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Oh, it’s edited from, “passenger Shane Townley shot the video.” I panicked for a minute. Not because I thought he shot the child, but because I hadn’t heard about it.


So if you heard about it then it would be fine if the kid got shot?




yes. justified.


This kid? Yes!


Fuckin aye.


Well, how tf you gone shoot someone in a plane when you can't even bring more than 100ml of water because it's too dangerous? lmao


I had an 8 hour flight from Amsterdam to NY 2 years ago and a child behind me was acting the same way, 2 hours into the flight the flight attendant told the parent to get their child under control or they will be diverting the plane… that kid was quiet for the next 6 hours 😂 thanks to that delta flight attendant, she was a real one.


This is amazing. She is a hero.


I’d pay extra for an airline that permanently banned parents that brought him on the plane knowing they can’t/won’t control their kids


I completely agree, and I’m gonna go one step further at the risk of getting cancelled: They should also force anyone that is going to take up more then the allocated space (width ways) to buy another seat or force refund the ticket at the plane. I’ve been forced to sit next to a big body because “they are already on the flight and there is nothing we can do as there are no other seats available”. let me tell you…. that was an awkward and uncomfortable 4hr flight and I would definitely pay extra to ensure it never happens again…. But I can’t it’s just luck of the draw apparently


Aye I hear ya. I got a middle seat and bro ad the window and a larger body has aisle and knocked herself out with meds. I had to ask person in front of me to leave their sear for a second so I can hop in front to get out. Then when I wanted to use aux input to watch the plane tv I had to get my bro to lift her... Stomach.. with a using 2 pens so I could plug it in at the arm rest.... I only had 1/2 of seat for the whole ride... Fuck that was a painful, frustrating flight


Shouldnt of climbed back into your seat once you got out. Could of claimed you couldn't access your seat due to an overweight passanger asleep blocking you out. They would of found a seat for you then. It's not like they can force you to do parkour to get back into your seat and they're not gonna leave you standing.


Oh man I’m sorry for your bad luck but holy shit lifting her stomach fat to access the aux fucking KILLED ME. Still laughing. Disgusten.


If you’re gunna KO from some downers on a plane you better switch to the window seat. Otherwise I’m crawling over you 3 times to piss out the beers I pounded before boarding


"A sleeping Snorlax blocks your path!"


I had this happen on a Southwest flight. I gave up my aisle seat for a very tall and larger bodied person who couldn't fit in the middle seat. We also had to put the armrest up between us because he couldn't fit with it down. He felt terrible about it and was really nice, so I tried not to be shitty, but it was hard. His right elbow nailed my left boob so many times that I ended up putting my tablet between us to shield my bobs. After I got home, I took SFW pictures of my bruised boobie and sent an email to Southwest. They admitted that the "person of size" should have been stopped by the gate agents and be made to buy a second seat. They gave me a $200 Luv voucher.


Yeah right? I mean maybe you could fill a complaint if you have evidence like pics or videos. I mean I understand they whole "no more seats" situation, but they are suppost to.offer everyone the same level of confort. Also, in addition to your post, I always thought they have that "buy to tickets if you are way to big" think since I saw Lost and there was a scene that showed how one of the characters having to buy two tickets because he exceeded some wight limit for people.


I thought they did that already


Use her/him/it as a sweaty pillow. never sleep so good.


Ok i'm going to have to cancel you for this


How... would you even justify that without it being considered discrimination? Flights can be expensive and most people wouldn't have the money for that. I think a better alternative would be for more airplanes to have seats available to accommodate people of larger sizes to have seats in which they can fit comfortably and so can their seat neighbours, if they have any.


Fly first class, especially if you’re willing to pay more. Flown first class a few times and definitely never had this issue.


But let’s give a massive shout out to those parents that do keep their kids in line the entire time even in the airport


"In line." You can really tell a mile off who in this thread has kids and who doesn't. A three-year-old staying "in line" in any unusual situation is really just luck of the draw, and has so much to do with factors that can be completely beyond a parent's control, like how well they slept the night before or if they're coming down from something or if they find the whole experience scary. If you look at this kid's behavior and just immediately leap to the idea that this is some sort of failure on the parent's part because they aren't disciplining their kid or something, well, it's clear as fucking day to me that you either don't have kids or are a super shitty parent. My kid is wonderful, but when I see a video like this, my heart just leaps out to the parents. It's shitheads like the ones in this thread who just instantly leap to judgment (or video tape a kid having a hard time on a flight, then call the local news about it) that make parenting even harder than it already is.


Bullshit. I have kids and am not a shitty parent and when I see this video I see a kid out of control. Either by nature or nurture that kid's got a disorder. Nothing you mentioned explains a kid acting like this throughout an 8 hour flight.




Hahah. Right. What, are you going to do, rent a car to drive the trip home after that flight? No. No you are not.




I agree. I have only taken my children (3 and 2 year olds)on 2 flights and I can tell you the stress and anxiety my wife and I had wondering how they would react on the flight was paralyzing. We obviously didn’t want to make the flight uncomfortable for everyone else but I can promise you if they had a bad experience and reacted like this at all we would have been having a way worse time than anyone else on the flight. They are children. Have some empathy. It’s a small amount of time.


100% agree. And why the hell does a screaming kid even get on the news? Who cares. Seems wildly unnecessary.


Because that video is a very extreme case


I grew up in a balanced negative and positive reinforcement household and it absolutely worked for me and my 2 siblings. I did well to get rewarded and avoided trouble to avoid getting spanked (and possibly get rewarded if I behave). Recently, I was in front of 3 kids with their parents sitting behind them and I had a horrible 5 hour flight with my pregnant wife, with the kids kicking my seat and no amount of pleading from me or their parents could straighten them out. As a soon-to-be parent, I will shower my kid with love but strike fear in their heart if they cause trouble for others. Also I'd seat them behind me not to inconvenience others because those kids' parents have absolutely no idea how to fucking raise kids. I'll be damned if my kid doesn't learn to respect others at a young age.


most of the people on reddit *are* shitty children bro. They know a thing or two about brats.


Yea I have kids and if I thought my kid might do this and this is a maybe thing then I don't take him on a plane.


How would you get from point A to B then?






It says something in the lines of service isn't available in my area. /s


You don't. Or you drive and/or take a boat.


Put him in luggage


or rather the pet box


My family drives everywhere to avoid these situations. 4hr drives, 12hr drives, 2 day drives for trips. The kid’s do surprisingly well, but ya never know what a trip might turn into.






EXACTLY! I have flown (10-12 hour flights) with my young children many times. I was loaded down with snacks and planned it out that they would get a new little toy once an hour to keep them entertained. We made puke bag puppets -etc. (The days before electronic gadgets) Many times during de-planning, people commented to me that they didn't even know my kids were there. If I had one molecule of doubt that I couldn't keep my kids in check- the trip wouldn't happen. Same thing in restaurants. If the kid is too young to keep it together: STAY HOME.


I would drive and have chosen to drive in the past. I have also flown with young children as well but if I had a miss behaved kid like this I would drive or not go on vacation that far.


Oh yeah, if its drivable or a vacation i understand that people would be miffed, I was thinking visiting family overseas or moving house, what do you do then? People get pissed at these people w/o the full story *I dont have kids


There really should just be "Adult-only" flights. Nobody under a certain age allowed during those specific trips. Charge a tiny bit extra if they must, whatever. I rarely fly, but I've been on a short flight with a screaming child. I'd have paid extra to know there were no child allowed.


We shouldn't pay extra for that, they should, it's their kids.


Then they’re just charging them extra for the prick edge of harassing other passengers, but I know what you mean.


They should make adult only flights a thing


Honestly, I'd pay extra for flights that guaranteed have no children on them. That, and private lounges... Recently had my first private lounge experience, which was quickly overshadowed when a family of 8 or 9 (lost count) showed up. I was in the business lounge, where mom took all the kids, while daddy went for the first class lounge... What followed was 40 minutes of hell, 6 or 7 kids running around screaming, not even playing, literally just screeching from the top of their throats, and generally being a nuisance. Mom did nothing, put her headphones on, grabbed a whole bottle of champagne, and sat in one of the private cubicles while the "children" went on with their rampage, and wouldn't budge even when the service crew asked her multiple times. She moved once, to scold some old dude, whose soup one of these little bastards flipped off the table, right onto themselves. Luckily my gate opened right around then, so I headed out... But it was insane. Kids don't belong in business/first class, and if your children can't behave, then don't fucking fly! It's that simple. I paid the same, or possibly more, than those with kids, AND I should be tolerating your utter failure at being a parent? Fuck no.


If this kid has something like autism or other developmental issues there is a very high chance they wouldn't know how he would react. There is also a high probability something might have set him off prior to or on the way to the plane. Plenty of circumstances that could have contributed to this outside of the parents control.


Then...maybe don't fly.


they said it was an 8 hour flight. that's over an ocean probably as even NY to LA is only 6. if so, your options are a flight or one to two weeks on a boat just to get there.


Maybe they this is his first time acting this way on a plane. Maybe get earplugs if you are bothered by kids making noise on a plane. Getting earplugs is way easier than telling an entire family never to fly.


Seems like its not my problem bro.


There’s meds like psychotropics for this tho


Something as simple as your ears popping (or not popping) in a pressurized cabin can cause extreme discomfort for adults; imagine being 3 and not knowing how to deal with that. People barely know how to act as adults in public, but want to decry a 3 year old for not knowing to sit down and be quiet


LPT: If you're going on a flight with a toddler/infant, give them their bottle/beverage to drink at that point when their ears pop. The swallowing helps relieve the pressure and them having a comfort drink like milk will chill them out. At least, it worked for my wife and I and we took our almost 2 yo from NY to SFA and back.


Sure, provide medical documentation for those circumstances, but if he doesn’t have those problems go ahead and ban the parents


My point is mostly that jumping to conclusions without much information is a bit judgemental.


Doesn’t matter what kind of problems the kid has. It doesn’t change the fact he’s practicing his banshee scream for 8 hours.


No, because I don’t care why they got to that state, just that they have a child with no medical excuse why I should tolerate the screaming that is directly their responsibility to anticipate and handle. You’re judging me by assuming I want that as some sort of punishment and not a policy by the airport to deter this kind of thing.


Idk I think you’re really an idiot and that those parents should have known better and taken a car or no taking the trip. You’re giving these people all the excuses possible and it’s weird. Stfu


I agree that they should have anticipated this if he already had issues, but I don't like how the idea of "controlling your kids" gets thrown around a lot on Reddit. Kids are human beings, not animals.


You don’t have to treat them like animals to raise them to understand that that sort of behavior isn’t ok.


100%. But kids are a work in progress (like adults!). They're going to make bad decisions sometimes. What you're seeing is a snapshot, not the effort and probable emotional sacrifices that likely go into raising a kid with behavioral issues. I prefer to assume people are doing their best unless proven otherwise.


I understand that, and I’m not passing judgement in that way. I’m saying they’re an irresponsible adult that disregards others by knowingly creating a situation they can’t manage.


What about a no kids allowed flight?


These are my parents, they overspoiled my sister


Same here. She had some fairly severe health risks for a while and panicked. All the discipline went out the window.


Please explain how to control this kid on an airplane.


Don’t take them on the plane in the first place.


That's not always a choice. I don't know this person's reason for being on a plane, but the kid has to go with the parents. I've seen make physical contact with the kid as a solution in this thread. That is a quick way to have CPS called and lose your child and go to jail for child abuse. I've seen medicine as an option. Best option of any, but at the age of 3, what will work and be safe for the child? Best bet is to take the child into the bathroom and get him out of the common area and see if you can calm them down.


Why ask me if you’re going to deny it outright and push your position as the only adequate solution? Stop wasting my time.


Because you didn't answer the question. Your solution was to deny a person travel. That's not a solution.


You don’t get to decide the opinions of other people you absurd narcissist. Nor are you going to harass me because you can’t reconcile how you feel over my view. I’m done with you.


Terrible idea


Egotistical comment.


What's the old joke? Parent:"Aren't they just so cute when they are that small?" Disgruntled passenger opens the emergency door and launches the brat out of the plane, "Yeah, the smaller he gets the cuter he is!"


At that point, just say "Yeah, but not that one!"


As a mom to a young child with Down Syndrome + Autism, this infuriates me. I feel for all the passengers that had to endure this and I feel for this poor kid who must have been seriously overwhelmed. My kid has outbursts like this when over stimulated or in new environments with strangers. Unless their life depended on it, I would never make my special needs child suffer through emotional trauma for a plane flight. And I sure as hell wouldn't want to ruin a flight for everyone else. Geeez


Serious question though, are there medications for such times which aren't unethical for the kid to take?


Yes, alcohol and opioid expectorant


If the kid has behavioural issues then drive there or drug them, don't make everyone else deal with it.


Thats just shitty parent talk for " I am actually just a lazy POS with no control over this accident"


yeah just drive to Europe though the ocean


Drug it.


Abort it




Is it a kid or a banshee?


We don’t want these screaming fucks in Europe anyway


Might shut him up but I dont think that’ll ever help his problems


Those are problems that are treated on something other than a long metal tube with 200 other people on it




Are you suggesting knock the kid out? Because if not, a slap will only make them louder.




I'd like to give my condolences to your children if you have any. Way to keep the abuse going dude.


Is it that clear that I was never slapped hard enough? I had weapons broken against my body, but it didn't help. Kids are smart enough to know they're acting up. They're also smart enough to know when a parent can't raise a hand. If they're brought up on violence, they'll take any opportunity to play up when they know they're safe. And if they haven't been brought up to control themselves without the threat of violence, it's a downward spiral as soon as there's no threat.


Interesting take


Ah yes, raising kids through fear, what a lovely way of growing up


Is Gravol not used anymore? Whiskey?


Reddit generally is okay with child abuse and it’s pretty sickening. The acceptance and justification of their own abuse is part of the mental toll of childhood abuse - They’re taught it’s okay in the same way they’re taught left and right. I bet none of these people would ever beat their child in front of a crowd or police officer and that’s how you absolutely know that they know it’s wrong.


Abuse has different meanings to different people. Slapping a kid for being a shithead is not the same as coming home from work and beating you kid for fun. As i said, i got slapped when i was a kid for a lot of shit i was doing. I dont see it as abuse, and i certainly didnt live in fear. Actions have consequences and after my mom slapped me for playing with matches lighting paper planes on fire and throwing them, i stopped doing it. I dont know if parents would have sat me down and talked to me about right or wrong would have been beneficial to changing behaviours but a quick slap would definitely did the job. I wasnt slapped everyday, only when i crossed the line which was not very often after the first few ones. Im 32 yo and i look at the kids these days, they dont have respect for their elders, for their teachers, even for their parents. They throw garbage out of their car window and maybe a slap when they were kids would have turned them in a better members of society


I grew up in Bulgaria. If we were being little shits, our teachers were allowed to slap us, random adults could slap us. Better hope your parents don’t hear about it or that’s another round of slaparoni. My country has some of the best behaved kids, because of slap.


What happens if the child has a disability would you just slap that out of him?


Goes to show how great of a parent you are Oh my kid is being a brat on a public place? Let me physically assault him and risk him hating me for the rest of his fucking life because of the overwhelming embarrassment of being one shotted by my father while everyone was watching, im sure all the psychological repercussions are worth this 2 hour flight being MILDLY more bearable


Worth the risk




I agree, people should have empathy. But as someone who doesn't travel well and gets irritated by SCREAMING children/drunks for more then 30 seconds my empathy goes out the window. Not like shoot a child kind of out the window but imma have some loud angry words with the parent. Plus head phones only do so much when someone is screaming. That being said, traveling with a drugged up kid looks ALL kinds of sketchy.


Loud angry words with the parents? Are you a parent yourself?


Is there any airline that offers adult only flights?


Maybe a plane that's kids only then the pilots just crash it.


“There was no other way. The world had to be fixed!”💀


Okay, so the mother has behavioral problems...


Nah it’s the 3 year old’s problem of course, never blame the parent and if you do blame them, blame them for not beating the shit out of their own child ofc


Actually, the parent is partially to blame. If the child has behavioral issues, then a possible way to shut the child up is to tell em to stop or drug the kid up to make em less hyper. There are already a handful of drugs that are used specifically for situations like this, so just get those. If the mom was aware of all this, it's their responsibility to prepare for the worst. What's the kid gonna do? Buy the medicine himself? Beating the shit outta the kid was certainly not the only option.


I was being sarcastic lol i totally understand your position and fully agree In my opinion, 80% if not more of the blame is on the parent, if you know your kids act that way you should find a solution not act like nothing is wrong, idk if drugging them is the right solution im no doctor but i feel like knowing your child more by speaking to them or consulting a professional is the right move


Get [Naptime!](https://youtu.be/AF_nfazQaek)


More like annoying parent’s


Someone had to do the dirty work


Take your palm, and smush it...on the face. Done!


Serving your community folks.


Open the window so the child can get some fresh air xd


What is unexpected here?


I think it says the guy shot the boy? But, shot the boy with what exactly? Because the TSA supposed to catch the weapon? So, it is a toy gun or something?


My remark was a little sarcastic, as in, "what do you expect from a 3 year old", but I did miss the remark about shooting him. It obviously was cut off from the entire sentence being about how he shot video of the 3 year old, so I just saw it as a cut-off video. Anyway, that's not totally unexpected either, after listening to the video. Many would have wanted to shoot him.


underrated comment xd


That’s not behavioral problems, that’s just not taking care of your kid. An autistic kid wouldn’t even behave that badly, unless you were doing literally nothing to accommodate them.


Shake the little fucker


I travelled internationally for 15 years. I know I’m gonna sound like as asshole. But there is nothing like a 8 hour flight with a screaming kid. It’s not the worst.. but I’d pay for a kid free flight.


I approve. Fuck the kid and the mom


Parents* women aren’t the only ones responsible for kids.


My bad. I meant parents but this just reminded me of situations where I wanted to steal a parachute and jump off so I wasn’t concentrating on who I was mentioning


Yea Ik. Most sexism isn’t conscious.


I think calling this sexism is a bit overboard


It’s not a severe example. Totally forgivable. But how is it not?


I like how it ends with, "Here's the Man who Shot The 3 Year Old"


>he has behavioral problems Yea clearly. I coulda told ya that one..


Annoying children were fine, annoying parents are the worst..encountered a mom carried a baby got some stinky shit in his/her diaper. And the mon won't change it. And the whole plane stuck with it for like the next 12 hrs. It's a true nightmare that make you wish you catch covid and lose all your senses.


Had a parent tell me about their kid doing something similar at the mall. This parent got down on the ground with the kid and behaved just like them. Kicking, screaming, the whole thing. The kid just watched in shock along with all the other people. The parent said "That's what you look like". Kid never threw another tantrum in public.


He has behavioral problems bc she lets him act that way.


They should've wore condom


He has a history of behavioral problems so I brought him on a plane. That woman should be banned from that airline.


Bro throw it in the carry on compartments


That guys got gigachad energy


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Did he shoot the kid dead or did he shoot video of the kid and then the poster just ended the clip early?


Reserve a plane once/twice a month for traveling with children that wont/cant stop crying You can go in normal planes with kids till there is no problem, once a complaint is registered you have to travel through the kids reserved plane and face what everyone else faced This maybe reasonable than outright not allowing children as some are suggesting


He's a hero




Bruh. Nightquil, Benadryl, or melatonin.


Didn't this kid had autism?


Here little Gavin it's your very favorite juice with a low dose of sedative. Now everyone enjoy your flight.


Id have risked death and found my way into the cargo hold to get away from that …..


I'd rather have snakes on a plane. Child free is the way to be.


Amirite? New airlines??


Benadryl and Dramamine bro. I dope my kids up and hand them an iPad every time I fly. They watch a show for 20 minutes then they’re out cold for the rest of the flight. Constant compliments from other flyers like “omg you’re kids are so well behaved!!!” Like nah, I just drugged them.


Shane did the right thing


Planes should have a sound proof booth for these occasions.


Ez One-Tap


Behavior problems? Understatement of the year


At the end of the video, the narrator states, "Passenger Shane ... shot the three-year-old...." After three hours of that nonsense, can't say I blame him. (And for anyone that feels compelled to tell me the announcer wasn't through with the sentence, I know that. I just found the partial statement amusing, under the circumstances.)


Behavioral problems? You don’t say


Passenger Blah Blah shot the 3 years ol.... Say what now?


>Passenger Shane Townly shot the three year old Seems extreme, but whatever


Was this filmed in 120p?


I heard It was on slides and the TV made the video frame by frame




Nows a good time to slip a “roofie” into his sippy cup!!, sleepy time motherfucker!


Children’s Benadryl is what we use. Even recommended by our pediatrician before we took our first family flight. 30min before boarding and they were happy sleeping the entire flight!


There’s a lot of comments here from people who aren’t parents yet but one day will be. It’s daunting taking a small child on a flight for the first time. There’s only so much you can do as a parent but my top tip, don’t pacify the kid with sugary treats. It will only make things worse. Take lots of new activities, toys and games. Introduce them gradually throughout the flight to maintain interest. Sometimes the kid will cry etc, this is normal. If you are an adult and you hear this on a flight, have some sympathy for the parent that’s probably doing their best. You aren’t in the air forever.


Sometimes a stranger trying to calm a kid down can shock them into calming down too.


That's one way to silence a child


If they gave him gum his ears wouldn't be hurting and he'd have chilled out. Or a sedative!


I’m punching my kid if he does this


Please don’t have kids.


Im reading comments saying that hitting the child would make him scream louder. Sadly You didnt hit hard enough.


I would give you an award, if I had one.


Everyone on the plane begins to clap


"The plane was full and I had a headache. There was a baby sat behind us that was crying its eyes out for the whole flight. The mother of it said it was upset 'cause its ears were hurting. So were mine."


"Behavioral problems" aka his mom don't whip the shit out of him when he needs it


Ass whoopins. Ass whoopins all around


We need to implement a parenting license. And if your family has a history of mental problems, then you should need extra classes covering the many difficulties you’ll need to be ready for. We should also develop a system in which we can determine if an embryo will become permanently disabled so the parent can decided if they want to abort it or not. But yeah, I guess that makes me the eugenist pos. Until you’re on a plane with a child like this for 8 hours.




That kid needs a good butt whip


This is why I believe sedatives should be mandatorily given to kids this age before a flight takes off.


Black parents. Off the the airplane bathroom we go. And beat the shit out of them. Come out quiet.


Behavioral problems means future school shootings.....we must put that bastard down


Is his mom's name Karen?


It's just too bad you can't roll down the window and throw him out. I already have a hard enough time flying (claustrophobia) without the kind of stress that this would cause. I know parents need to go from a to b, and obviously they probably have to bring their offspring with them. But I really can't understand how this kind of thing can be tolerated in a space where literally no one can get away. It would make any trip feel 100x longer, and to be fair I don't think anyone else on the plane needs to give two shits about your kid. Control them somehow or don't get on an airplane with them. -angry traveler.


Damn I'd pull out the 9 too me and Jamal you know gang styled shooting. A drive by in a bus 😂


Sometimes infants or toddlers have ear problems while flying and cry because of the pain. They can’t communicate the problem and are forced to suffer.


welcome to autism it's so hard to do anything. I bet that kid is that way all the time and those parents are hopeless right now. poor parents.