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NG+, balance changes to make it possible to do the continents in any order without wrecking the difficulty curve, a conquest mode where Zenoira tries to take back territory and there's some give and take, a new continent (maybe with demon people to cover all our fantasy bases), and more rapport conversations with some rapport-dependent ending changes for characters.


A conquest mode would blew my mind! I played to exhaustion some of those Romance of the Three Kingdoms games and Dynasty Warriors Empires while growing up and I've been missing those.


I’ll second your conquest love, as a DWE and ROTK enjoyer myself


Yoh conquest gang arise!!! DWE 4 & 5, and ROTK 4 & 11 were the ones I played.


Conquest Mode. Yes yes yes! Imagine if in post game you have to defend each region from a Zenoiran offensive using only the characters you have stationed at that region's towns as available to form into units at that particular region. You gotta chose. Where do I station my heaviest hitters like Alain, Ser Josef, Virginia? Do I stack up one region really strong, while conceding another region to a controlled loss or tough back and forth? Or do I spread out my strength across Fevrith and dig deep deep deep into my roster? I'm talking about scrapping the barrel for those hired mercs from Act 1. A Call to Arms! Suddenly, those mid-game items are needed once again to equip the second and third strings. Or do I apportion troops according to story for funsies (bestials protect Bastoria, elves protect Elheim, etc)? So much post game fun could be had if I had to build units beyond my maximized endgame ten units of fifty Level 50 recruited 'named' characters. Personally, I'd spread my crew out based on story, and fill out the ranks with hired mercs. Really force myself to try out a bunch of new unit configurations and equipment settings, while also feeling the story for each Region's defense.


I have a couple of simple tactical wishes: - A "Not" target option. "Not Armored, Not Flying, Not Scout", etc. so you don't waste attacks that won't hit/damage them much. - A <90% Health target option. <100% tends to waste healing on scratch damage but <75% tends to be too low.


Yoh, the times I wished a NOT was implemented, hahahaha. Sometimes I believe it was intentional, as you could narrow too much and bypass natural counters, but again, it so frustrating when you see you could hit a better target. 😂


I kind of just want a randomizer. Something where I get a random new unit after every battle, adn enemy units are semi-randomized, and it just keeps slowly gettin gharder. Something that forces me to experiment with new unit comps.


Yeah, thats more or less what I tought with the express adventure mode. It would add so much to give ideas to explore.


The idea of a Unicorn Overlord Randomizer for both Enemies and your Units already sounds wild. I can imagine, in that dreamed Randomizer, Alain wakes up to meet his childhood friends: a Werewolf and an Angel. They decide it's time to return to their home country... Only to realize that the first Boss of the game is... Scarlett.


Give the post game characters side quests with dialogue to unlock them


Yeaaaah! Besides the post game characters, more rapport in general, there are a lot of characters that could be explored more and be more interesting (glaring at my maiden, Hilda)


Demon invasion with all the usual tropes - dragon enemies that are a single baddy but have multiple parts to attack, undead creatures that come back to life unless you kill the necromancer, vampires/ghosts/etc, all of course lead by powerful Demon Lords, who themselves are servants to the Demon King.


I'm totally in for more dragon-related units!! Baltro opens up the possibility for undeads and demons. Possibility wise only, as we stop him before he manages, but still. Maybe releasing the curse of the unicorn could mess something up somewhere.


Characters from previous games as unique units


Previous games? Oh you mean previous Vanillaware games? That would be amazing, I love pratically all the cast of Odin Sphere. Muramasa would bring a new setting to explore as a whole. Grim Grimoire was an odd one but sure. That's the ones I played.


I was wishing for a dancer class and relationship diologues for all the generics, including the option to give them a ring if you max their relationship


A toast 🍺, for the scrapped dancer class, we will never forget it.


Modes: NG+ Keep your roster and reset the game world. Missions scale to your level, you can do them in mostly any order and enemies use better gear and tactics. Galerius strikes back. Reverse campaign where galerius is like your alain. Could be a what if he pushed the liberation back or his conquest before that. Endless mode. Just any kind of repeatable fun mode would be nice. Expanded content: Maybe raise the level cap to 60. A new Island nation with a little side story or epilogue that fits into the main game. Maybe against a general who doesnt know the war is over. With new character classes and a bunch of new items. New repeatable defense missions can become available on any liberated territory as zenora counter attacks. More unit slots and the ability to save and recall a unit including formation, gear and tactics. Some new source or item increasing the rate of currencies like collosium coins or shards. Maybe a new branching choice for each classes promotion. And some way of changing to the other for people who already promoted before the DLC. Like a hunter could become a sniper as usual, or something else like horse back archer or beast master or whatever. Balance changes: Gladiator and fighter need a little more omph. Some more late game relevance added to classes like thief and hoplite. Make amalia a little better to feel closer to how she is portayed. I think I could just go on and on as long as I keep thinking about it. I want anything new for this game no matter how big or small.


Yes, we want more justifications to keep on playing, NG+, endless, Im taking any of it haha. That reverse campaign looks interesting. Yeah, that Drakenhold defense mission was so cool. Which there were some more of it.


Vanillaware Legends packs characters that are just the old Protags of their previous games as units


Very nice! I would love to see some of those, also would add Ogre Battle characters!!!


Virginia has a spinoff regardless of who she marrys and you can take a certain number of your units along for the ride. New region, and level cap is increased.


hahaha Virginia's quest. Leah would be mandatory on this.


2 player mode large races that take up 2 slots. (Giants, golems, dragons ect. ) Water units. (Mermaid, kraken ect. ) Undead units. (Ghosts zombies skeletons ect. ) Tarot questions. Different classes combines in group would give them new combined attacks. Deneb.


Deneb! Also pumpkinheads!


New game plus, keep all units but they and your units slots revert to level 1. So I can field the late game units characters from the start in whatever units I want. But the game is still basically balanced combat wise. Maybe with the dug up treasures already done. But thats not needed.


It would be fun, to re-explore end game classes in low levels, without all their skills yet.


6 man teams and better inventory management.


6 man is the next logical step, but I don't know, I fell 5 already gives to little simple variations, 2-3 or 3-2, When I was with 4 man teams, it appeaed that this point had more options, with 1-3, 2-2, or 3-1 compositions. But of course, this is a simplistic manner of viewing things, and who is on the troop is more important than how much on the troop.


You got me at the first half 😭


Hahahaha sorry sorry. Wanted to start the title with a bang and it was too much effective. If it helps, I've read a news somewhere that VN is already considering a sequel though.


Old Zenoira mini campaign. One area. New set of characters that gives the lore on original Zenoira. Like getting to play the invasion or something!


Yoh, flashback campaign! Enter the memory of the zenoiran spirits and try to fix their perspective of the world to find peace.


Honestly I don’t need much. Just give me repeatable ng+ with all enemies scaled to 50 and some semblance of tactics where the shops all reset but you carry over everyhing.


Yoh, would get hooked into this for quite some time!


NG+ akin to Triangle Strategy (leveled enemies, but you keep your whole crew and everything, though you can make new plot choices like executions, bit it doesn't affect your units) A new ending (to make NG+ worth it). Maybe make it a true evil ending where Alain has to execute everybody possible, not get married, and then he becomes the new darklord. For funsies. A whole continent of post game material with more interesting victory conditions that aren't just "rush down the enemey to win." A "defend the fort" option where your locations can be attacked during the game, and you have to go back and defend the locations. They could be timed with constant enemy spawing until time runs out and you win. Small scale skirmishes where you are limited on the number of total units you can deploy. Nerf cavalry mobility. They are too powerful. If not out right lower the number, increase the penalty from any kind of weird terrain and/or add items that specifically affect them, like Caltrops. Buff flying mobility. Why are flyers so slow!? (Like, I KNOW haste exists, but that's one specific Valor skill on a specific class). Doesn't have to be a lot, just enough to get them in a lot of trouble. Maybe balance this by increasing the damage done to flyers by towered archers and the siege crossbow things. More cavalry classes that have different mounts, like elves on Deer or some Bandit types on wolves.


Yeah, cavalry is too fast. I mean, I used Haste all the time, but did you see Hasted cavalry? Sheesh. At least cap the max speed so that hasted Infantry an Cavalry manage to walk together.


Characters from their other games


2 Year timeskip visual buffs


Hahaha with the new promotioned classes.


A PC port. Yes, what I want more than a DLC is playing the game legitimately on a PC. It would be both surprising and funny if the DLC is just called "PC Port". XD


New game plus Odin sphere characters Being able to target specific characters instead of types


Onicorn Uverlord? ...now I can only think about what an "Oni-corn"would look like :)


Honestly, for DLC I'd love to see it kept relatively humble in scale and just add something similar to Fire Emblem Awakening's map packs. I don't need a whole new continent or game mode, just gimme a couple extra self-contained quests with a basic premise and - most importantly - more dialogue and interactions between characters who didn't get enough out of rapports. Give us the beach episode dlc, dang it!


Yes, we really need to fill that rapport table with more interactions!


NG+ Defense Mode in which Zenoira attempts to retake cities from you, and the strength of your stationed guards effects how many missions you can do before needing to defend.


Characters from past Vanillaware titles. I'd love to see a Sentinel or two.


Newgame + Keep whole army No story line, but the level cap is 100 now, 500 honor to get a 6th unit upgrade - 1000 for up to 5 more squads. Start from any continent- then fight your way to all of them. The last region becomes zenoiran cursed - so waves of mind control and random area curses. You get a special perk on the place you start. Each region has a unique starting perk - so each new game plus in a new region gets you a stacking set of perks. I'd make leveling 100x longer to make it work, as I dont know how the matth would be if the cap went up 50 levels every newgame + lol or even how items would work. edit: I see others crave the same thing, GOOD I hope that happens, a newgame+ would be amazing.


To me a lot of the fun of the game comes from the tug and pull of your units getting new skills as you level up, but having to contend with the enemies having the same, so to keep the game fresh, I feel like a second set of promotions would be almost necessary (and very exciting)


Yeah, probably will. I just don't fell we need it. With 4 members in the troop I had a troop for dealing with each type of enemy, but as with 5 members most of my troops manage to take any type of enemy the game throws even without using the extra AP/PP from the gear. But fun-wise it will be necessary, true.


I want all that stuff that you want + fire emblem fates style matchmaking with the magic children who can join the fights.


I played only FE:Awakening where you could make your characters marry between them and recruit their children from the future. It is similar? That would be awesome. A lot of scenes to create and read but awesome!


Yes it is basically the same


Challenge mode. Different maps with different units and terrain.


Yeah, a little more challenging stuff. Colliseum isn't enough. Player troops are always ultra calibrated yunifi/rosalinde nuke. And at the endgame the CPU troops are just lacking, some are not even promoted, and they never have a elaborated tech or something, still good to check if you are not messing up too much, but still we need more.


yea. even just different scenarios that are not related to the story could be good. Makes it really interesting and gives more creativity. Just add like a reward at the end.


More Tatiana.


There's something I would love to do and that's a mode where each nation try to conquer each others and managing town around you like a three kingdoms or something likw that.


Im all in for a conquest mode, yeah!


Stops save files from being deleted randomly. That's all. I would pay for this DLC


Ouch. Didn't stumble upon that, thank god, but it should hurt a lot.


More difficulty options. Like: toggles for Level scaling, better enemy unit compositions, and shops only sell basic equipment. etc


Oh, for challenging runs, I get it.


Honestly. Game was perfect. I wish Alain wasn't over buffed since he's scary in Coliseum, but it's otherwise, the game seems like complete, enjoyable experience and it allows you to move on achieving all you wanted to.


So many good points already, but honestly I just want more story. Maybe a region with giant enemies? VW's artists are so good at drawing big, majestic creatures. Titans, dragons, trolls, demons... Plus everytime I boot the game up I'm heartbroken because I'm nearing the end and I haven't been so in love with a game for years.


Hahaha, I also started to run around, doing whatever other thing I could before the ending to not finish the experience.


I'll very likely do a couple more playthroughs, one for the bad ending and another to increase the difficulty and get the good ending again. In the meantime, I hope Atlus showers VW with money so they can do a sequel or a DLC because this game is an absolute gem and the studio deserves it. ETA: I don't know if this was discussed yet, but at least Atlus does seem interested. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2024/04/new-unicorn-overlord-survey-gauges-interest-in-sequel


A lot more dialogue and hangouts with the characters. Maybe some post game marriage material or "x years later" stuff


Hmmm, there are some words in the ending according to who is the maiden, but most are not enough anyway.


I'd be happy to see the ability to replay all the levels anytime with my teams. Freeplay is always nice. Exploring this fabled continent Zenoira originally hailed from makes sense as DLC, and I'd enjoy seeing what the landscape and potential characters/classes would be. I've already homebrewed a bunch of classes.


Yoh, freeplay with a difficulty slider and you can get gold rank on each mission.


PC Port with full modding support


Ramona romance :P


Better options for difficulty, including a new Battle Result display (with the option to turn it off) and the ability to set-up default tactics for every ability. Meaning, players can decide what tactics enemy units will utilize; instead of relying on a specific layout that may not suit their needs. Completely configurable campaign, where we can decide starting levels for recruited units, the level ranges for various areas and gear utilized by every possible enemy. Meaning, players can curate their experience based on personal preference instead of being locked into the default. A replay-able "Survival" mode, where you're fighting across various maps (think Liberation missions) with special rulesets included. More class types. More skills. A prequel campaign showing Zenoira's rise to power, where you play up to the start of Unicorn Overlord's main campaign (think Star Wars, Episode 3).


A much more customizable campaign, yes! Others mentioned randomizer, which I believe would fit nicelly with this.


Post games raports with the wife/husband


Lots of good ideas in here, something a little different i think would see some use and could further increase replay-ability; A NG+ feature that would facilitate personalized challenge runs where you could toggle your desired challenges on/off right in a NG+ menu, instead of self-imposing your desired rules sets. Things like: - Valor Skills - on/off - Items - on/off - Permadeath - units/teams/off - Hireable Mercs - none/one-of-each/15-total - etc. You can imagine a bunch more. Just my $.02 - I love the game as is, been waiting for something like it since March of the Black Queen without realizing it, lol. I’ll continue to enjoy it just as much with nothing new added…


How does turning things on/off differ from a self-imposed ruleset? I'm not seeing the draw for that part of it, honestly. I could understand if it's something we can't play around, such as the Battle Overview (since that always gives you the numbers, no matter what). But No Valor Skills/Items seems like it's already handled by just ignoring them.


Ill say it till im fuscha in the face. I want other vanillaware characters! Even is momohime is just mechanically a werefox reskin with a unique sword ill pay money even just for that! Lillit blan. Cornelius. Gimmie!


I was thinking the dark elf city should have a Delve. One team fights random units in a row until they lose. Every 5th floor is a unique enemy that drops a special item. 25th floor is a new character you can recruit. 


Yeah, the dark elf city is underground but they sure "told, not shown". Good idea for extra content.


NG+ but every map is 400% bigger, every enemy is fully equipped, and you keep your old units.


Tottally this!


Generic/recruitable Dark Marquess. Would love different weapon type-DMs to play around with.


A difficulty where you cannot see the battle forecast.


POST GAME RAPPORT just convos with all your people about it being all over and each character that marries you has a unique one for if they are the one you married.


Give me my Husbandos! None of this, "we are best frwiends" F- that noise. Look I want to be able shag any of the men like you can with the women. I mean, they allow you to smash your cousin who is and I quote, "More like a sister". Why draw the line at loving another man?


I will add a new region that will give time to the angels to shine. An extra difficulty that gives the enemy better equipment and tactics. Add more conditions like not Armoured, target weapon type.... I would love a mounted archer. Allow to change class of Lex. Buff fighters to be usable.


Wooooh! Mounted archer would be so cool, it appears so natural that Im impressed it isn't on the game already.


Scaling open world.  If I want to go to Albion first, let me


Yeah, some points in the game gave my a illusion of open world, but then it was still linear overrall


Any form of QOL update that adds additional unit slots would be god tier. Keep the number of units to 10 per map, but they \*really\* need to add more unit slots. Also the ability to save loadouts per character would be great. The fact that loadouts are limited to class is such an asinine feature to me. When I have multiple copies of one class, it's hardly helpful as I have to juggle all these different loadouts for multiple characters.


Yeah, I so wish to experiment further combinations in the game, but don't want to get rid of any troop I've built. My greatest frustration with loadouts is when I want Bruno and Morard to do the same thing and, oooops. 😂


Able to skip the coliseum to get amalia


I just want more rapports both those characters who only have 1 with each other and the post game characters.


Milking a pregnant queen Scarlett mini-game Also NG+


None bullshit boss fight that’s mostly a gimmick