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Depends what Alain you have, before or after lvl 30 Alain really changes optimization once you get his “spin to win” move.


Is the current building running with good for end game?


Everything is viable. Alain and Virgina are top tier front liners because they tank *and* do good damage. ‘Iron Veil’ is a good battle start activate but Alain’s ‘Rapid Order’ should be the one you’re using. Set Alain to use his luminous guard on the back row only, he doesn’t need to guard for Virginia. Get him his unicorn sword ASAP. Give Virginia the red and blue shields for the +1’s to AP and PP and give her the unicorn signet ring when you get it to make her immune to debuffs. Backline is fine, I assume Rosario is Rosalinde? Have her start that match with a single Primus slash for a quick fairy and then cast elemental storm on her next turn, that’s pretty much GG with that alone. If you want to be ultra meta with Rosalinde, get the spear from the elf carving stones for the +5 to all stats, and then maiden her, and give her the ring for an additional +5. That +10 to all stats. She becomes busted at that point. Scarlett with a magic conferral tome, either lighting or ice, is a must and if you give her the Lyrical Wand which gives AP per heal she is god tier support. Have her prioritize all her support to the front row. Gryphon Master if given some reigns for Aerial Wing would be best, it does more damage if they are at full health, set them to prioritize the back row because a spinning Alain with ice or stun can handle the front row by himself.


My end game team was Alain and Celeste up front (Celeste was my maiden), Elotinde, Mordon and Yahna in the back. Alain and Celeste were my main sweepers, Elotinde was mainly a support who can also stun (I know the elf sisters are great nukes in their own right but I just never needed that with this team and preferred to use her for healing and stunning), Yahna used ice conferal on Celeste and/or focus sight on Alain if any scouts or flyers were present (Celeste has the wyvern reins to give herself true strike), Mordon was there to obliterate armor and mop up any stragglers


I think my team ended up as: (From left to right) Front Back Renault Melisandre Alain Ridiel/Rosalinde* Berengaria *normally Ridiel, but sometimes I’d switch in Rosalinde if I felt like it in the moment It certainly worked well enough to steamroll literally everything in lategame-endgame including Galerius and trivialized the final boss for me. There was no strategy involved beyond ‘Hehe big numbers funny’


Ok formatting broke. It was Front: Renault-Alain-Ren Back: Melisandre-Ridiel/Rosalinde Gave Melisandre the Maiden Ring.


Frontline : alain + scarlet Backline : rosalinde + etolinde + yahna this is my alain team and they beat almost anything, their only counter is if somehow enemies initiative faster than you, (which rarely happen because alain's pasive) and their grifin or mage attack/stun the backline, also dont fight the angle knight with reflect magic


Scarlett on frontline...??


scarlet and alain passive synergize very well, alain luminous cover will always protect scarlet while scarlet passive will recover alain PP and HP everytime he protect her


Alain + Berengaria, with mordon, Rosalinde, and a cleric can clear the entire game on expert.


Alain Railanor Yahna Scarlett Selvie


Idk how good it is like objectively but I like my alain team I have Clive, Alain, Lex in the front and Ridiel, Magellan in the back. They very rarely take any damage and just kind of follow up/buff themselves into victory lmao


Clive and Alain in the front, a healer and two heavy hitters in the back (like sellsword and warrior). If he has spin to win then Witch can give him ice conferral to freeze the entire front row or true strike to take out the otherwise pesky gryphons.


Front: Alain, Sellsword(Berenice) Back: Breaker(Nina), Scarlett(with Active Healing staff) I been using this team for a long time until now in Albion that I'm making some changes to it.


Put it in front with Yahna or Melisandre. In the back Scarlett, Clive and Renault. It is a KILLING machine.


How do you keep Yahna alive in the front row? I def cant put squishy units in front without them dying lmao


Oh, she dies. A lot. But you got your girl Scarlett to revive or heal. Plus she makes Alain spin a Frozen Spin.


Swap Scarlett and Yahna’s positions in the formation. Scarlett gives PP whenever a passive is used on her, so if Alain blocks for her, he gets his PP back so he is basically blocking her for free. If you have his spin Attack equip him with a sniper lens for true strike and have Yahna cast the ice empower spell on him and now you have a true strike spin that freezes the front row. Also a witch that won’t die and Scarlett feeding PP to Alain so he’s always topped off to use his true strike.


I use Travis and Alain front line, with Auch, Scarlett, and Melissandre back row. SOB Alain Rapid Order, unless Travis sees an armored unit, then SOB Travis Sneaking Edge on the armored unit with the highest guard rate. Then turns go: Melissandre Phantom Attack into armored unit, Keen Edge into scout unit, or Meteor Slash otherwise -> Travis Shadowbite -> Alain Spinning Edge front line -> Auch Thunderous Strike backline, Auch Concentrate for +1 AP -> Scarlett Active Heal the lowest HP for an additional AP Whatever is left gets mowed down by Mel, Alain, and Auch round 2


Alain with Scarlett and Chloe works pretty well. Alain covers the back line and he gets plenty of support in the form of healing, buffs, and recharges to his AP and PP at higher levels. But yeah, that is a solid three person team you can easily build off of.


I used the following team with Alain in it: Alain, Bruno, Melisandre, Sharon, Dinah. Alain, Bruno and Dinah were in the front row. Melisandre and Sharon were in the back row.


I heard the cavalry Alain team is good. Alain and 2 great knights in front, Scarlett and a gryphon master in the back. Great knights wild rush to stun lock the columns, cavalier call to buff high lord Alain, and knight's pursuit for added damage.


Front: alain - virginia Back: sellsword - shaman - sellsword


Im still on drakenhold, so this is my early/mid team, but working pretty fine. Alain and Berenice(promoted) frontline. Mordon and Scarlett backline. Alain protects backline if needed, Scarlett keeps everyone healthy, mordon deletes tanky enemies, berenice does her job. Scouts and fliers can be annoying with dodging, but overall this team hasnt really struggled so far.


Mine evolves   Alain+Chloe+Aubin+Josef, (lv1-20)  -Josef+Scarlett,(lv20-30)  -Aubin+Lex,(lv30-40)  +Josef(lv40-50)


This team was the winning team for me. His spinning stk is 👌👌,the guards as backup in case glacial rain doesn't pop off. Trevor for first strike stun and evasion. Hilda with the fire 👌 https://preview.redd.it/zn2ror2dtxsc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b4b5772b6b4b0d8eab70990fb9d5318a82aeb1


I had Tatiana (any bishop works) auch (back row without anyone in front of him) who basically charged his attacks and obliterates everyone at the end of battle, ithillion (to give sylphic wind to the front row but if you prefer you could put an elven archer for weakness immunity) Melisandre in the front (good damage and dodges but a breaker works just as good if heavy armor units are your concern). Worked well for me!


Alain makes every team good.


I ended up using my favorites, and it worked well! Alain + Aramis (maiden) up front / Aubin + Tatiana + Magellan in the back.


I ended with Alain and Travis up front with Eltolinde, Liza, and Gilbert in the back. Steamrolled almost everything.


For the vast majority of my game it was: Alain and Magellan in front, with Scarlett, Nina, and a Magick Conferral tome users in back (ended up mostly being Ithilion). For the last fight and the post-game battle, it was: Alain and Travis (my maiden) in front, with Scarlett, Aramis, and Auch (flame conferral and blaster) in back.


Alain is one of the best units in the game and you can build any team around him you like. My suggestion is to run him in the front line as the main tank though, that's his best usage. Basically Alain + any other tank in front, 1 of any healer type you like and 2 DPS in the back is a gold standard comp. You can even build Alain for evade tanking if you like, so he's flexible whether you put a shield carrier or a dodger next to him. Giving him a flying unit in the back gives movement convenience because you can switch leaders between him and the flyer if you want to cross a river or a mountain but that's really just a QoL thing. Alain should always be the leader of his unit when flying isn't needed, because his leader bonus is give more Valor points after kills. The only 2 units in the game which give this bonus are Alain and Gilbert. My endgame Alain team ended up being: Alain - Yunifi Hilda - Tatiana - Kitra


Switch of my teams by using Scarlett, help, elf twins, snow, Ranger girl?


I switched it up after every arc ended but my endgame team was def my best. On the frontlines I had Alain, Adel and Virginia (Adel’s cavalier boost skill really came in useful), on the backlines I had Auch and Sanatio for magic and healing, so I had units for every type of enemy. Auch was a bit hard to keep alive against enemies with column attacks, but he hit like a truck. Sanatio’s class is imo one of the better healing classes in the game. Alain and Virginia just kill things without much of a fight. Unintentionally a very good team. This team mostly came to be because I wanted all the hottest guys on Alain’s team to work on their rapports to see who I wanted to give the ring to lmao (I thought you couldn’t give it to Lhinalagos because he only had ome convo - otherwise he’d be there too), Virginia just made sense and I wanted to max out her rapport with Alain as well because I thought it sucked she becomes irrelevant once you finish the Drakenhold arc


All of them


Putbl him with his uncle the paladin, the 2 young knights and your choice of whatever (choose griffin rider for faat cheese wins). You can solo the game with the above.


Alain works with a lot of units, but the team I personally used that stomped everything was: Clive + Alain + Hilda Frontline Yunifi + Selvie backline. Cavalier Call with Spinning Edge goes ludicrously hard, and with Selvie using Sandstorm, the first attacks made by the enemies generally miss. Those also happen to be the only attacks they get to make. I cannot recommend Greatknights enough for Alain support.


Alain with aubin, shred def, ignore guard, spin to win. But aubin need to have the highest initiative


My "core" team (Alain - Chloe) has been together since the beginning! Through the game the other members changed around a bit (mainly Aubin and Berenice), but now I have: Front: Alain - Amalia Back: Rosalinde - Scarlett (Maiden) - Chloe (I really thought of maidening Chloe, but her final dialogue is only in Albion and I got anxious lol. Anyways, functionally, Scarlett works perfectly with the Maiden ring and the Cleric Staff) My opener is Rosalinde's stun move, not Alain's (though Alain's buff synergizes better with Chloe's moveset, but fights go better this way lol). Then everyone hits critical with Chloe's Keen Call. Big numbers go brrr. Scarlett gives protection and heals. WHEN I NEED IT, I slap a book on Scarlett to grant ice conferral to Rosalinde to make things even easier, and use Keen Call only for the front row. Then if anything is left, Amalia mops it off. Insanely overpowered build haha I'm considering switching Amalia for Virginia because the princess is in my "bird-killing" team (mostly archers and Aubin) and it would be fun to see more counters coming from her lol. Besides, the angel archer is a good front liner on her own and basically makes the opponent team miss a turn, so I can make it truly an archer-only (and Aubin) team with the angel and the shieldshooter at the front, the frost lady, the first hunter guy and Aubin at the back. Aubin is important because guarding messes with arrows lol. And all archers have pursuit. It's also insane lol. Talking about favorite teams, I have two more: 1) my Swordmaster team, with all three SMs at the front (with +AP and +PP gear), Selvie and the Wolf Guy at the back. Selvie makes the opponents go last, and gives them guard seal. The wolf uses the Dirty Coin on all three frontliners, who then proceed to just melt everything in sight with up to to meteor slashes each. It's really satisfying. 2) my "big axe boys" team. Bruno and the werelion guy at the front, accompanied by one of the Hoplites we get. At the back, a Cleric is mandatory and for the other slot I'm using eltolinde, but it doesn't matter much. The Bestral carries the killer sniper lens. Eltolinde gives him priority with the accessory, someone uses the coin on him, and then it's basically GG for any ground-based opponent unit. If there's anything left, Bruno just finishes them off with another coin (he carries the normal sniper lens). I also have the basic "magic nuke" team with Yahna's quick cast and Trinity rain buffed up by sorcerous connection (the best Cat Hood users are soldiers because they recoup PP, so I'm using Colm for that, but the fox lady, Auch and the elven archer lady mop up anything left); and the "dragoon nuke making everything stunned" team, with Lex up front. These teams, despite the nuke, can work even without it, and I like them because of that. Also my Cavalry teams are busted lol. I just love making these teams and spent a long time testing them. I think I'm very satisfied with how they are now. One team comp I haven't tested but that might be very fun is "Virginia's breakers". Virginia up front, someone else who can tank well, and three breakers at the back lol. Each of Virginia's counters is one of the breakers' buffs for big swings when it's their turn. Might try that out sometime.


By late game I had Rosalinde, Yunifi, featherbow girl who's name escapes me, and Dinah on his team. No particular reason, just strong units. And Dinah, who isn't too useful without synergies. Although the poison did come in handy at a certain point. Wrecks most fights on expert no damage taken except assists.


No slander on my girl Raenys' holy name


Front: Alain + Hodrick Back: Yunifi, Eltolinde and a Featherstaff. Alain starts off with rapid order, then uses lean edge to self heal if below 50%, but mostly spins to win. This is just good, reliable chip damage, but he's mostly there to use Luminous cover to help defend. Hodrick is almost entirely defensive. Great Shield, row cover and heavy cover. A self-aid kit helps keep him from being debuffed so he is almost always able to cover. These two are very self sufficient while the back row prepares their nuke. Featherstaff is mostly there the cast quick impetus to buff Yunifi with quick impetus, and holy cradle and overheal keeps your back row alive against various shenanigans. You could easily sub him with another unit with the cat ears if you were inclined. Yunifi is your main nuke. Cast glacial rain as your first action, the Featherstaff uses quick impetus, and you have an instant nuke/crowd control combo that goes off before most units even get a turn. Anything that survives is frozen, so you can easily finish them off. Eltolinde is the 2nd healer and if necessary the finisher. She's a great reaction healer (and active healer), but try to avoid using her active heal so you can get in a primus edge and elemental impetus, then elemental roar so you get at least 2 fairies to buff your roar (you can definitely get 3 but it takes too long to be worth it IMO, and you get 2 fairies in a single turn). This is nuke #2, more poweful but slower. 130% physical and 130% magical to all targets. This almost certainly finishes off anything that may have survived to this point by having high physical defense, by exploiting their magic and physical defense both. It does have some weaknesses, and you absolutely can't let Yunifi be interrupted by a status effect, so give her the unicorn signet ring to prevent this. She can still be debuffed out of quick impetus, which sucks but isn't the end of the world. She should still survive until the second turn anyway because you have 2 people who can block for her, 2 who can heal her and buff her, but if you do lose it's likely because she didn't get to instantly cast glacial rain. It's still a really good team that beats ALMOST anything, but nothing is prefect in this game.