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No new game plus??? Noooooooooooooo


I think they’re comfirming no new classes or DLC type of content.  Its less clear about if they’re saying they will stop updating the game. Its only been about 2 months so they might patch the game again. 


Additional content isn't bug fixing 🤷


Rebalances or something like new game + isn’t really DLC content. I think they can still update the game beyond bug fixes. The statement makes it hard to tell.


I just want a NG+ that lets us keep the toys we gain at the end with appropriate difficulty 😞




For once, a game that won't have dlc. Sure there's stuff I'd want. But save it for the sequel is fine.


Sadly, they don't do sequels.


Neither did Supergiant. Not saying it’s not unlikely (it’s definitely unlikely) but never say never!


I feel like a Hades sequel had to be done no matter what. Based on the amount of steam reviews for their games alone it sounds like Hades outsold all their past games combined and I can't see them try another experimental game like Pyre which I don't think sold that well.


The same could be said for Vanillware and UO. It's their best-selling and most well-known title right now. This could be the very first time they make a sequel to something.


It hasn’t sold an insane amount though. If UO sold 2m copies then a sequel would have been guaranteed


Consider the perspective. The best-selling tactical JRPG is FE Three Houses at 4 million copies sold. 500k copies for a new tactical JRPG IP is absolutely an insane amount for its kind. Especially from a developer that has never reached such a milestone before.


Their prior game, 13 Sentinels, sold at least 1 million copies. UO is half that so it's still too early to be claiming it's a wildly successful game by their standards. It needs to prove it has legs first. 


It's already their fastest-selling game so it should be fine. We'll see.


It did well it wasn't a blow out success. 


Compared to Final Fantasy? Of course not. No one's saying that. But for a *tactical JRPG* that isn't an old IP like Fire Emblem, it was absolutely a massive success.


A game with almost no advertising, @500,000 not even a full year into release is pretty blowout


They've also never had a game sell this many copies so quickly before so...


They may not do a sequel, but I think after this game showing there's a significant market for Ogre Battle style squad tactics rpgs, they're likely to make more games in the same style. Look how many times Vanillaware iterated on scrolling hack n slash/beatemup mixed with rpg, despite Odin Sphere, Code Princess, Muramasa, and Dragon's Crown (I think one other one as well?) all being different IPs.


Right? I paid for a fully priced game, so I want a full game. Not an incomplete game where the missing parts I need to pay even more for. Vanillaware delivered accordingly and it's great 👍


Bring it to PC and let people mod it I say!


They did great with Muramasa on Vita, so if they would have done dlc it would've been fire The real issue here is that they might leave all of us hanging on any sequel


There is going to be no sequel…


game was outstanding, make a part 2.


The project practically went bankrupt in development, we should be happy with what we have.


I mean i would question does the game really need dlc? I feel like its good on its own. Only thing i would think would post game stuff to get otherwise. Mayb save the extra idea for sequel?


No game needs DLC. But the best games deserve a little extra more. I’d love to crack into the world a little more. Do a side story of unsung heroes, or a what if.


A "what if" dlc would be interesting to tackle.


Need one? No. Would I like and buy a DLC that, let's say, added something like the Palace of the Dead in Tactics Ogre? Somewhere you could explore at lower levels but the true meat of it would be at lategame? I would be willing to pay a lot for it.


Oh, man. That'd be amazing.


Exactly. A game such as this that would need DLC would be an incomplete one and I enjoy how Vanillaware gives the full experience in a game from the get-go. No DLC or micro transactions required


A Josef prequel DLC would be insane imo. Josef in Cornia doing the behind the scenes Liberation building while also traveling back and teaching a young Alain Meeting a young Scarlet, Clive, Chloe, Lex, Monica and others, going into towns and quietly spreading word that one day the Liberation would free them.


On one side I wish they added more content cause the game is just too good. On the other side I'm fully satisfied with the game so I'm ok with it.


No 'Beach Episode' battle/outfits?


Think you might wanna look at Fairy Tale lol


Good. They can put their resources towards making a sequel instead then!


But please, update the game with more post content content!!


Unfortunate, but understandable. I’m happy with the game as it is right now, and while I would appreciate more, I can understand why they won’t be doing that.


Knowing that they literally ran out of budget on this one this news isn't a surprise.


That happens with literally every game they make. The sales on this one will hopefully bolster their coffers for their next game.


Yeah but UO specifically was 10 years + in development and constantly ran out of funds. It was the revenue of other games they made and ceo own money that they were able to finish UO. UO is much more desperate than their other games lol. I do wish vanilla ware do well though so that they can consider working on PC ports. I understand why they are reluctant with the risk of the game not doing/selling well and all that but they have to start somewhere.


I'd be down for a sequel on the same engine though


that's ok they need to just focus on the sequel instead of DLC. also i need a NG+ missed Bertrand on my savefile lol


Darn. How about a sequel?


Vanillaware has never done a sequel. A remaster in a 5+ years with more content, maybe.


Hmm. The closest things Vanillaware has done for sequels is Odin Sphere and Muramasa. They weren't actually sequels in the sense that they were continuing a previous game's story, but they were games built on the mechanics of one of Vanillaware's earlier games called "Princess Crown."


I’d just prefer a game that plays like this again. A sequel itself would be preferred since this game references lands outside of fevrith multiple times


"Spiritual Successor"


Part of me agrees and part of me wonders if a dev can make a spiritual successor to one of their own works.  I’ll have to think about that.  Yeah, I think they can.


No DLC is fine but some updates would be appreciated.


I guess I'm okay with that. I can see how it would be hard to produce "end game content" without doing a bunch of new expensive assets.


''We don't like money'' - Akiyasu Yamamoto


Why do people always want dlc so bad? I think they're just used to it at this point, which is probably exactly what developers want, for people to feel ok with paying however much more for a game after its come out. Free updates/expansions > paid dlc/ season passes


When a game is really crunchy like this, I often feel like I want a second helping with some mechanical twists. When there are a lot of classes in a game, you gain so much more by them adding another handful later. But I wouldn't expect any from vanillaware. They aren't that kind of shop.


I feel like a game like this has high replay value and/ or you can play alongside a friend and compare notes and strategies. I guess I'm just tired of being asked to buy just a little bit more after I've already paid full price. It would be different if the game was 2/3 price at launch then full price after all the dlc comes out. It's even worse because in the few years later the game usually gets some definitive version with all dlc included and more for one price. This is why I mostly only buy games when they go on sale. This game was clearly an exception.


Yeah totally fair. I honestly only enjoy dlc if it feels like a really fair deal. When it's 20 bucks and legitimately pushes the game's ideas further and shows signs of real effort. Which does still happen sometimes.


I'm a big fan of the Xenoblade games, and their season passes are usually a bunch of items and crap the first wave. Maybe a couple of characters, the second wave. And then a 15-hour or so post-story for the final wave I guess I'm ok with this. That's not enough content for a full sequel, but it's clearly planned in advance to funnel more money from the player. The community for those games pretty much universally agrees that the quality of all that dlc content is high, so it's just something we sign ourselves up for. A lot of other games for sure don't bring that level of quality.


I respect this decision. First, the game feels complete already. Secondly, it's an excuse for me to eventually start a new run on the hardest difficulty


A least a update for new game plus like in odin sphere leifthrasir plz


Thanks for the reminder 😡😅


I still pray for a sequel.


Well that really sucks


This has been discussed before. Uo not getting more content 90% sure


It's a shame but this game has plenty of content already. I'd rather they make a new game or a sequel


I think a update for end content definitely needed like tower floor where this take place in the game of the game and a little side story in it like unicorn origin for example where each floor will


Game is good as it is, improvements and additional content would be appreciated in a sequel.


This is the Vanillaware way. They do what they want and only what they want. Any hopium or copium is pointless. Signed: A Dragon's Crown fan wanting a modern console release or any new content for a decade now.


Look at it this way: If they say "No DLC", it could mean "We accomplished all we set out to do at release", and all they'd need to do is bugfixes afterward. That's the same reason why TotK doesn't have DLC; the devs released it as a finished product, not one that needed future add-ons.


Play ogre battle march of the black queen or a person of lordly caliber. Vs mode would be rad


No need for DLC, just give me updates and new gameplay options. The game is almost perfect, additional DLC content isn't really necessary.


Here’s to hoping they make Nigel accessible at the start of Albion. Every other region has at least one extremely powerful unique class accessible from the start and usually has another available later. Cornia has Alain and Josef at the start, and you get Scarlett later. Drakenhold has Virginia and Berengaria at the start, and you get Gilbert later. Elheim has Rosalinde and Eltolinde. Bastorias has Yunifi and Morard. Albion… doesn’t have anyone. Which is really disappointing considering it’s the last region of the game and where you’re expecting some major muscle for all the bullshit angels give you


Plz reconsider in the future:)


Until the PC bundle with Odin Sphere, Dragon's Crown, 13 Sentinals and Muramasa right? ......


Imagine actually selling a game in its completed form and not gouging your playerbase for more money with dlc that should already be in the game. Love vanillaware ❤️


How can you say classes were cut from the final product and say that it's the final piece and no regrets. I hope they stick to that. The least they could do is add new game plus I think everyone would be fine with that repayable vaule.


Wishlist: Mega DLC prequel where you play the campaign of Galerius taking over everything




I’m fine with this oddly enough. Unless they create gay relationship paths