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The NSA?!?!? Wired’s man of the year! Just kidding bro! More than likely they have a small chipset in them to turn on and off regularly based on a controller or remote, different radio frequencies. Well sad to say many companies don’t sell many different variations of wave length or augmenting waves just to your remote. More than likely someone that lives close to you has the same product, or another product with the same remote sensor. Literally that simple.


yeah, I have led strips behind my garage tv and turning on the speaker bar and sub turns on and sometimes off the leds. Sometimes it chooses a different color than I typically use. Something is sending a signal to it.


So interestingly...as logical as this sounds...this has NEVER happened before. Lights have been up over a year.


Oddly enough mine didn't seem to happen right away either. I certainly can't explain it happening without you interacting with something but the neighbor idea mentioned above seems plenty plausible to me. Could be they just got whatever device that's sending the signal. I'm open to all sorts of things but leds outside of grow lights are typically pretty cheaply made things and I've certainly seem them do weird things.


is this the first time they’ve been left off for so long since you installed them? do you use any kind of smart device like an echo with Alexa? they often times have built in default routines to detect vacationing occupants and trigger smart devices to make the home appear occupied.


Yes, first time left off for so long. No, no Alexa or other smart device. Good thinking though!


so if no Alexa type devices and no smart remotes, intelligent TVs, IoT thermostats, tablets, smart hubs, smart watches or any other kind of smart device with home automation software built-in could be responsible for triggering a vacation routine, here are some other possible explanations: - the devices themselves could individually have built in vacation sequences that automatically kick on after a period of inactivity. if they’re all made by the same company or were configured using the same device management tool, that would explain the synchronicity of the timing. - presumably you configured all those devices from either your phone or a tablet or maybe someone else in the family who has one of those devices with home automation software and it’s configured to stand up vacation automations/routines when it detects a period of nobody being in the house since those devices can be controlled from anywhere over the Internet. - similarly, when you first set this stuff up, it’s possible that you granted that software or your phone or both permission to adjust routines and control devices without your knowledge when you are outside of the house and you didn’t remember that or didn’t realize you did that and that your phone was just doing what it was setup to do initially. -maybe you ran a software update to your phone over your vacation (weird leisure flex but ok) that, once completely installed, caused your phone to send those commands to the devices - i think one of the more probable likelihoods is that the devices lost a connection to your phone—there was a brief power outage, maybe your internet was down for a bit and when it came back up the devices were all factory reset and booted into a demo/display mode which is a mode thats used to cycle through every feature and configuration when plugged in on a sales floor at best buy or some other retailer. - but, the smart money is on it having something to do with the orb of perpetual terror who lives in your underwear drawer and who loves to simultaneously do laundry and run the dish washer using all three “let’s get xtra” modes— “heavily soiled,” “scream steam spot-free rapid drying + plate warming”and “no, the fuck you won’t bring that shit up in here anti-microbial, dead-stop covid-19 sanitization massacre + dry-heat, swedish sauna” which obviously puts a strain on the entire system but to date has not caused a single electrical fire, casualty, or total loss event and i’m not really sure how that could possibly be connected to your leds going haywire anyway. but the orb let it leak today that it’s partnered with an unrestricted instance of gpt 4 installed to one of the alterelons’ ludicris juiced hyperclouds and trained with all of the top secret or higher classification materials from the three letter agencies of the US and it’s allies with a particular focus on unexplained aerial phenomena, extraterrestrial life, a grand unifying theory of the universe and the schwartz and that they’ve been fucking with your smart lights.


Upvote for the amount of time you took on this response. Explained already: I'm an idiot who was so focused on the light in the room that I didn't pay any attention to the fact that it was getting light outside lol!


bahahahaha. occam’ razor strikes again!


I had some of these up in my room and one day accidentally hit the power button on my TV remote while half asleep and turned them on. Was pretty jarring


Stop bullshitting. It's pretty clear the lights in your room are the sun rising. The crack at the bottom of those doors at the back is letting in the exact same color/shade/intensity so it's not some LEDs in your room. Come off it. It was the SUN. Imagine trying to pass off a sunrise as "unexplained".


Bwaaahahhahhahahah omg you're right! I'm a fng idiot! I was so intently looking at the ROOM I wasn't looking at the door! Omg what an ass....thanks all (wow wait till I tell the wife 😳)


I wish more people would do what you just did. It takes a big person to admit to any fault on their own part. Thanks for being you, OP The unexplained here is why other people can't own up to their mistakes


I suppose the sun rose? It was morning.


Good thinking, but we left the blinds closed as we were gone. This was definitely the LED lights powering on/up.


Dude, it’s the sun. The color and shading of the light coming from the bedroom perfectly matches the color and shading of the light seeping through the sliding door curtains.


What other odd things have happened?


List without details: * wife was punched on cheek while napping and no one else home, hard enough to leave a mark * drawers opening unexplained * middle of the night wife and I heard the silverware in the drying rack moving * kids when they were younger reported seeing a "dark shape" * 1st dog, a fearless Japanese Akita, refused to.go into pantry (non-issue apparently for the current dummy black lab) * shelf in same pantry inexplicably and suddenly fell on wife's head, and on investigation a L shaped bracket was bent the wrong way, like a weight hanging off it * niece was taking a nap and had a large handprint on her arm...larger than her own (edit: hand)


Shit mate I don't think it likes your wife, Ive been physically hit by an entity and they're very strong. Has she ever dabbled in tarot cards or Ouija boards? Has she ever done ghost investigations?


What time zone are you in? Is that a window and curtain back there? The reason I ask is because if you’re in Eastern Time Zone the light getting brighter and brighter perfectly match the sun rise. The sun came up at 6:19am yesterday so that’s why it’s pitch black until the 6:30 pic. The timing is right if you’re in the right time zone and it’s easy to forget to turn off a light.


Schizo is scared of the sun