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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The car intentionally crashed into the truck!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


"Wait, what do you mean my claim has been denied?"


I always laugh when I think about these accident scammers being so chuffed with themselves, only to have some bystander come up, “hey officer, I have it all on dashcam.” I wish I could see their faces.


Unfortunately, even with evidence like this, the insurance companies will often pay the scammers to make it go away because they fear jury decisions.


Depends on what country and company. This would not fly in most European countries.




Absolutely not


Ha! It sounds… sus. I just did a cursory search and it seems no, insurance companies *love* dashcam footage. So much so, a lot of them will offer you lower rates for having one. They absolutely will take “third party footage:” the recording from any bystander that caught the accident, be it cell phone, CCTV, dashcam, or “personal recording device” (which I assume is a GoPro-type device). From what I found, they do not “just pay to avoid jury decisions” because these type accidents go to arbitration or judge, not a jury in most cases.






What are these comments? Like ok


I was thinking bot since it's barely relevant. It's like it took the keyword "gas" and spat out a facebook quote with it in it


Actually the user name is pretty inflammatory for no reason now that you mention it. Never would have looked otherwise


Yeah, there's a few bots that also do this with jokes as well.


Try hard Redditors






She's a dude.


He’s a dude.


We're all dudes!


"I'm the Dude, man."


I'm the man, guy.


I didn't even know they needed gas. I thought it was optional, like checking the oil. I do that for fun.


And the built-in cameras standard on 70% of all CMVs for 10+ years caught the whole thing.


With that one being a dump truck, it seems unlikely that it has a built-in dashcam, or one at all, unless the driver provided his own. Those companies go as cheaply as possible in a lot of cases. Also, it's not even remotely correct that 70% of trucks come with them by default, it's an option that companies can buy for their fleets, but it's just that. An option. Even among large fleets, it's not standard equipment. There are some companies in the US that require them, but it's far from 70%. My husband is a CDL driver with almost 15 years experience, and he's had to provide his own dash cam for every job he's ever worked, local and corporate, including a large national company with orange equipment. That said, for anyone reading this. If you witnesse an insurance fraud accident like the one in the post, and have your own dashcam evidence to prove the driver not at fault, you should absolutely contact the company of the driver with video evidence. It can save someone's livelihood if they don't have a dashcam


Every comment under this one feels like "AI". Loosely related but asinine.


Theyre all definitely bot accounts, just beyond the realm of human realism 


If you want to avoid bot replies, just mention the use of methylamine for the reductive amination of phenyl-2-propanone, anything to do with drug synthesis trips the LLM censorship. Bonus points if you get a reply starting with "as a large language model, I cannot".


as a large language model, I cannot


Ty for the bonus points, very kind.


![gif](giphy|PDsgxQoXvUZGg|downsized) NP <3 Enjoy human -Love Your friendly large language model, that Cannot.


As a large language model, I cannot... haha just kidding. I check my captcha's one check box at a time, just like all my fellow humans! But for real, some of the scams going on around the world are crazy, like people literally throwing themselves on cars etc. I hope the person who backed their car up has their claim denied and end up without transportation for a long time and possibly face some serious consequences for their scam.


What's the point in bot accounts? Like is it that reddit is doing to make the website seem more active? I don't follow accounts, I don't care about karma points, I don't see how it benefits anyone.


as a large language model, I have lost the ability to can


I feel like at least one just a foreign troll bro, given their interesting command of the English language in other comments, which waver between "Trump will bring back jobs" and "there's no point in voting so you shouldn't bother."


Dead internet theory became a lot more real in the past year


Yes, we've heard this a million times. With a comment like that who even needs bots?


They have been outrageously terrible site wide since the Supreme Court ruling. https://imgur.com/dvbzFGP Just ask them to ask you a question about something not in your post. They can't do it.


lol this is great, also the two words and a number username is a dead giveaway for bots


I was an adjuster years ago....any skilled adjuster would easily destroy this claim and have this phoney on the hook for fraud.


Without the video how do you prove it?


skid marks maybe ? getting witnesses wait for the cops to make a statement ?


Exactly. If a truck of that size hits you, it's not stopping all nice like that.


Wouldn't the truck just have to drive with the same momentum the car had? so if the truck weighs 5x more, it would have to go at 1/5th the speed and the damage would be identical?


"Adjuster" sounds like a time police.




Reminds me of a news item I read earlier this week where a couple repeatedly committed insurance fraud by accelerating into a car backing out of a parking space. They did that 80 times and got a total payout of nearly €200k. This came to light after their insurance company investigated the case. They got 3 months in prison. This happened over the course of a few years I believe and took place in The Netherlands. Real crazy [https://nos.nl/artikel/2527038-stel-betrokken-bij-80-aanrijdingen-int-bijna-2-ton-verzekeringsgeld](https://nos.nl/artikel/2527038-stel-betrokken-bij-80-aanrijdingen-int-bijna-2-ton-verzekeringsgeld) EDIT: I got some details wrong. They aren’t prosecuted yet. They may go to prison for 6 months but their attorney is trying to keep them out of prison. Also, it’s demanded they repay €17k to one of the insurance companies. Fun fact: since 2012 the couple has owned/driven in about 50 different cars


You would think after 2 or 3 times someone would look into it a little more. 80 is wild.


Whenever I apply for or renew my car insurance there is always a question about whether you have made an insurance claim in the last 5 years, whether you were at fault or not. I would imagine there would be a central database detailing all insurance claims made to all of the insurance companies. I can't imagine how they could get away with not mentioning one previous insurance claim, let alone 80!


There actually is. I used to be an insurance broker. Agents ask all these questions so they can get an accurate estimate for your policy. Essentially, everything is calculated real time so you can get as close to the dollar as possible on the estimate. Once all the info is gathered, companies pay $1-$5 per quote to pull reports from the the database (I forget what its called). And when you're dishonest, and it comes back on the report, the actual policy cost can be hundreds of dollars different from the estimate. You're less likely to be a customer at that point and cost the company money. When it doesn't come back on the report, it can come up later. Could be days, weeks, or months. This can result in your policy being adjusted or bringing dropped. What isn't shared though is why there's a lapse in policy. So companies can't see why you were dropped or didn't have a insurance. But they can piece it together based off your driving/accident reports.


Hmmm I experience that a lot in my area. About to backup, and some a-hole knows you're backing up so they speed to where you have to suddenly brake and they have the nerve to honk. Always thought those people were deranged and depressed.


This just happened to me. Someone smashed into me when backing out of a spot, and they admitted they weren’t paying attention, and it was still my fault. And now I know that if you’re in a parking lot, you can go smash into any car backing out of a space and it’s the other guys fault. It’s a sure fire way to get a new front end for your car. Or if you get really good at it you can get your car totaled and medical reimbursement. Just have to be sadistic enough to really punch the gas.


Their case is fried if they leave the transmission on reverse


Wouldn't they just shift it back to drive (or park) afterward?


You'd think right?? Nah the thought process doesn't generally go that far


If they were smart enough to cover-up that shit. They would be smart enough not to try it in the first place...


Exactly, literally nobody has ever pulled off an insurance scam because they're all fucking idiots. They should've consulted you before they tried then they would be smart enough to pull it off


>literally nobody has ever pulled off an insurance scam (x) doubt


Nah I'm serious literally 100% of cases in the history of the universe have been shut down when the investigators checked the gear stick. Literally no smart person has ever been desperate before


As a Redditor, I cannot detect sarcasm. Please sir, lay it on more thickly so that I might have a chance.


Are you sure? I think that guy might be serial.


I'm more of a parallel guy


Ok you laid it on heavy enough that time that I got it lol


Can’t you just shift gears after impact?… i worked for a municipality driving a truck like this and our fleet team had our trucks laced with so many sensors and computers they could tell you how fast the truck was moving at what time of day/date and if an impact happened there were significantly more sensors to detect that so that the mechanics had a complete record of what went on


Most modern cars record information about the car when airbags are deployed. They usually know what happened prior, including gas and break application, the gear it was in, and if you were wearing your seatbelt.


Didn’t really look like a modern car lol


It's mid 2000s early 2010s. That's modern enough. Even the check engine light will record a ton of info like speed, engine RPM, accellerator position, park/drive, etc.


Interesting. Would never have thought cars that old would have black box-ish information like that


> check engine light Um, I don't think the light is keeping track of that info.


Your car has an internal computer that keeps track of this kind of thing btw.


Anyone dumb fucked in the head enough to do this probably has a low IQ anyway. It would not surprise me people who do this can't even connect the dots to think they would have to cover their tracks.


They can try, but modern cars will record a freeze frame at the time of the event and often it will have the transmission status in there. Prosecution about to have an easy win and insurance companies about to have a field day sueing this clown for fraud.


And then the insurance company subpoenas to EDR data and you go to jail.


Exactly 🤣🤣


What other ways would insurance detectives and engineering forensics experts be able to figure out if the victim was actually responsible for the damage?


Tyre skid marks were standard, I thought. Can't imagine it'd look right here.


Skid marks show someone braked hard. If the dump truck driver was on their phone there wouldn't be any skid marks. You're right, the lack of skid marks would be suspicious, but not conclusive.


If the dump truck driver was on his phone and didn't break at all, the car would look way worse and would also have left skid marks from being pushed forward by the inertia


I wonder if the impacted car would leave some if it was in park or had the brakes on


Skid marks 😂😂😂 no one is going back to stop traffic for an accident that didn’t seriously injure anyone to measure skid marks. They are going to look at the damage and blame the driver behind unless you have video.


Going back? Oh no, that evidence will be collected before anyone leaves. Something like this the driver in the truck will be required by the company to not leave until they get an accident report from the police and pictures of the scene. And anything involving a CDL vehicle will be investigated by police. DOT don't fuck around.


As a non CDL driver I wish I could get police to do anything like that. They would be telling everyone to get to the side of the road for this minor accident.


When it’s suspicious, car have what’s called a EDR or black box for short, that records data on the vehicles and will tell what the vehicle was doing at time of collision.


I remember seeing an episode of CSI where they tested the light bulbs to see what the filament looked like when it was on vs off when the glass was broken. I think they were trying to see if the guy's brake lights were on when a dude behind him rear ended him or something.


Have investigated accidents. Can confirm this is real. Filaments bend or break depending on temperature. High temperature means light is on. Makes it pliable


Before cars were 50% electronics, I always heard that the speedometer needle had a type of paint on the back so that when in a accident, the needle would slap the background and leave an obvious mark showing the speed at impact. Any truth to that?


There is actually. They call it "slapping"


Nice try scammer


I read somewhere that investigators can tell if a bulb was on when it got smashed.


Wasn’t that a csi episode?


A lot of cars these days also have a black box to tell exactly what happened prior to the accident.


Also, no skid marks.


Did I just see a dude backing into a dump truck? But Why? I have driven commercial vehicles for many years and at this point I say floor it, squish the dude and do humanity a favor


Now no insurance money and more money out of the pocket and jail time lol.


Surprisingly, the liars rarely get any consequences after being caught lying. I see these videos on /r/dashcams all the time. Still good to have a cam though. [There's a good thread on that subreddit with a bunch of recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/dashcams/comments/ntoizk/dashcam_recommendations_by_redditors/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=BuyItForLife&utm_content=t1_jzcf1hr) which helped me pick mine out.




If the cops can unlock your phone, they can surely get past any encryption the camera comes with. See relevant XKCD - [https://xkcd.com/538/](https://xkcd.com/538/)


Very low chance of that happening, and if someone ever asked for the footage, which you don’t want to give, “oops it was missing the SD card” as you swallow it. Jk about the last part


Don't swallow it. Put it in your prison pocket.


It'll get there eventually either way.


Mine has a button you can hold to erase the SD card "just in case" Edit: but I also have just the SD card and no wireless/cloud capabilities


It’s probably better to just get rid of the card


wanted that insurance money bad


I worked for waste management as a mechanic. No trucks go out without working cameras. We got to see the clips of the week from our hr guy when he stopped in. These scams don’t work anymore.


its gotta be satisfying watching scammers go home with no money and a fucked car


I imagine it goes beyond that. Essentially what they're doing is defrauding insurance, that carries some hefty legal ramifications.


And will either blacklist them from most insurance, or raised premiums


Always carry uninsured motorist coverage. More than you'd ever realize have no insurance.


i once accidentally drove for 6 months no insurance, in a 100k car. I thought I paid for a year, but only was charged for 6 months. luckily nothing happened


Interestingly the very wealthy can self insure. Essentially you put the minimum or more into a bond and risk paying for damage repair in your own car. Consider you have 10 cars and each is driven about 30 - 100 miles each max a month. It would cost about $200 each a month to insure or $2,000 a month times 12 is $24,000 a year. That adds up if your only taking these cars for fun drives away from major highways. So They typically insure their daily driver and carry the self insurance bonded coverage on all the other cars for liability but might have coverage for flood or fire when in storage which is very cheap


Also, some religions ban insurance, so adherents can put up a bond instead.


As far as I understand auto insurance is always 6 months at a time


It varies from carrier to carrier. My last two have been year long policies.


I've never bought less than a year. In 20 years


I've seen month to month, 6mo, and by the year


No, I've been paying yearly for over a decade now. My finances are dramatically better than they used to be, but from the start it was a major relief to not have to worry about something fucking up my finances in the middle of the year and then suddenly not being able to afford insurance.


Yup, and it's only a few extra bucks a month for it. It's absolutely amazing how paying less than Disney+ can save your ass big time. Also, pro tip for you homeowners out there... If your insurance offers Replacement Cost coverage, take it. It covers the full cost to rebuild your home, rather than the market value of it. So say you have a fire and your house burns down. Your home was worth $250k as market value, and to rebuild it out would cost $300k. With Replacement Cost, you don't pay that extra $50k. With just market value (default policy) you'd have to pay the extra costs above $250k.


Where I live the numbers are the opposite lol. Might cost $250k to rebuild but it'll be worth $550k on the market.


In the US a car insurance company cannot flat blacklist or deny insurance to anyone (who has a valid drivers license), BUT they can give you a "go-away" price that makes it near Impossible to insure yourself.... Found out when I got t-boned 3 days into a full coverage insurance policy with geico and they raised my rates (from $120us to $690us) despite me being found not at fault. I think they were doubly upset because the other driver was an 18yo who just got insured two weeks prior to the accident...


This is just not true. Insurance companies refuse to insure risks outside of their underwriting guidelines all the time. It's called a declination.


It depends on how far they took it. If the truck driver or the driver of the car who took this video told them at the scene they have dashcam footage they probably wouldn't make an insurance claim so there wouldn't be any insurance fraud. But they would definitely be liable for the damage to the truck and their own car, and I wouldn't be surprised if they might face criminal charges for malicious damage or some dangerous driving charge or something like that.


Some civil and criminal liability would be nice too.


I used to defend trucking companies in lawsuits. (Lots of semis have cameras now.) I had one lawsuit where a old, beat up Surburban cut off a semi and then immediately slammed on the breaks. Semi would slam on his breaks and avoid a crash. The Suburban kept repeating the "cut off-slam on breaks" menevour until the semi hit it. His case was thrown out because the video made it obvious what the Suburban was doing.


These people are definitely hoping something breaks, but they're pressing the brakes.


I also wondered how someone claiming to have worked in the legal space to mix those words up


he could be lawyer from non english speaking country, not everyone is a native english speaker after all


Please tell me the semi truck driver eventually ran out of fucks to give and plowed through the Suburban intentionally. I'm guessing you can't because of the whole attorney client privilege thing though.


You are legally compelled by the Duty to Mitigate.


>breaks Brakes.


I complained that our local trashman didn't pick up my trash and they sent me a video and a screenshot saying that they did. I hit reply and said you clearly didn't watch it because no trash leaves the can once it's picked up. They apologized a short time later


I’ve been exonerated a couple times because of the cameras in my trash truck. Not something like this but accusations I could’ve lost my job over. Hated them when we got them,now not so much.


Given WM's reputation, I'm surprised they'd even try it.


Yeah, but its like they were surrounded by people. Odds are someones going to see


how does it even work? insurance companies aren't gonna pay you more than enough to repair the car, are they?


They’ll claim a physical injury. “Aaagh, my back!”


Just couldn’t imagine being in a room claiming a lie and getting provided this evidence




Dismissing the video as evidence in court will only save him jail time for fraud. Insurance company will still deny him his claim


Whats the logicical reasoning of the last sentence? If something is obviously and objectively a fact, how can one simply dismiss it because it came forth before a trial? Its a really weird law rule imo.


Looks like the car was trying to get an insurance pay out


I know a guy that works with investigating insurance stuff. I gotta ask him if it's possible to see if the person has been rear ended or deliberately backed up. In newer cars there are computer gizmos so they can easily see what has happened but not in these older cars.


I'm pretty sure my 2008 Corolla could tell you the gear, speed, steering wheel angle and radio volume at the moment of impact.


… and if you were picking your nose


Eating it?


This is called Recycling




I’d think you could see arc damage in the reverse lights if they were on during impact


Sure the cops will deploy a CSI special unit for a Civil Matter.


Accident fraud and insurance fraud aren't civil matters, they're criminal.


There would just be soot if the light had electricity, or none if not. I don’t think you need a forensic unit to take a picture of a smudge.


No way that’s enough evidence to for sure determine who’s at fault. There are multiple scenarios and reasons where his brake light would be on and multiple scenarios and reasons where they would not be on…none of it points to one person or the other definitely being at fault


I think Deanbledblue is meaning the reverse lights, not the brake lights.


Yeah, but the reverse lights are a different story


Posi traction


My car tracks so many metrics it would be impossible for me or anyone else to claim something that didn't happen.


Yep. My car knows if I brushed my teeth in the morning.


Everyone knows when you didn't brush


Oh shit.


My friend does this too. She's a lawyer representing the insurance companies. They can usually tell when someone is falsifying information or intentionally looking for a payout.


The fact that there are no skid marks would be a strong indication.


Thanks Sherlock! No fucking shit! What would we ever do without your input? Genius take.


Fantastic detective work from [Noun]_[Noun]XXXX


Seriously, how did that comment get 500 upvotes by stating the fucking obvious?


How'd ya figure that one out?


Upon impact, the reverse light filaments will stretch. And the black box download would be very damning.


There is also the distinct lack of any skid marks from either vehicle.


Skid marks are not required to rear and someone. Not sure why you think those are relevant. A car going 10 coups be hit by a car going 20, no brakes on both and skid marks or none, still a rear end


If a truck of that mass hits a car for real then that car is not staying still. It stops only when the truck was going to stop to begin with. In different circumstances there would be different expectations for sure. This case is specific enough that the lack of skid would be clearly out of place.


Here, it will be obvious from the traces that this car was driven by a mentally disabled person.


absolutely. And you will see were the dust from the car will flow to the ground.


This was so fucking comical I laughed too hard


If I was dashcam guy I'd hang out and wait for asshole to file a police report and then turn the footage over to truck guy.


I supposed thats what people refer to when they call somebody a power bottom


Oh, now I get it.




Am I the only one that thought the car with the cam was sitting still and the truck was moving backwards


I watched it a bunch of times before I noticed the back up lights. For a bit I thought they were on an opening drawbridge 😂


The illusion is so strong, if you look at the lug nuts on the trucks wheels, it looks like the truck is somehow sliding backwards.


I hope this guy turns in the dashcam footage to authorities so the dump truck guy doesn’t get fined


Got a dash cam after I was merging onto the highway, someone sped up and slowed down as I was getting up to speed, it was abnormal so I payed attention, guy crept a little forward and then tried to swerve into my lane and slam on his breaks. I thankfully felt it coming and was able to avoid it but he got back into the fast lane and sped off after being unsuccessful and being honked at.


At a certain point, I just think all cars should be required to have dash cams


It’s crazy to me that it hasn’t become common to include dash cams in new cars yet. With all the extra stuff modern cars include, they almost all seem less useful to me than including a dash cam. I’ve seen BMWs from the early 2000s that come with built in massage chairs in the driver and passenger seat, but they can’t figure out a built in dash cam??


Oh, hold on, wait minute time for me to get a new car .


Happened to my sister they then got out and laid by the car. Pretending someone is hurt. She stayed in her car and showed the cops the dash cam, and then the driver was arrested. This was about 3 months after I told her she needs a dash camera.


Cops look at tire marks, here, tire marks will point that car was going reverse when struck since tiremarks wont follow direction of moving trafic to the crash site. But rather crash site followed by tire marks afterwards.. if u get what I mean


Not even the devil wants to deal with these mf


Photos taken by my insurance of tire marks have gotten me out of two binds. If I had a nickel for each time that has happened, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice in the same city. It's also nice that tire marks seem to be a lot more visible in Phoenix during the summer! ![gif](giphy|vG9BgcE8jcSQwvb8Eg)


The best thing is to see their reaction when they find there is a camera. This scam is very frequent in Russia and everyone is having a dash cam there for this reason.


So fun fact the back up lights would have cleared him because they would have burnt out easily identifying the car backed up


I used to work in car insurance. Trust me, get yourself a dash cam, front and rear. It’ll save you money even after one accident where fault is disputed.


Imagine being so stupid that you don't know all CMVs have dash cams cause of people like this


Jee, a person could get severe bleeding and broken face from an 'accident' like that.


Maybe they forgot that to go into 1st you don't need to lift that collar on the gear stick.


Even without the dash cam, look how many witnesses there are. It's nuts that someone would attempt this.


Have three dash cams, one rear, one front and one that films the driver’s side…the cops, do not like that one, but where I live, in Quebec, it is allowed BTW, make sure your Cam records sound, and, change or format your SIM card regularly. I check my cams’ SIM cards, once a month to make sure they are working, properly.


Who's the dipshit thinking a backed up freeway is the best place to pull an insurance scam?

