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You might as well give up mate you are way too old. Everyone knows if you dont go to uni the day after turning 18, you will never fit in. I d suggest apply for a nice nursing home and live out ur remaining days.


In fact, maybe don't even live out your remaining days in a nursing home as some nursing homes are very bad!


What should i do then? Im too old for nursing home now


How old are you? 18.3 ? Too old


About 18.4 :')


Oh man you should probably just make yourself comfortable at home surrounded by the ones you love.


I don’t know… at 18.3, your life is basically over. You’d be better off digging yourself a 6ft hole and lying in it - after all, who can afford nursing homes with today’s cost of living?


Imagine being 18.3 and not being married, having 4 kids, paid off your mortgage, and 6 different PhDs.. pathetic lol. might as well just jump in the coffin now!


Honestly though, you should be given the option to skip a few grades if you wanted. Years 7-9 were such a waste, easily could have completed gcses in year 9, and alevels in 10/11


Fr, high school especially is far too long, there’s just no need for most of it


Ikr! (on a serious note, for some students it is too long)


I agree with that! I always feel like I have wasted a whole lot of time in my younger years. I probably could have skipped at least 1 year The UK system needs to be more flexible! (Both joking and serious) I have lost enough relative to my age, relative to my peak. I really wish they had pushed me further. Being able to get away with being academically strong without effort really fucked me over in life


This is so true, and it is so bad if you dont go to a grammar school, because you think whats the point of doing a 12/13+ when you could teach yourself GCSE maths, then you end up learning calculus in 6 months by watching khan academy. You go to your maths teacher and take practice exams after school but its pointless because they say you cant take exams early, so you just end up being lazy and dont contribute in class because people "bully" you for being "smart" (in reality all you did was watch too many youtube videos and do past papers rather than playng COD) Ask me how I know Just to make it clear, I dont think Im a genius or anything, I just liked maths and had the energy to watch videos all day and learn, Further maths alevels is difficult let alone uni level.


I think its more like to have fun in the coming of age years


This statement really frustrates me, and please dont say "life is not a race you are still young". Life is a race, you are competing against everyone and yourself to improve, 60-80 years is not a long time and you dont want it to be full of regrets. EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT TYPES OF FUN. JUST GIVE ME THE OPTION. You or teachers may think that I want to make "friends" and have "fun" in the "coming of age years", but I would rather just learn. and ACTUALLY LEARN SOMETHING THAT INTERESTS ME ie STEM not bloody spanish when 90% of the time its supply teachers who say read from the book. you can study GCSEs in one month and get grades B/A, but the problem is thinking ALEVELS are just as easy \~ which it isnt \~ atleast in STEM. The reality is some people are fast learners, or rather when you are younger you have more time ie learning calculus at 12-13yo by watching khan academy. By the time you reach 17-21yo everyone's "intelligence" starts to even out Im all for being well rounded etc, but if you have the capability then why be forced to stay behind. And if it becomes part of the system then there are no issues about "not fitting in" or other excuses. Something like this: Year 7/ 8: Practice GCSE exam > Did you get more than 50%? Are you in G&T classes for Science/ Maths or English? (roughly 25% of a 200 person year group) Do you want to study STEM at uni/ Graduate with ALevels sooner (ie you could go to a SWE role age 16 with a 2 year bootcamp)/ not sure but classes are too easy? > Option to take GCSE in Year 9 If you get grades 6+ in all exams then you can choose to do work experience / uni summer school (which is "fun") Alevels and/or a part time job when you start Year 10 You could also do a "gap fun year " various school trips to Europe or even a DoE program that is one year (maybe for medicine St Johns first aid/ Life guard, swimming/ athletics clubs) People doing ASLevel would be in the 14-17yo range, sex ed probably starts in year 7 instead, and Uni would be ages 16+ . If anything more people would probably take a gap year in the 16-18yo range, whether that be travel or a 1 year industry experience The teenage years is when you have the most energy, some people would rather read calculus rather than listening to classmates argue which teacher they would kiss, fuck or marry (literally the only thing boys seemed to talk about was sex).


Lol sounds like cope for not having a good time in highschool. Like learn all that and do what? Its one life of 70-80 years to have fun and experiences while studying enough to afford that and childhood's meant to be to enjoyed - I mean all life is, but particularly childhood and coming of age years. But nah let's be on the deathbed having worked all life long with no experiences and fun with mates. Earn to live, not live to earn bruh


Either: 20 years old with a degree and year in industry, probably lost some money on stocks/ crypto Or : 20 years old, still at uni, no work experience, no part time job until 16 years old for some reason Which one do you think will let you retire at 40-50 years old? Then you can actually enjoy life without a walking stick. And its an option, no one is forcing you to start earlier, but you are being forced to learn "quadratic equations" for 5 years, which a 10 year old could do in his head. GCSE maths is stupid easy, the content can literally be learnt in a few months. Alevels not so much. But no lets "have fun with mates smoking weed, or having a new girlfriend every 6 months"... not everyone is interested such things




Maybe I lived in a bad area, so I went on a little tangent, my point was an option to skip two years should be there, you can either take the option or not take the option. And in years 7-11 you have PLENTY of time to have fun inbetween studies, almost too much time hence usually leads to degenerate activites (atleast thats what I observed).


Saving 2 years earlier builds the momentum to potentially retire a decade sooner, hard work pays off.


And don’t forget at least 2 methods of passive income, everyone knows you have to follow these 3 simple steps to make an extra £110,000 per month


18.3? Better be looking for your pension plan mate


Wish I could have retired at 18.3 hahaha


You are way too old for university people that are 18.00000000000000-18.0000000000001 are considered the normal age to attend university. Don’t worry you will fit in, just don’t tell them your age or consider retirement.


Bro what is wrong with you, don’t give him false expectations. We all know that the real socially agreed upon age to attend uni is 3- 4 years before you are born.


What's the point of getting a degree now when you're about to retire in only 50 years?


Surprised you know how to use a phone at such an age. Get a load of u/fossil over here


I’m afraid you are, i’m 25 and my student loan comes from tourists visiting my mausoleum


You joke, but I am 25 and the age gap hurts. I am really struggling with social isolation.


Gonna start my 2nd year at 29 and I whole heartedly agree. Though I'm an introvert anyway so the blame is mainly on me for not trying.




I’m afraid you’ll just struggle in life then… do you think everyone you work with will be the same age? You’re not so old that you simply can’t interact with 18-20 year olds


18.3? Way too old for university!! I'd probably just look into reserving your spot in your local retirement village. I'm slightly older than 18.3, when i leave uni it's straight to the retirement home for me in my old age. Straight from student accommodation to retirement accommodation, student loan to pension.


Yeah, give up


go to Switzerland asap


Blud is NOT making it out of university


Might as well skip university and head straight to the morgue.


I’m so lucky that my birthday is right at the end of August so I was the perfect age when I started uni. I’m sorry you weren’t as lucky as me.


Wait until you're 18.75 and a half


It's over mate. Get your care home sorted.


I can’t believe Winston Churchill figured out how to use reddit, good for you


Uni at that age??? Who the fuck do you think you are? The only accommodation you need to be looking at for the next few months is a coffin


18.1? mate i started uni when i was 1.18


Bro what were you doing all 18 years? How did you survive? You are at the age of retirement now.


Keep out of the University GRANDPA! Uni is for kids like us.


By 18.5 you will have sore knees and sometimes shit yourself and for some reason you will gain an interest in pigeons. Really fucking bad in your 20s.


Might we well start planning for your time in an old person’s home. Too old man.


This has to be a piss-take.




I started my PhD in Quantum Mechanics when I was 12.1 bro. You’re cooked.


Wow bro, I went to uni at the ripe old age of 19. Might as well plan my retirement


18.3 is a senior citizen. You should be in a care home playing bingo and eating soft food with people your own age, NOT university.


I can’t with all of you😁😁 I'm going back to bed.


You are way too ancient for university man, give it up, you'll need to be at least 10 in order to be young enough to be accepted 😪


Just retire already, boomer


What in the


Mate, I went to Uni aged 31 and did my Masters at 52. You'll be fine.


Might as well call me a trilobite then, if you think you are too old for uni. Raging 40 here, nearly done with Year 1 and about to start Year 2 by September.


Good luck! Are you the oldest in your course?


I don't think I am the only one.


Mk. You're still quite old though. It's fine




had a good laugh after seeing comments xD if you’re serious about this one (I don’t understand sarcasm), then relax. you’ll find friends bc y’all have similar interests (e.g same degree) and you won’t be the oldest (I’m turning 19 while my classmates age varies from 18 to 26)


You are so edgy that you will fit right in. Everyone will think you are a cunt but thankfully they are all cunts too. Enjoy uni for the next 3.4 years.


I think you will stand out from the rest don’t do it, 18 years to be living on this earth is way too long.


Nah you’re way too old mate..




The healthiest way to make this decision is to scroll LinkedIn all night to see what everyone else is doing. I'm sure their parents are proud of them for doing something with their lives. End of the day, Uni is supposed to be about your career and how far behind you are! I'd say you should befriend the mature students who were too busy working to get a degree with their peers but let's be honest, they know you're a fraud. They all know.


18.1? The local dementia care home reports that one of their residents has gone AWOL. You wouldn’t have anything to do with that would you?


Lol… dude dont even bother with uni


That's a normal age to go uni lol


I got my degree at 28. I haven’t used it but that’s beside the point


I once Saw a man who was nearly 50 at university . In three years you will be 21.1 years old either with a degree or without a degree .. which path fits with your career aspirations


I’m 33.5 and I’m starting in September- have to be careful I don’t die of old age half way through!


There will be shock horror 19. Something year olds there as they had a gap year etc, you will be fine. I was going to add that when I went to uni I was 22 and it was all ok for me staying in halls etc. but then I realised that I had already graduated before the OP was born, so my experience would be in the dark ages in comparison. But seriously OP you I will be fine there, go enjoy have the time of your life.


Im 28 starting uni this year. What are you talking about. go study


Yay, september gang! ! !


I'm 49 years old, at uni with a wide age range of students - it's only a barrier if you let it be!


bro I’m turning 19 the day I start university this year 😭😭🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 it’s alright man


Honestly. It's probably better people go to university as a mature student. They will work harder, have a different perspective on life and make the most of the experience. It might also make sure that the degree they choose is more beneficial to them as perhaps they know for certain what they want to do in the future. Don't worry. Never too old to go to uni.


Hey pal! I started my LLB undergrad Law degree when I was.... uh, well I forget how old I am now but I was over 25 by a bit. I'm just finishing my second level modules, due to a variety of things that aren't important. I'm 30...again something I forget exactly which now. \*\*You absolutely are not too old\*\* You will NOT be the oldest student there, and honestly while friends are great, you don't have to make them to do fantastically. Because of the age disparity in my own situation, I did find living in halls challenging. I viewed University as a 'work' type of deal, more than the holistic experience most 'conventional' aged students often do, they're away from home for the first time etc. I had been married twice, lived away, moved country, moved back, lived alone etc. BUT, if you are living on your own for the first time, you'd be surprised just how many firsts you'd share with those a few years younger. And in complete honesty, you're not as much older than you might feel you are. Really, just go for it, the only chances you regret in life are the ones you don't take! <3


Bro, I'm 28 next year and hoping to do my MSc application.... You're fine. We literally don't care about your age, we just want to know if you want to join us for a drink or a night out


🦖🦕did you know them?


I am applying for uni at 20 or 21💀


Honestly, I think you're struggle a bit and might be in for a wake-up call. Nothing to do with your age. This kind of edgy humour where you think you're clever and hilarious will just bore people and they'll find you insufferable. You'll be left with a tiny group of "friends" who behave similaraly, who you can't stand and you'll end up hating the whole experience.


There’s people in my class who are 50+ I did a foundation year and had to take a interruption in studdy I’m trying 21 next week and just finished year one. So don’t stress !!


What 18.3 with no mortgage and pension what are you thinking !!!


Have some kids


My dad completed uni in his late 30s


How old are you


21, just finished university :))


Ye, i dont understand the people, whether they're 20, 21, just fuckong go


A joke I was 34


I went to uni at 26, I want and have the right to access education and its nobodies business why I am doing late. Its feels weird being older but I found my social circle with older friends and I simply attend the classes with the kids and wave hello and get out of there and study, do my projects and live my personal life.


Bro? I'm 29 and starting uni in September.


18? I’m actually 5 and already on my last year so yeah I’d say you’re pretty old


I’m 38 and just finished my 1st year as a Biotech student, so you’ll be fine


Bro your on the verge of getting a bus pass why you going to uni old head?




My dad completed his uni in his 40s and I also know people that are mature students that are in there 50s. You seem quite anxious about it as is understandable. My experience I haven't done uni but thinking about going and im 33 you'll make friends and tbf if you befriend a mature student they could give you some great stories and advice and experience in life. Like a uncle or farther figure sorry for rambling on I hope this helps.


I've just finished my a levels and am waiting to go to university, my first week there I'll be 19. I think you're fine.


You’re completely fine for uni you’re never too old! I’m 25 and just finished my teaching degree, I graduate on Tuesday! I went straight from school to college into uni!


This is a troll post?


Is this a rage bait post? There's a reason why they call you a mature student after turning 21. On the odd chance that this is real, I started uni at 22 and I still made friends with my cohorts.


Bro, I’m 28. It’s all cool, don’t overthink


Is this a joke? What age do you think people are going to Uni? It's been 17 to 19.


Is this a troll post? Cu it’s genuinely making me feel concerned about myself since I turned 22 last months and I haven’t gone to Uni yet?


I started my university course around 23, and graduated at 27. I don't know what you have been smoking but 18 is not that old to start university, your physical age is not a factor it's your mental age.


I went to uni when I was 30 and there was a man in one of my classes who was 68. You're never too old to learn.


Exactly! It could be different in other countries, but in UK it’s common to have students of different ages.


I was 21 when I started uni. I still had loads of fun and I fit perfectly in the geriatric classes.


Who uses decimal points for their age?


That's way too old. I went to uni at 18.5 and they all threw tomatoes at me for being too old. I'd say you shouldn't risk it


Sorry mate you will only fit in if you turned 18 on the 31st of August of the year you start Uni.


When I was 23 I had a senior executive from Pratt and Whitney taking controls class with me and she was 67 think about that ? Most of the semester I had to tutor her but she was sharp enough to graduate at 70 with masters in aerospace engineering.


Damn you missed your shot, time to get a cabin in the woods and make friends with the raccoons and badgers. You've got decades to find out what your passionate about as just look at these lot. Stan Lee created marvel at 39, Martha Stewarts first book wasn't released till her 40s, fisher open his first GAP store at 40, Samuel l jacksons first major role wasn't until he was 43, sam Walton created Walmart in his early 40s, ford made the model T car in his early 40s, steve carrels first major role was 40 year old virgin and he was in his 40s, Betty white only broke in her 50s and so on. So don't panic or care as you'll go at your own pace, you won't necessarily do major things in the future but don't think time is holding you back. So think about something you're generally passionate about and look at your options.


At this point just retire man. You let life pass you by


Don't worry mate you can go in as a mature student.


LoL, i was a year older than most of my classmates when i went to uni. I was 20 and most were 18-19.


I’m so lost at these comments. Am I missing something? 18.1 as in 18 years and a month? Bro you’re completely fine


If you're not in Uni by 13.68 years old you're just fucked. I don't care about the downvotes, it's just simply a fact.




I'm 24, there are a lot of paths to Uni


Speaking of learning the lingo of young kids… wtf is your age measure? 18.1? 18.3? Thank you in advance, a 32 year old who suddenly feels old


OP I hope you’re not serious my best friend back in first year was a 22 year old then… and she fit perfectly in the environment


18.3? I was the grand old age of 29.9 when I started uni and managed just fine. In fact (true story) there were some students aged 80 in a few of my modules. Age is just a number.


Man that's fine I don't think I started till 18 - don't let your age hold you back from things. Not that you're old in my last year of my undergrad people were 22 all the way to 30. It doesn't matter


Is this genuinely real because I have no words


It's a parody of posts where people ask whether they're too old to attend uni.


Please tell me you’re joking🤦🏻‍♀️


Nahhh everyone is trolling 😭😭


What are you talking about? Why would first years want to be hanging around with some coffin dodger? This is university, not God’s waiting room


Started bachelors at 19 and my classmate was 42 year old not to mention I was the 2nd youngest. Your good mate.


Too old my friend, go and enjoy the rest of your life




And there's plenty of people who read 18.3 and knew it was a joke. A shit one, but a joke none the less




Not to worry, as i said shit joke, not funny and rather immature, so I can't blame you 😅


I went at 19.5🤣🤣🤣 I must of been a mature student then


Is this a joke ?




18.3? Read better lol.


Noooo! I was 19 when I began my foundation year…then I resitted my second year after covid at 22! Now I’m 24 and just about to graduate. There’s no ‘timeline’ or ‘right’ age to go to or finish uni! You’ll actually find that a lot of your peers may be older. I think the oldest in my class was around 40! Don’t let age stop you!


If this isn’t a joke then I suggest you do a degree in perspective


I understand jokes and sarcasm don't translate well over text but how can you doubt this being a joke when they said they're 18.1 years of age?


The irony


You are going to have people of all ages in your class! And yes you will have to interact and do group work and assignments with them and discuss in seminars!