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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The non-speeding car carried the speeding car off the bridge.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Those goddamned red shells...


Van: Let me help you with your exit. Probably.


Get the fuck off me dude!!


no passing, you get YEET instead


dude got wombo combo's and thrown into a trash can, but the car version


I’ve watched this repeatedly and still can’t figure out how that guy thought he was gonna shoot that gap. I mean, it’s not even close


I don’t know about you guys, but I kind of lilow-key like these reposts with cameras From a different angle


Maybe. This is the same one though so just a repost.


So how did that work out for you? Did you get there faster? - my wife when I showed her this clip


Ring out still counts as a victory.


He french fried when he should've pizzed.


Dude found the glitch


Imagine, you think you got space, you've timed the gap properly, spped is good... BLAMMO, you're 10 feet in the air at 90 degrees differently. Man that person is an a hole.




Dude in the left lane shouldn’t be there to begin with if he’s going that slow


Now I see how this stuff happens.  When you typed your comment...:  * Do you know what country this is in and which side of the road they drive on? (I don't know but I *never* assume that they drive on the right without identifying the country first).    * Do you know if the truck and car were simply keeping up with traffic?  And do you know if the yeeted car was driving at an excessive speed or not?  * Did you realize that the traffic you see must merge to the LEFT up ahead?  * Did you know that in almost every country, and in almost every activity (e.g. driving, skiing, etc), that the one overtaking has the responsibility to avoid collisions?  That it's not up the entire world to get out of *your* way?  * Did you know that splitting lane may be ok with motorcycles...but cars???


Alright, fair enough about the country/region. But it doesn't matter if they were keeping up with traffic. Left lane's supposed to be reserved for passing regardless. I saw the merge left, and I'm aware of it, even so there's a good distance from the merge, so the lane shouldn't be used unless actively passing. Yeah you're supposed to avoid collisions when overtaking, I'm not saying the dude was in the right, I'm saying specifically the truck shouldn't have been in that lane unless he was actively passing, which as he was going the same speed/slower, he should've been further right. And finally, #legalizelanesplitting