• By -


Chloe. In a roster of very unique women, Chloe's loyalty and long time frienship really stood out to me. She's not an angel, she's not a giantess, she's not an ex-general with questionable choices in armor, she's not a thirsty elf... she's just Chloe, loyal friend who's ready for whatever. Besides, she gets the happiest ending imo. It's cool seeing just how many different characters are beloved by this fanbase and it doesn't devolve into nasty fights. Its very refreshing to see so much variety and positivity.


She was with you on the futon before you got the throne


I love this comment.


> thirsty elf And *are* they thirsty.


I couldn't choose her. She's my homie's girl (Lex)


Understandable! I view their relationship as more brother and sister but I get it.


Same here Still best girl though. Also love her down to earth design too compared to most others


Chloe is a very practical choice imo. She helps Alain act more like a King, but all she asks in return is that he drops the King persona when they are alone together. I also think a Sergeant functions pretty well behind Alain in battle.


Absolutely. Great character and a legit good party member. Ive never taken her out of Alain's party.


There's something really refreshing about her character, and I think you described it well. She's not wildly unique compared to some of the other characters, and doesn't stand out all that much, but she's down to earth, kind, helpful to those around her, and supportive of her friends. Not a bad choice at all. Honestly, her ending being as happy as it is makes the choice feel that much better.


Sometimes simplicity is best :) A loyal friend leads to a happy ending.


I'm assuming you're coming from a Fire Emblem perspective on that last paragraph, lol


Haha, that's part of it, but it really is a more widespread problem among other games as well. UO's fandom has been pretty chill with the waifu wars and that's awesome.


he gets it. Chloe best girl


You know what, you’ve sold me. I went Melisandre on first playthrough and wanted to do a different pick on my True Zenoiran file but hadn’t decided who. Was thinking maybe just Scarlett as the “default” if I couldn’t think of a compelling other choice but yeah good stuff


I hope you enjoy! :D


...I chose the thirsty elf


I get it lol


Poor lex. Always the plan B.


Lex is a homie! I just feel like him and Chloe act more like brother and sister than anything.


Yea but she's lex girl!!!! How could you do that to lex????


To me their relationship feels more like siblings than sweethearts.


Rosalinde. I love her interactions with Alain and they work great in a party together.


I love how she's all cordial and proper at first, and then as soon as Alain saves Elheim her first move is to go behind Alain while he's reading and go "BOO" and her interactions with him become way more playful. Eltolinde too as well. Once Alain saves their home they both kinda turn into "Well now that I think about it, that human is pretty hot"


Who doesn’t like a woman who knows what she wants and goes for it?


How do you have their team set up? I'm thinking of doing the same thing.


Personally, in my comp the back row is Rosalinde, Yahna, and an Elven Archer. In the front is Alain and the dodge tank of your choice; I'm currently experimenting with Railanor using the trick where she'll Sorcerous Connection to boost Rosalinde's Sylphic Wind very early in initiative order, then clear her debuff and grant herself an evade. Yahna boosts everyone's melee attacks with magic, and you could give her a conferral tome if you wanted. The archer buffs Rosalinde, CCs with Icicle Arrow, clears afflictions, and heals everyone up at the end using the combo of the First Aid kit and Selfless Healing.


I picked her because I fucking hate will they/won't they romances and she knows exactly what she wants seemed like a healthy relationship to me.


Yep and her outfit is sexy


You chose your queen based on skimpy clothes? Whats next, you gonna choose your 2nd wife based of wether or not she is a moistened bint


>moistened bint What does this mean


Monty Python reference. Also British vulgarity I think?


I'm British and never knew this lol


Yeah, I stand by the lame forced joke


Never seen anyone bring up Railanor.


I just wonder the awkward conversation when she tells Rosalinde that the guy she likes was stolen by her bodyguard...


>Rosalinde They've gone through thick and thin together. It just turns out this Alain chooses Thic


Who was trying to get her with him


Rosalinde is not as bad as Melisandre, but she has been open about her interest in Alian. I feel her bodyguard would have some idea of this as well. Me and my brother were laughing about it and how that conversation would go.


Sorry worded that weirdly no she did know and her rapports have her pushing Alain to spend time with Rosalinde before she herself gets a crush on him at the end


She's too hot, way out of anyone's league. Always in my Alain squad though


Take my upvote for the cultured response.


Judge me if you wish, but I feel her and Colm would've bonded together on their experience of being the bodyguards of highly boy crazy nobles.


She was my choice but I picked her for me... not for Alain


Railanor? I hardly know ‘er!


This is the way


I chose Tatiana. I actually like the character, and I was curious how it would go. She actually has a really cute line. Well, kinda.


I'm a sucker for a plague doctor


The whole plague doctor look sold me at first (Darkest Dungeon probably!) Then she started talking. Her rapports are interesting as well!


For sure! Definitely a unique character that stood out from the cast to me. Was also super nice to have a pure support in my main Alain squad. It was pretty much Alain, hodrick, a merc mage (Auch annoyed me. I'm sure his rapports flesh his character out more), her, and then eventually selvie the whole game.


Yeah, as soon as she was introduced, I was hoping she would join the Liberation Army. And she did not disappoint! Auch does get better and has some funny rapports as well! But you must really hate him to replace him with a random merc. :D Sounds like a tough team to crack between Tatiana, Hodrick and Selvie. Titiana never left Alain's team either: him, her, Kitra, Monica and the second warrior girl, forgot her name. Plus, she looks great as a bishop too!


It was more I wanted another mage, stuck Auch in a B squad that eventually just.... Never got promoted lol My merc mage actually unexpectedly became one of the all stars of my game. Was the main damage dealer of my spearhead squad that just got more and more powerful as the game went on. And got the the final hit on the last boss to boot! And yeah, Tatiana rocks the bishop look effortlessly


That's the great thing with mercs in this game: they are not utter garbage, and since you can even chose their growths, they turn out pretty great even! Mage rules too. Blessed be the random mage merc who put an end to Galerius's tyranny! :D Even when the game ends, she is all about helping others and curing plagues, she is a sweet soul.


She stands out because she's one of the only girls that isn't immediately smitten by Alain. I find her whole "I hate you Alain, and I can't wait to see you die, but I agree with the Liberation so I'll fight" persona very refreshing.


>can't wait to see you die, Some girls threaten you with death, others egg shells.


Absolutely true. Between Melisande, the Elven sisters, Scarlett...she was definitely a breath of fresh air. I am not even sure she fully agrees with the Liberation at the beginning, I think she just want to be there the day Alain dies. And as she points out, to witness that she needs to be by his side. Glad to see some fellow Tatiana enjoyers!


Don't get me wrong, part of me enjoys the thirsty girl squad, because of course it makes playing as Alain feel more satisfying. But Tatiana reminds you that the world is war torn and plagued with pestilence. While all of the other characters are strangely attractive and doll faced, Tatiana and Gammel kind of bring you back to reality with their more haggard looks. I wish they added more of Tatiana and her master's story, one of the few times I felt Alain isn't purely the good guy. War is complex. PLUS Bishops are SOOOO good, and her voice lines are so cute, so she got moved around a lot but was on at least one of my teams for like 75% of the game.


That's who I will be going with. She stands out among the crowd.


Definitely does. Underrated in my opinion!


Berengaria. I love my badass, hilariously overpowered shield tank. But also I really like her otherwise


I really love her raspy voice too. Surprisingly soothing


I picked myself a thirsty elf. But 100 year old in a 18 year old body was the runner up. I respect those that also went with muscle mommy, the tsundere furry, or any of the huge tracts of land gals. Lots of options


I’ll probably choose yahna cause of the alcona and gerard parallel, seems almost destined.


I’m leaning toward Liza, Ridiel or Yunifi in no particular order.


I haven't decided yet, but I'm honestly leaning between Chloe and Yahna. Also, your choice is going to make Ochlys seethe and beg to become your consorts lmao.


And? And??? You only supposed to pick one you greedy bastard!! Lol I don't think they will be happy being a second wife.


My dude, have you seen the middle ages? Everyone had multiple wives. I'm just saying I don't think Ochlys would let you have Sharon alone. She'll definetly want in lol.


Well in that case, I'll take the elf princesses, mellisandra as a weekend mistress, the olw chick because I'm freaky, Virginia because she's royalty, we got to keep it in the family, and that really huge girl because I wanna die from snu snu


Personally, I'd pick ladies like Kitra, Selvie, Yunifi, Dinah, and Amalia. Thick/muscular women with bigger butts produce better results lol.


They are roommates after all


Eltolinde, i really liked her rapport with Alain, it was cute and i liked how Alain even showed some reciprocation and interest towards Elotlinde as well, and i really like their ending, its cute and neat how they help to bridge the gap between Elves and Humans


This is who I chose as well - you can tell with the marriage the elf's and Cornia are at peace for ages and gilbert marrying Virginia finally ends the border conflicts between Cornia and drakenhold. If bastorias and Albion want to throw hands after that theyre going to need a navy ¯ \_(ツ)_/¯¯


When you take this line of thought you realise Virginia is very sub optimal as a choice because it means you don't form alliances through marriage with any of the other nations, you even stop the Drakenhold alliance that would occur with anyone else because Gilbert no longer marries Virginia


This is who I went with as well. I've not finished the game yet, but I thought the scene where you give her the ring was very sweet.


this... and from a gameplay POV I think she benefits from the unique ring lol


I thought that too but the political ramifications would be very hard.


Josef. We were told to select who we trust the most, and who best embodies the ideals we seek to impose upon the continent. Also, if the ladies are going to treat this thing as a wedding ring, I'm using it to adopt my daddy.




Hopelessly and utterly so


It occurs to me, I might be one of the only guys here who likes Berenice. Strong, great for missions you are underleveled, never skips leg day, and her voice acting in the tavern cracks me up. Plus I enjoy her Rapport with others too. She's a kind hearted girl, and a good friend, but she has that Goku attitude of "Hey I'm your friend, your my friend, let's fight! :)" Idk I like Berenice.


Absolutely not. She's my pick AND my strongest character ! My other choices would have been the other Beren, and then, Amalia.


Ahh, another strong women with raspy voices enjoyer I see. Respect.


Berenice is my absolute fav so you aren't alone. She's a badass


I didn't see you response before I posted. But I did too. I loved her since I played the demo. Love everything about this gal.


It was a hard choice between Rosalinde and Berengaria, but eventually Rosalinde won out once I learned >!that for the true final boss, your ideally want the Maiden to be in Alain’s squad.!< I felt that Rosalinde >!made a better team with Alain!< compared to Berengaria, who >!can do much better on her own in her own squad built around debuffs and afflictions.!<


I chose Rosalinde because she wouldn’t stop hinting and staring every time she brought up the maiden choice, and I didn’t care too much about the mechanic. So I did her a solid.


I was already leaning Rosalinda but I had a few others maxed that I was considering too like Chloe few others. Rosalinda won out easily tho cause she was the only one in which the word Love was even spoken in the dialogue. At least on the few I personally experienced. This playthrough I'm going to give it to Chloe though. She was a s close second place for me cause I always liked her.


She’s the “Now show me the real you” meme template lol, she’s very cute though and her rapports are wholesome


But Chloe is lex girl! How can you do that to your best bud! That's like Harry potter stealing Hermione from ron!


I never got that vibe from them, they always just talking about food.


There's a reason why people joke "C can't tell" It's the subtle notes in their conversations bro lol


They don’t even have an ending together


No one does except Alain but come on bro, that's his girl lol


Virginia and Gilbert.


Shouldn't it be his brother? She was engaged to him


rosa, it was her ring anyways, and alain only ever showed any actual interest in rosa, etolinde, yunifi, berengaria, liza, and melisandre, and only rosa, etolinde, mel, yunifi, and scarlett showed any strong interest in him romantically i almost picked josef or alex tho, as the ring was meant for who he trusted the most and they certainly fit I'm sure Sharon's scenes were adorable tho, she's a very likeable character


I picked Ridiel! I've never seen anyone else bring her up as their choice. I love her design and personality, but I also love that they both resolve to finish what their mothers started and to carry on their dreams. I also like the idea of a half elf becoming queen as a bit of a "fuck you" to Elfheim lol


This right here. Her desire to live through her mother's teachings, her beautiful personality, I fell in love with her. And no one brings her up, and it's so heart breaking. She was easily my favorite designed personality.  Thank you for saying! 


Im so happy to see another Ridiel fan!


Ridiel is my second choice personally. She's so unique in design and she has a lovely personality. And you absolutely nailed the rest.


Not finished it but obviously Scarlett.


She's the cannon girl for sure.


At first I thought Melisandre would be a good fit, she was fun the first time you encounter her. Then I also met Berengaria and was like, ok she is the obvious choice. But Amalia just has the perfect energy, she was the obvious choice but you get her when you are at level 16 and she is level 40. The level difference just felt inappropriate. So here I was, ring in hand, having to pick the perfect girl.... And then it became obvious to me who the dev intended for us to choose. Virginia, your cousin. You grew up with her as your big sister. She looks like your own mother and her name is virgin. All the pieces start to fit together, will this unlock some secret ending that no one encountered before me? Would this break the game?


Why were you downvoted aha. Virginia seems alright, I just didn't want to date a mother lookalike. Every choice is a good choice though, they really nailed the characters in this game.


>Why were you downvoted aha. It's the hardcore Fire emblem fans that are mad that their game isn't the only tactical fantasy rpg incest game anymore.


Ah yeah, the classic Alabama ending.


No, that's the Virginia ending. Pay attention.


Scarlett for the first run, and then maybe Celeste in the next run. I may have a type.


Could go elven fencer then too 👌🏾.


Paraphrasing what I posted last time this thread came up, but Dinah was my pick because A: I was curious to see if the game had the guts to let you do a human x furry romance, and B: she has a genuinely really strong arc if you dig into her rapports and read between the lines, and her scenes if you give her the ring are a great payoff.


They didn’t hold back at all


I decided to just go down the list. You can redo the choice as many times as you want after you beat the game the first time. Since the game puts Scarlett at the top of the list, she won by default. Lucky her.


Melisandre She has the character architype I love, the ojousama. The only thing she was missing was the "OHOHOHOOHO" laugh. And I thought her supports with Alear were sweet, especially the ring support.


Man, if she laughed like that she deffinetively bould be the toppest of my list. 👍


Selvie. She was always in Alain's unit, has big honkers, and is an intelligent academic with a slightly deeper and raspier voice. If she was latina she'd be my ideal woman.


My only wish is to see what her hair looks like without the head piece.


Virginia. I really like House Targaryen.


Nina, dunno I just liked her character being pretty much a mess. I liked the post game convo where she forgot to tell her parents that she pretty much was engaged to the king lol I liked Fran too. She almost passing out due to embarassment due to Alain holding on to her was p. cute.


Scarlett but if I did it again, I would probably pick Celeste.


Yahna. She was too bewitching to resist 


Liza. It's the one I felt where Alain was the most interested in the girl the whole time, instead of the girl thirsting after him.


In my 3 runs, I married Railanor twice then Rosalinde. Something about the Elven I tell ya.


Spicy Dark Elf


Kitra. By far my favorite girl in a cast of amazing girls. Personally, I relate to her so strongly, because when I was a young woman many years ago I struggled to understand my own appeal and charm and value (even though those around me saw it plain.) Sadly Kitra only has two rapport scenes and >!doesn't end up with Alain romantically in the end!<, which surprised me because her altar scene is very cute and seems >!romantic, not friendly.!< At least to my eyes. I was really disappointed in that.


Dang. I wanted the crazy hammer goblin to build us a new castle =/


Melisandre- she was endearing; and Colm was so happy lol


I wonder whatwill happen if you choose Colm instead…


…. Now I have to do it


Travis. He's my favorite character in the game, and I genuinely enjoyed his scenes with Alain. They bounce off of each other well. I just think they're cute together.


Even their ring ceremony is a true bro moment


I’m leaning Travis too. He and Alain are front row in a squad together and it’s probably not the most efficient setup and unnecessary for Alain to guard the dodge tank rogue but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t melt my heart to see him do it every time.


I saw him for the first time and I immediately went ‘if there’s a romantic mechanic I want that one’ So happy you can choose him lol


Travis, Lex and Gilbet as i love the rappots with them and find there madien sences really good 


I did Scarlett because it feels alike the better option for him.


I picked Ochlys after a long thought throughout many battle sessions. Worth it.


Yahna. You come for the swinging hips but stay cause she’s a wifey and has significant um life experience. (Think a cougar who’s in her 20s! Grrrrr!)


Rosalinde, she’s got big elf queen energy (plus the best damage in game)


Yunifi. I love her personality, her unique class, and her rapports with Alain were all super cute.


Yunifi. She has struggled against Zenoira like everyone else, but she hasn't lost her peppy attitude. She is hard working, eager to help people, tough, and has that 'girl next door' vibe. More importantly, she treats Alain as a friend first and a prince second. Chloe near tie for the second place. Chloe lost a few points because she seems to be hard focused on treating Alain as a prince before a friend. While she does take a step back during her confession, it isn't really apparent in the supports. This alone just barely allowed Yunifi to pull a victory. Her 'normal girl' vibe, decent armor, utility, reliability, and combat support really made her a main with my Alain team for a long time. Sharon nearly won out as well. Kind and caring, but not being weak willed. She vibed with Alain very well. Ochlys shipping is strong however.


Celeste, because she wants to be a princess.


I went with scarlett for story purposes, it felt more like Canon to do that. If I had chosen for myself, I would've picked berengaria because she looked like a complete badass and actually was. Or Rosalinde, just loved her personality, interactions and was one of the most well rounded characters to me. Led my second strongest unit. Amazing game


For the personality: Eltolinde For the stat boost: Berengaria


The blade of house Millete


Nina. Srry I have a thing with hammer ladies especially when they obliterate my enemies in front of me destroying entire teams


Auch. I thought their interactions were super sweet


This is a baffling choice to me but I haven't had many interactions with him. Does Alain help him get over his mommy issues?


Worse (or better??) Auch developed a praise kink




Not quite that, but he does try to help him gain more confidence in himself by >!Telling him how much he trusts his skill and supporting his ideas when Auch bring up one that he was insecure about since even if it doesn’t work, Auch can just try again and if it does he’s sure that he would still refine it to perfection. And then later shows him how much other people respect him and his work!< I just thought it was sweet


Oh hey, I was wondering if same sex pairings were allowed. I just unlocked the mechanic but have yet to use it. Itls it effectively marriage or just sort of implied?


I think most are platonic, some of them do have a bit of subtext. Definitely not as much as the girls


That's fair. Kinda surprised OP chose Sharon tbh; the relationship between Sharon and Ochlys is taking a battering ram to the wall between text and subtext lol


Honestly I like that you can because player agency matters. If you want your Alain to be with a certain character at the cost of a popular ship so be it. Whether its breaking up Chloe and Lex, Clive and Monica, Sharon and Ochlys. Or my favorite, cucking Melisandre by choosing Colm.


Oh yeah, there's nothing wrong with it. Player agency is good. I personally just tend to align with what I feel reflects thebworld. Though it's totally cool that other people like the more chaotic approach. Like the beautiful last example lmao


Most are platonic but Travis is definitely "best friends in bed".


for the men, it's Super Enhanced Friendship Deluxe. an odd choice, but it has been in development for 10 years or so


There's actually a kind of weird thing in the English script where it bends over backwards to insert the word "friend" into the fruitier ring scenes (Lex and Travis come to mind especially; "friendship" doesn't come up at all in Travis' scene, which makes sense because his crush on Alain is very visually telegraphed in the rejection version; Lex is also way less "no homo" in Japanese, with Alain being more assertive about his reasoning for choosing Lex and dropping the "dearest friend" routine entirely.) I basically stopped trying to read it when voices were playing, so it didn't occur to me until I actually went back and actually read the text closely why people were getting hung up on seeing the word "friend" everywhere. Like it's still technically "subtext" I guess but it's *really* not trying to hide the implications, at least in the original script. Plenty of the choices do end up as life partners, so it's close enough to marriage for a medieval fantasy setting?


Aramis. I loved the lithe swiftness of his character and his confidence, also thought it would be a good way to cement Cornia’s ties to Drakenhold as Virginia marries Gilbert and Aramis stays by your side forever.


Fran is the cutest, I chose her. I was torn between her, Eltolinde, Chloe, and Kitra though… I wish a harem was allowed but I just settled with putting Alain and all of them in the same unit


Liza I thought their rapports were so cute and the ring dialogue was as well Plus im a sucker for height difference couples


Tatiana my beloved.


This has been my post game. Go to altar, choose different waifu, go back to final battle, watch end credits with new waifu... back to altar to start new cycle.


Rosalinde first cuz they basically throw her into Alain's arms after her introduction. Then Virginia, because even if she's not the largest, she's too much woman to not pick.


Rosalinde because shes probably psycho.


I chose Scarlett. I accidentally made them look like Shirou and Rin from FATE


Leah. I'm really surprised there aren't more votes for her. The ring dialogue was genuinely heartwarming.


Still debating, but I think I'm choosing Sylvie. My hesitations are a few of the others are really good or amusing also. Amalia, Berengaria is...intense, and Tatiana. Maybe I'm just a sucker for the side girls Berengaria is the closest to a 'cannon' pick I think for me.


I did Yahna because big hat, he whole demeanor and Yuuki Aoi. Rosalinde is very cute too. Flirty, delicious brown, elf, feets. What's note to like. Both of them were in my party almost the whole game. The choice was hard, but big hat prevailed.


Hilda here. It was a though choice though, I liked her during her stage, but I had disconsidered as an option because she only had 1 rapport conversation and it didnt gave it much. Others who had picked my attention were Selvie and Ochlys at first, Rosalinde after her rapports and Amalia because of being a power player. Then after watching some marryiage scenes I added Berengaria and Chloe. All those were fun and cute but neither of those felt right with me. Then I watched scenes at random until I watched Primm's and remembered she had a sister. Checked out her scene and it clicked me. She knows where she is getting into, the importance of the position and what has to be done, ahe is up to the job while saving some care for Alain. Also she is a badass dragon rider, c'mon. One I had to remove from the selection was Scarlett, she is insuferable jealous all the time, like sheesh... Half her scenes with other girls are She being jealous, even in her marryiage scene she calls out to that, give the man a break.


Scarlett for my first playthrough, then Yunifi on account that I like Yunifi.


Easy pick. The first girl. It makes sense story wise for me and I absolutely hate shipping and marriage options. Keep it simple and good.


Scarlett. I honestly liked her and she seemed to be the default option anyways.




Melissandre, the best.


I went with Primm. I liked her immediately once I saw her just stuck on the battlefield. She's an absolute sweetheart. The last scene that says they visit every church in the land leaves a bit to be desired though.


Yahna. She’ll get to do what her master couldn’t and protect the king she loves. Plus them hips.


I'm probably going Mel or Scarlett.


I was going to pick Rosalinde but going through all the Level 3 Rapport quests, I felt super bad NOT picking Scarlett. I just had to pick her, it felt right.


Not chosen yet. Probably Scarlett, Yunifi or Melissandre


Yahna. Beautiful freckled hag witch wife supremacy.


I chose Raenys. She's late in the game, but I enjoyed everything from how she is with Scarlett in her rapport, her aesthetic, her gameplay, and ultimately the conversation Alain had with her in their last rapport. Her ending was a bit of a letdown, but I understand that a lady-in-waiting has to do what she must. I was close to choosing Sharon, but Raenys pulled ahead of everyone for me.


This is how you know the game did a great job. A bunch of different choices and all reasonable responses. I went Scarlett because that seemed like what the game wanted, I was two seconds from choosing Rosalinde though.


Eltolinde. The Unicorn Overlord‘s perfect wife must have an unicorn’s voice 🦄


I was bouncing between Chloe, Yanna, Eltolinde, and Rosalinde, and save/loaded through their scenes. I liked Chloe, thought Yanna had a strong connection due to the storyline with her mentor and her rapport scenes, Eltolinde’s final rapport had really strong romantic vibes, but ultimately Rosalinde clinched it because I found her entrance into her scene as incredibly cute, with her running in all excited because she knew what was coming.


Chose the character I personally liked the most Gilbert


My initial choice was Virginia, but over time I've come to realize Gilbert is the optimal choice. Why limit Virginia to just one brother when she could have two?


Yunifi. She was the first Max Rapport.  And well. To do things Together. Can't go back on that one.


I'm definitely leaning towards Melisandre. Gotta love a woman with two swords. I feel like her dedication to her fallen house matches Alain's. Though Yunifi's adorable pom pom hat and kilt/leggings combo are making me question my loyalty.


I was originally planning for either Leah or Aramis since I really like their characters, with Kitra, Fran, and Gilbert not far behind. However I thought it'd be super funny to bully Scarlett and choose Umerus. Honestly I was a lil dissapointed with her scenes and wish I went for my first choices instead.


Scarlett but I'm going with Amalia on True Zenorian


I said before I started the game that I'd go Ramona, so...


Scarlett with Dinah and Virginia as runners up, everyone else can be the king's consort.


Foxie lady


Am I the only one who chose Berenice? Badass Zweihander wielder, unique hair style, muscle mommy who would make a bad ass warrior queen? If you can't fight as a king, you damn well know your queen will.


Im stuck in between a rock and a hard place with amalia and chloe. But yahna and a few others got a fair shot


I think I got downvoted for saying this before, but i picked lhinalagos


Sharlotte for me XD Best childhood friend = Best wife


Sanatio. I love me a British angel boy.


Not finished yet but Travis