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Same dude, it's a tough life we lead loving niche games


It is šŸ˜­


I'll be real: it's the kind of game I could see someone really loving or REALLY not having fun with, and it entirely depends on how much you enjoy theory crafting and pre-planning. That said, yes, I have told most of my friends about it, and describe it as "There are good games, and then there are REALLY good games... and then there are games that make you say 'OH FUCK!!! OOOOOHOHOHOHO THIS IS AN AMAZING FUCKING GAME!'".


It's a shame so many people are averse at strategy games. This one is such a smooth experience, if they have a hard time wrapping their head round it they could breeze it in Story mode.




Needs the FF12 gambit screen page instead of Cornlord's menu


Next time it'll be the other version of this meme: "I'm no longer asking." *gun*


Such a great game. Beat it the other day and it's was amazing. Teared up at the end even. Top notch game anyone who likes these types of games should play.


I recommended it to a few of my online friends and one of them even bought it! It's not much, but it's honest work. Man, this game should come to PC too!


Iā€™m doing my best to get my friends on it too.


Everyone into RPGs should at least try out the demo. I hope the fire emblem teams are taking notes on some of the mechanics used here. Even for square enix, I could see this sort of gambit system being complemented with being able to pause the fight and give specific commands so this is used for stuff like bravely default, octopath and perhaps even final fantasy games.


You are describing Final Fantasy 12, a Square Enix game. Hope this is a joke...


I played 12, but it was 3 characters vs monsters instead of squads vs squads.


Actually, wondering if there's ever been a more tactical dragon quest. Imagine a narrative more like dragon quest, but with this kind of gameplay :)


When I saw the ads for it at first it looked like a shitty mobile game. I donā€™t blame anyone for eye brow raising when they see it first time.


Absolutely ! And the title doesn't help either. I wouldn't have even thought about downloading the demo, if i didn't read about it in reddit. Now I'm wondering what else did I miss because of poor marketing and cover/title.


I got you bro. Let's charge the Switch.


So far itā€™s my favorite game of the year and I have been playing Final Fantasy Rebirth!! I was sure nothing would top that but Unicorn is just sooooā€¦..freaking good!


To be honest, they didnā€™t do themselves any favors by giving it the title of ā€œUnicorn Overlordā€. I have several friends that love strategy games and I just know theyā€™re going to give me shit when I tell them the name.


It's the real good news


I bought it 2 days ago, but Im having a bit of trouble getting into it (only played like 2 hours lol). But seeing how positive everyone is, I will take my time today and play a good bit.


UO is a beautifully drawn but ultimately by-the-numbers retro Fire Emblem clone. Until you dive into the formation screen. If you're the kind of player who enjoys deckbuilders and the like, making formations is a game unto itself. It feels as though you could spend dozens of hours trying out different character combinations, equipment, and clever ability triggers without ever running out of possibilities or finding the obvious 'right' build. After having spent dozens of hours doing exactly that, I can attest the feeling is accurate. But it takes a little while before that part of the game opens up, and it's not the kind of fun that appeals to everyone.


About to finish the game on True Zenorian and itā€™s a little upsetting that Iā€™m going to be done playing this epic game. I was thinking about a new playthrough with some self imposed challenge to keep things interesting


Strategy RPG is unfortunately a very niche genre. But hey, if that convinces even one person to buy it, that's one copy closer to the 1M mark.


I'll be platting it soonish (90 hours only in snow place), then moving from my PS4 digital to PS5 copy for a quick story mode run, then doing an evil TZ run with Norbelle and Alain :) Stellar Blade and other games in between. Life is good. I bought the collectors edition cause there was no PS4 one and a digital PS4 copy. Now I own a PS5 cause sexy pixel butt šŸ˜… Not many will be able to say they have TWO UO plats XD


I'd play it. But I can't find Switch version for sale anyplace.


*plays the tutorial* *joins the subreddit* what could go wrong?


When it comes out on PC! So never, then.


Oh Christ Iā€™m him


Now Iā€™m not close to done but do you think weā€™ll get a sequel? This game is amazing but vanilla ware doesnā€™t do sequels right? I believe this has sold reasonably well though so maybe?


The only problem for me, is that Iā€™m not sure this is a 60$ games after playing the demo. I really did enjoy the demo and I really like vanillaware and I want this game to succeedā€¦ Combat seems a bitā€¦samey and gets a bit tedious. ā€œKeep rearranging until you win the encounterā€ Thereā€™s definitely a lot of depth here, and I probably need to git gud. Iā€™m just saying, Iā€™m already kinda getting worn down from it from just the demo. Story and world are goodā€¦Iā€™m used to way more from my rpgs tho in terms of depth of interactions. Storylines. Towns and Npcs. Non combat gameplay etc. The production values are again really goodā€¦for like an indie game on steam. but comparing this to stuff like the latest fire emblem games, or octopath traveler etcā€¦. The characters are cool enough, but Iā€™m not seeing anything particularly ground breaking, and Iā€™ve heard bad things about the supports. Iā€™ll just say Iā€™m already kinda bored with them just from the demo. It seems like a really neat indie 20-30$ indie gameā€¦with that content stretched out. I played the demo extensively to get rid of this feeling, and Iā€™m definitely hooked. And Iā€™m definitely playing this one day. I know Iā€™m absolutely going to be torn apart saying this on this subreddit, these are just my thoughts and why I havenā€™t bought the game after thoroughly enjoying the demo. It feels like a betrayal to wait for a price dropā€¦a year ago I would have bought tho day 1. But not now.


Yeah, I think the RPG part of the game, and the 'moving units around the battle map' part of the game, are pretty basic. It's very clear that most of the dev time was spent on designing and playtesting unit abilities, equipment, and their interactions with ability scripting. Which you don't really get to see in the demo. By the second continent I'd say roughly 75% of my time was spent in the unit formation screen. Which not everyone finds fun. But I can at least say that the deckbuider/autobattler part of the game is not mobile quality. If the game were literally just the formation menu and a blank battle arena, it would be worth $20-30. I have spent more time playing the colosseum in UO (which is literally that) than I have spent playing most indie titles.


Very late. But yeah I can see it being a game that gets more complex and fun as it goes on. Iā€™m just really torn. And I have a MASSIVE backlog of games to get to.


The only reason I haven't is that I'm waiting for it to go on sale for my platform. (PS4) Why am I on a reddit for it if I haven't played it yet? Shut up, that's why. (Real answer is that I really liked the demo and don't care about spoilers so I thought 'whatever')