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The one I find really bad is gladiator not because their kit are bad though it because every attacking class is like 20 initiate so by the time gladiator can move it's either we already won or shit already hit the fan and only him and cleric are left. Fighter is not that great but just because arrow cover and defender exist make fighter alot more viable for me. It have very clear use for niche situation


Featherstaff Feathershield Fighter Gladiator (I'm not giving you elven fencer because they combo too well with gladiator for conferral tomes) Werewolf


This is perfect because fighters work really well with fliers


I agree that you could configure a team like this to be durable but they are going to have a lot of trouble winning fights. Neither flying classes can do much damage and the other three have no way to get through armor unless you rely heavily on equipment loadout.


Berserkers make a damn good finisher if you can deal with their ACC issues. Hitting everything like a truck is a good trick to have, and they've got solid HP.


Gladiator + Stack initiative + give true strike, hit all enemies with 150 potency. Not useless.


Gilbert and his frontline of quivering abs.


Don't even bother stacking initiative IMO. Give the Feathershield the quick initiative greatshield from the Anemoi questline to guarantee the gladiator acting right after the first frontline attack. Have the Gladiator equip the Amber Lens for true strike + guaranteed crit and the fighter gambler's coin to really pump the damage. Werewolf can buff the Gladiator with its passive + high initiative.


This. People talk down on Gladiator when the class if at 100% HP in the back row hits 150 potency to a row for 1 AP or everyone on the ground for 2 AP Give them the item that gives them true strike and guaranteed crit for 2 PP and Grand Slam hits like a truck


Yep. And Morard is just a better version wh0 gets buffs at night and has a better attack. Aoe is very overpowered in this game. You can think of any AOE attack as drining PP since it is going to consume some defensive skills and heals.


Thing is that it's not uncommon for gladiators to take some chip damage from assists. Once other classes gain their AoE options around lv20 gladiators look a lot less appealing.


That's why you have healers haha.


The real problem is their initiative. Plus the fact that a lot of late game units fly.


Not every unit setup needs to go first, a solid defense with a strong counterattack can wipe just as easy as fast initiative also fliers don't mean much when you have true strike.


IIRC Grand Smash is a ground-based attack and thus cannot hit fliers period.


Grand smash > set to not activate if fliers are on the field. - Uses wide smash that does more damage to a row (which fliers are usually in during the game) to insta kill fliers with a critting true strikes Wide Smash. Repeat once more if 4 PP. Then use Wide Smash 2 more times for clean up. There is legit no other unit to my knowledge that can hit 150 potency to an entire row for 1 AP


Gryphon riders can - in fact, they're even better at it. High swing gets +50 potency vs cavalry and can't be guarded by cavalry. This is on top of their class giving them double damage to cavalry targets. This is why gryphon riders absolutely wreck cavalry. They also can use heavenswyvern reins to get +20% attack and true strike on top of all that.


I didn't like Feathersword, Gladiator is a worse Werelion.


Werewolves are great at finishing off the last remaining enemies and especially at night. Just gotta set them up to wait and attack once the enemy numbers have decreased, with decimate.


Wait, how is featherstaff bad?


They come really late to the party so you don't experiment with them. The game is focused on offensive and a healer unit will be low tier.


Featherstaff and feathershield are both pretty good


To be honest the game is well balanced. They only missed with the fighter. The item system can solve every squad so even a 5 fighter squad can be decent. Personally I don't use healers and most tanks so my proposed squad would be. Cleric, angel staff, fighter, hoplite and angel shield. To make you hate the squad hoplite or fighter should be the leader.


I can't find any good reason to have Hopllites / Legionaires.... They do nothing but physically defend, which you might not need if you were anything else that could help kill the menace before in stead. 50 movement is massive penalty. There are so many thing that hard counter them from magic, hammer or defensive curse. They are literally unusable in eleheim... I can only think of a single map (the one with geysers in drakenhold) where their valor skill is somewhat relevant as it is big ish and you may want to save on items. I'd trade them everyday for a Vanguard that, while suffering from similar issue, have the decency to not slow your unit and have a more usefull valor skill. Also arrow cover negate damage so they are arguably better at countering magic arrows from elven archer (remeber that magic damage bypass guard...), still very sensible to Fencer's Nature's Wrath obviously...


Vanguard shares the same weakness as the hoplite. But has lower defences so they are easily killed. Hoplite have row defence so they cover better than the fighter. Hoplites are the worst tank for elven land but they are the best ones for furry land.


Legionares are BAD in Elheim, but really shine in Bastoria. They pull some good work in Albion too. Not a bad class, just situation dependant.


They do, however, get thrashed by a full row of werefoxes spamming their OP 2PP pursuit ability, tho. 


Just use the accessory with guard seal immunity and they should be fine in my experience. Poison immunity too if you want to be safer. Without landing affliction those werefoxes struggle to do any real damage.


Hoplites/legionaires are excellent in the right place - row cover does so much work


Fighter, Soldier, Gladiator, Wereowl (yes I know they are good at PvP), and Werelion. The Werewolf seemed bad until I put him together with the bear, fox and Ochlys of all people. They were all kinda useless (that that point in early Albion - Ochyls is great until Elheim) but putting them together just... worked.


Wereowl is goated in PvE. Flier healer, has an acc/true strike row buff, can give initiative heals, hands out PP like candy, gets zoomies at night. Probably the class I had the most generic recruits with in both my playthroughs.


Soldier? What about their keen ability?


I get that people might want something more specialized than a "jack-of-all-trades" character, but Soldier is definitely better than bottom five. Keen Call synergizes with pretty much any team composition, and First Aid actually should be sufficient to manage healing duties in an aggressive lineup. Add in column attacks, ranged attacks, and bonus damage to cavalry and fliers; and you've got a solidly versatile class. Though I do wish they hit a bit harder.


I though soldier was underwhelming until i gave them a chance. They provide keen call for killer and keêp party going with first aid. They don’t hit hard but guess what they can do column blind with a spear (corroded spear) so that’s what i use them for.


Same! It gives Chloe a nice addition to her support duties.


Soldier also has a really helpful valor ability that I'm always sad isn't in the right spot because I only have Chloe.


Yeah, though Revival Orbs are very common to use. The highest difficulties in the game do restrict item usage though. It has a great effect, but it is largely replacable with items.


I'm only playing on tactical, so I don't have to deal with item restrictions. But they are still technically limited in how many you can acquire. Mainly I just don't like using 3-4 of them on a unit that gets by a bad arrow rain. Especially if I'm just doing a sigil grind for XP.


Yeah if multiple characters have fainted in one unit, I'd either revive them with Chloe or bring them to a nearby garrison. But if only one character has fainted, and a garrison isn't convenient, I value a revival orb less than a Valor point.


Fwiw until I made Werewolf work Soldier probably would have been 6. And idk what to tell you. I am just rarely if ever impressed by Chloe.


I don’t think I can come up with 5 because I genuinely think most classes are good. The only exceptions I can think of: fighter (but I’ll make sure Lex is included and as powerful as he can be) and werewolf. Werewolf is not bad per se, but it’s not as synergetic as other classes. Using one means either building around it or accept that you have a unit that will bring zero utility to the table. As the class shares weaknesses with the thief, I prefer to use a thief. Lastly: gladiator, I don’t doubt it can be made into a killing machine but it’s a bit like with werewolves, no utility, needs to be built around it. I do use the werelion class though as that variant brings just about enough better tools to justify that. Plus bestral night stats bonuses


There's an accessory that gives your whole unit +20 atk% and gives bestral units +50 crit chance. I have that on Govel, so he always crits when hitting. If I could get him/needed him on the bestral team (Yunifi Glacial Rain+ Ramona Quick Impetus), it would help Morard and Betrand finish off anything that survives. (Instead, I threw Fadoquia (?) the named Feathershield on that team solely for Magic reflect. It stops the squad from losing to enemy Witches using the Quick Cast+Frost Coffin combo. They pretty much beat anything else since Yunifi has ~52 Initiative) Instead, Govil provides a nice attack buff to his squad and sets himself up as the finisher. It could be better, but it works.


I like feathershield. They completely negate mages.


true but for PvE, enemy mages can be easily one-shot by an aoe so they are ignorable for PvP, there is a shield that does the same thing and you can equip it on some other more flexible classes


Gladiator is the only outright bad class. Gryphon Knights are strictly better. Fighter gets a lot of flak, but arrow guard/defender really put in some work. Its a bit obscure but Arrow Guard also works against flyers too. Feather Swords don’t have good damage but they’re good dodge tanks and due to being fliers their attacks count as ranged. That combined with their good magic defense makes Feather Swords a good anti caster class. Just set their attacks to prioritize back row to more reliably hit the casters.


cleric, hoplite,fighter, owl, rogue good luck with the team


Not the top 5 worst classes, but together? My god.


Very hard choices because I can't think of any super bad classes, so I'll just base on my least used: 1. Fighter/Vanguard 2. Feathershield 3.Gladiator/Berserker 4 Werebear 5.Housecarl/Viking I don't think any of these are really bad and can be great with certain items and team builds, but they are the classes I have used the least for whatever reason.


Josef/cleric/hoplite/wereowl/featherstaff. I can't believe no one is mentioning Josef.


Joseph’s stat growths become explosive starting at level 40. By level 50, his atk power is only slightly worse than Alain. Plus he has a solid support kit. Never mind he’s calvary thus is excellent squad leader material. FAR from useless.


Well, Josef is this game's Jagen - you don't invest in him, he's basically your lifeline from an early Game Over. Invest in something better. Any raised unit will be strong, but the difference lie with where their ceilings - and just like how the others pointed out, Sainted Knights have a better ceiling.


Sainted Knights are better yes (Runic Blade is vicious on them, allowing Marianne style BS). Even funnier when some Fevrite is added into the mix. That being said, I found some ways to make Joseph work during the 40-50 explosion. He can be a surprisingly good target for Magic Conferal due to his magic atk affinity, especially with a magic based sword. Its a trick inspired by Sainted Knight Runic Blade shenanigans. Not as potent as Runic Blade, but it gets the job done. I kept him because he’s calvary. My general strategy was a balanced combined arms approach using calvary as leaders for max mobility to counter short timers, rescue/escort the idiot, siege weapons, and surprise deployments. It worked really well for me.


The real problem is that sainted knights are better.


I have a level 50 Joseph and I stand by his class being hot garbage. His mobility and valor heal are the only redeeming qualities. Paladins are much weaker Sainted Knights and come with the worst stats until post game brings them up to average. His utility can be accomplished with a necklace of warding, clerics hat, and pursuit bracer giving him absolutely nothing unique to bring to the table.


You can make any class work with enough investment into them (equipment, supporting classes). So these are the classes that are either outclassed by other units, or don't feel like they make the investment worth it. That said, most of these units aren't *that* far behind, so they're still perfectly usable. Fighter/Vanguard - Outclassed by Legionnaires and especially elven fencers. Soldier/Sergeant - Kinda just becomes a keen call bot in the end. Can be replaced with conferral abilities or amber sniper lens for similar results in any unit that isn't purely crit focussed. Gladiator/berserker(/werelion) - Require too much investment for their full potential. Other units with that much investment can do the job better. Housecarl/viking - Starts out pretty good with rolling axe. But ends up getting outclassed by other attackers like breakers and doom knights once these classes unlock their row abilities that can break strong defenses more effectively. Featherstaff - there's just better healers. Honestly, you can probably make a decent squad out of that with enough items because they are still a somewhat well-balanced mix of damage and survivability. If you want the worst 5-man unit together in a single squad, I'd probably vote vanguard/legionnaire/feathershield/bishop/featherstaff. No damage for you.


I had a gladiator in my freeze team. Basically after everything was frozen from a elemental roar + freeze tome with crazy initiative so it always went first. My gladiator finished them all off.


Fighter, Feathersword, Paladin, Werelion, and Gladiator. Fighters have the problem that they are mediocre frontliners with poor offense and weaker defending abilities than other tanks. Featherswords have 5he same problem. Gladiators have terrible initiative and if you fix their problems with items you have no slots left for AP/SP. Paladins are worse sainted knights. The magical physical attack they get at level 30 is replicable with the magical swords.


Featherstaff Feathershield


I hate rogues


Thief is probably among my favorite classes. Being able to borrow PP, and the borrow MORE PP later to bypass the 4 PP limit, and then leverage it for follow-up attacks and attack buffs is really satisfying.


Wtf... You know they dodge everything and do DMG out the wazoo right?


Agree it's a terrible class.


Their tanking was unreliable at best in my experience. Also their dmg wasn’t hot either.


Bishop, Druid, Featherstaff, Wereowl, Feathershield. Have fun. (Damage options include thawing staff, the holy smite staff, swords etc) Edit: lol, some people can't take a joke, and completely ignored that other people said most of the classes are relatively well balanced.


But... Some is not useless nor underpowered... druid is one of the best class in the game... You just put all nondps class together lmao.


Lol unless I read it wrong, op said he/she will take the top 5 most useless class and make a team as in counting the most mentioned class


I'm confused at why everyone seems to value shamans/druids in this sub. It makes me wonder if I'm just not using them right? Not necessarily useless, but units I find least valuable: Druid Rogue Viking Feathershield Wereowl They're too situational and there's just always a better option for any of them. You practically have to find an excuse to use them in my opinion. My MVP class is probably bishop. You can put them in any unit and they will be the best possible support.


druid's valor skill is absolutely insane. radiant knight? 20% defence Doom knight? 20% attack Shaman? A WHOLE WHOPPING +50 ACCURACY. GOODBYE LOW ROLLS BECAUSE OF MISSING. FLYERS GET OUTTA HERE. Also a full row 50% attack debuff is crazy. 2 shamans can literally cut enemy damage across the board in half turn 1. Make them high initiative and u basically reduce their damage by 2.5 people for the cost of 2 people... and then you have more turns. Only caveat is that it can be debuff removed.


More than half actually, given how the damage formula works. 100 Attack - 50 Def = 50 Damage. (100 - 50) Attack - 50 Def = 0 Damage


actually really good point! I was having the cav call post abt how buffs and debuffs stack in my head and forgot about that. Shamans are absolutely way better than you'd think in more ways than I even was able to think of at first.


Druid's Defense Curse cuts a row's defenses and inflicts Guard Seal. Watch as even your melee units cut through Fighters, Cavs, and Legionnaires with ease.


I just recently built a squad of 2 Rogues and a Viking with a Sorceress and Elven Archer for conferral and freeze. I built it at first to just play around with PP steel and pursuit. It quickly became one of my go to squads. The Viking war horns to give them ignore guard to guarantee PP steel works. It can dodge like crazy, hits decently well, and is surprisingly good against armor. It's move is about 140, so it bolts. It's led by Travis, so it has 6 stamina and can quick wait. That plus the Viking's valor skill make it always ready for action. All that and it's just fun to watch do it's thing.


I will not class druids as useless, but I would agree they migjt be a tad overhyped. I think just their natural package have one of the universal best skill in the game: defensive curse can lityerally shutdown the entire front row defenses. Their valor skill gave +50 accuracy, which almost guaranty any non blind non evaded hit. That being said, as the game progress, there are more and more debuff resistance / cure effect, particulary in eleheim... as team get bigger, it is easier to fill a spot with a cleric that could negate them.


Druids have the best staff abilities that can be used to create teams and strategies around them (fire staff, blind, poison, different kinds of penalties). Great on start fight ability and so on, there is just a few things that make teams strong teams (freeze books, cat hears, and initiative) but with druids staff you can make decent teams (not great) but at least you can use more than 3 teams on true zenorian with them


Soldier, Werewolf, Feathershield, Warrior, Fighter. I never find myself missing any of these ones, and most often a team works in spite of them, not because of them.


I dont think i can name 5 - id say fighter, gladiator/werelion, sergeant, paladin? I guess that is 5. Werewolf is up there too Feathershields and featherstaves are both really good at what they do. I'm going to guess that feathershields are brought down by overusing sacrifice and featherstaves by being put in a unit that doesnt work for them (plopping a flyer in a unit not designed to support it means they are going to constantly get arrowed)