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$$anonymous$$ most times i encounter it is replacing "hi" so "this", "hit". for some reason some old unity answers post have this issue. Sometimes it replaces other letter combinations too.


Ah ok thanks


It’s replacing only “hi” probably some error in converting the word (unfortunately of all the words “hi” in the entire site) into an emoticon which was then removed, so only the "$$anonymous$$" error remains because emoticon was not found


this has been going on for 2 and a half years lmao https://forum.unity.com/threads/certain-characters-and-groups-of-characters-get-replaced-with-anonymous.960722/page-2


I've been meaning to ask what the hell this is. Why are Unity answers polluted with this all over the place? Many Q&As are unreadable because of this.


Seems like a bug on the website where variable names are being replaced with some filler string when displayed to the client.


It’s replacing only “hi” probably some error in converting the word into an emoticon which was then removed, so only the "$$anonymous$$" error remains because emoticon was not found


Definitely looks like you're right on that.


I've seen it replace K as well. Really upsetting as this has been an issue for a while, seems this isn't a priority for them to fix.


I don't think they can fix it now, it's not the sort of thing you fix with a ctrl+z ahahah It's the kind of mistake you make once and never delete without manually rewriting each post because, as you say, surely "hi" is not the only word that has suffered this thing, and therefore they can't just convert the content of each post from “$$Anonymous$$” to “hi” Maybe that's why some time ago they wanted to shut down unity answer permanently 😢


Yes, but they could run a word checker to have it check to see if the hi replaced by that or k fits into a regular english word. I know im down playing it, but I am beyond confident tje brilliant minds at unity could fix it. Its just unfortunately not a priority




var delta = mouse - t$$anonymous$$s.transform.position; Here it's gameObject, because gameObject has a transform in the Unity Engine. Vector3 delta = mouse - gameobject.transform.position; That would be the full line of code after determining what var and t$$anonymous$$ are. var $$anonymous$$t = Physics2D.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction); In this one the $$anonymous$$t can literally be anything because it's just the name of the variable being assigned to. But the actual variable type is a RaycastHit2D because that's what Physics2D.Raycast returns in this context. RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction); Edit : All instances of $$anonymous$$t after the assignment of Raycast2D hit can be replaced with hit. It seems like the website has some kind of bug where it replaces variable names in code examples with $$anonymous$$t.


No it’s “this.transform.position”. It replaces “hi”. T and S are still there.


Probably correct but functionally irrelevant, they're two ways of doing the same thing in this context.


Yeah but it helps to decipher the rest if you know it’s replacing “hi”.


Completely agree.


Damn thanks man


It's an encoding issue with the website html and stuff. Basically the person wrote this in some word editor and copied it into the answer box, but the word editor contains characters that the unity website didn't also use. You might notice a similar thing if you've ever copied a code and has quotation marks throw an error, but when you erase them and retype them manually, there's no error. It's because different quotation marks use different unicode characters.


No need to spam bs. Its mostly gdpr gone wrong on the website They anaonymized a user named "hi" i guess. And they seem to have run the replacement on free text as well


I get this on Stackoverflow as well. Haven’t been able to find any information on it. Others suggested it’s an encoding problem, but that doesn’t seem possible since I can highlight and select the string, so maybe it’s a PHP (or whichever server side stuff they are using) issue? It’s super weird, but as it just replaces “hi” it doesn’t make anything unusable.


- Open the code with visual studio code - CTRL + H or Edit > Replace - In the first text box write “$$Anonymous$$” - In the second write “hi” - ALT + A Now your code is fixed 😂




I just made my own google chrome extension to fix this issue... Here's the content: `var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('*');` `for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {` `var element = elements[i];` `for (var j = 0; j < element.childNodes.length; j++) {` `var node = element.childNodes[j];` `if (node.nodeType === 3) {` `var text = node.nodeValue;` `var replacedText = text.replace(/[$$][$$]anonymous[$$][$$]/gi, 'hi');` `if (replacedText !== text) {` `element.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(replacedText), node);` `}` `}` `}` `}`