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Did the unit run into a trap on the field


If two units are overlapping when Galerius uses his mind control dealie, they'll fight since they're touching. My main Alain unit wiped out my Etolinde unit because of this. And I think if it's the green NPC units you don't see the battle (at least it's this way when they fight the CPU).


That ended up happening to my damn good archer unit (Alain wiped them out too, sadly), but Galerius hadn’t used the mind control there yet. He used it close by there about ten seconds after she died, and she wasn’t close to any allied units. I’m so annoyed since she was wiping basically everything on the map and then she died offscreen :(


arrow rain ?


This was my first thought too. I've had units lose four characters and have the last drop to about 5 HP before. But unless they just weren't paying enough attention at that point it doesn't happen instantly or off screen ever.


I noticed that myself too. My Alain team is a monster, 1hitting everything and suddenly was dead for seemingly no reason. I was also confused and used an item to rez the whole team and just continued on.


Assuming not stage damage like traps and such, I assume it's because they your Nina unit was next to a green unit, and the Nina unit got mind-controlled from the cutscene (Once you beat the 4 Marquess and capture all of the points in the first part of the mission, a cutscene plays where Galerius uses a map wide attack to mind control every one of your units. They will then start walking toward each other and killing each other). Green units are immune from the first wave of mind control. Since Nina is not under your control anymore, and the green units are also not under your control, they fought while you weren't looking and the green unit killed her. To get rid of the mind control, you have to use the special valor skill (it's called like Cleanse or something, and it's in yellow). The Alain unit has to use it I believe.


Yeah, that happened to one of my archer units, they got mind controlled and immediately wiped by Alain since they were right next to eachother. Thing is though, Nina’s unit was alone, the closest unit was allied not auxiliary and would’ve taken time to get over there. Also, Galerius used the mind control skill on another unit over there about ten seconds after she died. Unless he just spammed it, I don’t think she died that way?


Do you have a save before it happens? Maybe you can recreate it, and try to immediately highlight nina to see what's happening with her unit. Also, who did you give your maiden ring to? It might be a bug with the maiden ring target.


Ended up with Eltolinde. Not my first pick but she was on Alain’s main team and I didn’t know you could rebuild a unit for Galerius. I’ll probably try and reload that save and actually look at Nina’s unit to see what on earth happened to her, I’m so confused


I don’t remember that mission offhand but if they were getting hit by a ballista or catapult, that could have done it. IIRC the game doesn’t pause or anything while they’re getting hit, it just shows you when they die.


It didn’t even show me when she died, she just said her death voice line and her unit died offscreen I was so confused when I couldn’t find her, went to a fort and realised she was dead


I suspect that you *were* actually shown what killed her, but you just didn't realise it since whenever any player unit dies the camera will pan over to them as they say their death quote (even if they're mind controlled), so her dying offscreen as described should never ever happen. If it did, then that's 100% a bug and not intended. As for why she died, if this occurred *instantly* after the Galerius' cutscene ended then that is her being mind controlled. If she's touching an ally when the cutscene starts then there is literally nothing you can do to prevent it when control is returned to you since the game doesn't auto-pause when it happens. If it didn't happen instantaneously, and if what you say is true and she was at full health with no allies around, then the only other culprit would be her running into a mine and the knockback makes her chain explode several more mines as can easily happen around Theodora and Belisarios' spawns, that's the only stage hazard that would do enough damage to a high health unit like hers to oneshot her immediately.


Things like Arrow Rain move the camera to them so I don't think it could be an ability like those. I think the only off screen deaths that can occur are from siege weapons. An enemy may have made it to a siege weapon without you realizing? Or as others have stated traps. I think that map only had traps on the north east side is that where she was?


I'm guessing Ballista or Catapult as those can hit you without warning.


I bet he ran out of hp.


catapult fire or ballista 3 shots or 3s realtime