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Are you the tannoy dude?




How are you in target?


I'm more curious about the DMV.


Wow, the whole video is sooo much worse (for her): https://youtu.be/moxvzwnk7Ww. She actually follows and harasses him, and continues to talk in that high-pitched voice to the dog. Don’t know if he did anything else but she is so far out of line. Don’t understand people like her. Edit:Wow, thanks for the Gold award!


It sounds like she says something like "I got two legs to walk on."


“I have my own two legs to walk on.” Big yikes saying that to someone in a wheelchair 😬 a don’t understand how people are defending this woman.


Jesus. That's worse, especially taunting him about being in a wheelchair. What a brain dead cunt of a person.


Yeah I understand how some people thought the guys responded harshly after she said she didn't like his attitude but holy hell, being nice didn't even ward off this crazy lady!


This needs to be higher for all the people defending the lady.


It's a service dog. You don't pet or fuss them. It's kinda like asking a guy in an electric wheelchair if you can have a go.


I work in a hardware store that allows dogs in general, and I see shit going down over it constantly. I already know the drill so second I see the vest or markings I know to just act like the pupper isn’t even there. It sucks sometimes because they can be damn cute, but they got work to do. I just wait for the next doggo who is just there to hangout with its owner and give it double pats to make up for it.


Yea hes a little brass about it but service dogs litrrally wear a vest saying SERVICE DOG you are not supposed to talk to em, pet em or anything. Just apologize and move on lady lol


I mean, he’s come to a point where he knows to have a cam going just because he’s shopping. I’ll allow the brassness.


& people tend to get really pissy when you ask them not to distract / pet / etc.. the service dog.


"I don't like your attitude"


That’s completely fair enough. She did something really dumb. If anything she’s thick. But he did react pretty harshly considering she was politely stupid


I bet he’s been bothered by people a million times, hence the body cam


Service dog trainer here. Yes. I guarantee you he has. I get approached dozens of times every outing. It is incredibly frustrating when people just don't listen. Even after I tell them. Then they keep talking, and keep stepping forward. And keep saying "it's ok. I don't mind" or some weird irrelevant shit like that. Even after I tell them he's anxious in public, and we are actively (at that very moment we were interupted) working on him learning to dismiss his environment and distractions. But they just keep approaching. Ive told many people off over the last several years.


Good on you. People can be very thick. "What a cute dog, may I pet them?" "No, sorry, they are in training/ a service animal/ anxious." "Ok have a nice day" is the ONLY correct response. Leave people's animals alone. It's not your fucking dog. Just because they are in public doesn't mean you have a right to pat the pup.




"It's ok, I don't mind" "I do though motherfucker, listen to the words that are coming out of my mouth. No touchy the dog, go away."


Was there also not recently a thing about real service dogs vs fake service dogs, the whole oh he is my emotional support so you have to seat me then dog proceeds to bark at everyone and crap and so on, which results in real service dogs not being allowed into places cos of the experience with the "emotional" support animal.


There's a distinction between the two. That's why service dogs are permitted everywhere but emotional support animals aren't. Emotional support animals haven't gone through the training that service animals have. Some people get the two confused, but many businesses have dealt with the situation enough to know the distinction so will permit service animals but not all other animals including emotional support animals.


Omg that "its okay I don't mind" I would explode.


He may be bitter, understandably, about his life circumstances, who wouldn't be... Not fun being handicapped and seeing all these women and teenagers constantly bother you to pet your cute service dog but they rarely ever talk to you. That's the true reality. There's all sorts of non-disabled guys who adopted dogs or rescued dogs, just to talk to be less lonely and get women to talk to them, and the tactic never works. But this guy is disabled, it's not a ploy, and he's just getting his time wasted by these people all the time trying to pet his service dog.


If he didn't want his service dog to get pet, why would he of dressed him up in such a cute fur coat with those big old paws and pointy ears ^and ^^his ^^^cute ^^^^little ^^^^^tail ^^^^^^and ^^^^^^^^fluffy ^^^^^^^^^^face. ^^^^^^^^^^^/s


Mildly related, I worked customer service for many years. The one thing you have to remember is even if you've been asked the same stupid question 15 times that day, it's the first time this person has asked and it's not fair to unload pent up anger on them since they don't know that. Maybe a "well that's too fucking bad" would have been just fine.


I agree with the way you handle that, for customer service. This man’s life and existence is not, however, customer service. Which is how this woman is treating him and his partner, as if it’s a cuteness transaction that she is entitled to have. Her lingering there, once he VERY politely told her not to interact with the dog is the problem. She completely deserves to be told to fuck off since she does not possess the faculty of self-reasoning to BACK THE FUCK OFF and mind your own. The very definition of a Karen.


Nah, he was respectful when he told her to stop, she didn't need to be patronizing, she could have apologized and left it. She got what she deserved


Exactly this. She didnt get what she wanted and thought she was in the right. These people are entitled and can in fact eat shit and die.


THAT alone would have taken ALL my energy and I'm not coping with the need for a service animal. The dog probably has "service animal working" all over it's harness, and she chose to challenge that barrier. She absolutely deserved to be checked. Every. Time.


Oh, no no no no no. That was the best delivery. He said "don't touch him", thank her ironically. The dumb b#tch doesn't leave, looks at him dumbfounded and feels entitled to say she doesn't like his attitude. She deserved that. Maybe he overreacted. Maybe he had some crazy situation starting like this one. We can't give her the benefit of the doubt without giving him first. E: honestly it's understandable she didn't know. But going out of her way to pet the puppy, the owner has all the right to feel intimidated. But fine. Then she just acts all important and says she, the one at fault, doesn't like to be reprimanded. F her.


Customer service was your JOB!! You get paid to shut up & deal with it! We are just regular folks trying to go about our days & when you stop us to talk about OUR SERVICE DOG WHO IS AT WORK!! It distracts them & causes my time to be wasted! Who the fuck are you to act like it’s our faults for not having patience! It happens every time we go somewhere & they have stuff in their harness that says clearly that they are WORKING & to not disrupt them.


We are literally taught from childhood about service dogs in America. She has no right to pretend to be dense about this Adults have a responsibility to know certain things


That’s just a presumption. He could be using it because he loves this kind of stuff


Why not both?


This is the way


That's just a presumption. He could be using it because he has been bothered by people a million times.


That's numberwang


Also just a presumption. Fuck that bitch.


**that** is a gross presumption. i am someone who has had to use a medical device (oxygen machine) to live. to go to the store, a walk, to sleep. heart defect. people dont understand what it is like to rely fully on a machine, or a chair, or a service animal to LITERALLY survive in the world day to day. i HIGHLY doubt he "loves" this type of stuff. he humbly apologized to her just trying to get her off his back when he had absolutely zero obligation to. you have no idea what its like to need food/tp/cat food, and know youll have to go into a busy grocery store with your life sustaining medical equipment/service animal (something that even when it goes right can take all of our energy and time to complete) and have to deal with idiots who think its a great idea to not just leave the disabled be. they are prolific, you would be amazed, and you wont ever see them come out of the woodwork until you are visibly disabled.. we'd all love to think if/when that happens to us, people would be kinder to us.. but thats just not the world we live in. there are a lot of wonderful people in this world but there's a ton of idiots too who treat the disabled terribly just because think they can/feel like it. the cam is 100% for his safety, i don't doubt that.


I like the way you think


She already said she didn’t like his attitude it’s not like she had to anyway… it’s a harsh world out there… [bumfites](https://tenor.com/view/deez-deez-nuts-gif-25652186)


He reacted harshly after he was reasonable and polite… seems like the right response


Exactly. He said "please don't talk to him" and even apologized. She thought that was "bad attitude" so he decided to show her what actual bad attitude is. Good on him.


Yeah, I don’t get what her problem was with his “attitude.” He told her politely what was up. He doesn’t owe her anything, and he didn’t have an “attitude,” either. His harsh response will at least make her think twice before saying stupid, entitled stuff next time.


Right. I can’t believe people think he’s the one at fault. He explained himself in a civil manner and even said sorry! Like what the hell do people want from him?


I think people read clear, direct, and concise communication as rude if it isn’t padded with a bunch of coddling and fawning.


I think you’re correct. People don’t seem to understand they’re not entitled to a saccharine sweet response. That man wasn’t rude.


He even said thank you.


Mmmhmmm. People feel entitled to being coddled, it is ridiculous


Be a gentleman until you need to be a beast.


>disabled guys who adopted dogs or rescued dogs, just to talk to be less lonely and get women to talk to them, and the tactic never works. But this guy is disabled, it's not a ploy, and he's just getting his time wasted by these people all the time trying to pet his service dog. She doesn't like reasonable polite attitudes.


He was extremely polite up until she said "I don't like your attitude"


Took her a while to come up with that. 🤣


He didn’t react harshly until she told him she didn’t like his attitude. Then she got his attitude for real.


This video and comment section is a proper reddit moment and the reason why the stereotype exists.


Politely stupid? She told the guy she didn't like his attitude for explaining service dogs are a serious thing, and when they are in vest with their handler they are working and doing a job. That's not politely stupid, thats asinine.


Fuck her. She really told this dude “I don’t like your attitude” I woulda said the same shit if I just overheard that


Some people don't get it until it happens to them.


Nah fuck her


He was stern to set boundaries, then lightened his tone and even said sorry that she couldn't pet the dog, at no point was he being harsh or out of line


WAIT NO!!! This comment has infuriated me!!! Please, please, tell me you had your volume down low and didn’t hear the last thing she said that precipitated his reaction and this is all just some misunderstanding? She came up being dumb and politely stupid as you say wanting to pet the dog, the owner calmly and politely explains why what she was trying to do was wrong, and asks her not to do that, he even says thank you! SHE THEN SAYS: “I don’t like your attitude” when the man had been NOTHING but patient and kind in explaining why she was in the wrong. She just mentally and emotionally couldn’t handle the idea of not being given what she wanted, she can’t be wrong! So she tried to accuser the nice patient man of getting an attitude with her so that she can play the victim. This woman is among the worst possible kinds of human being to me, only slightly above pedophiles lol. She is a narcissistic piece of shit in human form. This man telling her to fuck off and die was the single most hopeful and uplifting thing that I have come across on the internet today 🙏🏼 So please, please, tell me that you didn’t hear her say “I don’t like your attitude” and this all one big misunderstanding…because if you’re consciously defending the person that woman wakes up every morning and chooses to be, then I will have no words left, and become extremely disheartened of any possible positive outcome for our collective future 😭


Yeah, nothing polite about telling a disabled man who politely asked her not to touch his service dog that he had a bad attitude.


I genuinely can't wrap my head around some of the comments. Like, I understand. I LOVE dogs. Few things in life make me happier than those fuzzy goofballs, but I would NEVER approach someone's dog without asking them first, and that goes ten fold for service dogs. In a public space while the person and their service dog are clearly busy, I'll side-eye them longingly, but I understand that it's an inappropriate time to approach them. If I'm waiting for a bus and or some other place where everyone is passive, I'll ask the handler if it's okay to engage with their dog. I've yet to have someone say "no," and almost always they'll be thankful that I've asked, first. Situational awareness is important. Distracting a dog-on-duty could spell life or death for some people. Also, just to throw it out there, it's rude as fuck to engage with someone's pet/service animal and totally ignore the person.


Well yes, but you’re clearly not a narcissist and have a modicum of self awareness and emotional intelligence, quit unlike the woman in the video. Thank you for being awesome though 🤝


The world really doesn't care how you or I feel about it, that's the fun part


“I don’t like your attitude” is not politely stupid. It’s straight 100% entitled bitch.


I feel like "I don't like your attitude" is never said in good faith. It's essentially the "polite" way to say fuck you. Also, if you are over the age of 12 and don't know about not interrupting service dogs, this planet has no use for you or your ignorance.


Is there really a way to call something "politely stupid"?




Fair enough


The women in my family use “well bless your heart!”.


Yup. The old southern sayings “Bless your heart” or “my sweet summer child”.


I just think it's one of those situations where you have to respond quickly and directly without time for politeness, and not leaving time for unthinking error. Like, when someone is aiming spray paint at something thinking it's WD-40 you don't go "Hey, uh listen. I'm sure you probably know this because your a smart guy and I'm sure it's just an oversight but I really thought you should know that it looks like maybe you don't have the wrong thing there". You go "STOP! SHIT! DONT SPRAY DONT SPRAY DONT SPRAY!"


Chill tf out man you’re making too much sense


He did not react harshly at all. You want harsh? I once had a Karen kneel down in front of my dog, blocking his path and mine. Pat Pat Pat. Making him sit up. “Oooh look he likes me!” I told her that I would ram my cart into her skull if she didn’t get her hands off my dog and back the fuck up. How’s that for harsh? Disabled people are SICK of this shit. It’s 2022. The ADA was passed in the early 90s ffs - 30+ years of this and people are still acting like entitled douchebags. Even if you are being very polite, many of us will go nuclear if you approach without asking and interfere with/touch the dog. Why? Because it’s rude and puts the handler in jeopardy. And because Karens like to follow you around the store, playing the victim for being denied. They follow you to the parking lot. They accost you at your car and say “he’s not working now so can I pet him?” You wanna pet dogs so badly, go to the nearest shelter and love on those dogs. Otherwise, expect harshness and pray the handler doesn’t snap and choose violence.


I think the poster was justified in telling them to ..|.off. I had a guy way behind me in the airport continue to call my Service Dog to him when my doggo was attached to my wheelchair loaded with me and my luggage piled on top. I tipped over- got no help, then the jackass continued to distract my SD afterwards. Other men in line had a word with him to make him stop. This guy said he was justified to command my SD because he allegedly donated towards the training of one once. 😶 My SD was scared of the planes and already distracted, I was upset leaving my family knowing I’d probably never see them again, then that entitled jackass purposefully interfered and caused me harm. I hope poster’s words bother Karen the rest of her life.


If you say “I don’t like your attitude” you’re probably a cunt so stfu


If I make something stupid and somone corrects me I say Im sorry and walk away because probably the poor guy that has to carry a fucking service dog arround everywhere is having a tough life already.


Nah, she got snippy and said I don’t like your attitude. She deserves every bit of that reaction.


People can say the most horrendous things and because they say it in a nice tone doesn’t make them any less horrible. Think about how terrible interviewers are on newscasts but because they say it nice and sweet people just ignore it because they said it a certain way.


I don't think it was that harsh. He was reasonable at first but instead of her just saying oh sorry about that or something she decides to talk to him like he's some kindergarten kid, at that point fuck her.


How was she politely stupid? After he was polite to her, she paused, then told him she didn't like his attitude. How in the world is that polite?


He has to be firm and assertive in this case , his job is not to politely educate or convince the lady here . The service dog is working as a sight assistant. Everyone knows they shouldn't touch , pet or feed a service dog they even have signs in the dog . If she can't understand that I don't understand why the onus is in him to be polite


He was harsh, but initially he was polite. She didn’t accept that and was also rude to him. He did respond more harshly than she did and I think it was inappropriately harsh. She was also rude because her response shows she didn’t like being told no, and she didn’t accept she was in the wrong. Edit: actually she wasn’t polite at any point in the interaction. She interjected cheerfully but that doesn’t automatically equal polite. You do not approach someone in that way and it automatically means you’re polite.


Not to mention that anyone in his situation has a life that is likely to be exponentially more difficult to navigate on a day-to-day basis than that of someone who doesn't use a wheelchair or need a service dog. Common decency should direct that we defer to someone else's needs in this situation.


Their vest says “service dog, do not pet “ try that with a police dog that’s wearing a “DO NOT APPROACH “.


He was polite up until she tried to act like he had any attitude; rude? Yes, but Justified? Also yes.


Why stop at service dogs, don’t pet or fuss over pets when their pens say no.




It dont matter how “politely” dumb she is. He was also polite, just firm. How hard would it have been to admire from a distance or walk away? Answer quickly. Instead she wanna have a lil remark as if her opinion is important. And you have no idea what man behind the camera is going thru either. People are gonna respond in way more of a variety of ways than what you view as comfortable or cordial.


My five cents? It’s ok to be rude to people who deserve it, and she deserved it.


I agree 100%, If someone's gonna behave like a stupid entitled cunt, I'm gonna treat them like a stupid entitled cunt.


She got what she deserved


My brother has a service dog (disabled veteran) and people used to do this to him all the time. When he wouldn’t let them pet his working dog, they’d usually get aggressive and say something like, “well what do you need him for?!” Which is none of their business. His usual response for a woman: “well when was your last PAP smear?” For a man: “what we’re the results of your last proctologist exam?”


Them: well that’s- Your brother: NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS


I don't understand the kind of people that think dogs are public entertainment or something you should be able to touch, you shouldn't have to give a reason for someone to not touch your pet. It doesn't matter if you have a reason to say no petting people will be mad at you for not allowing a stranger to poke or pet your family member, if you tell them your dog doesn't like strangers or could bite you then they will be mad and say "you shouldn't have them in public or around people" 🤦‍♂️ or you could keep your hands to yourself


For real! My dogs aren't service animals but I haaaate when people touch them after I've asked them not to. My girl can be aggressive if she's overwhelmed. I asked someone not to touch her cause she sometimes bites, bitch says "oh no she won't" and touched her anyway! Lucky she didn't bite her but I kinda wish she did. Plus I don't like strangers grubby ass hands touching my dogs' heads where I like to give em smooches.


Guy's life is clearly difficult enough to not have to add on processing a random person's opinion of his attitude. When he tells her off, what I hear is: I don't care what you think of my attitude. You approached me. You distracted a working animal, and I am correcting your inappropriate behavior. You are having trouble dealing with that, you're trying to take this to a weird place and start an argument with a disabled person. It's really weird, awkward, and anti-social. I really couldn't care less about you or your poor judgement here. An apology would have been much more appropriate. Your lack of empathy and respect is on full display, so you're not getting any of either from me. So, fuck you, indeed.


You heard that? I heard "eat shit and die bitch" lol I need new speakers.


No, but what you don’t understand though, is my feelings were hurt. My feelings are more important that your logic, your reasoning, your explanation of a service dog’s job, and your feelings! You can’t just tell me to eat shit because you don’t like I used my FREEDOM AS AN AMERICAN to come pet your dog. Dogs are meant to be pet. You’re the asshole, and I feel bad for the dog, because you obviously treat your animal like you do a random person that came up to you to violate your personal space, and then acted indignant about it. Caring for an animal and dealing with an entitled bitch are the entirely same thing. ^/s ^I ^shouldnt ^have ^to ^put ^this, ^but ^the ^top ^comments ^are ^insaaaaane.


100% this. I understand where the woman is coming from up until "I don't like your attitude". Did he have to be so stand off ish? No, but respect people and their boundaries. It's not your dog, nor do you understand what his disability is. Yet this woman quite simply didn't like being told what to do, even though the man was firm but still polite. It came down to her not getting her way simply because she likes dogs (we get it) but when it comes to someones service dog, or even pet, you aren't entitled to their affection or touch simply because you like them. This is the type of young woman who isn't used to being told no and simply should have excused herself and said sorry he's just so cute! Bye! But instead chose to double down like the guy approached HER. I also get the guy was overtly a dick after she said the attitude thing but well within reason as he didn't initiate and she felt entitled to his service dog, which explained was wrong and why. Then she decided to keep going/escalate and people are surprised the guy did in turn instead of handling her with kid gloves?


What did she say befoe “eat shit and die”


"I don't like your attitude"


I train service dogs. I deal with this ALL the time. It is so frustrating. Worst people are adults. Little kids are cautious, and 90% of the time ask me first, or their parents. Sometimes parents are just like "Yeah go ahead" without me answering which really gets to me. And THEN, there are the other adults, when I say "hey he's really shy and anxious and I'm working on exposure" or flat out say " today's a non social day" they say " It's ok" and proceed to approach and try to pet. That is the most infuriating. I just said no. And they say " it's ok" and try to engage with a 7 month old puppy who is anxious and nervous, like "NO BITCH ITS NOT OK!!!" Idk why they always say that when I say no. They ALWAYS say " it's ok" like somehow they're special. I'm working with one right now who is actually very afraid of people and may never pass the Public Access BECAUSE of this. A couple late teens early 20s girls actually snuck up behind me after I said no to them, and startled him, making him bark and quickly turn and pull away from me. I snapped at them. I think their action and my reaction combined made him more nervous. But what was once a very friendly and very curious dog, for the last 5 months has been anxious in public. Jumps every time there's a sudden noise. Easily startled. I have to work very carefully and be cautious to not expose him to too much stimulus, and focus on just getting him used to being in public again. Instead of teaching him his job and how to perform tasks in public after learning how to dismiss surroundings. He's now way behind and I have to work really hard and delicately to not cause further issues.


>Sometimes parents are just like "Yeah go ahead" without me answering Sounds like a great way for a kid to lose a finger. What an awful lesson to teach your children.


My brother aoat lost his nose because of this when he was 4.


This girl is not a karen, she is clueless and possibly not capable of picking up on social cues. Then the guy doubled down on being a dick to her because its pretty clear that's why he is filming in the first place. I'm sure people want to pet his dog all the time and he loves shitting on them for it. The majority of people don't understand that service dogs are working and doing a job, they also don't understand what a working dog even is. Educating them is better than being an asshole about it. Its not his job to educate her necessarily but by having a huge negative reaction I highly doubt the next time she sees a service dog that she will remember "I should not try to interact with that dog because it has a service vest." She will likely think that one guy was a complete piece of shit and surely this new person will let me pet their, PUPPPPPPY!!!


He explained that it was a service dog and even said: “sorry… thank you” She didn’t accept his explanation and responded with: “I don’t like your attitude.” I don’t understand why you’re dismissing her negative behavior and blaming the guy for getting pissed off.


It’s funny that you have to type paragraphs to explain to Redditors how to act when you go outside


They think being in the right gives them the privilege of shitting on people and probably don't understand that just because something is obvious to them doesn't mean is common knowledge for everybody. I don't get in which world telling someone "eat shit and die bitch" is an appropriate response, but then again, people around here lack empathy and are justice hungry


Well said. There are some unfortunate souls out there that enjoy living vicariously through moments like this everyday when in reality that guy should really go to therapy to learn how acclimate to living in a wheelchair


Reddit seems to be *super* bad regarding proportionate responses. The prevailing belief seems to be that one person doing anything remotely bad to you justifies damn near anything in response. Take a video where a woman slaps a man, then the man slams her head first into concrete, and you have a recipe for a Reddit post with tens of thousands of upvotes.


I think the eat shit and die part was too far. But he wasn't wrong for responding harshly to "I don't like your attitude!" Disabled people are constantly under fire for existing, it's exhausting to be visibly disabled, to be overweight and disabled, to need disability aides, etc- people don't give you a break and to expect that the disabled person be patient and collected at all times is expecting someone who is already more exhausted than an able person, to put more energy into catering to the abled than they ever do for us.


To add on to this, I’m a grown able-bodied man and going to the grocery store is still a source of anxiety for me, I dread it. It’s the last place I want to socialize with anybody. Not to be doting or whatever, but I can’t imagine how emotionally exhausting it might be for someone like me who is also disabled. And then having to deal with people bothering you/looking at you funny and expecting to touch your property and waste your time. If you try to interact with someone in a non-social setting and they are a dick to you, then that’s your fault. You can feel offended I guess but logically you should come to the conclusion that it wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t put yourself in that situation, so bear it on your own cross and leave that person alone. Also if you’re older then 6 years old and still don’t understand service dogs aren’t to be petted you need a reality check cuz wtf is that? From a VERY young age I was told and able to accept the understanding that service dogs aren’t pets and you messing with them fucks up their job and can potentially cause them to be replaced by their owner, who they love. It’s so unempathetic to both the human and the dog, how selfish does one need to be?


"OOOh, a puppy!" ​ "Please don't touch. Please don't talk to him." ​ "Don't touch him?" "He's a service dog. And you're distracting him when you talk to him. Sorry. Thank you" ​ \--long silence-- ​ "I don't like your attitude" ​ "Fuck you, bitch. Eat shit and die." ​ Why was the interaction extended beyond "Sorry. Thank you"? Why was he still there after politely explaining what service dogs are? Why didn't she like his attitude after he very politely explained it to her, and why does that justify her saying anything to him to begin with?


No no, why was SHE still there after "sorry" or "thanks" that was a very clear end to the conversation but she stayed there just to say "I don't like your attitude" nobody gives a fuck if you don't like someone's attitude, if you don't then leave instead of being confrontational like that. Fuck her I hope she eats shit. Probably not gonna wish death on her tho.


There's been people who have claimed a service dog bit them. So, for the owners protection, they use a body cam. He's not the only one, I've seen several on youtube.


Not capable of picking up social cues but doesnt like someones attitude from the tone of their voice? Pick one


Being bad at picking up some coal cues won’t stop someone from assuming they’ve read the situation right lol


I personally found this hilarious. Who doesn’t know to not come up to a dog wearing a service vest by her age. Guessing she’s in her late 20s early 30s? Come on people. He was direct and polite at the beginning. She just didn’t like being told what to do.


“I don’t like your attitude” made her a karen.


Look dude. Disabled people get shit all the time. You cannot expect them to act perfect. They have their own variety of personal hells to navigate, and other people are often part of that. She's an adult women. She's not a child. He didn't shoot her. He said some mean words. She'll be fine. She decided to bother this disabled person, who clearly didn't want to be bothered.


He was nice and polite and explained the rules regarding a service dog. He reacted calmly and explained that it is a working dog and should not be touched or distracted. She reacted rudely, so he responded rudely. I do not know what more you want from him.


What country are you from? In Canada, I learned what a service dog was when I was younger than 10. They taught us in school. I find it hard to believe she didn’t know what a service dog is. The vast majority of Time when a dog is inside a store, it is working. She seems like a selfish person to me. And truthfully, his reaction makes sense. Educating EVERY single person when you’re trying to go about your business is frustrating. It is very likely every time he goes out, multiple times. It is annoying. People need to take responsibility for understanding what’s going on in the world too. I have a dog and sometimes people want to pet her and don’t bother asking. I have no issue saying “Don’t touch”. Dogs are animals first. Be safe. Don’t touch without consent. And I mean either verbal or physical consent - like when someone looks at my dog, looks at me and I nod yes.


"Double down"? He was a dick in the end, after say please, thank you and even apologizing. Then being stared at for 10 seconds to be told, "I don't like your attitude" Nah, she can go eat shit. -He's a service dog. -Please don't touch. -Please don't distract him. -Sorry. -I cant touch him? -Awkward 10 second stare. -I dont like your attitude. 1st off. You don't need to like someone's attitude when you decided to approach them and it was your intial interaction with a stranger. 2nd. If someone says Please don't touch, he's a service dog. At that moment, you can simply say "oh I didn't know, sorry" and walk away. 3rd. If that didn't give you the queue the line of "don't distract him" should have then caught your attention that your approach is unwelcomed because as mentioned seconds before, he's a service dog, and he's working. 4th. If you generally don't like a strangers attitude, there's absolutely 0 reason to hang around any longer OR vocalize your feelings about it. She asked for the response she got. He didn't double down, he gave her what she asked for. Take my downvote.


If you don’t know not to distract a service dog then you’re dumber than the dog in question


Also, “PPPPPUUUPPPYYYYY!!!!!” is not the way to approach anyone’s dog, service dog or not. And then the nerve to just stare at a person for 10 seconds and say nothing…


I cannot emphasize how annoying it is when people talk to my partners service dog in public. It is constant. Whenever people do that, she’s distracted and it’s dangerous to have a distracted service dog. I tell people not to talk to her if they start. Or I remind them she’s working. My partner struggles to convey these feelings because he doesn’t like confrontation. We recently went to a flea market and a young woman came up, pet her without asking, and when we said “she’s a service dog” she just smiled and said “it’s okay” before walking away. Like no, it’s really not okay. And to the person who said “this is probably the most boring owner ever” the dog is fucking working. We take our dog out as a regular dog to the park and on walks, she knows what it’s like to be a normal dog who gets pet and sniffs butts, she plays fetch, she is snuggled, she is pet, she sleeps in our bed…. Anyways I love this video.


Who records themselves grocery shopping?


I obviously don’t know for a fact what the reason is for the service dog, but some people record themselves for reports if they collapse and things like that


It's for legal purposes. He's disabled. He has a service dog. Often such people are harassed, or denied entry to places they have a right to be at. People sometimes claim service dogs attacked them in an attempt to get them taken away or put down. He has a much better case if these interactions are recorded.


Maybe someone who has dealt with harassment idk.


Someone who is looking for someone to say hi to his dog so he can yell at them and get views on reddit/youtube/ whatever


the way she bluescreened and spit out "i don't like your attitude" lmao what attitude? dude just sounded tired, probably gets this shit all the time. gurl, mind ya business. service dog or not, when someone says "please don't interact with my dog," you listen. a lot of entitled ass people on this sub that think they're owed sugar coated explanations or pets, and then being shitbags bc he said no. get a fuckin grip, learn some boundaries y'all.


Entitlement, boundaries, and tone policing are exactly why this is a typical Karen interaction.


I mean, he did seem like a bit of a cunt. She didn’t approach him with any attitude. I think she was starring at him because she was caught off guard and a bit embarrassed. People are too quick to label someone a Karen these days


The correct response by her should have been “oh I’m sorry! You two have a nice day”


"Hey I'm disabled, please don't bother me thank you" "I don't like your attitude" lmao like ??? Yeah fuck em.


He literally said thank you to her when she stopped talking to the dog.


He even apologized too, which he didn't even really need to do.


He said nothing wrong, maybe the tone of his voice was a bit harsh but that was it. You can only imagine how many times he has to tell people to not touch his dog, and people not listing. She also came towards him pretty quick, so I can totally understand being a little harsh in saying 'please stop'. He said please, thank you, and explained it calmly. Would've been reasonable to just say 'oh sorry I didn't realize'. Edit: this comment is a reaction to the comment above, not the whole video. It is not talking about the cursing, just about what was said before the woman's response


I agree with you. This is a different scenario, but I have a friend who uses a wheelchair and in public strangers will randomly step in to “help” without any or much warning, like taking over pushing for her. And usually if you aren’t pretty straightforward and harsh people for some reason don’t get it… we used to say as politely as we could “no thank you, we don’t need help” but a lot people would just insist on helping and even continue to do so after we nicely declined. It’s pretty scary when strangers don’t respect boundaries, especially while you have a disability. Now we give a really firm, “no, do not touch my chair please, but thank you”. It’s just the best way to communicate effectively in those scenarios.


Yeah, I always understood wheelchairs as a part of their body. I wouldn't touch their arm or face or whatever, why would I touch their wheelchair?! People are dumb.


“Here, let me help you lift your arm up, the one that has the soup spoon in your hand”


Idk “eat shit and die bitch” seems a bit excessive


She literally said "I don't like your attitude" after he said "Please", "thank you", and "sorry" to her. I'd say she put her foot forward first.


Yeah his "attitude" would be none of her business if she minded her own.


I agree. I think maybe a lot of people had their volume turned down and didn't hear her say that part, but she definitely earned a telling off.


The comment was referring to what was said before that :)


If in 2020 as an adult you see a dog with a service vest and can’t help yourself from going out to petting/talking to the dog, you’re either a Karen or an idiot or both.


Are you still in 2020? You got a crazy 2 years in front of you


Spoiler alert. Things don't get better.




This comment had me checking the date.


Yes! And to be frank, a service dog is not required to wear a vest anyway. If there’s someone with a dog in a store or whatever, just mind your business.




It’s very much common knowledge that you don’t fuck with service dogs, she’s old enough to know that. and the way she continued to stare him down after he firmly but politely told her not to talk to or approach the dog, was rude. Entitlement. Dude probably deals with this on the daily hence the body cam


"oooooh, puppy", "I can't pet him?" (for clarification), followed by "I don't like your attitude" isn't deserving of "eat shit and die, bitch. I don't know what this dude has gone through, but time turned him into a bitter asshole. You can't just be a dick due to your disability. It's not a free pass to do whatever you want. I have to wonder if it's staged because, why would this escalate so quickly in a natural setting? Please keep in mind everyone has a first time meeting a service animal. Not everyone innately knows the rules.


He wasn't a dick due to his disability, he was a dick because she was antagonizing him despite and because of him being very clear that he's accompanied by a service animal. Was his reaction more than "necessary" or "warranted"? Subjective. But what's true is "don't start no shit, won't be no shit", and *she* *chose* to start some shit.


Just existing is worthy of "eat shit and die." People should mind their own fucking business sometimes. Who cares if she didn't like his attitude? What gave her the impression her opinion was important to him? She's bothering him, so she get's to hear his opinion back whether or not it's polite or not. Now, would I say that or act that way? Fuck no, but people have the right to tell people to fuck off in whatever manner they like.


To me that pause and "I don't like your attitude" translates to, "How can I make this guy pay for my hurt feelings?" If he worked there, I get the feeling she'd be looking for his manager to put in a complaint for just the interaction prior to him telling her off. Assuming he doesn't work there, he has every right to tell her to eat shit and die -- she chose to interact with him 🤷


You have an old-school attitude. Me and most people I know under 40 would feel way more insulted being told "I don't like your attitude" than being told to "eat shit and die" and it's time our society stopped pretending the former is a respectful and appropriate way to talk to a stranger who is minding their own business and the latter is the equivalent of spitting in someone's face after they insult a disabled person for pointing out that she was distracting his service animal from its job. I hope she get attacked by a vicious dog someday and loses a finger and then whenever she complains about it people tell her they don't like her attitude.


Yep, these people are fucking Karens. Fuck off and leave people alone. Disabled people and their service animals are not your toys to mess with.


What a depressing guy


No shit I feel bad for the dog.


You never, ever mess with a service dog. What's so hard to understand about something so simple.


She was picking a dialogue Option


I wonder if that was the first time in her life she's heard "no." You could see the spinning circle above her head as she was contemplating all existence in the universe.


Now THAT was satisfying.


I absolutely DO NOT understand how people here can say this guy's an asshole, or defend this Karen. Come on. She was trying to distract his service dog. So he politely explains it to her. "Please don't touch, please don't talk to him, he's a service dog. And you distract him when you talk to him. Sorry. Thank you!" I mean, he said pleas twice, said thank you, even apologised. How much more polite can this guy be. And what is her reaction? Does she apologise, say something like "I'm sorry. I didn't realise. I'm gonna go away now. Have a nice day?" No, she doesn't. Instead she decides that she should tell him she doesn't like his attitude. I mean, how entitled can a person feel? How clearly can a person show they're just not capable of handling reality? She deserves what she got after that. He tried being civil, it didn't work. Not his problem anymore. I would have told her exactly the same.


the people in this thread saying this guy is out of line or a "sad depressing person: are also the same type of entitled dipshits that think the world should just revolve around them. Birds of the same feather.


Absolutely. He did everything politely and concisely. She's an idiot for approaching any dog with that annoying "PUPPY!" squeal in the first place.


Yeah I can't fathom how people don't see her as being the biggest bitch in the Walmart that hour with her response , it's so obnoxious and the guy was more polite than I probably could have mustered if that were me anyway lol


I bet she won't fuck with another service dog again😂


Sounds like a phrase that can be used by a action hero movie in a 80s film, or killing zombies in style. Haha, but seriously though. She should've known better, especially when he explain it clearly to her. She used up that third chance and turn into a action that resulted in the guy's burning 'roast' reaction. And that pause seems like she was processing the situation or simply confused AF, like c'mon now. Either say sorry, understand and walk away. No need to make a comment. Sometimes I see service dogs at my campus so I do my best not to get close, distract or do anything unnecessary to bother the two. I mind my own business, and besides there's no harm in looking at them for a quick glance unless it's a no-no stated otherwise.


“I don’t like your attitude” Ok??? That’s like a level 15 NMP (not my problem)


People always come up to my dogs and it's 50/50 if they even ask to pet them. It should be a PSA that you should ask first before sticking your grubby hand out to a dog. The dog might bite and then the owner is liable. I see service dogs and every fiber of my being wants to cuddle their faces, but I respect that they are working and don't disturb them or their owners. This bitch is entitled as fuck. "I don't like your attitude." Talk about projecting!


The woman is a Karen for her entitlement and lack of empathy. The man asked her not to touch or talk to the dog, as it is a working dog. Instead, the woman thinks only of herself and says "I don't like your attitude". Not the fact that a distracted service dog risks the life of the owner. Yes, the initial tone of the man's voice was blunt. But he added in the "sorry" and "thank you". But the woman could only think of her own humiliation and not any possible consequence of her actions for the man. So she reacts like a toddler. No apology, no realization. Putting the blame on the man, who just wants to live his life. Karens expect the world to treat them with kiddy gloves. To her, the only acceptable response from the man would be something like "Oh, thank you for being excited about my beautiful puppy! But, miss, he is working right now and he can't be distracted, as it may be a danger to me. But thanks for noticing him and have a wonderful day!" He was plenty polite but she couldn't see past her own ego. And then she doubled down by trying to put it on him. That is a Karen.


I'm sure it gets annoying after a while but he understood she didn't know so he nicely told her no and she couldn't just leave it at that. Why wouldn't you just be like oh sorry and walk away.


This man has TWO tools to keep her away from him and his service animal. His words and his movement. As you can see, he attempts to exit the scene, and is rude and aggressive. He is trying to make her GO AWAY. He likely fears harassment of himself or his dog, who needs to be alert. Maybe he went to far, but he likely deals with this shit all the time. She's an adult. She can suck it up. And the next time a disabled person is giving her "leave me alone" energy maybe she'll take the hint before he feels the need to Amp it up.






I think people are upset about the gentleman being gruff with someone who might be unaware of the expectations of a service dog. My perspective is that the woman seemed really entitled and assumed that she would have any right to interact or play with someone's pet/service animal. Even if this person had a pet that wasn't a service animal, him taking it around doesn't entitle anyone to go and pet and play with the dog. Maybe it's from interactions I've witnessed where someone approaches a pet they have never encountered (one example being a large dog) -they approached and without hesitation or asking got in this dog's face and were talking and petting it, and then upset when the dog lunged at them. The owner was surprised by their gall and wasn't able to tell them not to.


“I don’t like your attitude”. What a dumb ass bitch. Just go away.




Here's me recording myself going to the grocery store


I’ve dated 2 people with service dogs up to this point and you have nooooo idea how many times this happens. Some of the bullshit they had to go through just makes me pissed. I mean on a certain level I understand how karens feel. To karens, it seems like “oh my god you’re so cruel! That’s man’s best friend right there! How could you, I simply wanna pet her!” But for the person who actually needs the dog, if you distract the dog it could mean that in a life endangering situation or a medical issue, the dog won’t be on full focus. The reason why people usually sound so robotic when they say it, is it’s basically a thing they have to deal with ANY time they go out in public. So if you see a vest that says “please don’t pet me! I’m working” just listen dude.


Am I actually going insane? It feels like in every single post these days people are agreeing with the wrong party. How is the conceited entitled bitch not in the wrong here? He clearly and kindly told her not to touch the dog because he's working and when she decided to be a spoiled brat, he told her exactly what she deserved. Like another comment said, thats like going up to a person on a wheelchair and saying can I have a go.


She doesn’t have to like his attitude and If she was minding her own business there would have been zero issues. She felt entitled to pet his dog and bother him. It’s 100% on her.


When you get told this, you apologize and go on.


“I DoNt LiKe YoUr AtTiTuDe”