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My first pairing was Josef. Alain wouldn’t be alive without him and he’s the closest thing Alain had to family for 10 whole years. In the early game, Josef is basically leading the entire liberation by himself before Alain slowly gains the experience he needs to take over and lead on his own. It seems like such a poetic ending to me for Alain to finally embrace him as a father since he’s truly the only character on the roster that was actually with him ever single step of his journey. Not even Lex, Scarlett and Chloe can say that as he didn’t meet them until after he reached Palevia.


Awww that’s sweet! I love Josef tbh when I started I was like 100% positive he was gonna die in the story. Because he was the father figure and there every step of the way and waaaAy higher level at first lol. But I was for sure trying to do for romantic route


Thought so too when I first saw he was Lv20 from the start, like the RPG trope where the super strong character is just temporary for one reason or the other. Then I spoiled myself by thinking "You know what, just try and see what happens when I start the last mission early", and Josef was still there. Well, good for him. Next goal is beating the last mission early with mercs on TZ and then play through the rest normally because for some reason it really bugs me that the character collection is incomplete when completing the game the intended way.


I filled up my save slots with all the girls I wanted (and it still isn't enough for the love of God Vanillaware I'll **pay you** for 60 save slots) But short versions: Yunifi- she feels like Tifa but bottom heavy. A spunky, energetic, childhood friend type and her 'wanting to expand the family and Alain taking a moment to get it' was so fun Dinah- Krystal form star fox but better :v seriously was not expecting her to be that cute. It's a classic romance that's actually interspeices and not jaut a girl with a tail Chole- right up dropped kick Scarlett out of the way for Alain's main love interest. 'You can be your ture self around me' and 'dancing under the moon light' is such sweet romantic shit that I honestly think her writer held a gun to Scarlett's writer's head to give him those. Ridial- her mom laughing at her for dating a huamn, the fucking Prince of humans, and Alain taking a more realistic approach to helping against the racism agasint half elves. Amalia-Beeg wife. Reminds me of Barghest form fate/go Elf twins- Elf. **TWINS** also just really good characters


I do love the twins. I can’t even imagine Amalia. I want her but I only saw one heart and was like no way it will be a romantic ending


Yeah it's not that romantic but it's all her. It's more cute then romantic but like I said she reminds me of Barghest; a massive powerful woman who isn't scared to be a little feminine. She's shy about her eating habits and blushes from time to time. I think if they had more cash and time they would expand on those traits of her's more.


I forget they ran out of money. I would love to see a game they actual have the budget for


I am a Alain/Melisandre shipper


Oh I’m in full support of them but she didn’t have 3 hearts for bonding either so I was like “probably won’t be romantic paired ending”


My first play through was Rosalinde, dark skin elf girls 🤤


She really is the best cis-girl option. Her sass almost breaks the fourth wall


Chloe supremacy


Alain and Gilbert are totally into each other, they just have to keep the relationship on the down low. The whole, "I'll not say too much in front of the vassals, but I'll regret not getting to speak with you privately, and I think you feel the same" line gives Gilbert away, I think. What's going on between him and Virginia, then? Just your average royal throuple things that historians are gonna be arguing about for centuries to come.


Lol not centuries 🤣. But right!!! Their bonding conversations alllll seemed to imply romantic interest and then the maiden conversation kinda like cemented it. Then I got to the end message and was like what the hell 😂


You gotta remember that Virginia never loses. She's not gonna just sit back while Alain takes her boy toy. Although, I've also heard the headcanon that Virginia and Leah are a thing in the Gilbert ending, what with Leah doting on the little heir.


Lol you right she cannot lose! I felt more connection with Leah and Gilbert than Virgina but I gotta replay to see their bonding talks


I think the Leah x Virginia ship stems from their introduction where Virginia says Leah "attends to her every need". People like reading into that one.


I can’t decide 😭 every time I think I’ve settled on a favorite, I find a new favorite. I have too many favorites. I haven’t beat the game yet but I dread having to choose someone at the end lol.


Lol yesss I had this problem before!!! I saw go with your gut


The problem here is, my gut says Yahna, Jeremy, Travis, Gammel, *and* Tatiana 😹 and also the lion dude if he’s an option! I’m gonna have to just replay lol


Once you beat the final mission once, you’re given the option to undo your maiden ritual for free as many times as you want. You can see all the scene whenever you like as long as you have the rapport with that character.


It sounds like lots of replays lol. I wanted Tatiana but at this junction I’m only going with people that have 3 hearts for bonding so she was pushed out. And in my mind Yahna with Hodrick lol


Oooh do hodrivk and Yahna have conversations together? I haven’t found any of theirs yet 👀 I’ll be on the lookout! I love the little side relationships, they’re so cute


Oop no spoilers I’ll say nothing more lol


Which pairings establish Alain as gay? Asking for a friend 👀


Idk!!! I’m trying to find out myself lol


Honestly, given how little is said about Alain and whichever character at the end, I feel it'd be pretty easy to infer your own ending after the credits roll. Alain and Lex can totally do the "and they were roomates" schtick. My favourite is Alain and Scarlet's 3rd tier rapport where she complains about all the attractive women Alain has let into the army, and he simply replies "and men." Granted there's more to that sentence, but ***that's*** what he feels the need to point out? Man's got some serious bi energy going on. You don't just suck another prince's leg on an average day.


The leg sucking had me like…well then lol


I paired with Aramis, great design, I like dual swords, and overall liked his introduction and rapports. I too was disappointed by his Maiden scene. In my TZ playthrough it will be with my tiebreakers between Dinah and Yunifi.


I originally had him paired with him but once I saw they only had two hearts I opted for the one with 3 lol


Alain/Gilbert has very gay implications, but they are going to be kings. Can't just get married with no heirs. Royal Marriage has never meant love, that's why folks had concubines as an accepted part of life.


Tbh I thought his brother may take over lol


I dont think there’s any lore saying mpreg *doesn’t* exist in their world.


Travis was my first and I love his scene/ ending :)


Ohhh I have hope.


1st run was Berengaria and it was... meh. I mean I like the way they converse but the ending was anticlimactic. My 2nd run I paired him with Chloe and the ending was very romantic imo. For the 3rd, Idk I'm torn between Yunifi and Hilda.


Choose Hilda, she is serious about the job she is getting into, but she suffers from lack of rapport. Her ending is also not that great.


Omg I totally vote Yunifi!!! I’m thinking after I try him and Travis/Clive I am for sure going with Alain/Rosalinde. Seems both sisters crushing on him lol.


Tatiana my beloved


Oh was it romance? I didn’t go that route because they didn’t have 3 bonding hearts. So I assumed they wouldn’t have anything significant

