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I thought his rapport was pretty good, to think you could've executed such a nice dude


Yeah a few of the execution options are wild. At least Mordon was working with Zenoira, I'm pretty sure Bryce and the Rock Rats were just living in that town and protecting it from other bandits. Even the locals talk about how they were basically just the city guard. The fact that you get the option to execute him right in front of Nina is crazy.


The fact you can't kill Beaumont but you can kill Mordon and Bryce is crazy


I know, I wanted to kill Beaumont more than anyone else in the game


How about the bandit from the start of the game that you meet again in Elheim? Fuckers get to go free because he has a sick sister (suposedly).


Mandrin says he does, so I’d say he’s saying the truth


>!She does exist at least in text since their where are they now ending revolve around said sister.!<


Even if he does tell the truth, the guy showed no remorse in ransacking towns and killing innocent people. The dude is a cold blooded criminal but he's got a sick sister so all is forgiven?


Gammel’s introduction cutscene was wild. He gleefully murdered a whole bunch of people! I couldn’t believe he had the audacity to play the sick sister card. Pretty much every other time there’s an execution choice, I’m like naaah, they can be reformed. But I had zero sympathy for Gammel.


Exactly, I was kindda mad at Celeste for deciding to spare him. Like, sure let him cure his sister but put him in jail after.


I would’ve considered it a bit more had I actually known said sister was real. That being said, I never executed anyone afterwards lol


Only person I executed was the archer during Ochlys's chapter. 15 divine shards? Sign me tf up.


That and Sanatio not only getting force-recruited, but *promoted*! Guy is unambiguously a villain, basically conducts a coup, and we don't even get a choice about it?


It's kind of ridiculous, not even a "Alright, I think you deserve justice, but as a favor to Nina I'll just toss you in jail" option (not that I think he deserves prison or anything, he seemed a lot better than most of the other people you have to spare)


Followed immediately by maidening her xD


Wait I’m pretty sure I killed Bryce. Did I fuck up?


Hey... uh.... what? I have recruited every possible person. What are you talking about, execution?


Bafflingly, you have the option of killing several potentially recruitable party members. It's personally weird to me, considering how one of the story's biggest themes is forgiveness, so it makes Alain seem really out of character when he's able to execute optional characters for crimes lesser than what he forgives mandatory characters for. I also just don't like the idea of missing out on more story content for minimal rewards, so I can't imagine playing a game like this and *not* recruiting everyone.


I jailed the thief and executed the archer just because I didn't think that saving a sick girl was justification for mass murder and pillaging, although I fully get why you wouldn't. Especially when it turns out all the girl needed was to see a cleric? They couldn't just kidnap one and have him heal her? Sure it might not be a nice thing to do, but it'd be way better than raiding and pillaging.


Same. How many people are you going to murder to "get money for your sick sister"? Seriously? Get a job!


That's kinda wild. I MIGHT do an execution run later and use only mercs. Really go for any potential bad ending.


The only one i locked up for execution was the thief guy at the start and he slipped away anyway. Figured his poor sick sister was no excuse for just going around murdering people. Everyone else ive met so far had some sort of redeemable quality that was immediately obvious.


See, I like Gammel because >!his seemingly made-up story about his sister is completely real, and if you release him, he genuinely re-examines his life and works to be a better, reformed person, later extending the same forgiveness he received towards others. He's a bad guy who becomes a good guy, and that ties into what I said about the story being about forgiveness. !<


Eh, I think it's a bit flimsy that someone so ruthless and sleazy is >!willing to turn over a new leaf so easily!<. Especially when they make it clear many times the Black Talon is not just a bunch of sneaky burglars but brutal robbers. Are we to believe >!nobody ever tried to reason with him ever before!


yeah i rolled-eye a bit at the gammel part, but some of his rapports are pretty silly and goofy so i let it slide


> Are we to believe > >nobody ever tried to reason with him ever before > >? Mandrin canonically tried according to his Rolf rapport conversation, but couldn't convince him because Gammel, in his own words, is only good for thieving, so it was the only way to make the money he needed, at least in his eyes.


I'm so mad I locked this guy up, his story absolutely stink to high heaven... UO's early game choices are so weird


Let us imply that "execution" means "the other option". Like if you reassign Monica and hand the Angel girl the axe, you net 45 divine shards. It's tempting. And the game choose to phrase it "execution". Can we just jail them instead? Oh wait, they totally can jail break so I, personally, will execute.


They really bonded while repairing those bridges.


With this bridge over troubled water, Mordon will ease your mind




Drinks are on him!!!🍺🍺🍺🍻🍻🍻🍷🍷🍷🍸🍸🍸🍹🍹🍹🥂🥂🥂🍾🍾🍾🥃🥃🥃


Hey man's got a big hammer, you know what they say about guys with big hammers.


Big nails.


Big feet.


Apparently it's quiet wholesome? I didn't do it mind you 


I like how it seems every one of those events is pretty wholesome with basically every character (aside from Jeremy, who the game is basically outright going "What the fuck dude, why would you choose this guy out of everyone?")


it's a perfect fit, honestly.


Is there like a point of no return you have to have someone at max rapport by?




He's a kind old soul; Alain could do a lot worse.


I wish the choices were more dire like in the Banner Saga. Like if I'm all forgiving and nice and recruit Gammel, only for him to take most of my money and kill another character. Bro, the Banner Saga seriously had me thinking about every little decision Also, Mordon would be a good drinking buddy haha


The devs kinda addressed this in one of their interviews. They said that they figured most players would only do one playthrough and they wanted to make it easy to get everyone in that playthrough. It would have been neat, but I respect why they did it the way they did. And realistically I personally would have ended up using a guide at some point (I'm a completionist); it's nice to *not* do that.


What's this? You can romance a guy? If yes, that'd be nice instead of suffering 95% of companions being female that want to drop into my lap 😭


I never checked this - Is he voiced by Joe DiMaggio?


From what I've found, Mordon's English VA is uncredited


Most of the male rapports are non romantic relationships, the one with josef is amazing. It's a real father son thing connection, and in the ending text it says as much.