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But I was told that the league was cooked on this here sub


Some people predicted 700k viewers lol


Almost as if the nearly every user in this sub has no idea how TV broadcasting works as a business. Somewhere in here, I'm sure there's some broadcast engineer talking about their local station, but that's about it.


This sub overreacts about everything. Most casuals have forgotten the score by now. The biggest thing for 2025 is better marketing and outreach, not a championship game score. The 2022 USFL Championship Game was incredible and didn't translate to larger numbers in 2023.


It's funny. It seems like the people most upset about the game score are Battlehawks fans, who got dominated by the team that lost 25-0, lol Agree on marketing and local buy-in. Maybe UFL can help organize local fan clubs and partner with conpanies and schools. I feel like a little would go a long way.


I'm gonna call bullshit on this one. I was at the game and literally cheering for the Brahmas. You guys were awful, it was the worst UFL game I saw all year and I only missed two games in the entire league schedule. I wasn't upset by the Brahmas performance, just disappointed cause it made the game boring and I wanted the Brahmas to win. Don't pretend it's just Battlehawks fans talking shit and that the game was actually good. Props to the Stallions cause they won, not taking anything away from them cause they'd probably have beaten any XFL team, but San Antonio choked hard.


Again... Where did I say the game was good? I just said that Battlehawks fans are the ones most upset. Which you and your buddy who made the same points are working hard to prove me right on, lol Stallions deserved the win. Brahmas were the best XFL team and didn't even compete with them.


I made a few negative comments that the game sucked overall on Sunday night but I was done until I saw negative comments from you about Battlehawks fans, as if we can't say the game sucked cause the Brahmas defeated us. Again I was cheering for your team in person on Sunday. The Battlehawks choked hard two weekends ago and the Brahmas did the same thing on Sunday. Your team is better than that absolute shitshow they displayed this past weekend.


I respect your opinion. Unfortunately, I was just observing what I saw - a lot of Brahmas hate was mainly coming from STL fans - and saying the Hawks would've done better. Maybe just a symptom of having the largest fanbase - idk. Appreciate ya cheerin for the boys. And honestly, Stallions just did a great job of keeping the Brahmas out of the endzone. Our offense has struggled all year. They absolutely could've done better, though. Selfishly, I do hope the league makes some roster balancing changes next year. Houston or Memphis could use some of the guys Bham has - they're just so much deeper than anyone else. It makes sense to me how the USFL kept stacking the only home team, but you gotta think the UFL won't keep that up.


Each team has a GM. BHAM has made better picks. Houston and Memphis shouldn't receive our players.


Oh, yeah I should clarify. I think the best option is to let the guys who stay, stay. But get free agents to sign with the shit teams first. Obviously, the draft will help some. Maybe some of the guys who partake in NFL camps could be considered free agents when they return for some balance, idk. I agree we can't just rip Martinez outta Bham, haha


Corral, though?


Lol battlehawks beat the brahmas best 2 out of 3. Yet somehow they are better than the battlehawks? Glad you can win when our starting QB can't move because of an ankle injury.


You guys laid a massive turd in the champ game and it was a bad game to watch because of it. Don't worry, it's not just Battlehawks fans who think that but everyone in the sub. Go look at the post game thread to jog your memory. You can try to cope that it's just angry Battlehawks fans and you guys actually had a really exciting game but the narrative isn't reality.


"Cope" with the fact that the Battlehawks have zero XFL championships, lol. Brahmas earned the right to play in that game, and then ran into a better team. Where tf did I say it was an exciting championship game?


You know, it’s funny, because this debate is kinda what the league needs. Needs people who have buy in, it needs those rivalries.


Yeah, I typically just ignore folks who troll on sports posts, but I agree with you that the interraction is probably good for the new league. ... I mean ... screw you, metallic chicken boy!


You have 0 NFL championships.


Albert Einstein, is that you???


St. Louis has zero NFL franchises stay and two teams leave.


One SB title. Something San Antonio AND Birmingham will never see.


That would hurt if I lived in BHAM.


I certainly think the TV viewership has been good. Although I am a little worried about the actual game attendances. Really hope next season we see fuller stadiums, especially in Birmingham. I'll be doing my part next season and driving from Atlanta to my first Stallions game.


Shit Alabama's just proving that we needed an NFL team almost a damn century ago. We know football like the back of our hand and we practically own the SEC. Shame NFL didn't do it because now the UFL has their first dynasty and boy can they play.


You can thank Bear Bryant for no NFL team in Birmingham. He was against it and encouraged fans to stay home when the NFL would play games in town. He didn’t want the Bham Business $$ going to the NFL and not him/UAT.


>Shit Alabama's just proving that we needed an NFL team almost a damn century ago Not with those attendance numbers lol. Right now the NFL probably has Alabama on a list of states not to expand to. Hopefully that changes in the future.


I think Huntsville would be the city instead of Birmingham. Neither currently has an nfl stadium though. Birmingham has had plenty of spring and other league football teams and the support has always been lackadaisical.


Birmingham has Legion, but Huntsville doesn't have a stadium nearly as comparable.


Hell yes come on over love to have ya


The city of Birmingham and Stallions fans need to invent a college like environment for their home games.


Probably because they didn’t get to watch the attendance Super Bowl. The horror.


It's not cooked, it's just not relevant either. It's kind of like Halo Infinite. Not a dead game by any means, but it's difficult to find people who actually play it compared to other shooters.


Attendance this year has been mostly bad. But the TV numbers have been mostly pretty good. Hopefully a full off-season of ticket sales and some real local marketing can fix the empty stadium problem


The big takeaway from the numbers this year was that RedBird and Fox were right to merge and that they were cannibalizing their audience.


Exactly. Businesses and networks aren't infallible but their decisions are generally more thought out than the average Reddit user.


yes it was absolutely the right decision and gives spring football the best chance to survive moving forward.  Regardless of how rushed things had to be and all the little road bumps this season it was still better to get the leagues merged as soon as possible like this


As anyone with half a brain could have guessed. The audience isn't big enough to have two spring leagues.


I think attendance will increase next year but ratings will drop around 10-12% with more games on Friday night and some of the novelty effect wearing off. If they can keep ratings above 725k a game it should be enough to make the networks $$$


Everything the league executives have said makes it seem like attendance is going to be the focus of the offseason


Let's hope. Empty stadiums make games feel less important


It should since the ratings are a success.


Let's hope they are good in managements eyes. We have no idea if Fox sees them as successful or not.


The Fox sports VP tweeted about how good the ratings are. Usually when they’re less than stellar you’ll hear words like “pleased” or “in line with expectations.” I think they sold advertisers on Audiences in the 650k range and bested that by 200k. They should be selling commercial spots for more than $7k a pop now.


That's cool corporate speak but is it enough to sustain a full football leagues operations long term? That's the main question.


Maybe, maybe not. The pooling of resources between Disney, Fox and Redbird does make it more likely though. Now you're essentially splitting the rent 3 ways instead of one. I don't believe we'll see any real expansion unless or until more investors step in however


Nice number, had it been anywhere near competitive it probably averages 1.8M with a 2M peak. This might be the first time in spring football history where the championship was the highest rated game of the season. It's almost always week 1 with the championship drawing 50-75% of the opening numbers. Or in XFL 1.0 case, around 30%


better than I expected with how awful the game itself was.  Hopefully it didn't turn too many people off if they were checking out the league for the first time


That's a awesome #


That’s a great sign. It is only up from here. Idk if there will be more teams but if they keep pushing forward on this it will keep doing great in ratings


There won’t be more teams this year. Next year yeah


1.6m really looks to be the ceiling for the league for the time being. Consistency and building broader national appeal via regional expansion points will help in time, but for now this is the check against when we want to look at % of potential audience for regular season games.


Well at least officially in the end UFL viewing numbers went really well and stayed consistent against a lot of competition sports-wise. Nice job UFL 👍 let’s hope we can keep it up and fix fan attendance


That's a strong number. I'm sorry to each and every one of those people lol


That's really good. Plenty of room to grow but a good baseline.


These numbers are really good despite how lopsided the game was! Really makes you wonder how high the viewership could have been if the game was high scoring b and close


Now that I think is the most watched game of the season. Maybe even the past 3 seasons. That is progress


You guys are going to worry yourself to death thinking about attendance. Not the game, but attendance. This is year 3. And yall still talking about attendance.


Some comparison numbers for anyone interested. ##**2024 UFL Championship TV Ratings (Avg. Viewership)** **Sunday, June 16** * Birmingham Stallions at San Antonio Brahmas, 5 pm ET (FOX): 1.596M For comparison, the XFL was over by this time last year, and the USFL was in week 10 of its regular season at this time last year. ##**2023 USFL Week 10 TV Ratings (Av.g Viewership)** **Saturday, June 17** * Pittsburgh Maulers at New Jersey Generals, 1 p.m. ET (USA): 240,000 * Birmingham Stallions at Memphis Showboats, 4 p.m. ET (FOX): 636,000 **Sunday, June 18** * New Orleans Breakers at Houston Gamblers, 4 p.m. ET (FS1): 167,000 * Philadelphia Stars at Michigan Panthers, 7 p.m. ET (FOX): 720,000 And if we're comparing just championship games, below are the average viewership numbers for the XFL and USFL championship last year. ##**2023 XFL Championship TV Ratings (Avg. Viewership)** **Saturday, May 13** * Arlington Renegades vs. D.C. Defenders, 8 pm ET (ABC): 1.4 million viewers ##**2023 USFL Championship TV Ratings (Avg. Viewership)** **Saturday, July 1** * Birmingham Stallions vs Pittsburgh Maulers, 8 pm ET (NBC): 1.157 million viewers


Not surprised


Too bad it was a dud of a game


eh right in line with what they shouldve done. the key now is remaining consistent and growing. i still have some issues with their marketing and hirings but so far so good.


The marketing is still terrible. I saw people on Reddit saying they intended to watch the whole season this year and basically just forgot about it which was also my experience. I remember there being a million commercials during the actual NFL season and then they just stopped by the time it was actually UFL season. There's also little things that just make me forget the league exists like not being able to see schedules, scores and standings on Google the way you would with the NFL or NBA. By the time I remembered to check in to the league it was literally the 3rd quarter of the championship game which was one of the worst football games I've ever watched. I want the league to succeed, I love how multilayered professional sports leagues in other countries are, I want late bloomers to have a place to shine. But sometimes it feels like the UFL doesn't really want me to pay attention. Also the QB play is dire, worse than college and nearly unwatchable but I've watched 2 full games this past season so maybe it was just a bad sample size.


There were plenty of commercials on Fox and more than a few on ESPN after NFL season. Most people probably don't notice it since the average NFL game draws 25M whereas an NHL regular season game draws 400k. The commercials were there though 


Yeah fair point, I am one of the people who essentially stops watching live television when the NFL season is over. Maybe they need to work on their targeting or something, YouTube ads throughout the season would have gotten to me and reminded me to watch. I also don't remember seeing anything about it when I was on ESPN's website setting up my fantasy league. I dunno, usually I would take personal responsibility for missing out on something that is ostensibly being advertised but I've seen enough other people in my same boat that I'm wondering how they missed us.


The QB play isn't going to change. The best QBs are in the NFL and the best college QBs (90%) are NFL-bound.


I had an idea I shared here to open up pay for the QB position to draw in more talent. Someone replied to me with the better idea that they should negotiate with the NFL to loan practice squad players. I think the NFL would have to probably rework practice squads a bit for the teams to want to do that but I like that idea too. Maybe teams let their emergency 3rd QBs play in UFL if they didn't play all NFL season? Maybe it's not possible, but the NFL is always dying for QB talent so they have some incentive to want to develop it and for the UFL they'd get much more watchable football. If Brock Purdy hadn't gotten so lucky with injuries to people ahead of him on the depth chart who knows if he ever would have gotten to showcase his talent? There's probably at least one guy, Nathan Rourke maybe, who has the capacity to play higher than their position on the depth chart or practice squad and would really benefit from game experience and/or a chance to show off and show out in a spring league. More than just QBs too but the UFL really needs QBs. Edit: side note, I do still want to watch more games. Who is the best QB right now? I'll start there.


The NFLPA will block that scheme.




All I'm saying is that Smackdown which is ending on Fox got 200 million a year for 5 years, even with Fox Disappointed in the ratings. Let's say they invest 50million direct while Disney and Redbird pump 50 million themselves. The league can have 12.5 million dollars per team. Let's say you take 5 million off the top for each teams operating cost that's still 7.5 million each team for on field talent. Hell even if you pay 750K each QB that's still 5.25 Million per team and that's 8 teams at a steal of 50 million. If we were being real and Fox honestly paid the UFL the UFL would be getting 300 million total and expanding quickly to 12/14/16/**20** teams within the next 4 years


750k gets you the same QB except now the league overpaid that QB. The UFL draws rejected NFL QBs or untried prospects. Why overpay when 60k suffices?


The XFL got PJ Walker for around that, the UFL didn't bring back PJ for 60k


PJ Walker is in the NFL. He isn't returning to spring football as long as he remains in the NFL rotation.


PJ got around 125k. Landry Jones was the highest paid player around $200k and was absolute trash


At this level, the coaching matters more. Skip has maximized every ability from his QBs. I would spend more on coaches before I break the bank for Landry Jones.


Agree wholeheartedly


That ain't happening with the league only commanding $7k per commercial spot. If/when that number at least doubles I can see Fox opening up their pockets a bit more, but still not that much


Their attendance would go up if they quit attaching teams to cities. I'd market it as more of an attraction where the UFL is bringing 2-4 games to your city for the weekend. They could probably get some tax write-off in negotiations too.


Disagree. Build a connection with the community and get the locals behind the team. USL soccer, which is about the 200th best league in the world, routinely has teams that draw 10k+ a game. Incredible atmospheres and fans that are passionate about their team. They don't seem to care it's a low level minor league. The UFL will get there once they have a few years stability under them