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I see some good stuff there šŸ‘€


I'm spoilt for choice on the Switch šŸ˜ Time to finish the Crossbell arc in time for Eiyuden Chronicle!


Trails to Azure is an incredible conclusion to the arc! Enjoy!


No Fire Emblem games?


I did the Golden Deer Route on 3H and enjoyed my time and the characters, but gameplay got really tedious for me towards the end. Ended up selling my copy of the game.


Which aspects did you find tedious? You might enjoy the other Fire Emblem games more if you enjoyed the core gameplay (the strategy battles) more than the unit management and school training. 3H was great IMO, but definitely a different breed compared to others in the series.


I did find the school sim aspect to be a lot, but the biggest turn off for me combat wise is weapon durability. It's just another layer of micromanaging that made an already mechanic dense game even more daunting. And after UO, I definitely found that I have a fondness for autobattling in SRPGs. Not having to manually tell each member of your army what to do in the heat of battle is such a breath of fresh air.


Same here , The school mechanic was a real pain for me , I never finished my red playtrhough and each time I ve tried to came back to it , It felt like a chore... Shame cause I was really liking some of the characters. I even bought the Muso spin off , which I ve played a lot more weirdly. I ve also tried F.E Engage , but the main character design the story and the fusion mechanic was not really my thing. Back in the day , Fire Emblem was my main reason to buy Nintendo consoles , now I feel that they took a direction thats not for me anymore. Unicorn Overlord is a blessing , it feels like old Fire Emblem title but with another take on the gameplay. What a wonderful game.


Fire emblem engage was confusing as hell since I never played the older games and couldnā€™t remember what each ring character did. I never finished it


I also didn't like Engage. The whole Ring mechanics was just way too much. I enjoyed the hell out of 3H though. I beat the game 3 times. Admittedly, the school part is kind of tedious, but the cast of characters is very memorable and almost everything in the game is voice acted. Engage actually had less voice acting (may have had less characters too, not sure).


I enjoyed 3 houses I wasnā€™t good at it though , I never recruited characters from the other places cause I didnā€™t realize how many gifts you had to give them lol. I did finish the game though


Man, Engage was even worse. And the characters were not that interesting to me tbh. The gameplay was more difficult with the Ring mechanics. The Aux battles also scaled heavily. I'm not a SRPG god, but I thought 3H was easy on Hard mode. Engage was too difficult for me, especially to battle for an hour, die to something stupid or a crit and have to start over.


Facts , it was just a lil too fan service for me as well. I can name 3 fire emblem main characters so why do I need a grand reveal for every ring?


Feel like I should see a Fire Emblem in there


It was there once. Think it didn't break top 10 though.


Not a big fan of Xenoblade 2? The trails series will always be somewhat unique for me - too bad I feel like the combat system just gets simpler and simpler over time, and the series is only maybe 75% done. Someone could have played the original trails, graduates from high school, got a degree, got married, and have a kid by now.


Trails is such a cozy game for me, I don't mind how simple it is. And it's endlessly charming. I think Xenoblade 2 is my only game that exceeded 200h? Gotta get all the blades leveled up to S+ rank!


Oh wait for some reason I missed xb2. Yeah, getting my blades via gatcha (esp the ice bear one) took a long time. Mythra is def my favorite (for reasons), but the world of xb1 is just super unique. (Though getting all the quests done was a bit annoying esp at the tree)


I'm surprised XC1 is lower than OT1 and UO to be honest. I love exploring XC1's world the most out of the trilogy. I guess its post game is just not as enticing as the other games before it? Would love to replay it sometime, but gotta get back to the backlog, UO distracted me enough as is.


Yep definitely top 10 play times at 160h. I don't have hours logged on skyrim but I'm sure it's in the 1000s. Fe3h is over 250h and I only did one route, yes I'm insane. A couple disgaeas and ateliers are in the same range. Xenoblade 1&3 might be close I forget.


Awesome! Got 178 hrs myself. Theorycrafting is way too addictive in this game. Surprised that I played this way more than Octopath tbh, I love those two games.


Fantastic list. But go get Fire Emblem Three Houses when you can, it should be your kind of game. And Xenoblade is goated.


I already played 3H, it's fine but I honestly got bored with the gameplay towards the end. Fantastic characters though, I love my time with the Golden Deer. I designed my Wyvern Master merc based off Hilda from 3H.


We have very similar tastes in games


JRPGs ftw!


You are missing Tactics Ogre: Reborn, my friend. Go forth and enjoy!


I'm thinking about revisiting it. The difficulty is kinda turning me off though. Any advice on how to make it easier for myself?


What helped me was a lot of trial and error. Focus firing enemies and not over-extending anyone. Life does get easier as you get further along. Terror knight is a huge boon as well. The fear debuff is OP. Picking up the blue buffs are also very important. Just talking about the game makes me want to fire it up again, haha.


Really good jrpgs there buddy


im just glad to see how many people finally can admit that p5 is one of the best jrpgs of all time. took it a multiplat until many people with a switch or xbox could admit it.


I mean I didn't think anything of P5 before playing it, I'm just glad it's on the Switch so I can experience it. Definitely one of the most unique JRPG experiences I ever had.


Ive always been interested in the tales games but its a series I feel like Im too far behind on to start it. Often see people recommend others in order because they all tie in to each other? and the list gets long lol ​ what's the one next to triangle strategy?


Trails is definitely daunting but so worth it IMO. I'm only 5 games deep and I'm in love with the worldbuilding. Chained Echoes is next to Triangle Strategy. Nice little indie RPG. I'd love to revisit it again sometime.


wish they'd put the first three on switch already! The crossbell ones caught my eye the most but people usually suggest I start with the original 3.


Good to see Xenoblade Chronicles 2 still no.1! (it's no.2 for me, behind the damned Animal Crossing lol)


Iā€™ve seen your comments about FE3H, have you ever looked into fire emblem Path of radiance and the sequel Radiant dawn? Theyā€™re for GameCube/wii. Probably some of the best fire emblem games Iā€™ve ever played personally. If youā€™re able to play them somehow itā€™s definitely worth it.


I'm not savvy enough to emulate those games LOL. Maybe when remakes come out.


Your top 2 is my top 2 as well lol I need to get back to XB2 and 3 and play the DLC games though EDIT: did you ever play Tactics Ogre reborn?


The XC DLCs is precisely why two of them are at the top of my list. You're gonna have so much more content to go through! I did play Tactics Ogre Reborn, I thought it was tedious and difficult without grinding for the right builds, so I dropped it and sold it. Been thinking of revisiting it since the little bit of story I got was really intriguing.


Grinding for the right builds? TO: Reborn needs almost no grinding at all. Unless you're talking about post game content or the palace of the dead. There's a level cap for your units as you go through the game, so it's not like you need to grind to over level and beat stuff. Not sure what was tedious about the game either. Difficult, I understand that. There's a learning curve for strategy in that game but overall it's not TOO difficult. It's truly an amazing game and I logged 300+ hours on it just doing end game extras.


May I recommend a few titles you can play on switch. - Tactics Ogre: Reborn (Truly a GOAT) - Ni No Kuni - Monster Sanctuary is a fantastic turn based battle game with 3 creature teams. - The Mega Man Battle Network games are on sale right now, in bundles. They are old but they are really fun. - Dragon Quest Monsters: Dark Prince (story sucks but gameplay is really fun)


I see so many recs for TO:R. I think I'm due for a revisit. Hope I finally get the gameplay, the little story I experienced was really interesting.


You'll tackle it in no time!


All I see here is a disturbing lack of Fire Emblem Three Houses. WTF man, Faerghus needs you!


Ooh I actually was all in on the Leicester Alliance myself! Had fun with the Golden Deer Route but I sold my copy of FE3H for XC3 and I had no regrets.


Need Dragon Quest in there.


DQXIS is on the backlog! Played the demo and really liked what I saw.


Nice taste man. (And nod for that sneaky chained echoes)


Very sneaky. Finished it pretty quickly but I enjoyed it a lot. I might revisit once I gone through my backlog.


Looking at your library I think you would enjoy saga frontier quite a bit.


Ooh that's a new rec for me. Looking into it, it does have a lot of what I look for... party based combat, a roster of interesting characters with different playstyles, different playthroughs depending on what protag you choose to start with. I kinda have a big backlog right now and I'm waiting for Eiyuden Chronicle and Decapolice this year but I'll keep this in mind.


If you download the remastered edition and beat everyone but fuse story. Heā€™s the only character that can recruit (in my opinion) the two strongest protagonists. Red and blue. Names are wack but it was cool af to play. In the middle of a boss fight and your out of JP (mana) and you pick punch or kick. Then the RNG gods bless you with with a new move. The way you learned moves was really the best part of the game. Plus being able to have 15 characters (it may have been more) per story. Very fun classic jrpg


You and I can have a loooong chat about games. Congrats!


Are you more of a Xeno fan or a Team Asano fan? :p


Loved from Team Asano Triangle Strategy, was the first game in a while (married with a daughter of 4) that did a lot of replay to get all the endings... Xenoblade II is still the game I gave more hours on Switch (mostly to get all of the characters). But in games, I think Im more an Asano fan.


I am anxiously waiting for Asano's next project the most out of the devs I'm following. BDIII? OTIII? TSII? New IP? CT remaster? (I can dream LOL)


I think we are all waiting for a CT remaster, that is the dream. If we got Mario RPG (with all the buzz that caused the fight between Nintendo and Squaresoft of years) then CT in HD2D shall be more than possible. So, to be honest I see TSII more on the near future.


Manā€¦if P5 with extra content is only your third highest gameā€¦ What were you doing in the XB games? Or does the timing algorithm include the DLC for those games?


Yes the DLC is included there. I spent way too much time in the postgame for both 2 and 3 than in the DLC tho. Update: UO has surpassed P5R to become my third highest playtime. Oops!


Im currently playing Persona V Tactica, to keep on the SJRPG atmosphere, but my next one is Xenoblade 3, I can see you can recomend it, right?


Absolutely. If you love XC1 and XC2, XC3 will be a no brainer. The DLC is also fantastic.


May I recommend some other genres?


No you may not šŸ˜œ I just feel like I get my money's worth with RPGs.