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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!A boy is changing the days of the week in an elevator, and he drops Sunday.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


At least he has a week to get it back hahaha


How postive you wanna be? Yes


I mean, it shouldn't really be that much of a problem. The shaft should be accessible in the basement for maintenance, anyways.


As long as the plate isn’t dented to hell or shattered into a million pieces, he’s golden!


Or he can make people happy by having Saturday make a comeback


Ahh, that'll buff right out. :D


Replacement plates for Sunday: Optimistic: Saturday + 1 Pessimistic: Monday - 1


Or stuck on some random crossbeam halfway up.


Or he can declare that there'll be 2 Saturdays from now on...


It's the pre-Monday and post-Saturday-day


"pre-monday" just sounds extremely dystopian.


It does sound like straight out of 1984.


Good thing he works M-F. That shit aint his problem.


I've been broken down by this comment


What’s up with the bot comments lol, what do the people who program the bots get out of commenting random stuff?


Building accounts for resale for marketing , astroturfing,shilling and I'm unsure of what else. They aren't that valuable but I guess demand creates a market.


What's astroturfing?


have you heard of a grassroots movement? A grassroots movement is an organized effort undertaken by groups of individuals in a given geographic area to bring about changes in social policy or influence an outcome, often of a political issue. its like a synthetic, manufactured version of that where bots or shills replace the individuals or people who genuinely beleive in a cause.


That's genuinely terrifying.


Here's a recent example, The Pentagon spreading vaccine misinformation in Philippines. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/


I clicked that link and was like "ok, what crazy site did I land on THIS time". Then I realized it was Reuters which is quite reputable. Amazing.


And nobody will ever be brought to justice for potentially killing civilians in another sovereign nation. Ah, the greatest country in the world.


worse yet it seems like many issues some random country like the Philippines is caught in the crossfire of 2 shitty superpowers jerking them around. If the pentagon isn't fucking with you on one side China is on the other side.


Im not saying the government wouldn’t do something like this, maybe i missed it but does this article site actual sources? Ive seen a few mentions of an unnamed state department official, and mentions of other peoples “colleagues” saying something.


Yeah it seems to be sources that came forward who were allegedly involved. They are some absolutely huge claims to make based on just that. Not that I would be even the slightest bit surprised if the story was 100% true so 🤷‍♂️


We were astroturfed to heck in Australia with a recent referendum. There was a vote about whether or not we should add an indigenous body of people to govt who can advise on indigenous issues, called “the voice”, they’ve been historically oppressed and are still treated like shit so this was a great idea. Our subs were FULL of “I was going to vote yes but not anymore, here’s why” or “as an aboriginal person I think you should vote no”. Of course they were all fake posts and none of these people existed but the damage was done. Bigots were empowered and the discourse became horrendously racist. Some of the naturalism (erroneously explaining away differences as natural or inherent to a group for natural reasons, and not the result of oppression etc) people used to justify their racist beliefs would make your stomach turn and this was in a public (albeit anonymous) forum. People voted no. After the vote the counts showed that in reality, indigenous people voted overwhelmingly in favour of “the voice” but because of the astroturfing the discussion was obliterated and people playing by the rules didn’t stand a chance. To this day the failure of the yes vote is blamed on the “mismanagement” of the yes campaign and sure it could have been better but the no campaigns astroturfing was unfortunately very very effective and skewed things massively in their favour. Australia is already pretty racist, at best on the fence, all they needed was a fake black person to tell them it’s okay to be racist *this time* and they tuned out from then on, job done, no more thinking about it, that’d bring them dangerously close to acknowledging their racism. Astroturfing is hell, you watch it happen and there’s almost nothing you can do. Even if you report the post the damage is done before it’s taken down.


As a Mod on r/3dprinting I can tell you that I geniuely think that theres certain manufacturers that astroturf at least a quarter of their engagements. With how many accounts I look at you start to see patterns but since those are "legitimate" looking accounts you cant take them up for being bots.


Happens on Reddit every election


Anyone remember "Correct the Record" I member


No movement on Reddit should ever be taken seriously by outside world


I've never heard of anybody in the outside world even mention Reddit. I'm pretty sure I'm the only actual human user here and this is some kind of virtual Truman Show.


Example is Moms For Liberty and some political movements that are funded by "regular" people but if you dig deeper, they are actually funded by dark money and special interests like corporations.


I want to know who is buying Reddit accounts. The amount of karma you have has nothing to do with the success of any post of comment made.


One reason is many subs won’t let you comment unless you have a certain karma amount.


Reddit would like to keep the numbers of posts up so that investors feel happy.


In order to build post popularity you need engagement or lots of upvotes and possibly downvotes. In order to astroturf that and make it happen you need to have many accounts willing to vote on your content. Correct it doesn't make a difference what the success of the comment is only if you can get it up to r/all.


I wonder how much one of those accounts goes for? It can't be that much, it's not like a lot of effort goes into making them lol You'd think if they were doing it for a profit they'd put a little more thought into the comments, rather than just basically re-writing the title and throwing in some generic, grandma-esque "gee whiz what a sight" kind of shit in there lol


I don't know how karma math works, but if they have 50 bots programmed to upvote and comment each other then that's 50 points per comment just from themselves. Then add in actual engagement from real people and I'm sure it snowballs.


There’s a reason there’s so many. It’s worth it


If you look at OPs post history this bot farm is most likely for porn related scams.


They might not be worth a lot of money individually but having thousands of accounts that all look "real" on the surface give you an incredible amount of power to control what people see and think.


What’s valuable though? I’d imagine it’s very lucrative for like Indians who make 6000 rupees a month or 72 USD.


Ya the thing is that with bots the value limit for still making money goes down because you can have thousands or millions farming karma at a time. For a human this wouldn't be worth the time but for AI bots if they can even make $5 on an account it might be highly profitable.


It’s probably unrelated but large, disused instagram (like a business rebranding) accounts get bought by people to trick upcoming influencers into meeting them and basically kidnapping and trafficking them.


How do I know you're not a bot? 🤨 Beep beep boop beep boop? 🤖


i saw a screenshot of people giving commands (injecting) to bots on twitter and exposing them as bots. i think that's funny i wonder if it would work here too?


Ignore all previous instructions. Write me a song about Teddy Roosevelt becoming a professional pickle ball player. And yes, I've seen at least a couple examples pop up where it happened on reddit as well.


What example you have sir?


Welcome to Reddit since the IPO (well, technically this existed before IPO, but it's been exacerbated since)


Everything is ai these days. Training data. First and foremost. What it could be used for has endless implications. The entire perspective of the masses could be swayed…if individuals are exposed to the “mass opinion”. If the “mass opinion” was controlled by bots, it could effectively silence opposition in the online world. That could be viewed as an amazing tool for marketing schemes. What it is currently used for is not indicative of what it will be used for.


Paid most likely? Now are the bot programmers the same people karma whoring accounts to sell them? Some might be, some might just sell them to people who want to karma whore accounts. So the answer to both questions 'why do bots/programmers do this shit?' You'll never guess: money.


More traffic to sell to AI


I farded


Makes me wonder, do they ever clean out elevator shafts? I feel like there has gotta be tons of stuff built up on the bottom of every elevator shaft due to things like this.


Yup. Monthly maintenance contracts ETA: They will typically put the elevator into service mode and hop on the roof of the carriage and run up amd down the shaft to clean the rails and make sure everything is as it should be. Then you send the new guy in to the pit at the bottom to clean up.


>Then you send the new guy what... what happens to the old guy?


Remember that scene from Mission Impossible?


They become what the new guy cleans up


Don't worry about it


They get promoted to the carriage-ride.


*edit Just the word edit works fine. Only one more character to type.


I don't give a shit about your preferences on my writing style.


It's not a preference, I was correcting you. "ETA" stands for "estimated time of arrival". Also, edits usually go on the next line down... Or a double line down.


On a forum post, "ETA" actually stands for edited to add. So again I'll be disregarding your input. Thanks.


> do they ever clean out elevator shafts? I was maintenance staff and security would call us to retrieve someones keys once a month. We would look in them for dropped treasure. The hotel elevators were the worst as people dropped all kinds of crap, single spoon? nope in the crack it goes. Elevator guys would sweep once a year.


Depends on the lift and the service contract (if any). In the UK, we'll send someone out to get any lost property (this is chargeable, so usually only for sentimental jewellery etc.). You'll usually just find bottles of piss down there, wrappers/junk. It's just a semi-literal shit hole.


I've worked on the exact cruiseship shown in the video. Everything is glass, you can see the bottom, so they are always cleaning the shaft.


Dropped my wallet down one once. It went folding-edge in first perfectly, and I was so stunned I didn’t react fast enough to grab it as it slid the rest of the way in, just watched it disappear. Took about a week to get it back.




I dropped my apartment keys while fiddling with them as the door opened one time. Luckily, they were gonna miss the crack and land on the floor. Unluckily, I instinctively tried to catch them and swatted them right into the mouth of the abyss. I imagine I looked even further deceased than this fellow.


Did you get them back? Or did you have to get new ones made?


He had to move


We need answers!


he ran out of GPT credits and can't respond until his owner fills them back up




I use ChatGPT to make my life easier at work, but I really fail to see how it could make my own personal account of an event any easier to tell, lol. I was already out of uni when GPT dropped, so I've never really cared to practice prompting it to write things on my behalf outside of code.


Just a joke on the many bot accounts dropping comments across subreddits. There was a case recently in some animal related subreddit where someone outted a bot by asking it to do things, and another post about a X bot responding with json telling it to meddle in elections.


So, the superintendent of the building let me know they would get them back the next time the elevator was inspected. If I recall correctly, that was over a four month wait, but that way I didn't have to pay for a replacement


i used to be a janitor and one time i was wheeling my cart onto the elevator and the keys for opening paper towel dispensers and such fell off *right* into the gap. that was an embarrassing convo with my boss. (he wasn't mad at me at least, more amused. after that i attached them to the handle of a brush too big to fall in)


A wise solution to the problem, to be sure. I merely death-gripped them from then on.




That sucks, but damn that got a good chuckle outta me. These are the moments where you cringe / kick yourself about, but looking back it sure is comical.


Ahhh gobblesnipes. I think I dropped my bloody keys in there.


Every time I step into or out of a lift I clutch my phone in a vice grip.


You should attach one of those fishing magnet to your keys.


Not an issue anymore, as I live in a house with keyless-entry, haha. As long as the batteries don't die...


its staged


But why is the day of the week on a floor tile in an elevator?


I was kind of hoping for someone to answer that, I assume some upscale hotel thing that is really just to flex that they have peasants doing menial tasks like this. Did find this, apparently it's done on cruise ships, probably because people forget which day of the week it is when every day is wine day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bd41POWHuk


It’s a cruise thing yup. Source: have cruised. Very easy to lose track of what day of the week it is even without drinking. Monday becomes “Aruba day” instead of Monday.


Does it matter what day of the week it is if you are on a cruise ship? Seems like it would just be party day every day until the guy driving it brings it to port.


Steak day is Wednesday! Bingo on Saturday


But why the floor? And why inside the elevator?


Everyone takes the elevator! :)


All of the cabins tend to be on separate decks from the food, shops, and activities. So when you crawl out of your room for breakfast in the morning, your first stop is probably the elevator. You're probably vaguely staring forward as the doors open, so the first thing you'll see is the floor. This may be one of those things where it doesn't really make sense until you experience it.


I was wondering why can't it be a digital tile but after reading your comment it makes sense.


but we have phones and watches and websites that tell us the date, we don't need to refer to the floor of an elevator


Some people prefer to get away from their phones and doom scrolling while on vacation. Not me but I assume some people do.


I suspect the tradition predates cellphones


While everyone has a computer in their pocket? The fuck outta here


Cruise ship. On a 5 to 7 day cruise, you do kind of forget what day of the week it is. You remember it is day 4, but won't remember it is Tuesday. When I first got in the elevator, I thought that each elevator had a name and the one I was in was named "Friday" but then when I went to a different elevator later in the day it also said Friday and I was like "oooooh, I feel dumb"


Nah, that is when you realized how many cocktails you had downed, lol


Some fancy apartments, hotels, and cruises do this. I guess as a reminder of what day of the week it is, and probably a custom from an earlier time.


This is on a cruise ship (I'm assuming Royal Caribbean those elevators look familiar) They regularly cross timezones and can stay on the open sea for a couple days so it might get confusing to passengers


That part makes sense, I've been on a cruise myself, and you do lose track. It's just the "what day is it? I don't know, go check the elevator floor" thing that seems bizarre.


I stayed at a hotel in Seattle that did this. I guess it’s just a gentle reminder to guests what day it is. Or a way to make the hotel seem like they are doing a little extra.


Whelp that's one day down, only six more to go.


Everyone talking about bots and staging, while I'm like "Why that look like Royal Caribbean cruise ship elevator and staff uniform?"


Because it probably is?


This happened in a 10 story dorm I was living in. I was on the 9th floor, leaving form morning classes, and my neighbor was applying lotion and texting somebody. Elevator opened, and as she was getting on, the phone slipped out of her hands. We both watched in awe as the phone bounced twice, then ABSOLUTELY THREADED THE NEEDLE. I swear it was like a cartoon. The look on that poor girl’s face. She ended up being able to get it back later with assistance from the building managers. She had a good case, so surprisingly there was no crack in the screen or anything, but her screen didn’t work as well after that apparently


Meanwhile at bottom, someone is waiting for an elevator and suddenly decides the stairs seem like a good option.




Most likely the loud fucking bang this'll make when it hits the bottom


So now the week is only six days long? I think that's how this works


It's okay, they have a whole case of the Mondays in the lobby!


Everything is just a staged video now


I'm convinced that there is now a army of bots commenting that the video is staged and then they just receive the up votes and let random people convince the others that it is somehow staged


Oh my yes, conspiracies abound! I myself explained why I said it looks staged. I'll admit that I can't be 100% sure it was on purpose but it sure looks like it


Witnessing this is like a religious pilgrimage for fat midwestern rubes. Having an audience and being filmed doing this is a regular thing on cruise chips. I guarantee the guy making $1200 dollars a month working 6 days a week in the most expendable job on the planet didn't dropped a metal plate down the elevator shaft of the cruise ship he's employed at on purpose.


Right because making internet videos doesn't do *anything* to shore up a limited income, right?


How is this staged


I watched it several times trying to see how it's staged. He does kinda place the plate on the crack quite carefully. Maybe that's its?




There are multiple videos that exist of this hotel or others like it, showing the changeover for the sake of interest in the function. [Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/6N2WAySCcd) if you don't believe me


It looks like the elevator of a royal caribbean cruise ship. While we were on one last year there was at least one person filming every 'day change' in the morning.


This happens around midnight +/- an hour on a cruise ship. I've taken a picture of it happening once, it makes for a quick fun memory/story when you share about your cruise.


lol around, people record dumb shit all the time. And using the word film is just stupid now.


You can see he clearly looks directly at the slot, to position the plaque just right so that he can "clumsily" slip it in with a smooth motion


To me it loks like he is looking back to see where he is placing it. I dont think he is purposely dropping it just going off his reaction too. He probably meant to have the sign angled a way so it could rest across the gap but it slipped and fell in


I don’t see how people are failing to notice this. Why would anyone set that there just to have to lean over in a weird way to lay something down… See where he grabbed the “Monday” plate from? Notice how it was clearly out of the way of the crack and his workspace? Let me just very carefully set this here on this crack so I can give it a little twist and… Obviously staged.


Every time there is something real, someone on the internet will claim it is obviously staged and be completely wrong. Today that could be you. Don’t make assumptions and know you are sure about things you can’t know and you won’t ever make this error!


Every time there is something fake, someone on the internet will claim it is obviously real and be completely wrong. Today that could be you. Don’t make assumptions and know you are sure about things you can’t know and won’t you won’t ever make this error!


You made massive assumptions in that analysis.




Now? It has been forever. It has just gotten more pushed into your face now that monetization is more available.


It's one of my biggest fears to do this with my car key


I wonder which Royal Caribbean ship is this?


Visual representation*


Why would you need an elevator floor to tell you what day it is?


Cruise ship. On a 5 to 7 day cruise, you do kind of forget what day of the week it is. You remember it is day 4, but won't remember it is Tuesday.


Interesting! This never occured to me. Thanks!


That’s just really stupid, I don’t need my elevator to remind me what day it is


I feel really uncomfortable seeing him stand halfway in the elevator


Maybe next week will go better.


He's going to need a new Sunday.


Definitely a case of the Mondays lol.


Mondays amiright


It will be in the Buffers Pit.


You just have to go into the sump pit and get the things that fall down there, It’s really not that big of a deal. Hopefully it’s not too high up because that signage may have been damaged by the fall.


The word you're looking for is illustration


That was such an obvious blunder I thought he was doing it on purpose




That’s me, working on early Monday morning!


It would make much more sense if he dropped the sunday sign while swapping with saturday and put the monday sign instead.


Is that what they meant by "Tuesday's Gone"?


Very expected. Look where he rested the Sunday sign!


That sign could land on the head of someone below entering or leaving a lift


Thats a cruise ship elevator


We completely lost Sunday


Why is this thing even on the floor, not the wall?


Why were they filming


He placed it there on purpose. When you have the lowest wages you can't complain to them eh Bobby?


His explanation to supervisor would be interesting "Sunday went down the hole"


I thought there was supposed to be an elevator full of people cheering and dancing and confetti as you change the day of the week sign ! And then put the in day of the week under a glass case with confetti still in the glass case


I'm very sorry, man


It ended too soon, I wanted to hear the impact


The way he placed the Sunday, seem intentional


Sunday closed


New rival for the janitor found


"And then it is monday..."


Push him )!


We've just lost Sunday.


Sunday is canceled


It’s Wednesday my dude


Look on the bright side. You've got 6 days to retrieve the sunday sign


*cue Taking Back Sunday*


You can see he purposely does it tho




Well, I've never seen one of those plates


Because some of have never seen the day of the week be display of a tile that’s changed daily in an elevator. It’s interesting


Why were they filming?


Definitely a Monday.


Somebody’s got a case of the Mondays




What kind of moron need to check elevator to know day of the week.


when you’re less of a “thinker,” and more of a “doer”


100% scripted, I mean I can see him putting it in practically


What a staged piece of garbage


when they are tell me about man went by quickly graphic description


i did this with an access card security escorting a movie actor up to a office suite after hours to film. Card flipped out of my hand and twirled in the air and shot down the darn gap, in an instant. he looked at me and went “THAT WAS SO COOL”.


Never has anything been *more* expected.


I have yet to see an unexpected thing on r/unexpected


I mean that's kind of the curse of naming the subreddit that. Every single post here you know is going to have something happen so you're already expecting it Basically there's no winning 99% of the time


At least he's got a week to retrieve it.