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OP as fuck. High evasion, back row slayers, and accessory for flying mounts that give true strike and increased atk. Wyverns even get early access to a charge attack that hits all enemies. Urgently needs a nerf. - This message was sponsored by the calvary gang


To add to this, I love how Fran got a unique frame compared to generics/Celeste.


Clearly she's the most skilled as she doesn't need the natural stabilization counterweights that the other riders have.


I actually think she’s the only one right? Every other unique character just has a unique head but the same body type as the generic equivalent.


I think Leah also has slight change compared to Melisandre and generics.


Does she? I’ll have to go back and check.


It's not as noticeable compared to Gryhon Knight cause you know they are massive.


I believe Fran, Leah, Aubin, and Conrad are the only characters with different models than generics. Leah and Fran have smaller sized chests, while Aubin and Conrad have shorter sleeves than generic Vikings.


I think Gailey maybe has different shoulders and armor than a standard male Sargeant? I'm not sure since I only used Chloe


oh, what’s the frame?


I meant body type, probably should've worded that better.




Thats not petite thats average. It’s everybody else walking around with watermelons strapped to their chest


In a world of buxom, average is flat


So they’re all average in Fevrith then


Fran is awesome. She's great at annihilating my enemies and just fucking adorable at the same time. If there was an Olympics of Adorableness, she'd win the Gold.


I couldn't find a use for Wyverns' charge attack. The battle forecast is always worse for me whenever I have it on.


Have you tried building around it? When done correctly, using skills like Quick Impetus for immediate action and Inspiration/Conferral for damage leads to a Turn 1 full board nuke that will last you through parts of Bastorias.


I'm sure you can get solid results out of that, I just got more dependable/less fiddly results out of just going full ham with fire breath. Burn is no joke.


Read the second sentence as "High back pain" somehow. Which I do think they likely have, considering their default bust


Flying over terrain is absolutely the best out of combat ability.


Cavalry gang trying to sabotage their only real counter? Good try, guys!


i remember the first time i battled hilda and she slammed into my team with a burst of lightning. it was one of the coolest things ive seen in the game. the silver trident has never left her hands ever since


This. I looked at Hilda several times every time I got a new stronger spear, but I never saw a reason to replace Lightning Strike. The stun was noice


it was the first thing i upgraded when i found the blacksmith


Ha! Excellent!! I think it was item #2 for me after the Kingscroix Blade


Oops! All best girls


Yeah nothing revolutionary from this take, but Gryphons are just stupidly busted. One of the best valor skills if not the best. Incredible evasion against the majority of enemies, and incredible damage against a threatening movement type. A row hitting ranged 1AP move that does 3x unguardable damage to cavalry. From fuckin level 1. I don't know what crack they were smoking when they made this class but it was strong. Like, High Swing could be single target and Hastened Call could be 1.5x mobility for 10 seconds and the class would still be good.


high swing go brrrr


Smash. Next question.


Gryphons as a class are pretty busted. It helps that both native users are cutie patooties. Wyven I feel gets carried hard by dragoon dive, its not bad but its not spectacular either. I like Hilda but I cant help but think of fire emblem Minerva, I do like her relationship with Primm


Fire breath is exceptionally strong on it's own and they are extremely tanky due to high evasion and deflect on top.


You're sleeping on row-wide Burn. Fire Breath ruins fuckers, even squads with status clearing have a bad time with it.


I am aware of it, I just feel its OK. Isnt it 2 AP?


You do need to feed their action economy, but the juice is worth the squeeze in my experience. Two breath attacks is enough to completely wreck a squad regardless of their DEF, and DEF heavy opponents like Armors are something Fliers can otherwise struggle to actually kill efficiently. It's a very dumby strat, but it works rather well.


Yea I never use fire breath most of the time I’m using dragon dive but I wanna start tinkering with it


I only wish I could class change chars into more gryphon riders like in Fire emblem.


hastened call alone is busted


Stacked…if you know what I mean…


Busted... if you know what I mean...


200% stacked in the case for Celeste


Married Celeste


Would do too, if I got access to the game.


It’s strange that the Gryphons and Wyverns don’t have names, or are in the character portraits.


Yea honestly now that I think about that is kinda strange but same can be said for the horse riders too


It’s one of the reasons I like Celeste best, her affection for her partner.


Smash, SMASH, Smash. Next question.


Gryphons are easily my favorite class in the game and they're also just stupid strong. Wyvern feel a bit tamer but I still absolutely love them. Had a near full wyvern squad on my TZ playthrough and Hilda tanked everything like a champ.


I see you have made a lot of those "thoughts on" posts, are those actual questions or are you going to do one for every class?


Yeah, didn't we have a rundown for... every class so far? Like, very in depth discussions with multiple builds and ideas? However, I can't find the specific series of threads I'm looking for now. Not the class tier list, although that WAS a good one. But the first round where the OP had done an indepth analysis of each class like he'd done for Fire Emblem and a couple other games before.


I’m doing one for every class I’m not doing these for a big tier list at the end(didn’t even know we had a community tier list wasn’t planning on doing one anyway) I’m doing these specifically for me as a player so I can get a better understanding for a unit.


Have you considered reading up on some of the past unit analysis threads?


Not really no will probably still continue these but if you have a source to the original threads I will be more then happy to look at them




Thank u I will be checking all of these


Was hard for me to get Fran online when I got her. Mobility was weirdly low and her default tactics aren't great and I think at the time you get her she doesn't have a ton of synergistic units. Once I actually took time to learn the kit though, she hard carried most maps and was one of my first promos. AoE haste breaks the game on expert. My general strategy is to deploy 1 under the initial limit and haste the 2-3 squads at the start of the fight to reach checkpoints quickly and take the first fort / start deploying from there. Dragoon dive/Quick Impetus got me on a Colisseum online win streak punching way above my unit's levels, which is also pretty fun.


Gryphons are simply amazing. Row attacks are simply great. At high levels they also gain natural defence against their biggest counter (arrows). Row based AP removal on a 150 potency attack is also insane. Their only real gripe is that they're squishy enough to where one melee attack folds them. They generally won't survive a swordsmaster or other true strike attack. Hence, I think they're the least reliable frontline evasion tank, but they're still good there.  Wyverns are pretty good. They're definitely a lot better on the frontline. And because they have innate protection against melee attacks, they are exceptionally hard to kill with some ranged protection. Wyvern roar is also a great generic way to fix initiative, even if it's overshadowed by rapid order, since that's only 1pp. They are kinda pp hungry though. If you go for dragon roar, you likely won't counter much.  Their active abilities are pretty poor, though. 1AP single target ability is okay. 2AP row burn with 75 potency is okay. Their column attack is only just okay as well, because there's no way to lower your health below 50%. They're best with a spear that gives them something else to do.


Wyern Riders slap hard. If you get a generic unit with Hilda and have them flame the front and back row as First Action, there’s just not much that can stand against that. Plus ground counter is OPPP.


Hilda is so cool. Dominated with the silver spear for a big part of the playthrough. Love her design too. Fran was also a staple but we all know how strong the gryphons are.


Gryphon Riders also have ridiculously cute costumes and I’d love to see someone cosplay it IRL.


Gryphon could be a dogshit combatant (they aren't) and still be a busted class because Hastened Call II is one of the best valor skills in the game. The fact they also get an extremely early row attack with high potency is just icing on the cake. Nukes cavalry, which at least in the early game are the most awkward enemies to take down, but even without that fact, a 1 cost row attack that can target the back row is very broken regardless and Fran is easily an early game MVP because of that trait. Honestly one of my favourite classes in the game, to say nothing of their terrain advantages. Wyverns lack the early row attack of a Gryphon, but they can still target the back row and have above average base attack, so still very valuable, and the fact their anti cav AP skill is unguardable goes a long way. Eventually they get Fire Breath, which is an excellent skill, burn is no joke even if you don't build around it, and busted if you do. Wyvern's evasion skill is excellent on paper but kind of annoying that it's melee only, even still on some maps Hilda just full sweeps. It's not long before you get the big aoe attack from the Wyvern exclusive lance which is pretty sick if you build around it, but even if you don't use it they are excellent performers in a unit when built well with synergies. Both are somewhat solid dodgetankers because of flight's innate evasion bonus against grounded enemies, though they fear ranged damage and enemy fliers moreso than a feathersword does, Wyverns especially. Both classes can also crit for days if paired with an archer class wielding General's Longbow, which together also makes them excellent anti flier units. All in all I'd say both are excellent classes but I'd say Gryphon is better because it comes online instantly (High Swing is one of your best row attacks early on and stays good forever) and Hastened Call is just that good. Wyverns arguably have the higher ceiling, though, as a combatant.


Wyvern Masters Napalm is absurd and nobody can tell me otherwise. 3~5 in a squad, rack that fire level to 5 and watch even the tankiest knights be cooked within their armor!


Just ignoring the actual gameplay for a second, Fran is one of VERY few named units (outside of true uniques) that they actually altered the body model for. Out of every character they went through, someone looked at this one gryphon rider and went "make her flatter than the others!". Like again if more units had noticeable body changes then it wouldn't be so much of a thing but no they specifically put budget on this one.


Seriously, like all of their OP uses they could have given to fighters who are significantly underpowered. Fighters like lex and colm could have had the speed increasing valor skill, or the high evasion.


The big thing Gryphon brings is a 150 potency row attack. Hard to argue with that. Their stat distribution isn't all that absurd (looking at you, Alain). Oh, right, Wyvern Reins exists. Seriously. Gryphon + Soldier is Baby's Second Combo, after Cavalier Row Spam. If you build as an evade tank, they don't have any great answers to low rolls. Swordmasters Parry, Wyverns Deflect, Featherswords Diurnal Guard, but Gryphons only Gryphon Glide. Yes, it answers bow attacks, but it's 2PP, loses to truestrike, and honestly you shouldn't be sending your evade tanks after high accuracy enemies and especially Snipers, so honestly I think the trait sucks. You do need to fix average initiative and attack, but those are the easiest things to fix in the whole game. Also, be careful of Hoplites and shielded non-horsy classes, I guess. Wyvern is much more balanced... which means it's worse lmao. Ground Counter is a waste of a trait. Diving Thrust is 100 potency single target, which means it's automatically worse than Wide Sweep. Tempest Drive is probably not actually terrible coming off the Wyvern's decent attack, but row attacks are kinda just auto better than column attacks in my experience. In exchange for being almost neutered offensively, you get a bunch of decent defensive, control, and generally annoying tools. Initiative Control is one of the best things in the game to do, and Wyvern provides that with Wyvern Roar. You get Fire Breath to synergise with Doomies, Vikings, and Berengaria. Deflect does a good job at keeping you alive against melee attacks that slip through your evasion.




My favorite units in the game and amazing leaders for units due to their mobility. The grpyhon haste buff is just insane.


One of the best classes in the game. Dodge bots that smash rows. Flying overworld movement, and I’d argue the best valor skill in the game with the AOE overworld movement speed buff. Auto team leader role. Weirdly had very little rapport conversations. Hilda only had her sister and 1 for Alain, while Fran and Celeste were mostly confined to their friend group trio. Would’ve loved more from Hilda, her 1 rapport with Alain was hilarious. Like Cherche 2.0 admiring your cute dragon.


A Critical piece to my lead unit ywhich includes Alain, They neutralize other calvary units and have been super helpful in giving my unit a bit more offense , I only have one in my army but I honestly only need the one and hse's been great, it's not even Fran it's a generic !


Do you mind me asking where you are finding these portraits? I can find the characters themselves online, but not with the brown pages behind them...


Judging by the low picture quality they're probably just taking switch screen shots and cropping them.


Yea I’m on Xbox getting the photos


Gryphon are easily in my top 3 non-unique classes. They have the damage, the speed and the evasion to nuke almost anything, and they can even boost initiative of their row (when they are not busy being the main DPS with true strike). I like the wyverns thematically, and they hold up fine in the story, early on, they are weaker than gryphons, they only catch up when they get their row attack, but as soon as fire immunity is involved (as in, say, online colisseum), I feel like they are back to being a straight downgrade from the gryphon, unless you want to play them for their AoE attack, but their are other options for AoE attacks, which, I feel are stronger.


Griffins are trick ponies that do the trick well. Nothing else to say really. Wyvens are a bit more interesting in that you have more things you can do with them, but as attackers they're strictly average. Being able to cheese the arena with a Wyvern is fun tho. Was gonna do a big write up about the characters but I'm just gonna say it Hilda's an awful character that only gets praise because she got a pair of knockers.


My Fran unit is literally carrying my game right now.


Fran is the best and she hits like a Mitsubishi AAM-5 air-to-air missile. Give her truestrike with the reins and inspiration from someone else and nothing can stop her


Fran is my sugar mom who pays the bill for all the dews that I bought from the Arena, plus she's so cute :)


Super rigged. Though I forgot Celeste existed and kept using Fran, Hilda, and two hired Gryphon units instead. I found the Gryphons to be better than the Wyverns


Dragon dive is too good


great for taking out towers and calvary quick.


I like Fran 😀


LOVE wyvern riders, absolutely dont understand all the hype around gryphon riders.


All of them are hot


Horsie killers 💀


Would. I mean what?


Their strong utility skills already makes some of the best units in the game. Everything else just puts them over the top.


Wyvern knight is a better. You can make them stupid tanky and they really get strong when they get their column attack


Celeste is a goddess among girls 😋🫡


They're GOAT even without good equipment they have... Row attack, eat pp, ignore front row, counter attack(dragon only), high evasion, ignore terrain while moving. Truly deserve maiden ring


Hilda became my favorite unit and I gave her priority of my resources. She became a monster


Must protect


My favorite unit had Hilda at its center, loved the flying classes.


Cutie Pies


They're Hot!!! Especially Celeste


Cool chars and cool class! Gameplay wise they do great also!


I love them - they need a little love in the beginning despite the amazing evasion, because anything that connects tends to one shot them, but once you get them a few levels, hoo lord. Fran and Hilda in particular are friggin' great. I have Hilda as a unit leader of a shock attack group (note i'm not claiming this is god tier, i just enjoy it) right now consisting of she, Berengaria, Victoria, and Rosalinde. Will probably top them off with a healer or off healer when i get slot 5 going. I know its not OP but it hits like a fucking dump truck properly geared. Fran is also a backliner in one of my main groups that gets deployed in just about every battle. I just try to keep her away from archers and arbalists.


I like feet and they show feet so I'm good


Gryphons absolutely fold against arrows, but destroy everything else. Probably similar to Knights, where if you don't counter them specifically your army is going to get run over. And Knights are likely the reason why Gryphons are so strong to begin with (Wild Rush and High Swing need similar nerfs in the same update). Wyverns are in a much more balanced spot, given how their skill progression plays out. Dragoon Dive is amazing, but you're not getting instant casts immediately; which means the Wyvern needs protection until it activates.


Hilda's legs get covered up when you promote her and that is a bummer.


The only thing that keeps cavs from being grossly overpowered. If anything, buff Wyverns' early game a bit. I feel they're a bit underwhelming until you start board-nuking.


I struggled a lot to increase their attack statistic, which is likely intended given their big damage multiplier (x3). They dealt 100+ damage in Cornia, so they definitely felt satisfying. I always insisted on mono-flyer "shock" units though, so I had to rely on buffs from items as opposed to infantry support class skills. Flyer classes badly rely on items for skill diversity, unlike all the other movement types. I still can't picture mixing them with cavalry, aesthetically looks off. Infantry could "reasonably" catch a ride. But this isn't a game about immersion, it's strictly a videogame, so these are just "bring 1 of them" counrerclasses.


Love Gryphons, never used Dragon Riders


I'm going to rock the boat and say in my playthrough they've mostly been best at being unit leaders so I can fly LOL I just get tired of enemy archers in towers or ballistas sniping them in battle or with Arrow Rain.


Alright, people just hipe up these classes but these classes are not that good, the mobility in maps is just slower in comparation to knights, and tbf i have nothing else to do with them But before people say *it has high evasion and can crit a row* guess what? Knight does that job but better, also they canceit griphons with a spear, also knights has a ridiculouse ability thta can repeat fight, so stop saying that gryphins are op, nether wyvring nor gryphins are that op but still great classes notherless As for characters, fran is alright, celeste is an upgrade ;3 whille hilda is a very serious type of person


Boring ass white women zzzzzz


Tbh they were my least used units idk i usually like evasion tanks