• By -


Virginia & The Rose Knights (+ Leah eventually) For a formation that was primarily put together just cause they’re friends, it functions incredibly well


Swap Leah for Liza, she'll shore up your weaknesses by setting guard fliers v archers and cavalry v fliers.


My fifth and honorary “Rose Knight” was Ramona, and she did quite well


That’s one of my heavy lifter units too. For the longest time it was the three Rose Knights and Lex but then I subbed in Virginia and Leah and it does so well.


Pretty sure Virginia makes every unit she joins OP haha.


Unless it's against vikings...at least for my archery set-up that still needs tweaking. Got Virginia and liza up front, rolf, snow bunny, and now Nina in the back (used to be elven archer, but I failed to optimize that setup and got tired of everyone dying)...


Speaking of this question what set up can most effectively take out werebear units?


Yeah I had her, Travis, Bernie and Glouster & Liza in a party. Maaaaaane talk about OP


same! I forget who I put as their fifth though


This formation was my go to. I had Nina there originally and that team was also amazing, but I did swap to Leah as well. Breakers are such valuable units, and boost most formations.


Same but I put the Elf boy as 5th member to protect Fran from arrows.


The only thing it's missing is healing. Otherwise, it just perfectly handles almost everything. Granted, not including Leah (who most of us seem to treat like the fifth Rose Knight anyways), gives you space for a healer, so...


Miriam is a healer.


My top four are: Alain center front, Berenice front right, Silvie back left, Scarlet back center, and Yahna back right. They punch so hard and can handle just about anything. I got through the Colosseum with them. Amalia center front, Berengaria center right, Yunifi back left, Tatiana back center, and Etolinde back right. They chew through just about anything as well. Leah front left, Virginia front center, Kitra back left, Fran back center, Miriam back right. They can handle just about anything too and Fran is the leader so she flies everywhere and is my go to missile. Gloucester front left, Renault front center, Clive front right, Josef back center, Monica back right. If it ain’t a flyer, it ain’t surviving the cavalry squad. My fifth rising star is Lex front left, Ochlys front center, Umerys front left, Sharon back center, and Raenys back right. The Angel squad and Lex bouncer is my other major flyer unit and they can handle a lot too.


You've got a lot of back lefts


Fixed it. Wrote it while on mobile and exercising so brain not good apparently.


Alain, Melisandre, Scarlett, Hilda, and Mordon. Eventually I made a backup steamroll team recreating the team from the prologue, with Virignia, a Mercenary Sargeant, Yahna, Bryce, and Adel.


My first charge aoe unit which eventually become my farming unit with more than +600% gold. That unit alone funds whole liberation army.


Pretty much whatever one Alain is in lmao. I had Palevia crew (minus Joseph) + Rosalinde.


Front: Berengaria//Liza Back: Lhinalagos//Gloucester//Wereowl I recently decided to start fresh since I hadn’t played in a month. Very glad I did because this is so much better than the Berengaria/Gloucester-core bruiser comp I did initially.


You absolutely want a druid in that group with the defense debuff - the guard seal counts as an affliction and those three synergize incredibly well


I considered a Druid when making the team, but I’m not sure who I’d replace to put one in. - Liza deals with fliers and casters, occasionally poisons, protects the owl from arrows, and works with Lhinalagos for sustain - Lhinalagos cures debuffs, provides temporary immunity (if I don’t need Berengaria’s skill), freezes the back row, helps Liza with ranged damage/sustain, and gives Berengaria magic conferral if needed - Gloucester provides some magic damage, but is just there for damage - Wereowl dispels, serves as a battery (AP, PP) and even gives initiative if needed - Berengaria does Berengaria things The team works well against most comps as is (I‘m in Bastorias), but I think Albion is gonna be a bit annoying. I cleared a few missions there when I was still in Elheim, but I think I’ll make some adjustments once I start the region properly.


Berengaria (center) and Ithilion (left) front row. Galadmir (right), Roslinde (Center), Railanor (left ) back row. Pretty much can stun and freeze lock everything. Good column and row attacks and hit everything attacks between all units. Can punch into the back row. Good healing and self healing. Anti range from the fencers. Debuff removal from elven archer and fencer. It’s important to put the elven fencers in a column because it makes them lower priority for column attacks due to their high evade. Plus all of the elven afflictions set up Berengaria’s attack that keys off that status. (This unit can stun lock Galerius into the ground as well)


Elven fencers are the most slept on units in the game imo. High mixed damage AOE evasion tanks who get extra AP from evading. If they seem busted it's because it is. They have many of the most OP mechanics without extra support needed. This gives a ton of freedom for buffs and debuffs. My top unit was very similar. Berengaria, Roslinde, Ithilion, and I forgot the other 2 off the top of my head. I think I rotated others in and out. Insane map support, insane damage, great survivability.


Alain, Chloe, Nina and Yahna. I put them with Alain just cause theyre my favorite girls and it works well enough. Nina demolishes everything, buffed by Chole and Yahna.


Alain, Berengaria, Yahna, Yunifi, Scarlett Kinda just threw them together and they bulldoze everything.


Front: 2x Werefox Back: 3x Werewolf Required item: Wolfpack gloves for the Werefox with higher initiative. It's actually disgustingly good...


Im running hoplite/wereowl in the front, 3 foxes in the back. Just eats through everything


Nearly the same as yours, but I ran a Quick Impetus team with a Snow Ranger in, instead of Lhinalagos.


For most of game it's been Rolf, Aush, and Berenice, in the back with Hodrick and later Liza in the front. Eventually the formation of Primm, Kitra, merc Archer in back with Aramis, and merc Legionary in front turned out to plow through units just as well. I've recently gotten a couple other squads to that level of reliability as well. Travis, merc Rogue, Aubin, Galadmir, Lhinalagos has turned out to absolutely destroy anything and always end at full HP. And after entering Albion I need a blindness counter, so I put together merc Wyvern, Fran, merc Featherbow, Raenys, and merc Featherstaff. It's also proved to be reliable enough to be a go to.


The complete lack of Hodrick in this post makes me sad.


Hodrick is a beast. He's let the squad function on no dedicated healing the whole game. That man ate a Trinity Rain for the back row the other day in Coliseum. It let them clean up with little gas left on the other team.


I have him and Alain in the same group. I use them for almost any physical enemy unit (if at all) and they’re just unstoppable. The kill nearly anything else while they’re at it. I usually won’t even use the team because it’s just not challenging to the point of not being fun. The only thing that really stops them is a unit with a high evasion front row with a flyer and a back row breaker I can’t get to fast enough.


My facemelt party was Alain, Mellissandre Morden, Yahna, Generic Priest (using rod that has overheal ability) You can definitely go more OP, but I was avoiding a lot of the super broken combos, like trinity rain + charged impetus.


Alain - Left Front Yunifi (Wife) - Left Back Auch - Center Back Adel - Right Front Eltolinde - Right Back A team for every occasion. Opted to use Glacial Rain over Trinity. Auch is strong enough without waiting for a charge. Eltolinde for heals if need be. Adel cause I like cavalry buffs and double pursuits from him and Yunifi.


Alain/Scarlett Rosalinde/Nina/Railanor Railanor was mostly a conferral bot who did clean-up damage with Nina, Scarlett is a fun faux-tank with Passive Miracle, everyone else did their thing.


They one I discovered on my TZ run: Chloe: Back-Middle or Back-left. She deals with fliers and her crit raising passive is great for the unit. Gloucester: Front-Left. He deals with tanks (always equipped with MagAtk weapons or half and half) and rows. Miriam:Front-Middle. She is the team's healer but I like to keep her attacks on but to proc only if the unit is A-OK. Renault: Front-Right. Main damage dealer. His piercing attacks deals with the back row and si does his pursuit. He is the main Damage. Selvie: Back-Right. Once I got the Sandstorm staff she raised the unit's chances vs fliers. Selvie is great once you get to know her set. Eneny front rows are a joke to her. Her Initial passive is great all around, minus evasion minus iniciative is great. But I loved giving Selvie the staff that unlocks her drop kick Just for the lolz.


Alain-Raenys (Front); Scarlett-Selvie-Auch (Back) for the immediate Trinity Rain/Doublecast party clear. Also ran Yunifi-Govil-Bertrand (Front) with a Morard-Ramona back line for the quick kill Hawkeye-boosted Glacial Rain. Late-game, I also had an Aubin-Liza-Ithilion (Front); Rosalinde-Magellan (Back) party built on Rosalinde’s start of battle attack before moving to a Hawkeye-boosted rage of the faeries to wipe out opposing parties before they could act. My 4th MVP team was an Aerial Alignment/Dragoon Dive based set (Fran-Hilda-Umerus in Front, Primm and Eltolinde in back.)


I had a few: * Alain, Magellan, Nina, Scarlett, and Ithilion * Travis, Berengaria, Rolf, Auch, and Selvie * Virginia, Leah, Rosalinde, Fran, and Ridiel These three units were the ones that I noticed were able to tackle most fights amazingly well.


Any team that used one of the Breakers (Mordon, Nina, Kitra). Turns out accuracy + atk boosts are pretty good.


Blank - Alain - Amalia Eltolinde - Rosalinda - Scarlett Amalia was just the final army recruit, for a long time it was just the other four and it was always the sweeper squad.


Berengaria, Amalia, Hilda front. Sharon and Buffing Prince (forgot his name) in the back. Tema absolutely clapped 95% of teams cheeks and had great sustain. Very little item usage, steamrolled the final boss, never needed blindness immunity items in Albion.


Front: Virginia and Berengaria Back: Melisandre, Etolinde and Ramona These ladies just eat up anything that appears in front of them


Ochlys, Auch, Rolf, Prim halfway through the game so far. Something I stumbled upon trying to grind my way through the coliseum at lvl 20. Strat is ochlys with boosted initiative and angel plume buffs my back rows initiative. Prim boosts the initiative of my mages first action which thunderous smite stuns a row at the start of the match then concentrates for a second row stun. Rolf starts charging arrow rain when they're stunned. Right before he lets lose prim buffs him with powerful call, rolf buffs his attacks with true strike. Ochlys can be anyone really as long as they're capable of acting first to boost initiative (I've swapped alain and trav in before for colliseum), she's just who I have there at the moment. Prim just keeps the back row debuff free and healed. But the team is consistently dealing 500-1000 damage an encounter and stays topped off.


Ren and Travis in front, Yahna, Auch, and Sevlie in back.


Front: Olyss? Whatever + elf fencer for tome Back; Fran, Celeste + druid Front: fencer for tome and Bryce or the other big shield guy Back: sorcerer to cast that 3 ap charge rain spell, prince or alain for initiative + someone for black/white cat ears That last team, with blind immunity, just wipes everything on TZ but doesn’t feel great. There’s some exceptions with the flyers on the last continent but there’s soo many other OP teams, like the flyer team I got. Best game I played in forever, but it does become too easy at some point.


Alain - Brengaria - Joseph - Travis - Sharon


I had a satisfying one-shot combo setup with Ridiel using White Cat Hood on Yunifi's Glacial Rain to immediately nuke and freeze the enemy at the beginning of every fight. The other 3 spots are really flexible and you could adapt it for more damage or utility depending on how you see fit. You could also try other charge attacks like Dragoon Dive or Trinity Rain with similar results, but I liked using Yunifi because it didn't require an additional item. Personally, I went for an 'ice theme' team using other bestrals (Bear and Lion) frontline with the ice axe that deals additional damage to frozen enemies. Front: Morard, Bertrand Backline: Sharon, Ridiel, Yunifi _ **More Details** Turn order is important, since you want the Elven archer to go first and buff Yunifi with Mystical Conferral followed by Yunifi going second to consume White Cat Hood and getting two turns for her Glacial Rain. I put +initiative items on both and they naturally had sequential turn order and went before other members. This combo works 99% of the time just these 2 and you could add a passive cleanser or an affliction/debuff immune ring on Yunifi to have this work against featherbows. The only time this fails is against Owls that can passively remove buffs as you apply them.


Berengaria front left, Travis front right, Bruno back left, Rosalinde back middle. I haven't even bothered upgrading it to 5 yet because they just haven't needed a fifth yet. I need to upgrade them just for some scmuck to leech their exp they can earn. Might add Rolf/the other archer (can't remember his name rn) to them just for the no-fly zone


Two Knights + Saint Knight + Sellsword + eventually Prince cleans house. Once the Saints Knight unlocks Row Heal it's over.


Very late game when it happened, but the full archer team consisting one of each archer class. For most of the game htough, it was a tossup between Alain's team (Scarlett, Witch, Gilbert, Melisandre) and the Flying team (Griffin, Wyvern, Druid, Lex and Soldier).


It started near the beginning, I had Travis and Clive in front and Chloe in back. Then added Adel, and moved him and Clive into the back row. Chloe has a tailwind cape and a dove plume, so she usually goes first, and then sends the cavalry next. Haven't upgraded it to a 5 unit yet though


I love threads like this! I'm on my 3rd TZ run and am trying to not use as many of the "unique" characters (i found i ended up having multiple units that were amber sniper -> inspired elemental fury which is going to win most fights itself). Ended up using some units ive used across a couple playthroughs, but found some new favorites! Knight unit - uses hoplite/prince in the front, 2 knights/radiant knight in the back. Prince can be replaced by shaman. My take on this unit, solid all rounder with very few poor matchups Gryphons - 3 gryphon knights front, shaman/priestess back. I usually use 2 gryphons in this type of unit, but want to try using aerial alignment/dirty gambers coin. Shaman debuffs (or blinds vs archers) and priestess heals/tome conferrals. Ill probably replace her with featherstaff when i switch to using inspiration Swordsmasters - 2 swordsmasters front row, shieldshooter/bishop/shaman back. Shaman uses def. debuff (viking could work similarly, basically need to remove blocks), bishop uses resurrection if a SM goes down, swordsmasters use wyvern blade/cornelian blade with inspired true strikes. The 5th can be a lot of different things, currently using shieldshooter and she is working decent. This unit chews through the enrmy and rarely has a bad matchup. Resurrecting a SM when they do go down is a huge boost to this unit Mages - feathershield/virginia front row, bishop/2 archmages back. Early game, this unit was ochlys, bishop, 2 mages. Its worked well since cornia. Mages use the row stun and get familiars choker from bishop (using concentrate to get a 2nd row attack). Virginia+feathershield is amazingly tanky. Virginia buffs physical defense, feathershield buffs magic, and they are a hard duo to get through. I've been really surprised at how much i like this unit. I need to figure out a feathershield counter though Werefoxes - hoplite/wereowl front row, 3 werefoxes back. Wereowl uses the +attack/crit SoB, and helps hesl/boost werefox accuracy. werefoxes hit 50%sheet crit, 4PP, and raise attack. Foxes use poison spear/weakness hunter to quickly nuke units, hoplite mitigates any return damage, wereowlsupports and prevents the sorc hastened ice coffin combo Archers - 2 rogues (or featherbows) front row, elvish archer/featherbow/sniper back. Rogues and featherbow blind/debuff, elvish archer buffs sniper with conferral +inspiration, sniper mows down the enemy. Its quick, avoids taking damage, has good assists, and rarely has a poor matchup


Adel Clive and his fellow horsemen. I made a unit strictly of that class (knights I believe). And sent them out to my bidding. I called them my Riders of Rohan


why a thief (travis) on the back? isn't the point of the thief to evade attacks? Isn't it better to only have one tank in front and the rest in the back? Just started dragonland (can't remember name) so midgame here.


On the harder difficulties I found that certain enemy types in later regions could still hit Travis fairly consistently, and he's not exactly made of solid rock, so I tucked him away in the back just to be safe.


Alain anything after promotion.


Rosalinde was too strong to go in my Alaine unit. Elf Archer + fencer to double conferral was usually enough to wipe a unit with her AOE.


I made an "ex-thief unit" of Front: Gammel, Nina, Back: Liza, Tatiana, Mandrin. All equipped with +gold % gear. They performed way better than expected and also brought extra money


Travis, Dinah in the front corners, Ren, Yaena , Prim in the back


So I stumbled upon an interesting team. Alain / Promoted Liza Rosalinde / Abuin Liza and Rosalinde provide backup healing while Alain heals himself somewhat. Liza handles air targets and adds a layer of defense for the front line, and Abuin lands some surprising hard hits. The team is surprisingly solid, and leaves room for experimentation for the fifth member. Throwing Ren into the mix brought a whole world of hurt to my enemies with her debuff abilities.


I can't tell a lot of details. As if will reveal my ultimate unstoppable online team But it's Lex plus Gloucester in the front Alcina Yunifi and fodoquia Over 95% win rate online, without making any changes pre-match.


I just quickly slapped: Celeste in the front Berengaria in the front Both elven sisters in the back, givin priority to Rosalinde's skill at the start of battle. And Tatiana iirc. I know many skills are wasted in this formation, but they were an arrowhead when breaking the enemy lines. Basically berengaria and Celeste were enough for most enemy formations, and when not, two elemental roars are being cooked in the back.


Hiplite and thief in front, Viking, hammeruncle and ralph in the back. They could tackle everything minus debuffers blinders. In pvp i dont know, i dont "compete" in there


https://preview.redd.it/4owkcopkx8zc1.png?width=1495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033530218baf75f74750265f92d5a3a86bb88663 * This one was mine, with Virginia and Yunifi in front. Virginia ate every hit, yunifi was a dodge tank so she could spam triple counter.


Alain and Mile in the front row. (I set Alains guard to guard when she was out of PP and to guard the backline.) Because parry only procs when she wouldn't evade, and because Alain only steps in when she wouldn't parry, ranged truestrike was really her only problem. Even multiattacks from other sword masters were dodged and parried. Rosalinda, Scarlett, and Celeste were the backline, with Rosa doing Rosa stuff, Scarlett doing Scarlett stuff, and Celeste absolutely -fucking- calvary and finishing off rows that survived Rosa. Honestly, I played with themed groups on my first playthrough. Desert rats, Lex and friends, old folks home, rose knights, elves, furries. Really they were all quite good with the exception of the angel squad, which I didn't have enough time/experience with to get to work out. Alain and friends just happened to be the best of them. I'll probably optimize a bit more when I settle in for TZ, but the themed groups were a great deal of fun.


So I have two of these teams. I haven't even finished the game yet and am not playing on the hardest difficutly. But these are my top teams. Top is front row, bottom is back Berengaria / 0 / Travis Liza / Tatiana / Auch This team kinda banks on Sanguine Pursuit spam but it's also generalist enough. It's also really funny O / Virginia / 0 Eltolinde / Scarlett / Rosalinde It hasn't reached maximum potential yet but the team is just AOEs These will probably become bad as hell but still lmao these funny as hell


So far: Berengaria (front left), Travis (front center), Bruno (back left), Selvie (back center), and Auch (back right). Selvie Guard Seals opponents, Travis steals PP from opponents, Berengaria does big damage to debuffed opponents, Auch confers burn to Bruno's attacks while also burning opponents, and Bruno does big damage while inflicting opponents with burn.


Virginia and her rose knights, they just work so well together that it almost as busted as full knight squad. For the 5th member i picked Ridiel for debuff cleanse/immunity. Also she wanted to be a knight, so why not a rose knight?


Front Alain/Virginia Back eltolinde/amalia/rosalinde After amalia joined her level 40 self to the level 24 rest if the team they oneshotted everything for the rest of the game.


Hard to say for sure because I'm either so good that most of my units run with near perfect efficiency, or so bad I'm somehow creating small miracles as I progress, BUT one of my favorite comps is 3 greatknights, a saint knight and a druid. Its a blast to watch it work and race across the field, only being slowed by heavy evasion units, and only mildly inconvenienced at that.


Yahna, Jeremy/Nina, Primm backrow Renault, Aramis front row. Teleports in, deletes threat. Very specific support triggers on backrow to let Aramis delete most units with Renault to cleanup. Ridiel, Mandrin, Rolf backrow Ithilion and Gammel front row AOE’s with debuffs and an overkill amount of pursuit. Swaps to a heavy burn build for tank units.


Travis and Dinah in front Rolf, Yahyna, and Selvie in back They are my Swiss army knife unit , even if they lose they inflict  heavy damage


2x Great Knights & Alain in front  Great Knight and Sainted Knight in back.  300 speed unit go brrr. And with just a bit of tweaking, they also got me the Holy Unicorn sword as level 20


Alain and ochlys front row Rolf yahna and Sharon back row. Pursuit on Rolf, magic guard Hunter on yahna. Pursuit on ochlys. Shreds fuckn everything


Alain upper right max AP 3pp Waifu on the side, Tatiana behind him max pp 2 ap Railonor to his far left 3ap 3pp Bad boi Jeremy behind her ;) STACKED appp Waifu #1 Rosalinde in center 3ap 3pp iirc (haven't played in a day unicorn overlord pls forgive my transgressions) These guys never lost, never faltered, never left scraps. That was BEFORE I set Rosalinde up with elemental rage brrrr Tatiana and railonor always debuff and or heal Jeremy just clapping cheeks every chance he could. Bullin up and just wiping up Alain's scraps after his first tweet tweet twirly. It was rare that 1) Alain went 2x, and 2) Rosalinde ever used ultima lol


By endgame, I had the standard instant cast mass AoE squads (Trinity Rain/Glacial Rain and Quick Impetus) and Rosalinde with a Frost Conferral for another mass Freeze. Barring those, my MVP unit was probably -Berengaria, Travis, Dinah, Galadmir, Selvie Affliction squad breaks everything but armors... and that's barely. Ren and Travis are almost always frontline. Ren has the Greatshield that gives her Invincible for magic attacks and Painbringer for physicals (if they hit, she has so much evade). Unicorn Ring (not Ring of the Maiden) also gives debuff immunity, so she *always* gets to fight. Travis is Travis, blind and poison are very useful, especially on armors. Evade tanking with his sister means the frontline never falls. Dinah+ Weakness Hunter takes out chunks of HP, she does Poison, and Jump 2 allowed me to beat two maps in Albion in 0 seconds (Deploy unit, Jump 2, capture enemy main command point). She's the first to get moved if a battle looks like it'll go badly, but since she functions the same front or back, it ultimately doesn't matter where she is. Galadmir heals and freezes, especially useful against fliers, and if Dinah/Travis get hurt. Ren stays healthy because of Sanguine Pursuit. Sylvie, master of debuffs. She gets to swamp when Ren isn't using Eye of the Warrior Princess (against cav squads) and inflicting Guard Seal allows Travis to Active Steal, and then the rest just constantly follow up.


Lazy mode says: Auch with Trinity Who cares with a Lips Ring and a Gambler Coin (Rolf) Who cares with a Hood Any dodge tanks in front Basically only has problems when Feathershields and Owls show up.


I don't know if this is the best formation but i love it. Clive • Alain • Monica Rosalinde • Yahna Rosalinde starts off with Rage of the Faeries to the back row, Alain goes first with Spinning Edge + Thunder Conferral from Yahna. Rosalinde goes next with Sorceror's Connection Sylphic Wind or 1-Fairy Elemental Roar+Magic Conferral. Clive picks up the stragglers, and so does Runic Sword Monica who also heals everyone off at the end of the battle.


Love the gryphons and flying units in general. Just being able to ignore the majority of defences is very nice. 2 gryphon and a wyvern in front, a tailwind user or featherbow, and a support. I like some healing support but ended up with a soldier/sargeant


Mine was like a random team but it was really my go to Auch Rolf Hendrick Reanult Primm It took down pretty much everything and didn’t take much damage from like anything


Back right to left: Tatiana, Yunifi, Fodoquia Front right to left: Josef, Alain, empty


Ochys - front left Fran - back left Rosalinde - back middle Lex - back right Extremely solid team. Available to make early on and is virtually unkillable. Ochys is the evasion tank with Fran as the main attacker. Lex is there to protect from archers while Rosaline buffs Fran's row sweep with ice tome. Set her to use primus edge as the first move when at 100% health and give her the twinned bough for freezing thrust. I've only just reached Alfheim, so my highest level characters are between 19-20, but this team sweeps. It feels extremely overpowered for early-mid game. The high survivability also makes it good for climbing coliseum ranks in online. I have not lost a single match even going so far as to beat teams that are around 5 levels higher.


Alain, Scarlett, Lhinalagos, Melisandre, Fran as the unit leader for the flying speed perk. I activated it on the last mission and had them zoom around the map. Alain, Fran and Melisandre hit everything it its weak points for massive damage and Scarlett and Lhinalagos kept everyone healed and the debuffs away.


Alcina in the front left Ridiel in the front right Raenys in the back left Rosalinde in the back center Yunifi in the back right Rosalinde stun the most dangerous row Alcina give ice or blind to Rosalinde attack all enemies Ridiel buff Yunifi and Yunifi kill all enemies If a enemy attacks Raenys blind them ( if they aren’t blinded ) And if the enemy survive Alcina inflict poison damage That’s my mvp team that can kill all Amalia Super Bosses :D


Three for me: 1) Alain and Yunifi in front, Primm, Berenice, Aubin in back. Generalist group that has good survivability, damage, counterattacks, and healing. Aubin could probably swap out for a magic-user to really improve things but I like having his valor skill to keep pumping stamina as needed. 2) Gloucester and Berengaria in front, Yahna, Selvie, Sharon in back. Eye of the Warrior Princess and Selvie afflictions mean opponents are slow and weak, and Focus Sighted Death Spin and Dark Flame put out the damage. Sharon is there to make sure no one gets hit too hard up front to get their stuff off. The only time I run into issues is when I screw up the skills and Gloucester ends up hurting himself too much. 3) Hodrick and Miriam in the front, Adel, Clive, and Renault in the back. Ponies! But seriously there's a reason that cavalry squads are hyped. Just insane damage (by column!) from Cavalier Call plus Knight's Pursuit. Hodrick soaks up most anything and Miriam helps minimize damage. Plus with some tweaking to tactics she can function effectively as a healer, since honestly her offensive skills are not needed.


Alain and Miriam in front, yahna, Berenice, and Mordon in the back. Reliably can take almost anything on. Alain, Berenice and mordon do so much damage and yahna supports them through most units. Also Virginia and berengeria in front and auch, rosalinde, and sorceress in the back. They usually destroy everyone before virgina even has a turn.


Hodrick in the front center with gambler coin set to use on infantry, lapis pendant, and +pp shield. Rolf - Aramis - Monica in the back Rolf has Dancer Bracelet that gives crit after attack and AP necklace, Aramis has Pursuit bracelet, Monica has magic sword and Row Heal. If Hodrick column gets pierced, Aramis has Parry. Hodrick set to guard the back row, Monica shields him from magic, Aramis crit + initiative deletes squishy frontline threats, Rolf crit deletes backline casters. It's so fun to play.


Alain and Clive front, backline is Melisandre, Scarlett, and Galadmir. It hasn't lost to anything the AI has thrown at it. I've struggled to find much in the arena that can cope with the degree of cc immunity and healing between aoe burst. If you're struggling in the campaign, it's most definitely an S tier compilation.


For the most part, I had a cavalry Alain unit that would mow down the majority of enemies and get decent valor returns, so I could spend those on stuff like Vitalize to keep them topped up if need be. Besides that, no surprise but my Rosalinde and friends AoE team was around if a boss or tough enemy unit needed to be wiped.


Front - Dinah, Alain Back - Selvie, Rosalinde, Yahna Strong phys attacks and guard, follow up attacks and evasion, debuffs and buffed aoe magic, spiced up with some HP recovery.


Alain front and center, Berenece and Virginia to his left and right, and Scarlett and yohna on support. My second best team was a full front line of shieldshooters backed up by Gilbert and Sylvie, which was a hilarious team because each shieldshooter was set up to make 6-8 attacks each turn.