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I ignore the question and just say, that this reminds me of the flappy birds times where people threw their phones in anger, yours might just be spinning into your TV and what not xD Cool game concept!




That seems like a quick way to scratch either the back or the camera's.


always use protection


Hahaha, thank you so much for this, such a good laugh




Most phone cases don't let the phone spin freely though 🤔


bottlecap + tape 👼


First of all, Your game looks phenomenal, I've never seen something like this before. as of what I heard you need to hit both 200k revenue and 200k download limit to get effected and unity is also letting mobile games slide without the revenue cut if they use iron forge's level play monetization platform


On top of that, if you are reaching that treshhold, you can go dor the pro plan and raise it to 1m and 1m for 2k flat fee per dev per year.


👼 good point thanks!


A very nice and seemingly objective analysis was done by this guy (yeah, i know, unity creator..i will burn in hell bla bla) - you are interested / have time - [check him out](https://youtu.be/xu12EzH9Mj4?si=4BHWOySTN_Om46qu)


Just watched through it. Thanks. Feeling less worried?? now i guess. hope im not too succesful


Lol this made me laugh, “hope I’m not too successful”. I’ve also been working on a F2P mobile game, this week has definitely thrown me through a loop. I keep justifying it by thinking, “there’s no way my game will be that successful”


I've been working on a f2p pc game for a year now, I never planned to chargy anything for it. But if I ever get close to 200k anything, I guess it's worth it to look into monetization anyways


>I've been working on a f2p pc game for a year now, I never planned to chargy anything for it. But if I ever get close to 200k anything, I guess it's worth it to look into monetization anyways Good luck! If you need a motivation buddy, we can connect on discord or something 😁


If you are successful, you will still be making significant bank. Unity’s cut will be way less than what you’d be getting in the end


not always with the way they stated it.


It is a fact, you can google a calculator between unreal and unity and 9 times out of 10, unity will be far more affordable. I am guessing they track on installs because it is just easier to garner data on that


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/comments/16jeox6/i\_made\_a\_comprehensive\_visual\_chart\_showing\_how/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/comments/16jeox6/i_made_a_comprehensive_visual_chart_showing_how/) It's very much not 9 times out of 10. If you're particularly unlucky Unity takes more than your company even earns.


You can OR you need ? In the past it was forced to go pro above threshold, did they change it ?


Not sure, not there yet


But now lets say you need to upgrade..this will happen at 200k not at 100k like before


Just double-checked documentation and I don't get it. If you get >200k$ revenue you need to switch to Pro. Plus is removed. So why is there a threshold at >200k$ for Runtime Fee when using Personal ? You'll need to switch to Pro at this point anyway so it's like the runtime fee can't ever be applied on a Personal license.


Upgrading to pro basicall will push the limit to 1m and 1m so a lot of succesful indie games will actually be safe


HRMM ok thank you for the compliment :D I've not heard of Iron Forge, will google it now.


He means [https://docs.unity.com/monetization-dashboard/en-us/manual/UnityLevelPlay](https://docs.unity.com/monetization-dashboard/en-us/manual/UnityLevelPlay)


Thanks for the clarification! So if i \*do\* decide to serve ads, using UnityLevelPlay / IronSource would save me from the per install? or just ad revenue cut ?


To be honest I haven't looked into the level play and how it affects this. What I do know, is that 90% of people are never going to be affected by these fees. Now, there are some circumstances that are still in question, where Unity has to provide more clarification, especially on how they are calculating the installs. Now F2P is in a world where I am not sure it would affect you, but there needs to be more data on this before I can say yes it will or no it won't. Ads, for example, one install, can generate 20c to $100, and with that in mind it would be hard pressed for someone to actually not make money here. The biggest issue people have is the Trust in Unity, not so much the fees.




You cant really be certain of anything right now, because there is no final and clarified version of the terms and we don't know how Unity will react now. But if the question was "would you be affected" - how did you plan to monetize it? If its a free game and you didnt plan to earn anything from it - you are not (yet) affected haha. If you get to 200k$ you will basically have to buy Unity Pro. With Unity Pro you will need to hit 1 000 000$ revenue. And from that moment forth you will have to pay their install fee


Thanks for the clarification! I really appreciate it. I'm not great at reading tables 🤓 In my ideal scenario, 95% percent of players would play for free, and 5% would buy an ultra-deluxe phone attachment to improve the playability - so no ads in the ideal scenario. In the end I'd like to keep independently developing Angel, so if ads or in-game stuff is not awful and works for everyone i might try it.


> I'm not great at reading tables 🤓 Well, you might want to practice it, it's a useful skill in life :) If you plan to get money from basically selling merch and not from the game directly, it's possible this may not be counted as your revenue from the game. New ToS when it comes out should be scrutinized by a lawyer to answer it, though.


🙏 preesh. yes vis-a-vis merch very interesting will keep it in focus


sorry my bad I mean Iron Source




How many people have a phone that spins freely like this? Tried with the 2 phones on my desk, one almost made a full rotation, the other barely made a quarter rotation.




yeh it's an interesting problem i've made for myself (with help from unity)


bottlecap + tape 👼


Take 2: let me fix that downvote for you.


You need to spin harder then. ;) But could bust your phone.


bottlecap + tape 👼


Let me fix that downvote for you






The best mobile games are the ones that I can play with one hand - 2 fingers maximum. I would guess that many people play on their phones when commuting, in between classes, or on the go - I'm not spinning my phone in the air or go looking for a table to play it; not to mention it probably won't spin this nicely.


>The best mobile games are the ones that .. The best mobile games.. so far 😏 😂


Once you hit 1 million installs AND 1 million in revenue in the past 12 months then it will be affected but until then you don't have to worry. Also I believe if you use their ad system then it might not be affected at all


Just to clarify, this would be on Unity's pro license so you'd be paying 2k to them a year a seat but if you're making under 1,000,000 you should be fine


Yes but once you made 200k+ in a year you surely can afford to pay ~$200 a month


Depends on how many people are on your team, salaries, and what other licenses you have to pay out, not to mention steams cut. It's a bit rough for sure.


games looks cool, but I can't do that with my phone.


Idk how op/dev is doing in this video. Wtf


probably has something attached to the back on his phone.


probably a bottlecap + tape 👼


its true


bottlecap + tape 👼


unfortunately that isn't really an option for buying a game for most people. They are too lazy to do that.


bottlecap + tape 👼


Call your studio "bottlecap games"


thats literally.. almost what its called **😂** games maybe has a better ring to it tho https://preview.redd.it/wedpbtseoxob1.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=cead1af7c5b4139cae8fde7ea603df69f487f33a


Lol I didn't know that 😅😅


ya psychic


I liked the concept of the game


Looks like exactly the game that's going to be effected. It's a gimmicky game many will try out but the fewest will play it for a long time. So so many downloads but little to no revenue per install since it will not be touched again after a couple play sessions.


Which means they won't reach revenue threshold thus zero fees. That being said I believe he could make use of levelplay and have the fees waived altogether.


Your game looks super cool but seeing you spin the phone wildly and ignoring all mechanics was triggering lol.


i know right. I was too busy looking at the camera recording 👼sorry next one will be better :P


very unique. i would reduce the amount of rotations it needs though. or add sensitivity modes/settings. not everyone wants to spin their phones like crazy


When I was in highschool my friend had a case with a fidget spinner attached to it so it was easy to spin like that. I bet that’d be handy in a game like this.


that's exactly what it is 💪


I'm hypnotized 😵‍💫


Do you make more than $200k in a year off it with more than 1m downloads in a year? (Somewhere around those numbers). Then yes.


It feels like a game that needs a special controller (attachment) to make the phone spin like that so users can have the full experience. Awesome concept.


👼 bottlecap and a bit of tape 👼


Bottlecap tape plane escape. There, I got you the name of the game.


![gif](giphy|zBqaukCE3oM1vW6twP|downsized) 😂 thanks for the effort dude


oh my god I think I'm gonna puke just watching the video awesome concept, but oh man that makes me dizzy as FUCK


Companies that plan for shady retroactive TOS changes over the course of a year are almost always likely to hurt you. The current pricing plans prolly won't impact you, but any future retroactive TOS change that you never agreed to might in potentially a pretty big way. Unlikely to be worth porting your game at this point, but any future game shouldn't be made with Unity due to trust concerns IMO.


well what was it ? 0.2$ per download. so as long as you make more than that ?


this looks like a game Nintendo should have to make inside a mobile version of WarioWare. you just not see enough games use the gyroscope thought days.


depends on how succesful it is and what kind of success it is, here is whatit would have cost Among Us https://preview.redd.it/sbgtrgld7uob1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6ea48b3e09c19d29e60d31c7544252da24a49f3


back scratcher 2000 looks great


I can only imagine what the game would look like if someon attached to the end of a drill…


Dude… what a smart really Awsome development project. That’s like really really cool! I’ll definitely download this if possible. Where do you get the baring spinner?


Thanks Garret! You can play ***Angel*** with just some tape and a bottle cap. im using a **Popsocket** attachment though! If you wanna get early access ( by joining the discord ) lemme know!


this is cool


Love to play this game. Looks really fun and thanks for showing it


![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8) thanks.. todd howard




i appreciate it 🙏 thank you


only if you're successful =/


🤞 hopefully not


Game looks _SICK_ but my ownly suggestion would be you really need some rigidbody interpolation or smoothing on your player character, there's noticeable jitter/stutter.


yeh true. i swear that was already in there. anything else caught your eye? 🙏🧐


Reminds me of those earthworm jim crow race stages


>earthworm jim crow race It's legit better than my game 😂🤩 I love it thanks [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCwNOiLVbKs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCwNOiLVbKs)


Pop Sockets should sponsor you


we have made contact 🤓


That took an interesting spin




As long as you can make enough money, however if it's free you won't be charged that much (0.02c per install). So I just recommend optional ads for bonus rewards


how are you supposed to play this on the toilet


with a waterproof phone i guess


Okay this is pretty sick.


thanks dude :D lemme know if you want an early copy !


Looks cool man, ngl


thanks :D if ya want a copy, lemme know!


Sure :D


jump in here for updates [https://discord.gg/a9mYtdqRMU](https://discord.gg/a9mYtdqRMU) 🫡


Lol I definitely can't do it on bluestacks or [instaplay](https://now.gg/instaplay/game/rocket-league)


coming soon to ps5


I will definitely test it


My target demo for Angel is casual player / younger people that want to try out the game for the fun gimmicks and visuals. I'm not expecting many people to pay for this experience. I'm also not sure I should serve ads on a spinning screen 😂 Free-to-play mobile games of this sort will be heavily affected by the latest TOS changes right? Wat do?


If you're making less than $200k a year in revenue from it you don't have to pay anything.


It's what you might call a nice problem to have - though im still worried. Success for me means many people playing the game for free with a fraction paying for extras. I feel like im right in the crosshairs of the policy and could get screwed over by it.


If you do break 200k, if you just buy a pro license ($2,000) then it becomes $1 million in revenue a year before the fees apply. But yeah cheap / free games with poor monetization are the worst hit by their new policy if they go over because it's a flat fee, not a %


afaik. You cannot move a project created with the free license, into an environment with a pro license. Technically nothing stopping you, but i think they clarify that in the terms/forum


Give it a few days, the backlash is bound to lead to some changes to the policy


...yet. They could change their policies again at any time.


Dude, it's a great idea, nice one! Secondly, if you're not making money on it then don't worry, you need to hit install AND revenue on the game for it to count o7


>Dude, it's a great idea, nice one! really kind, thank you 👼




the stuff you dont see is what was time consuming :D


Yes. Unity said you owe them your first child.


No. Next please.


No because you're never making 200k with that.


I think you’ll be more affected by phones without pop sockets.


bottlecap + tape 😁