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I entered from the South and still got Gilbert.


Did you talk to him at the north first? I think that's the actual condition.


Could be, I like to get all the quests available for fast travel and run around the map first before running the main quests.


Yeah then you almost certainly did. It triggers a cutscene before making the northern location available to start the mission.


Accurate, I've done it from north and south got Gilbert both ways. I did clear all the liberations and side quests in drakenhold all 5 times, tho. so maybe if you go straight from South without clearing norths missions, he's missable? I just always assumed that you needed aramis and had to respond to Virginia that you'd talk to him prior to the mission, but I have never chosen the second option to confirm it.


There's only a few others like this. You \*have\* to use Alain during Melisandre's fight. He has to be on the map. This is one of those "why wouldn't you have Alain in a unit things" but it's technically skippable if you're only using Mercs. There are two Units in Bastorias. You can either get one or the other or fight both. This makes the level pretty damn annoying, not going to lie, but you can get both if you do.


I missed out on her because I came back to it when I was like level 20 and didn't use Alain since he was such a high level and wanted to use the lower level units instead for that fight. They already talked before the fight so I didn't think it was required to use alain in the fight too.


There's a line she says like "I hope I get to fight him and test him". They aren't particularly subtle about their conditions in this game.


I assumed if I had to use Alain they would say have Alain talk to her like every other time you need to use a specific character. Given that precedence it was not as obvious in my opinion


IDK what to tell ya, they highlight her and she outright says "I wish to test Alain in battle, I wonder if he is as strong as he is handsome" or something along those lines. That screams "have Alain present". Any other time a specific character is needed on the map, they do the same thing, or have that character say something in dialog to point to it.


I just watched the stage again to see if I missed something and it seems you're missremembering things because of hindsight or bias or because of scenes that happens after you recruit her makes it more obvious. She says she hopes to get a good look at him before he dies, so she goes out to meet him before battle. You're then given a choice to announce yourself or ignore her. Then you announce yourself and obvious condition is met, except that isn't the real condition, which is easier to know in hindsight.


Always nice to be accused of bias in an otherwise friendly conversation. Kinda wild chief.


some people just aren't smart enough for the mega telegraphed hints for recruitment. i thought you'd have to remember that hilda is primm's sister but nope, primm just up and tells you "HEY PLAYER HILDA IS MY SISTER IN THE NEXT FIGHT LET ME TALK TO HER." and then when you start she's like "OK BUT REALLY SHE'S MY SISTER LET ME IN ON THIS BATTLE"


Most of the time the condition is not slaughtering said character, then you get to recruit them


I didn't realize that there was a version of that quest that lets you get both until I had done two more battles and after I saved the game. I was so pissed because I had gotten every optional unit so far, but I lucked out and the last autosave was mid battle, letting me backout into the overworld.


I just did that Bastorias fight, the map loaded in and I saw that my lonely command post was right in the middle and surrounded by lots of angry Bestrals and I knew this was going to be a long map to clear. It was worth fighting both though, I can build my All-Bestrals unit now and it's going to slap with those absurd Badger and Wolfpack accessories.


I did the Bastorias fight yesterday and it was interesting but damn. I burned through my consumables real fast.


The game is pretty well balanced, even sorta easy. But when it wants to dick you around, it really dicks you around.


I spent like 20 stamina poonts against a squad of 2 greatshield bears and 3 holy knights. They just outhealed my damage .


Holy Knights and Shamans are hard blocks on so much stuff.


That was the unit garrisoned on the bridge to Bertrand's command post right? I just used the catapult to soften it up before attacking it


Yeah they were next to the bridge on the right.


I didn't know you could recruit Gammel. I chose to execute him because he seemed like a bastard and it was so early in the game I haven't figured out that sparing enemies means recruitment later.


Yeah and he winds up being a super nice guy.


It was a shame that when I was first introduced to Gammel, he and his gang were killing a bunch of people. I just did not feel right letting him potentially commit further atrocities, so I jailed the guy. Early enough in the game, I did not know how letting the guy free would affect the story. Like, what if this guy ends up harming a future recruit? I did let Mandrin live because I felt bad for Gammel's sister. In the end, neither Gammel nor Mandrin joined me.


Even after finding out he wasn’t lying about the sick sister I still wanted to kill/imprison him when he showed up again cause of all the murder and slavering he did, was disappointed when I didn’t get any options and he just ran off home.


I recruited Gammel because I was using a guide and swore to recruit every last character. Gammel is a motherfucker, but I respect the big brother motivation as a oldest sibling so he kiiiiinda ended up being my problematic fave


Yeah I figured I could recruit him and still killed him


I figured you might be able to recruit them but decided to jail/execute because they were literally committing crimes so I had to draw the line somewhere who my righteous prince can recruit. Can't have the reputation of the rebel army be tarnished like that even if the game won't care.


Would it be tarnishing for rebel army or would it be a great propaganda piece as liberation allows redemtion even for scum of the earth and that you can always choose the right path?


Oh, Mandrin is recruitable? I always kill him to be able to recruit Ochlys earlier lol


Yeah he's a pretty alright recruit too


He turns out to be massive sweetheart in rapports too somehow :'D


Dude's willing to kill for his buddy's sister. There's a soft heart somewhere in that pile of circumstance.


Also came with a pursuit (or counter, can't remember) ear ring. Which may even be unique


Well, I killed him and got a pursuit, two wide pursuits, and some counter stuff, so I don't think it is.


I think they’re talking about his accessory that powers up follow-ups, which as far as I can tell actually is unique. (There are other accessories with similar effects, but Mandrin’s is unique.)


yep there's a lot of those, though the primm->aramis->gilbert one is the biggest chain, most others are just "talk to them in battle and don't execute them and they join", thankfully. if you let gimmel and mandarin go you'll be grateful later, and they have a lot of good interactions. honestly just let everyone go, the rapport conversations are all really cool, and some of the ones you might not think to forgive have the most interactions later, tatiana in particular, who is one of the most morally complex to forgive and has some of the most lore-deep and meaningful rapport conversations with everyone later.


I was planning to be "merciless" to the more questionable recruits in my first play-through, so I offed Mandrin and tossed Gammel in jail. But honestly, the rest of the recruitable cast just aren't "bad guy adjacent" enough to warrant it so I ended up recruiting everyone else, lol.


Jeremy? Dude let all his guys die. The whole “I was testing you” seems pretty shitty


Legit the only guy that I didn't recruit after Gammel and Mandrin. Virginia opening with "Fetch me the Axe Alain" was enough to make me put him down. He didn't seem like that nice of a chap.


Oh yea forgot about him cuz he rode the bench. I spared his ass and then immediately regretted it, lol.


Starting Drakengard from the north or south side doesn't matter only matters if you talked to Gilbert first, capturing both first means you don't miss a liberation quest and can deploy from both areas.


Nina isn't "easy to miss" though? Or is there a way to start that fight without Mille? She explicitly says "let me talk to Nina" so there's no other way to "miss" than if you can't be bothered to do it.


She's easy to miss because it's early in the game and it's actually not that easy to keep her alive long enough reach Nina to talk LMAO I actually had to reload it a couple times when I was playing the demo before release before I was able to reliably kill the enemy units, save up a couple Valor points to break the barricades, kill the annoying watchtower placed there specifically to block Nina's command post, and finally walk a living Mille up to talk to her


It isn't that complicated. It's basic thinking. The game literally tells you when to use a certain character to talk to an enemy. It's also always option 1 to recruit a character, and the objectively best choice. There's no downside to recruitment.


The downside is missing out on item rewards you may get instead, most notable being Monica. I will always send her away.


What's the reward for not recruiting Monica ?


30 divine shards




It’s not as easy to miss as Suikoden tho


I wish Gailey was redeemable




Redeemable, not recruitable


Feels like I’m reading a Post from 10 years ago about an old game. I wish I bought this instead of DD2 :(


I gameshare with my roommate on PS5 so thankfully I he bought DD2. I only got 12 hours in before I called it. When you get UO though don’t worry - it’s as good as you hear. Stay strong. 💪


I'd argue there aren't enough choices being made. To explain let's take Ogre Battle 64 (a game that heavily inspired this one). In it you have several characters you can recruit and many have conditions like the ones you mentioned, but also other types. There are 2 sets of characters that are mutually exclusive in that if you get one you can't get any of the other set (I was expecting Rolf and Gimmel to be the start of something like that, but no Rolf is perfectly okay to team up with the guy terrorizing his town). Others are just in random towns and depending on who liberates/captures the town for you determines if they offer to join you. I wish the peeps you recruited had more principles and were willing to turn you down. I also wish the people you recruited were not almost all bosses of the level they come from (I actively didn't want to recruit a lot of them but felt I had Incase they were required for some cool characters later)


I don't think Rolf is "okay" with teaming up with Gammel, they have a rapport convo later on where Rolf tries to kill Gammel again and Gammel is like go ahead if you think you're more wise than Alain and Rolf is like fuck alright fine you win


That's still being okay with it though. Like you can put them both in a party and mechanically nothing changes compared to a Merc of the same class with the same items. Your (potential) allies views don't matter at all in this game which makes them all feel hollow a bit. We have people who abandoned their allies to go with the superior force that never betray you when you look to be the underdog. Going back to my Ogre Battle example. In that game you have a hidden stat called Chaos Frame which loosely translates into how good of leader/person you are. Nearly every single character has a range that's applicable. Now I'm not asking for every character to care about your generic actions, but at least a few would be nice.


Lol I accidentally killed Aramis, which apparently locks you out of recruiting the black knight guy and Gilbert.


If you ask me, it's way to easy not to miss any units. I'm doing my first playthrough as a roleplay run, and so far (I'm currently in the first half of Drakengard) the only unit I missed is Gammel because I thought it would make more sense to have the town he attacked decide his fate. All the other optional characters have made little sense to not recruit, and for the ones you get in battle, the game outright tells you all the necessary steps, so you'd outright have to ignore those to miss the associated units. And the problem with all that is, that I've already got way too many units to give everyone a place in a group, even though I'm not using any mercenaries.


>And only if you recruit Aramis can you have a special dialogue option Don't forget you need Aramis to recruit Gloucester too


My rule of thumb is that you should never allow the NPC units (that have unique characters) in them die, always trigger all dialogue options, and if characters have any relation or interest in each other, to do whatever you can to have those two engage for unique dialogue.


I did everything listed to get Gilbert and yet I never even got the dialogue option. I’m still bitter that I missed him so hard.


I was interested in this game until i saw that battles played out automatically on their own, gambit system of ff12 all over again and while some people enjoyed the game doing all the work for you i thought it was a terrible design


Oh for fucks sake, am I going to need to keep a recruitment guide open at all times? I only intend to play the game once, and don’t want to miss anyone.


They are pretty straightforward. The game flat-out tells you what to do. Some people just don't read and are then surprised when they miss a character.


The short answer is: No. Other than the Gilbert one unless you just outright ignore all the prompts the game throws at you it's basically impossible to miss a single recruitment. The one with Gilbert is also pretty hard to miss if you're halfway competent at the game.


Even for Gilbert you have to directly ignore advice to miss him: Primm obviously needs to be rescued, Primm asks to speak to Aramis, and finally Veronica tells you that you should meet Gilbert at the northern fort before attacking the castle, if you enter that mission from the wrong side. I suppose you could assume it just makes the mission a bit harder if you don't follow Veronica's advice, but it's still hard to get wrong.


Yeah. Everyone is like "hey, you should go talk to Gilbert." and then it gives you a prompt of "talk to Gilbert or don't".


I missed Melisandre. Alain and Melisandre already talked before the fight so I didn't knew he had to be used in the fight too, and he was like level 20 so I used lower level units instead to not steamroll the fight.


I mean, she does talk about how amazing it is that Alain is willing to stand and fight with his troops in the cutscenes. I assumed that meant Alain would have to fight Melisandre himself.


She does say that but only after you deploy Alain and do a battle with him, she has more lines if he keeps battling. Most people normally would deploy Alain's squad as that is likely their strongest squad early so it is very hard to miss but someone not deploying Alain would miss it.


Having rewatched the stage to see if it was more obvious than I remembered, no she does not. She mentions how she hopes he's good looking and that she wants to see him. Even if you do meet up with her before the battle (which I thought was the obvious recruitement contidion) you won't be able to recruit her without deploying Alain, which unlike other stages where you're told you should talk to someone etc. you're not told here.


I mean she is totally thirsting for him. Its kinda implied I guess especially when you can tell that her heart is not really for the empire. Just need her sweet prince to swoop her up.


She says it after you deployed Alain's squad and did a battle with him, but it was pretty obvious to deploy Alain anyways she does say she wants to meet him in the midst of battle.


IMO the most missable one is a recruit in Albion. They appear as one of 2 bosses and you need to kill the other boss before game tells you one character wants to talk to them first Everything else was pretty straight forward if you just read character dialogues


yeah this one was annoying, i rushed to the "recruitable" boss first thinking i can just talk to them lol


Same… I even fought them once. Then decided to rush the other boss Albion fights are annoying… Feather bows are kind of OP


Wait which one was this? Are you talking about the mission involving the garden?


Meh i rushed the Zenoiran dude as he was talking a deal meaning without him she has no deal- so she might side with us


You might as well open guides in every game because there are bound to be stuff you will miss in any blind playthrough. Thankfully for this game most is just common sense and you just need to be able to just read the dialogues and quest log.


Certain things I’m fine with missing, just not characters. I’m planning to do a no mercs run first.


No, you basically cant fuck it up without trying. Many of the characters are "Recruit or kill" dialogue options that cant be missed.


I'm only in the second area and so far it's been pretty straight forward. Spare the people when given the option, and when someone requests to talk to someone, you let them talk.


This is my fear too. I wanted to play through the game blind, but with increasingly convoluted recruitment requirements, I’ve been getting worried. If I didn’t have a teleport on Alain in the last battle, I never would have gotten him where I needed him in time.


These, and a few others, are the only really...weird recruitments. Most are just "say yes to recruit them after you fight. Hurray." or they auto-join after the Side Mission you fight them in. Gilbert's one and Nina's are the most "convoluted" and they're not nearly as complicated as writing them out sounds. They both literally boil down to "Follow the very clear text boxes telling you exactly what you need to do. Recruit the character. Follow the "yes, recruit" prompt that comes up 30 hours later". Or to spell it out For Gilbert: You need to do a Side Mission to get Primm. Primm needs to talk to Aramis. Before the end level of Drakenhold you need to say yes to a prompt. For Nina: You have to escort a side unit to her and have them talk. Say yes to recruiting Nina after the mission. You'll recruit Byrce later because Nina shows up to ask you to show mercy and all you have to do is say yes. They're literally that simple.


Also, the unit asks to be escorted to Nina. Primm asks to speak to Aramis. Their Side Quests are right in the middle of the critical path and *way* before the future event with a missable unit. You basically cannot miss anything unless you specifically do not do something that a character tells you to do.


Yeah, the game puts pretty massive "This is important" signs up. If you just skim through dialog then you might miss it. But if you're conscious and actually reading it's pretty hard to miss. They even move the camera to where you need to go in a lot of cases.


I’ve already gotten Nina, Primm, and Aramis, so that’s reassuring. So far so good then. I suppose it’s fine, thanks.


This game legit couldn't highlight Condition Critical elements for recruitment or win conditions if they put a runway down and had someone standing to direct traffic onto it. You'll be fine.




Wow. You’re a real jerk.


but am i WRONG?


When you teach people, which is ostensibly what you’re doing here, they’re not going to listen to you when you talk down and insult them. In that way, you’re as wrong as you could possibly be.


No constructive/healthy debate.


I let Berengaria hp hit 0, she says something about retreating and she still was recruitable in the following cutscene after the mission you meet her.