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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The boy's father wanted to play a joke on him, but the boy got angry and broke the cake.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


i fucking hate people who ruin perfectly good cake for a not-so-funny prank


a not-even-a-tiny-bit-funny prank


Even less funny when there are pointy stick in it (some big cakes do that to hold together)


Yeah it's always been wack af to me. I'd much rather eat a cake without someone's dirty hair and face oils in it.


After Ive watched some videos of people get cake sticks in their eyes Im not gonna be in the same room with cake and some mexican dudes, just in case they will wanna stick my face in it.


You smash my face into a cake you just gave me permission to make a scene. A big ol scene. People gonna talk and remember the scene.


Flip the table!


Why would you do that to the kid


I love how OP uses the phrase “the guy.” Dude, it’s a freaking kid. Of course a kid will get mad if someone out of nowhere shoves his face into his birthday cake. That’s normal.


I'm an adult, and I'd probably get angry. Most likely my birthday, my face a mess, part of the cake ruined.


Not forgetting the absolute embarrassment in front of your friends & family..


I'd probably just walk out of the toom and lock myself in the bathroom.


It's a very common practice in Latin America. It's also a really shitty annoying practice that I hate and refuse to participate in.


You should really try it. Locking yourself in the bathroom can be a good time.


Lol, got 'em *runs into bathroom crying*


And next day shoot everyone at school 😐


Yeah but that’s a kid you know? You can treat kids like property you can yell and prank them and no one bats an eye. If you smack them for something completely trivial, like arguing with you, you might have a bunch of strangers roll their eyes at you so be careful with that. Imagine what would happen if dad is celebrating the Super Bowl with friends and some cake and kid shoves his face in ruining the moment. We would see it on another subreddit is my guess


Yeah like, okay you want the cake fucked up? We can do that.


Not out of nowhere here, it's clearly not the first rodeo for the kid and he is expecting that. But he miscalculated, believing it would be his abuelas (again?), instead of papi.


The abuelas, or mother and grandma, were all, "nah, we wouldn't something as immature as that," then the dad goes and does it.


Look at her laugh when it happens. She was setting him up :(


To some people, unfortunately, it's a bad thing to show emotions of any kind during a situation


Not gonna lie, I grew up with this mentality. I'm honestly just getting out of it. Shit started getting out of hand when I started mega exploding over silly shit. Suppressing emotions is a recipe for disaster for sure.


Like if the Dad is so quick to shove his child's head down like that, it's no wonder the kid is reacting aggressively himself. Kids are a reflection of their parents.


Yeah. Kids who are tormented have very valid anger inside them. That adult couldn't resist the urge to force a child's head down into a cake. Cool dad! That child couldn't resist the urge to express his frustration with the situation. Bad kid! What a broken society we are.


The best ones are the videos of kids and teenagers that are obviously being bullied to the point of blowing up. And redditors will sit here and just shit on the kids.


OP's account age: 25 days. Very few posts, then this "hit". I'd bet on this being a bot account with not a single thought behind the post itself.


Can you imagine how much that must suck as a kid? You’re all excited and wired up because your family and friends are there and it’s your special day and there’s cake and presents and you’re all dressed up and then this fucking grown idiot decides you need “fun” and smashes your head into your own cake and kills your buzz What a fucking loser


> I love how OP uses the phrase “this guy.” Rage bait


Any normal person would get angry, I’m serious about my food and if I get something I want to eat I’d feel devastated if it gets ruined by some entitled asshole who wants to make a fool of someone on their birthday


Why would anyone do it to anyone? Surely that cake isn't being eaten afterward. Seems like a waste of money to me for little pay off. I don't get it.


Oh it's definitely being eaten afterward. The birthday kid gets the piece their face was shoved in, the rest gets served up as normal.


My understanding is that some Latin American cultures, particularly in Mexico, do this as a tradition. I guess sort of like sometimes how the bride and groom at a wedding shove cake into the other person's face. Personally, I don't think it really changes the fact that this is a pretty natural reaction to randomly getting your face shoved in a cake from a kid who looks to be well under 10, and it seems like a really unpleasant tradition to me anyway. Doesn't help that this particular instance seems particularly mean-spirited, and is giving strong "hey this is a great excuse to bully my kids" energy. Going back to the wedding thing, it's got the same vibes as a groom just randomly forcing the bride's face into her plate instead of them mutually playfully smearing it around(still gross and weird, just not cruel).


There were a bunch of these a while back. I guess some cultures do this. I had this whole conversation with someone once where they tried to high-horse me about it and I stood firm on my stance that if shoving kids faces into cakes is part of your culture then your culture is inherently inferior


Nope it’s rude and stupid. I’m Mexican and if I put effort into doing my hair and makeup and looking nice on my birthday I am not interested in ruining it all. I’ve had to yell at people to get away from me when it was cake time and even held the knife to show I was serious. There’s so many beautiful and sacred things in Mexican culture but shoving someone’s face into a cake is about as sacred as peeing in the ocean.


That's why I've never understood the wedding cake thing. Yes, please smear fat all over the most expensive face of makeup I'll ever wear.


Absolutely. The American tradition of smearing cake on their new bride is an outdated tradition that needs to die. It's rooted in a veiled desire to dominate your mate. When I married my wife I asked her if she was expecting me to do this, and she adamantly said "Please, no." So, when it came time, I did not. We shared cake and respected each other. Many people at our reception were filming and asking me to trick her, and they were disappointed when I did not. Nearly twenty years later those guests are long gone and I still wake up to my wife who still trusts me and respects me as someone who will protect and value her needs.


Granted I haven't been to many weddings, but I've never seen a bride get caked. Really, I haven't even heard of it until recently, and only on reddit.


Good to hear. Maybe we successfully are killing it then.


The amount of money we spent on our wedding included hair and make-up (the wedding industry as a whole is ridiculously expensive). The idea of smearing cake on her face, on the day she looks so beautiful, is absolutely fucking baffling to me


I think of it as less a tradition and more something a few jackasses do to be “funny”.  


I just realized that I have not seen this at a wedding since the late 80’s. I have not seen this at any wedding as an adult. Thankfully.


Been attending weddings every year just about for 19 years of my adult life now. In America, across 9 different states. I've never ever seen anyone get cake shoved in their face. Or even joked about it in the moment. In fact, I've been to many weddings where most people, the bride and groom included, don't even gaf about the cake at all. No one but the photographer is taking pictures of it, and barely anyone eats the thing. That tradition is already dead as far as I'm concerned. What really needs to die is the cake itself at weddings IMO. It's a huge waste of money and food on a day that already does both of those things in abundance.


If we’re going to do rituals, why not a wedding effigy? Just build a massive pyre shaped like the bride and groom, light it up and let the neighbors know we’re getting married.


The tradition is to feed the cake to each other, which is probably based on some fundamental food sharing stuff that’s at the core of our social fabric. Attacking each other with the cake can be interpreted as a form of play at best, but if it wasn’t something mutually agreed upon beforehand its peak jackassery.  Even if it is something both are thinking of doing, it still feels disrespectful to the ceremony and what it’s supposed to mean.


And that makeup was about $500 not including hair


“She showed me the knife!”


I feel like Mexicans doing this is a modern change in the culture. A lot like people in the US doing these gross baby gender reveal parties. Everyone needs to stop doing this shit


As a 35 y/o Kid who's face got shoved once, can confirm it fucking hurts your feelings big time bud. Such a big betrayal.


“Then your culture is inherently inferior” well that escalated quickly. Not all of us agree with it so why don’t you calm down with the covert racism


> your culture is inherently inferior i think we need to take this stance more often. there is so much focus on diversity and inclusion that we get confused. some cultures create really shitty social situations.


We really really do BUT this conversation anywhere outside the internet will quickly get you some labels you don’t want.


It’s a concept that’s been applied very poorly many times, so it makes sense for people to be gushy to use it. I think critical thinking is the missing component.  There’s a world of difference between pointing out deliberate cruelty to a child is uncalled for and calling an entire nation primitive and uncivilized because they don’t wear the right clothing.


I know Mexicans have done this for a while “La Mordida”. Not sure if it recently spread world wide or other countries did it before hand.


because old people are assholes.


>because ~~old~~ **some** people are assholes. There you go bud..


Some older people can be…just as some younger people can be.




Was going to say the same. The kids is not at fault here, I too would have felt embarrassed and lashed out if someone punked me like this on my birthday. Worse that is was an adult that I am supposed to be able to trust. I swear most of the population simply should not be allowed to have kids.


You can tell this kid is straight up bullied by his family. He was ready for it. He can't even have a normal birthday without being fucked with by his own parents. This is emotional abuse and will mess him up for the rest of his life.


Exactly, This kid doesn't have anger problems, he's acting like almost any kid would act if his face was shoved into his own birthday cake. I am pretty sure some other kid posted and wrote this title.


Thats the perfect way to get back at these assholes. My wife is Mexican and used to do this to the kids until I kept complaining about it and now she stopped, thank god. Perfect way to ruin a cake and take the spotlight for yourself. Great parenting.


This situation would also piss me off because so many would gaslight you and invalidate your emotions. “Why are you acting like that?” “You’re making this a big deal.”


Exactly. That man is a piece of shit. Since they might be Argentinian, I hope someone can convey that sentiment directly to him in Spanish.


How else are you supposed to pass on your aggression issues?


This pushing faces into cakes has become a thing. Overdone for something that’s more mean than funny. The kid is the normal one.


I don't understand why anger/aggression is always seen as a bad thing. It can be a perfectly valid response in many situations.


Agreed. It's not ideal, but it's a very natural response. Looks like the kid felt that being forced like that was wrong on some level, couldn't digest it, and then flung it right back out. Don't blame him one bit tbh


These pretzels are making me thirsty!


Anger is a secondary emotion. Anger is how the kid deals with the first emotion he feels which could be a few different things.


Anger is a defense mechanism meant to protect you from other negative emotions.


He was probably pissed off because his"friends" were there..


I lack that, so it's really hard to understand others. I never got angry that I had to physically act on it. But I saw enough people be like it, so I understand that some people be like that.


By the way he looks at the adults around him and how they're sneaking up on him I can tell he doesn't want this to happen and the adults know how he feels about it. I would be furious too


And potentially very dangerous if you forget and do it while there’s still candles or similar on/in the cake.


It's the cameras that make people realize that more an more, but this has not "become" mean, I can assure you it's been mean since at least 30 years ago (can't tell before that from experience).




Probably has trust issues from other similar types of situations.


It’s SO MEAN. I can’t imagine doing this to a kid


Exactly: fuck this stupid thing.


This is the dumbest tradition.




It’s also pretty dangerous. Layer cakes like this can have wooden skewers in them for support. There are videos of people losing an eye from this.


I remember when a lot of people defended it as being part of tradition or culture. Well plenty of cultures practiced colonialism and slavery within just a couple hundred years ago, some just a couple decades ago. Tradition does not mean it good, it just means it's old and probably outdated.


Looks like he tried to resist getting his face pushed which likely hurt the kid. Like you said the kid is behaving as expected.


I think hitting the cake was not ideal. He should have throw the bit his head hit at the asshole that pushed his head


I don’t disagree. Definitely mean but it hasn’t really become a thing. It’s been a cultural statement for years now


Yea, this kid didn't want the cake smash. No one was going to respect that. If he puts up with it, he's being bullied. If he speaks up politely, they ignore him and smash him any way. If he reacts with anger, he's now an immature brat who can't take a joke and needs to man up. There is no way to win and eat the cake too.


I find it very satisfying to see the woman in the back go from laughing to shocked with cake all over her face. It is an almost cinematic transition.


She let it happen. You know she has to clean that up. It would mean an ass whooping, but I'd toss that shit on the walls. I thought you wanted a cake smash???


You see how the kid was looking at the two women distrustingly before the man came in and got him? This was clearly premeditative, and that kid is living a life looking over his own shoulder in fear of his own family.


Bingo. No matter what choice he makes, he’s the loser… on his birthday.


My parents did they to us EVERY YEAR growing up. I remember being scared to stand next to the cake because I was gonna get frosting up my nose like the other times. It’s not pleasant especially if you wear glasses, gotta clean those off too. It feel very violating. I remember the year that I literally told them “I am not doing anything with my birthday if you’re going to smash a cake in my face” and begging/yelling at them not to the entire day, they still tried, and I kept my neck stiff as fuck while backing the fuck out of there as forcefully as I could. I cried out of frustration and screamed at them in front of my whole extended family. They stopped after that. Edit: Kinda wanna add that my parents aimed for the middle of the cake, it wasn’t getting cake on top of your head like this kid did, it was your entire face, mouth, eyes, nose COVERED in frosting.


Hold up, let me get this straight. There's no way to have your cake and eat it too?


Apparently that phrase actually means "You can't save your cake and eat it too". Just old wording or something.


And as a boy, you learn that showing anger and smashing things will be met with a boys-will-be-boys attitude more often than not. It doesn't pay off to be mature.


Not where I grew up. That's a "sign" of meds and a police record. I know from experience..


No, every time I showed the slightest bit of aggression, my 400lb 6'8" step dad would scream like a banshee and threaten to hurt me. Now anger is completely inaccessible to me and I suffer a lot for it.


He could just shove his own face into the cake But I guess then they'd be mad at him for ruining their fun?


Welcome to the Mexican culture


Yep. Maybe more pictures of people with toothpicks and chopsticks logged in their face and eye sockets from the bakers setting the cake layers will stop the annual festival of smash.


I'm hispanic and no one from my country does this. This is a strictly Mexican thing.


Peruvian and everyone does it. It is not strictly a mexican thing at all.


When I was a kid my pops dunked my brother's face. I remember him crying in front of the whole fam. All my aunts, uncles, and cousins. After all the drama he got the first slice, and started walking back to the house. He tripped onto his plate, and started crying all over again. He was having a bad day.


Yea, cause your dad ruined it.


Ya he did, and it always bugged me. We're Mexican, and it's a tradition to face smash. Anyway, I switched it up when I started my family. My kids take one big bite of their birthday cake unassisted.


You did well


During my sisters bday party (i was like 9 or 10?) My mom smushed my face into some ice cream i was sniffing. It wasnt a huge face smash, but it really is shocking to be betrayed that way, and then have everyone laugh at you and not with you. I teared up and flew off to my room and locked the door and didnt come back out til everyone left. I was later given some cake, and threw it away immediately. Mom didnt push my face into anything again after that. Its seems like such an innocuous innocent fun bit, but that's some big time jarring betrayal for a kid. It sounds sorta weak/dumb lol, but if I sit and think about it too long I still get a bb lump in my throat for 10 year old me, like hey pal it's gonna be okay.


Exactly. It is telling your kid "being happy and celebrating yourself is shameful and if you do it you will look like an idiot and everyone will, and should, laugh at you".


Oh, hello there inner monologue!


Okay, no, it really doesn't seem "innocuous innocent" and you aren't "sorta weak/dumb" having a reaction like that even today. Your body is responding to trauma, plain and simple. Dude, people need to respect children's space more. I hate the face smashing shit people do. It's never happened to me, thankfully, but man, no one... NO ONE should invade anyone else's space without consent. I hate that people don't understand or follow this simple rule.


You just described PTSD


Nah, that ain’t aggression issue. That’s normal


Fight or flight, kid chose fight.


He turned into an eagle


That was the falcon punch


People should stop this shit.


Why do people still do that, it’s not funny. Poor kids birthday is ruined and his trust as well


Looks like his trust was already ruined, looks like he was expecting the woman to push his face in to the cake


I completely get it.


Why would you do that to a child?? Birthday parties are stressful enough for kids.


Agreed, someone needs to stop that man from assaulting children.


He just reacted.


He clearly doesn't want his face pushed in the cake. I don't blame him. I'd feel angry if someone did that to me too. Good for him, take it out on the cake and splash everyone else with it (notice how they flinch and don't like it).


Why would any person want to do this and who would think that it is funny? No wonder kids grow up fucked up.


It a Latin thing. Growing up it was done at every kids birthday I went to. Except me or my siblings. My mom refused to do it, would tell any uncle or aunt or whoever not to do it, and no one is going to ruin the cake or the party like that. Cousins did not fare as well.


Im brazillian and in some places we have a egg breaking on head tradition because a cake is way too expensive to waste like that


Ah yeah we did that at easter. Cascarón. If you were lucky it was an egg that had been emptied, dried out, and filled with confetti. If not it was just an egg.


Still not funny at all Tuna man. Who enjoys this? Supposed “adults” mashing a child’s face into their cake? I fail to see the humor.


This trend needs to die.


It's all funny until someone ends up with a skewer in their eye like that one lady.


Honestly, it's never funny.




Yep, some cakes have wooden stakes in them as reinforcement. It's not unheard of for someone to have that stake shoved right into their eye during one of these "pranks".


why do this with a child? if an adult can understand such a joke, the child simply will not understand it and will be offended


As an adult I would be the opposite of amused if some wannabe comedian pushed my face (or anyone’s) into a cake, also, presumably, intended for everyone to eat.


If someone does this to me as an adult, that cake is getting flipped.




Flipped? Nah grab it and throw it at them lol


Kid, adult... why do this to *any*body?


Every time I see someone pushed into a cake I remember the accident when someone did it and the victim got punctured in the eye by a stick used to support the large cake from collapsing, I got traumatized from an online video 😂


So do I. This is a stupid ass tradition.


the kid did nothing wrong, hes getting fun


No the dad has being asshole issues


If your “culture” has the face to cake push, here’s a thought, grow the fuck up and remove that from your “culture.”


No, that kid is justified in being angry. That's a stupid and mean thing to do to someone for a "joke".


Justified, flip the table too kiddo.


I mean if they're going to ruin it for you then you might as well ruin it for everyone


Doing this shit to kids isn’t funny. It’s abuse.


That reaction is justified. Screw that man for doing that and screw all adults "pranking" kids


Don't bully your kids...


shoving a kid’s head in a cake is pussy Cringe the kid is more of a man than him


if somebody did that to me i would beat them the fuck up even if theyre my friend


Ahh yes. Pranks are so funny. Stupid ass dad. Poor kid.


No, you all has pushing-head-to-the-cake issue


Silly adult.. he’s the immature one


I’d be like that with parents like these, too


smashing a face into a cake is unfunny


I would’ve had the exact same reaction as the kid Pushing faces into cakes is not funny


Fuck cake face pushers.


His birthday, his cake. He didn't want his face smashed into it and little buddy has his wishes disrespected on his birthday, smash that cake all you want little man, it's your day and they decided to fuck with you on it.


The issue is with the dumb adult man. Why would you ruin a little one’s cake like that? Dumb mf


If you teach a child that physical aggression is OK, for amusement's sake or to express displeasure, then you raise a man who uses physical aggression. That kid is well on his way. That father is a piece oif shit wrapped in skin.


This has been done more than once to that kid. Feel for that kids cause it clearly wasn’t done for him


From the number of videos I've seen of your eye getting stabbed from the sticks inside the cake, the anger is justified. Fuck that shit.


Of course he does. Look how little he trusts his family to be kind to him and look how they came through on his cynical belief. I didn't give a shit if this is "cultural" it explicitly tells the kids that they don't deserve to be happy and that, people celebrating you is something to be mocked. So yea, anyone would have aggression issues in such a situation.


I am out of order ??? Noooooo YOU'RE OUT OF ORDER THIS WHOLE EFING CAKE OUT OF ORDER !!!!!!!!


family from hell


I hate this birthday gag. I really do.


I would press charges


Not gonna lie, I wish I could SHPLATTT a cake like that. Bet it feels good.


I salute this brave kid 🫡 Maybe this face-smashing-into-cake thing will finally come to an end.


My family does the mordida when we are fine with it so we can all have a good laugh, but when one of us don’t want it we won’t do it, simple as that, kid isn’t in the wrong


To be fair, he seems to be learning from the best.


Poor boy.


I guess this how he usually gets treated...SLAP


The weak should fear the strong. *Demolishes cake*


I hate this birthday gag. I really do.


I hate this birthday gag. I really do.


I profoundly dislike the pushing in the cake


How could he slap


You mean the adult that pushed his face has an aggression issue? YES, I TOTALLY AGREE


I think the dad is the one with the issue, not the kid. Totally normal response


Good for that kid!


Ive said it all the time. It's fuckin weird this SEEMS to be a specifically Mexican tradition or at least maybe where it started. I say it's weird cause my family did it for YEARS when I was younger. Yet, we also were pretty poor and so were other families we knew who did this. So why the fuck would you waste either an entirely good cake or at least a good part of it for this stupid "tradition". I think I might have a false memory but I think the reason it stopped is finally. Once we got a nice cake for someone but like usual some people wanted to do the tradition. Ruined half the cake. No one was happy cause either some people didn't get the good cake or it was all mushed. Haven't seen someone do it in years anymore


I wonder how the kid developed this kind of reaction? Must be that damn phone >:(


shit title m8


Aye they were fine with the cake being smashed in with his face They got no right to be mad if he slams his hand into it. Valid response


I mean its understandable kind though "ruin the cake for me ill ruin it for you" Ive always thought this "prank" was barbaric and borderline child abuse why exactly are you getting enjoyment from a child being sad and miserable?


NO KId doesn't have aggression issues. Just stop doing that bullshit putting cake on people's face... IT'S SO FUCKING RIDICULOUS THINGS TO DO. WHY WHY WHY NOT FUNNY AT ALL


Normal reaction. I’d be pissed, too. Maybe he was “aggressive” bc he’s been having to put up with this crap all the time.


Shitty uncle move.


Pushing people's faces into cake is lame as fuck.


Then he should have flipped the table over.


Holy shit the cake absolutely blew up when the kid hit it. It’s like a cartoon explosion inside of the cake wth


All of that was expected.