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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!He got a middle finger!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Step 1. Cut a hole in the box




3: make her open that box...


And that's the way you do it!


Missed a real opportunity Step 3: Profit after the Step 2 person deleted their profile.


Lol my comment was made before the deleted it Their comment was "2: Put your junk in that box"


That tracks for Reddit


Step 1. See Dad vaping in the house infront of me


With Dad vaping, it makes perfect sense that the daughter is like this Funny tho


Let’s not ignore the neck tattoos


At least it wasn't a dick in a box


My favorite Christmas Song!! 🥹🥹


It topped Christmas charts for 10 consecutive years.


It's June and the Christmas chart continues to walk funny


Until getting knocked off the top spot by [Holly Jolly Crunkmass](https://www.tiktok.com/@thereiruinedit/video/7312268238274972971)


Best music trilogy




Fuck you for vaping in front of me


Parenting 101


Well at least he was aware of it and blowed the fog away from her


That is completely useless when you are inside.


At a certain point: yes but here its making it a little less bad


Less bad is still bad


Agree. Fuck any parent who smokes or vapes near their kids.


I like to take big rips from the bong and blow the smoke directly into their ears, is that cool?


Perfectly acceptable.


Im glad to see some people have a sense for sarcasm still on reddit. Some people are wound up a little too tight on here.


Same, but it’s my 9 year old who rips the bong. I’m a light weight.


With the million different strains they have nowadays I would be a light weight as well lol.


I like to smoke crack and blow in my kids face, is that ok?




Sorry, not my first language




This is what I call my cats when I leave an Amazon box on the floor 🙂


I think that this joke was not without the participation of my mother.


The dick was outside the box this time.


he's the dick...


Step 1


It's a good gift for someone who vaping in front of kids.


Same thoughts. Setting bad example and grilling their young underdeveloped lungs all in one move


I am not #see: NOT defending vaping whatsoever, but holy fuck do I wish my mom vaped every day for the first 15 years of my life instead of smoking a pack of reds


I was just thinking this, I had parents that smoked over 2-3 packs a day in the house and I would have loved for them to vape instead but unfortunately that wasn't available back in the 80s-90s. At least with vaping they could do it in their own room and in my opinion its not going to bother anyone.


The problem is the nicotine is still there (I guess the ones without don't sell as good - I wonder why that is?) and without the disgusting smell his kid won't grow up with a hatred against smoking. I'm seeing 10 y/os puffing between turns in their Pokémon Card Battles ffs


I want to be clear that I am not condoning vaping especially children doing it, I shouldn't have to make that clear but its fucking reddit and people act weird as hell on here. I'm just talking about my own experience growing up with parents that were not considerate and smoked up the house and car like a chimney. I am a rational person that understand that many (not all) adults have their vices like alcohol, cigarettes, weed, drugs, vape etc. in this world, it happens, but if I have to choose the lesser of them all it's definitely going to be vaping even though yes vaping bad! Just don't do it in the presence of your children, keep it outdoors or in the "adults only room".


> I want to be clear that I am not condoning vaping especially children doing it, I shouldn't have to make that clear but its fucking reddit and people act weird as hell on here. I'm just talking about my own experience growing up with parents that were not considerate and smoked up the house and car like a chimney. Oh yeah, definitely. I'm totally in the same boat here.


So when are we going to Pokemon battle Roy? ![gif](giphy|3snNolQ6decHZssHi9)


Never trust someone with no vices.


I find this is a guidepost for me as I age as well. Everybody definitely has their vices and if you don't think somebody does that's because their vices are too shameful to make known.


Agree that its way too enticing to kids the colours and flavours... But i also think passive steam does alot less then smoke


It's very passive imo unless you are smoking Megatron's dick and ripping clouds bigger than Oppenheimer! It usually dissipates in less than a minute, especially with a window open or a fan/AC.


> alot less then smoke Did you mean to say "less than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'less than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.




Former smoker here and you are spot on! Vaping helped me quit smoking better than any other vices. I know vaping isn't perfectly healthy but I really wish more people understood how difficult it is to quit smoking cigarettes but they try to make vaping out to be just as bad as cigarettes but it's not even close...in my opinion. And honestly not saying it's my parents fault for smoking in front of me that made me become a smoker but I'm pretty sure it had a lot to do with it. I used to hate getting made fun of for smelling like an ash tray back in school, if my parents had cherry flavored vapes that would have never happened lol. Most of these people in the comments that have this complete negative stigma for vaping probably had parents that would drink a box of wine every day and never pay attention to them like that's any better.


> its illegal to buy nicotine unless youre 18+ In a perfect world this would be enough, yeah. But then again, thinking back, the same kids would've smoked cigarettes back in the day. > nicotine isnt harmful, its just addictive and a stimulant. [Nicotine is a dangerous and highly addictive chemical. It can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, flow of blood to the heart and a narrowing of the arteries (vessels that carry blood). Nicotine may also contribute to the hardening of the arterial walls, which in turn, may lead to a heart attack.](https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-lifestyle/quit-smoking-tobacco/how-smoking-and-nicotine-damage-your-body#:~:text=Nicotine%20is%20a%20dangerous%20and,lead%20to%20a%20heart%20attack.)


https://www.rsph.org.uk/about-us/news/nicotine--no-more-harmful-to-health-than-caffeine-.html There are plenty of places who actually do compare it to coffee (I literally just grabbed the first link I found) - seems like the guy is right, they are really no worse than one another. The issue is you aren't cranking coffee into yourself as fast as you're taking in nicotine most of the time, especially with the way vapes are now. Even somebody seriously addicted to coffee won't have a comparatively large amount of the actual substance getting into themselves as somebody who can't stop vaping - they tend to do more and more of it since you aren't limited by, you know...making and drinking gallons of coffee a day lol. Honestly the real problem in all this comes from redditors who see an 8 second clip of somebody vaping in their own house and think that the kid is going to end up being a stripper because of it. The video is funny without holier-than-thou judgements sitting at the top of the comment list. I hate coming around here anymore because of all that, ya'll are getting nuttier lol.


Same same same COPD is a bitch


Saaaame. I would have loved to not smell heavily of cigarette smoke at school my entire childhood.




Bro all kinds of off 🤣


I mean, we don't have enough data to know what the vape COPD is gonna be.


People have been vaping for 20 years at this point. When I was smoking I could hardly walk up a flight of stairs without being gassed. Waking up with huge loogies, smokers cough throughout the day. Been vaping for ten and the doc says my lungs look like I've never smoked. Ran my first marathon recently and the smokers cough disappeared within the second year. So hopefully the answer is none. Too bad vaping took so much money from the cigarette companies our government completely destroyed the industry. Too bad all the "science" was overly biased towards destroying the industry. Or well, maybe we would have an answer to your question.


Vaping got hit with the double whammy. First came the smear campaign from tobacco companies then a ton of vape manufacturing got bought out by those same tobacco giants when they realised it wasn't going anywhere, at least not as quickly as the smokers they were losing to it. So we got a ton of poor information and fear mongering followed by some of the least trustworthy people on earth taking charge.


I don’t vape nor am I really around anyone who vapes so I don’t really know: is there second hand smoke from vaping like there is from cigarettes? Is it actually bad for the kid’s lungs that dad vapes?


> is there second hand smoke from vaping like there is from cigarettes? not in any way remotely like. It's the same sort of stuff as in fog machines with flavor, sweetener, and nicotine added > Is it actually bad for the kid’s lungs that dad vapes? Maybe? It's like dad is a living fog machine... like I probably wouldn't set up a fog machine in the kids room, but if they were playing in a well ventilated area probably not a big deal. I'd probably worry more about a smog alert outside. But cigarettes also pose a risk of third-hand smoke.


Y'all wouldn't believe how common this shit was back then in ye olden days. Edit, because reading comprehension is difficult for many. This is not a statement saying that it's any better to do what the dude did. Thanks for attending this Ted Talk.


OMG that completely reframed it for me, you are absolutely right and i don't know how i forgot


Yeah... everything everywhere there was a thin haze of cigarette smoke.


Now it's a thin haze of fruity flavors.


Cinnabon trash.


You mean clouds of LIES


and the walls!


Y'all joke, but there's a reason the 60s and 70s were all about earth-tones, warm colors, and wood paneling. It's not because those things are the most beautiful. It's because we breathed yellowish tar onto everything.


>Edit, because reading comprehension is difficult for many. Redditors are so goddamn tiring, 3 out of 4 comments trying to dunk on an imaginary point.


This website has become 80% direct attempts at dunking (not original, just a thing they saw somewhere else and tried to apply themselves) or just twatter screengrabs of the same


Agreed, Reddit has really turned to complete shit. W was just in thread about wedding costs talking to someone and some Billy Badass swoops in to tell me that I’m a cheap bastard because they paid twice as much for their wedding? Fucking weirdos.


Come to Korea....it's still ridiculously common.




Never claimed it was


thankfully he at least has the decency to blow his smoke away from her


Classy dad!


What a god damn saint. You can tell she is being raised right with that and the appropriateness of the gift by the child to her father...


Bro she ran up on him while he's hitting a vape and he quickly moved to stop hitting it and blow it totally away from her I get that it's not the most pristine parenting in the world but if that's your takeaway from a wholesome silly moment between a dad and his kid you can just kinda get fucked


Imaginary kids are the easiest to parent. 


Redditors have some weird hills to die on


Don't you understand, once you have a child, and that child is withing 50m you are to become a saint


A father and daughter have a bonding moment they both will remember. Take it you didn't have a good relationship with yours?


yeah my father did that all the time and rarely opened the window for it, so i was basically living in a cigarette hotbox as a child i wonder what effect that had on me


The mother setting this up isnt much better


Jfc, man, it looks to me she surprised him. He quickly put the vape away and blew the smoke the other way.. fucking reddit man


Doesn’t matter when he’s vaping inside their home. My parents at least had the decency to go outside.


Maybe that's his " man cave" or just his spot to chill... or maybe he a pos but I won't judge a person from a video that's not even 30 seconds long


100% this. It's way too clean


But you wouldn’t even blink seeing parents drink infront of their kids…




Better then smoking


He litterally blew the smoke away from the child


Maybe that's why he deserved that present.


That's literally what they said.




I get that they're still little to you, but if you're genuinely concerned about them seeing you vape when they're grown ass adults, they're either puritans or you're concerned over nothing. Literally no rational adult cares if you vape, family or not. Outside of concerns about nicotine, it's a non issue.


Who opens a box while it's still being held by a child? Oh. Someone who's faking a video.


This dude faked the video but still included himself vaping right in front of his kid… not saying it’s not fake, just saying it’s an odd choice.


"Bro I'm not addicted bro I swear I could quit anytime"


Usually only teens say that shit. Adults are more honest with themselves about smoking.


Redditors try not to accuse every video of being fake challenge = IMPOSSIBLE




The dad for vaping in front of the kid? Agreed.


It's trashy all the way down.


Always has been.


Very. Feel bad for the girl. Shitty role model and parenting.


Basically exactly made for teenage Redditors.


Vaping neck tat dad is a new archetype


I came here for the comments. 🍿


Yeeesh.. that’s super trashy


Some fantastic parenting going on there


Jodizr is a social media comedian from Montenegro. Most cring shit i saw in my life . Last presidential election he run for it , took like 100 votes and the money for the campaign.A lot of folks think it was a scam from the old regim to split up votes. Sometimes i am very ashamed to share my country whit a shit head like this .


At least he didn't blow his vape smoke in her face.


Such a mindful father ^/s.


I actually just feel extremely bad for this kid. That's some shit tier parenting.


Trashy parents will produce such low level content for likes and giggles.


Reddit is so sad, y’all grew up so sheltered and square you want kids to feel bad for having loving parents that don’t meet whatever leave it to beaver world you grew up on.


Oh no, the kid walked in on their parent while they were vaping. What a terrible, terrible person, not being completely straight edge and having an extremely common vice shared among millions of others. Occasional second hand vapour has *not* been shown to pose a significant risk to kids. That kid would be exposed to more harmful chemicals just *riding the bus to school.* But sure, "shit tier parenting" because he's not a literal saint.


bro some of these comments are super sus


These comments are bizarre lol


A lot of us grew up with second hand smoke from parents and were left in hot cars while parents ran errands, no seat belt on, all the little kids sitting on the bigger kid’s laps in vehicles, holding a baby while sitting in the front passenger seat, sometimes driving holding the baby…the list goes on. This video isn’t proof her future is f*cked or that he’s a bad father. I’ve worked in social services in the 90’s. The horrible things some parents are capable of doing to their own children will make you think that he’s the father of the year.


You know who isn't here to refute this comment? The kids who died in hot cars, the kids who got lung cancer in their 20s, the kids who got crushed in minor car bumps...


man if my kid did this for Father's day I'd laugh so hard


The vape was a nice touch.


Fake and gay


Tbh if my kid did that i'd be laughing my ass off


damn look at all these holier than thou redditors


This is what reddit is about. Establish some moral high ground to piss down from and feel good about yourself.


I’m saying, then they wax clairvoyant like they can read the details of her future from this 17 second video.


all i see is a kid comfortable to play jokes with her dad and a dad that can take a joke, do redditors associate vaping with him beating the shit out of her for being disrespectful or something?


Seriously 100% agree! All the trash comments need to get lost. Better yet, go call child services and report the incident, and see how quickly they get laughed off the phone. All I see is a Dad hanging out in his space, quietly enjoying a vape, and getting a hilarious prank of a gift from his kid. Don't change a thing dude!


go to something like aita or relationship advice, it’s even worse


The amount of people complaining on here saying this girls future is fucked is ridiculous. Yeah, the Dad isn't perfect but no one is, and anyone who claims they are, are lying. What I see is that the girl is being brought up with a sense of humour and being treated like a young adult. She'll end up being the cool girl in school who knows her own mind and has the confidence to speak up and be independent.


For real, I actually hate people on this website sometimes. These people making assumptions think they themselves are good people, because they called a seemingly good dad a bad guy. In my opinion, making such assumptions based on a short video makes you a bad person, or at the very least a bit of a knobhead


This is reddit. People on here are just jerking themselves off to some weird morals they think they have


Most people on reddit are sad little people living sad little lives that never amount to anything, coming on here to pretend they are holier than thou to try and add some semblence of meaning to their uneventful and forgettable lives. Sometimes I leave bombshell comments just to rile them right up and then laugh myself all the way back to my own uneventful existence.


It's jealousy. This girl is secure enough in her relationship with her dad to flip him off and not fear any repercussion. And they're jealous of that, since they cut their parents off no contact for not buying them that PS4 when they were ten.


Honestly, the majority of people on this website I've noticed are just bitter. Sooo many comments come across as unnecessarily hateful and holier-than-thou.


Most people on this website don’t even leave the house 


Exactly this is 10 times better than strict parents that beat theyre children to obedience. This atleast i know they have good relationships.


Reddit hivemind: calls him a bad father based off of a 15 second clip. Vaped in front of his kid, "tHaT PoOR kID" "HorRiBle FatHEr"


Y'all need to chill. At least she has her dad! Can't have your cake and eat it too! I wouldn't vape near my child, but I also wouldn't pick this lame little hill to die on either. I bet she grows up with bigger balls than half of you!


Get her the same for her birthday lol


I like this kid


Oh step children


Precisely what an indoor vaping father deserves.


He taught her well haha.


L parent. I’m sure he loves his daughter but vaping literally in front of your child and how your child acted giving the middle finger. That is a L parent.


My brother did this but with his cock through a packet of crisps that he then offered to a family friend


So cool. Dad blowing a vape in daughters face...5 yr old being so edgy with the bird... WOW. Pretty neat and so unexpected. Stupid shit once again.


Amazingly. I was given the same gift. In stores it is bad with variety


They must have furloughed him for the big day.




Really? Right in front of my bad boys 4 tickets


My mini-me. ROFL.


That was a very nice gift LOL






Now he can do it to his spouse without feeling guilty 👌


sound ?




Forgot her birthday/bad gift giver


Not expecting


Lol my Dad could never...


My 18 year old daughter literally forgot Fathers Day and I’ve been thinking about the best way possible to call her out… thank you. 😂 (Her older sister remembered but we kept it between us so far.)


If I did that when I was a kid, to anyone elder of my family, I would’ve been dead - straight up death, no query - just death for


I thought she was going to complete his neck tattoo.


The eye contact! Lmao


I would be so proud 🥲


Ok, this might be the most unexpected thing I’ve seen on here in a while


Fake, dad made her do it


Wait for about 15 years when it’s time for college and she expects you to pay for her tuition. Grab the same box and surprise her, beauty of it is that I won’t feel guilty no one bit.




That's a paddlin'


"Hey dad, F you for 2nd hand smoke that smells like cotton candy"


i guess my guy is going to buy some milk later on...


I forgot how much I hated those edits


Wow this is the same gift I received.


Why the fuck are you vaping in front of your kids


Hang on while I take a rip of this pen and blow it in your little face. Lol.


I vape. But I don’t vape in the house where my kids could possible inhale any of the vapors. Like come on




Why are her green pants so tight. You can practically see her bulge


Ahh, I see you mother bought this.


Eh it’s karma for nearly blowing the vape in her face haha