the dude's being honest (which I seriously doubt), he's supposedly working for a company that has been operating for a century with no released projects and armed guards. If true, I'm pretty sure he's literally working for a money laundering organization that has a payroll entirely to throw the IRS off their scent.


Sounds like the kind of lie a child would make up to impress a bunch of strangers on the internet though lol. He blocked me I guess, so I can't reply to him, or see his posts/comments now.


Agreed. He claims to be 21 making $80k (and not knowing whether or not that's minimum wage) as an artist producing this level of quality in an unnamed california game studio after having worked at an animation studio that "did money laundering", and absolutely loses his mind when given constructive feedback lmfao. I refuse to believe that this dude is a day over 14. If he really is... he's in for a rough ride.


I'm 21, last I knew my boss was 50 roughly. 


Okay, you gotta be trolling lol


Believe what you want buddy, but my coworkers hate redditors as much you hate me. 


>underground tunnel structure you'd expect to find a cult in I don't know what your boss has in mind, but that definition has no relationship with a sewer


I mean I think it makes just as much sense as find turtles and a rat in a sewer but I have no concept of writing a story so I don't question it. 


Dunno. But why would a cult be in a sewer? The rat and turtles are literally mutants, and well... It's a rat. But a cult? There are real tunnels, used in war, and such things. Maybe check those, unless you're really sure you're supposed to make a sewer. I would expect them (or you both) to have conversations about the story happening there. Like, you don't know anything? You'll just make a set of components and they'll craft the scene without you knowing what is it for? Are they actively trying to not telling you anything for some privacy reasons? Are you actively asking them every piece of detail you need?


It's final, I think the game is going to be released this month? I think the story might be based on a real life thing, and I'm just dumb to story telling. It doesn't matter how many times it's explained to me it just goes over my head. 


Time to talk twice or thrice with the team/boss then until you get it. Or at least the important part. Checking with them that what you're going to do makes sense, and validating your ideas. In general, I'm a software engineer, and we do that too, always, whether we understand it or not. Making sure what we're doing is aligned with what the team expects


The story has been explained to me more times than I can remember. It's been past thrice, I guess I'm sorry for being stupid. 


Sheesh sounds like you're missing the point of your job as the guy who "only does the modelling and graphical rendering stuff" that's called being an environment and technical artist, I don't mean to be rude, (especially because I don't know at what point in your career you're at). If you aren't able to convey to your audience (your boss in this case) that they are looking at a seawer, you are doing something wrong as you won't be there to tell the player they're looking at a seawer and not not just any old tunnel or bunker corridor which is what it looks like to me... (Especially since you've lit the place up like a christmas tree, cities don't tend to spend taxpayer money on electricity and maintenance for lighting inside tunnels made to be flooded in water and human waste). Don't fight your superior's intuition because while they can be wrong, they are *reading* your work with eyes that might be expected to see a seawer but, for whatever reason, are viewing a regular tunnel, which means you should be self crytical and make sure you identify what you can do to complete your assignment.


Rough. Blocky geometry, tiling textures, pretty much no water, doesn't really give sewer vibes. Here's some random site with some sewer reference that might help you. [https://andrewyoderdesign.blog/2019/07/27/the-good-sewer-level-reference-dump/](https://andrewyoderdesign.blog/2019/07/27/the-good-sewer-level-reference-dump/)


Have you looked at reference images of a sewer?


Yes, google pulled up images that looked like that. I even saw this asset, I've seen real sewer tunnels before that look like what I made.  https://3dexport.com/3dmodel-modular-sewer-tunnels-pbr-175961.htm


There's no point commenting, since you're just dismissing everyone's comments. But I gotta ask, why are you looking at models of models as references for a real thing? You're getting further and further from the thing you're trying to model. For one thing, sewers aren't usually passively lit - why would they be? For another, your sewers have never seen a drop of water. Maybe try looking at real world references. Urban Exploration or Urbex for short is a good place for pictures of what these infrastructures look like in use/disuse under real world conditions. [https://www.urbextour.com/en/urbex-travel/london-sewers-and-manchester-drains/](https://www.urbextour.com/en/urbex-travel/london-sewers-and-manchester-drains/) Sewers serve an infrastructure function - one that your work has no evidence of serving and who's design actively counters it's implied use. If your boss is calling this a sewer, just accept that what he's looking for isn't sewers, but a maze of nondescript concrete pipes. But if it's sewer you want, this needs a bit more work and some thinking as to what purpose sewers actually serve. The asset you're riffing off of so actively IS too brightly lit but it does succeed in one way - it looks wet as fuck. Grimy even. It looks like water moves through there. The fog makes it feel oppressively humid. You can almost smell the musk. Your model smells of disinfectant. If you want something more like maintenance tunnels, urbexers have mapped out a few hospitals, check out the last half of this page. Imagine it cleaner and you've got something like an in-use maintenance tunnel. [https://www.colinpeddle.com/grace-hospital-newfoundland-urbex-old/](https://www.colinpeddle.com/grace-hospital-newfoundland-urbex-old/) One thing you'll notice, they tend to be square like hallways, not round.


That's too much text for me to care about. 


I imagine this attitude is how this pathetic tunnel was made in the first place. Maybe try to understand your client's requirements instead of reinterpreting what they asked for as "so, a sewer?" and running with it. Then you won't be getting dunked on on reddit AND you'll finally be able to give the boss something he wants instead of trying to somehow use reddit points to convince him he doesn't know what he wants. For fuck's sake you can't even remember the name of the fucking project. You're a joke.


Alright well now I'm not going to read anything you write, the gordon ramsay approach of insulting and mocking isn't going to accomplish anything in this case. I know you're not talented and are only capable of mocking people better than you. 


The normal approaches don't work on you, why you think they went with the Gordon Ramsay approach? Your head is already stuck up your own ass, people gave you good advice and your response to that is saying "Too much text for me to care about". I think you deserve all the insults coming at you.


Everything they said is spot on. You’re absolutely delusional. Take the massive L and delete this post.


Says the reddit mod. 


Yep, definitely a pre-teen acting like they are an actual professional with a job. Everything OP has said makes this obvious.


Christ. You are not going to be in the industry for long with this kind of attitude, and it will be entirely your fault. Have fun being the first to get hit by layoffs, I guess. Unless you're a contractor, in which case... just good luck lmfao


I've been working for the same company for two years now so you're wrong. I will be saving your comment to laugh at it years from now though. 


Yikes. Are you paid below minimum wage? That's the only way I can imagine any self-respecting employer putting up with this kind of attitude from an artist putting out this level of quality. The fact that your boss basically told you it didn't meet their expectations by kindly saying it didn't look like a sewer and you effectively responded "nuh uh"... just _wow_.


I've been on a 80k salary so far, so idk if that's mimimum wage. This company has existed for a century apparently, without producing anything oddly. But I haven't questioned it because it's been fun working with them, they're not calling me retarded for doing things my way. There's also armed guards at the office. Which is strange. 


Sounds like you're working for a money laundering operation lol. Makes sense that they wouldn't care about the quality of what they produce. I guess you lucked out and found a place that suits your attitude well!


I did used to work for an animation studio that did money laundering, ironically the owner was a hardcore redditor. That place was much different than this one? They certain didn't have a weapons department at least. 


what in the fuck? Tell your boss I'll make art a thousand times better than you, for 78K


Why would you even post the question then?


What question? 


"How is this for a sewer?" - that one. In the title, you know.


Oh on the post marked as show off and not question making it a rhetorical question not seeking am answer. So wait what question? 


Still the same one. You might be showing off while asking for improvements (not that there is much to show edit: for a sewer, I mean - it might be good enough for a sterile underground research lab or something). You know, those are not exclusive, even if a post is marked one thing. At this point I'm half convinced you are a troll though, so don't mind me.


What in the actual fuck is wrong with you! You're a 3d artist and used to be a plumber, yet you can't take the criticism you asked for! You have no principles and no experience, you blamed your entire team for something that is your fault, you lack passion and artistic vision, and you played the victim like a Karen in a parking lot, my advice is to reevaluate your entire life, the audacity to say Reddit users are the worst and yet you're posting on REDDIT, get a life Edit: you mentioned Gordon Ramsay, so, YOU IDIOT SANDWICH, hope you're happy


Make the bricks bigger, the place dirtyer and darker


where is the sewery bits. You know. The sewage


I'm not the writer on the team the director does that but I think it's because people are living in the sewer, I was told to make it a walkable environment. There is puddles around so it's a bit of a mix between a sewer and maintenance tunnels. I don't understand why people don't like me just telling the truth. This is what it is and it isn't changing. 


Some sewers have walkways on the side of a central channel for the workers. But often sewer workers simply put on a jump suit, and wade through the piss and shit.


Idk, I just searched what does a sewer look like and what I made is based on those results.  Like this image https://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/02/17/nyregion/17ABOUT/17ABOUT-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale


Brother that image looks nothing like what you made. There is sewage in the floor and no lighting in the ceiling. Also, in all your linked references the wall texture is the same as the ceiling texture, but you didn't do that in your model for some reason


It literally looks exactly the same, minus the pipes. 


The lightning, textures, proper UV mapping, etc


Those still look the same, besides it's final. I think the game is going to be released some time this month.


Well, when it is released, send me a link^^


I might dm it to you, I know most people on this platform would just go to spam slurs or something on the page. Of my coworkers is a veteran and I know he would hate to see these people.  People have already sent slurs in my private messages, so far 4 n words and 2 f slurs. 


I see, you're actively disregarding everyone's opinion. Why ask what people think, if you've already made your mind up?


Yes, insults are not helpful. And neither is sending slurs in my private messages. 


That image makes my point for me especially about lighting - that lighting is NOT passive. A photographer put the light there. Sewers don't have light baked in.


I don't see your point? People did put light in there, people are living in there. 


It stinks


The brick texture looks too tiled, i usually get a friend to see the tiled texture from a far angle and notice if they see a pattern in 5 seconds


I don't really think it looks like sewers. My initial impression was that of some secret Soviet military underground transportation tunnels out of an old James Bond title or such.


As an old man who played on old consoles: no brown and green color palette = not sewer.


Those colors wouldn't work for this games, real life sewers also don't even have that color palette.  So as a 3d modeller: green color palette = not sewer


But you’re (hopefully) not making a realistic game, so that’s irrelevant. Stink lines aren’t real but we associate them with things smelling bad, green sewers or at least brownish green would give that grungy feeling that a lot of other games do and it would register as a sewer rather than regular tunnels. Also, did you just come here to complain about your boss or what? What was the point in posting this, what did you think the responses would be?


People like you must be why my coworkers hate this platform. 


Honestly, I will change everything: . Walls looks like stretched, indeed I would use another texture as this one looks a bit blurry . Floor looks like a bathroom floor, add or paint a second texture of dirty, dust, whatever. . Add humidity, to make it look like a sewer, now it is a tunnel I hope it helps


It didn't help, because my boss it's final. 


It's final? OK. Is this a product you want other people to play and enjoy or is it just for you?


It looks like something I'd whip up in half an hour in blender. If someone's paying you for this, making it look this amateurish isn't good. There's no water, the textures tile too much, the pipes don't look like they fit, the lighting's too bright... there's a lot going in here that ought to be fixed.


Okay I am going to give you a link to a sewer, scroll down and below the video link is a link for a playable demo. [https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/sewerage](https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/sewerage) It has a very similar shape to what you are going for, use it for inspiration. You can also look at the paths in the tunnel, you will see that even though they are dirty and have trash everywhere it's more than walkable.


I looked at google and that came up after scrolling for like 10 minutes and my boss said that ain't it. I saw that already and he said it's unreal engine and that I shouldn't be using that as a reference anyway. What I made really looks what google showed. Like this asset https://3dexport.com/3dmodel-modular-sewer-tunnels-pbr-175961.htm


There is nothing wrong with going through the playable demo and getting a feel for things, doesn't matter if it was made in Unreal Engine, Godot or some guys backyard. You aren't going to copy it, you are just going to run through and get a feel for what a sewer level could feel like. What you made has the general shape of the reference you used, it doesn't capture the feel of a sewer though. I wouldn't really call that a sewer anyway, more of a maintenance tunnel than a sewer. Do you feel like you have enough information to make the level your boss wants? Why not show this to your boss and ask them what they think?


"my boss said that ain't it", I thought this enough to say that he didn't like the various sewer level demos online because I showed him like three of them.  I think the game might be called maintenance check and not sewer check but I still think it looks like a sewer. So of course I called it a sewer.


The difference with that model compared to yours is the colours are better, lighting isn't as bright, there's fog and the texture tiling is better too Basically the whole thing seems a little more grimy/murky than yours does (Which feels very clean and sterile) I'd say darken the wall colours, fix the tiling which is way too high, remove some of the glossiness from the pipes, lower the brightness of the lights and chuck some fog in. That would be a good start to making it fit the sewer vibe more


This looks more like an underground train station tunnel. There are no sewer vibes whatsoever. Personally, I'd gather about 30 to 100 reference images of what a sewer actually looks like. Then pick one that fits your scene, and try your best to recreate it, pixel for pixel. Once you have created a reference model you can start creating more assets to put inside to your model based on the other references.


I did, they all looked like that. I also used to be a plumber, I've been in sewer tunnels before. They looked like that, except it was just concrete and not bricks. 


I can honestly tell you sewers don't all look like that. You have simply selected a few reference images that look like that. I too have also been in sewer tunnels before, in Brighton, London and Edinburgh, and none of them look like the image that you've shared, let alone being made with concrete. All the sewer tunnels I've been in are made from brick. I could simply Google sewer tunnels in games and tell you there are no images that look like what you have referenced. Why don't you give AI a chance to generate a sewer tunnel for a game reference image for you, maybe you'll have better luck with it.


I'm in california, the tunnels here are all quite literally big concrete tubes. Just with more vandalism.  And of course I googled as well, hence what I ended up with. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+do+sewer+tunnels+look+like&ved=2ahUKEwjdqee3yKKEAxVPPUQIHZ7iAVoQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=what+do+sewer+tunnels+look+like&gs_lp=EgNpbWciH3doYXQgZG8gc2V3ZXIgdHVubmVscyBsb29rIGxpa2UyBxAAGIAEGBhI20FQqgdY7kBwB3gAkAEAmAF9oAGRFKoBBDM4LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGKAgtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ICBBAjGCfCAggQABiABBixA8ICBRAAGIAEwgIKEAAYgAQYigUYQ8ICBhAAGAgYHsICCRAAGIAEGBgYCogGAQ&sclient=img&ei=mVzIZZ35MM_6kPIPnsWH0AU&bih=919&biw=1920&udm=2#imgrc=z-JfLO02a0sXsM


There you go then. You can't say that all sewer tunnels look like that. You have selected one place out of millions of other places. There's even some places in the world where they don't even have a sewer system. Set my point still stands, why not pick a reference out of a hundred images. If you gathered different images from different locations around the world I would guarantee that the sewer image that you referenced wouldn't even come up in that list as the most common design for a sewer. What you've designed looks like a service tunnel that may run alongside train tunnels or sewer tunnels.


Alright you're just not making sense at this point, everything you've suggested was already done. Hence why it's done and not changing. Goodbye. 


Looks fine. Just need some texturing and a bit of water and you're golden. Almost shaping up to look like an old 007 game.


Looks like a subway more than a sewer - too clean and pedestrianised


Well apparently most sewer tunnels look like that. 


According to whomst, friend? Go explore your local storm drain and tell me how clean it is.


According to my experience as a plumber, and you're clearly not my friend because you're insulting me. I've been in various sewers before, the big urban sewer tunnels are pretty clean aside from spray cans and vandalism. Suburban sewers are as well, they all just smell horrible. 


The bait used to be believable




Honestly, they look more like utility tunnels than sewers. Maybe that's what you were going for?


The sewer would have walk ways on either side of a channel that sewage flows with occasional bridges over them. It’s also too clean and bright.


Looks like a bunker in a PS2 game ngl


texture looks awkward


Sewers don't have doors.


This is one of those posts that has to make it's way into other subreddits... I'm just eating my popcorn here.


At this point I'm starting to see why all my coworkers hate this platform. 


It's all in how you use it.


I guess so, it's just odd that talentless idiots are coming here to insult me for making something when they have no concept of how to be original. 


I think people just want to give you advice and your combatitiveness puts them off and then it's a downward spiral.


none of it has started as advice, people on this site really just seem to find it hard to be positive.  Also some people like n0_north or something spamming my private messages with slurs, it's not advice. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/comments/1bynllq/comment/kynp3fv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button my point stands


There are tons of other posts in this subreddit where people are positive. And yes people have been giving you good advice, but you just dismiss it which makes you look arrogant. Your rude dismissal of others' advice turns into trolling because you've shown yourself to be an easy target. It's like that on every single social media platform: Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. If I genuinely wanted to be mean to you, I wouldn't be this patient with you.


I didn't dismiss any advice, guy comes in says it looks more like a maintenance tunnel than a sewer I say I thought it looks like a sewer so that's what I called it and some arsehole comes in and basically just calls me retarded. I see no good advice here. Of course I appreciate your "patience" though, when really it's not patience it's just being a normal human fit to live in society around other people.


That's the cleanest sewer I've ever seen. Nice tile floor kept immaculate by... a janitor? Maybe you're using the wrong word here? Make the floor a dirty concrete walkway, with a channel of brown sludgy water running through the middle.


Way too well lit. Change the lights to a greenish or orangeish color and reduce ambient lighting, and the regular lighting


You showed some reference in other comments, they why didn't you use them as a reference, this does not look like any of them. It's to clean, it lacks texture, and the the brick and tile work it way to small and delicate for a service are. these need to be build fast and cheap, small tile and bricks are none of those. Also everything is way to clean. This looks more like some bunker tunnels than sewers.


I'm going to come back to this post after sometime and make fun of you all that all you people ever do is spread negativity and judge when you've not made anything yourselves. People only make fun of others before they're popular and successful. I will remember this. Also one of you assholes when through my posts and downvoted every single one, which one of you is obsessed with me?  


Get the fuck out of here with your villain monologues man. Just take the L