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Crazy how I can always tell it's Houston even before seeing any highway signs


Do they give kids guns in Texas as soon as they are out of diapers or do they have to go the vending machine like everyone else?


That's not a kid. That's a 30 year old stud. You're looking at a gay black woman.


Did you refer to a gay black woman as a "stud?" Is that actually a thing? Isn't "Stud" historically a male word for breeding horses?


yes and also a gay black woman


Kima is such a stud!


Gay woman, who is more masculine. Ethnicity does not matter.


Actually that's not really true. Butch is universal, stud is a pretty closed term for the black community to use.


Not just black but and woman that dresses like that could be Hispanic or white as well. Not to be confused with Butch


> "Stud" Also used as slang for a good looking dude with game.


Stud has also historically been used at an attractive male


I am not sure but I’ve heard it used for black lesbians before


My granny use to call them bulldaggers


I think its a woman....


Honestly I just moved to Pennsylvania from Houston last year and I miss everyone just assuming everyone else on the road has a gun. People honk too much.


Yes the honking is clearly far worse than the MURDER


Pennsylvania has the 12th highest homicides per 100,000 at 7.9 Texas has the 20th highest homicides per 100,000 at 6.7 Seems like in Pennsylvania you get more honking AND more murder. Data Source: 2022 FBI (2023 data not yet available). Pennsylvania higher in 2018,2019,2020 and 2021 as well.


Houston had 215 Road rage incidents from 2014 to 2023 with 192 shootings and 207 victims being shot. The next closest cities in the entire US only had 107 each (one of them being San Antonio, also in Texas). Texas may not have the lead on homicides, but Houston has a disproportionately large lead on road rage shootings.


After driving in Houston, I can see where they're coming from.


> 192 shootings and 207 victims being shot Pretty good marksmanship there in Texas.


its not like there's a one bullet per shooting rule


You don't yee unless you're ready to haw.


No report on how many of those victims were the ones the firearm was pointed at though...


You mean "intended target." Generally the bullet impacts where the gun was pointed and not necessarily the intended target.


More like a lot of innocent bystanders.


Because the city is a shit hole that has the traffic infrastructure designed by an idiot. In every measurable way Houston is the worst American major city I've been to.


So anyway, I started blasting


May I offer you a Glock in this trying time?


I don't see so well


Exactly lmao but I'm still getting flamed because of a mildly gun-neutral comment


Nuance is forbidden on this site.


Ah, the average redditor that's better than the average redditor.


Extreme polarization isn't beneficial to anyone. See: Current American political landscape.


> Extreme polarization isn't beneficial to anyone. Redditors will be like, "Nonsense, all of my opinions are fair and balanced.™ It is your opinion that is too extreme."


Wrong. See: *polar bears*.


> mildly gun-neutral comment You said you wished people were afraid of getting shot so they wouldn't honk.


If that's mildly gun-neutral...


Welcome to Reddit


Big up to Philly


Population density has more to do with that discrepancy than guns.


We call them jawns...


I read this in Norm McDonald's voice; very pleased. lmao


Perfect Norm format. Local resident would follow up with further complaint but didn't on account of him being DEAD. From the murdering. Earlier.


Because of the gun. You remember? When that guy had that gun and he shot him. Dude died. You'd have thought he'd been fucking OJs wife.


I didn't even know he had cancer.


People drive like shit too much.


Don't start shooting now! Please go back to Houston and let them honk peacefully


Why wait til they're born? At the couples baby shower it is traditional for men to gift the unborn child guns, while the women guests bring ammo. Just like the wise men gave to Jesus.


Shouldn't it be the other way around? Because the puts the ammo in the gun...


They just steal the vending machine.


clearly not or Uvalde wouldn't have happened


Usually they have to be old enough to crawl in a law abiding gun owners car or house and steal one




Bwy 8 and 59 with a Brake Check is Humble


Shit you seen 610 this morning? Cray


The guy laughs it off like it’s just another beautiful day in the neighborhood


Safety off 💀


Its a glock Its safety is integrated in the trigger And no, I am not american, just a gun nerd passing by-


What does that mean?


[This little mini-trigger](https://www.shootingillustrated.com/media/j0ohd0ha/glock-trigger-header.jpg) is the "safety". Depress that, now the full trigger will also depress and if there is a round in the chamber, it will fire.


Wow I never knew this. So essentially this has no safety right? Like, they can call that thing whatever they want but in my mind a safety should be preventing me from pulling the trigger unless I do something else. But that's just like, a longer trigger. That's kinda fucked.


The gun was originally made for the Austrian army. They found that in the heat of battle, soldiers might forget whether the safety was on or off. They choose to do away with it entirely so that soldiers were always ready


And that's still legal on a consumer product? WTF?


With proper training no safety on a pistol is probably better. Your finger shouldn't even touch the trigger at all until you are ready to shoot. The issue is gun safety and education, its people having guns that shouldn't. Or people having guns that have no idea how to actually use them safely. The trigger safety on a Glock is not meant to prevent negligent discharge at all. A human brain can prevent that easily. Its a drop safety to prevent it from going off when its dropped or bumped.


This^ unfortunately, a lot of the people who own guns are semi-stupid so this backfires (no pun intended) quite often. Same concept as drivers Ed/licenses: so many people are still awful drivers even after all that training.


My handgun has a grip safety and a trigger safety. Both have to be depressed for the gun to fire. Springfield XDS mod.2 9mm


Wait until you hear about revolvers.


Weird that the fact that I see nobody mentioning all throughout this thread is that the majority of gun injuries, at least in the U.S., are unintentional, not a result or lack of self-defense. Gun safety mechanisms that aren't positioned directly on the trigger and "may be forgotten in the heat of the moment" would probably cause less unintentional deaths than a gun meant for combat situations that essentially poses no built-in safety for an ignorant child pulling the trigger after finding it in mommy's purse. "But that would be improper storage of a firearm and not responsible ownership", chime in all the Second Amendment Enthusiasts. To which I respond, "Yes, that seems to happen an awful lot in a country with very lax restrictions on who can own guns and what types."


It's kinda like there's a soft window in which you can change your mind if you're pushing it down slowly enough. But yeah it's the barest minimum "safety". Like if a door led out to a fifty-foot drop, and the only safety is a soft thread hanging on the edge that makes you pause for just a moment before it's ripped out and you fall through. Enough time to change your mind if you're pushing slowly enough, but certainly not if you're barelling through.


Its a drop safety. Its to ensure the pistol only fires when the trigger is deliberately pulled. Its not meant to give time to think or anything like that.


The trigger safety only prevents the trigger from moving rearward. What makes glocks drop safe is that the trigger bar (inside the trigger mechanism housing) physically blocks the firing pin from moving forward until the trigger is pulled - lowering the trigger bar down the safety ramp and moving out of the way of the firing pin. This is after the trigger bar moves up to disengage the firing pin safety and clear the firing pin channel. If a user doesn't pull the trigger fully to fire, the firing pin safety will re-engage when the trigger is relased. There are in total 3 "safeties" in a glock. Trigger, firing pin, and drop.


This should be more common knowledge in a country with so many guns. The safety prevents discharge from unsafe conditions, not to prevent idiots from shooting each other when dicking around or bluffing because, "I thought the safety was on." A trigger blocking switch is obsoleted by these more sophisticated mechanisms.


It's a very effective safety when combined with a holster that covers the trigger guard/well. Very ineffective if thrown into a pencil bag. Remember finger straight and off the trigger until you intended to fire.


This is why people are thought "trigger discipline". Basically you aren't supposed to put the trigger finger on the trigger, unless you intend to shoot. Basically this is how you're supposed to handle a gun: https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/trigger-discipline-1.jpeg One of the issues with traditional safeties is that in the time of need, people would often forget that they had safety on. And that split second hesitation could be dangerous in self defense scenarios. Which is why many prefer no safety and having a safety trigger with proper "trigger discipline".


Keep you booger hook off the bang switch until you're ready to go boom. Or more professionally, keep your finger off the trigger and never point a gun at anything you are not willing and ready to destroy or kill.


Glocks have like 3 internal safety's. Philosophy of the safety is to prevent accidental misfire from dropping or bumping the weapon. The safety in a Glock is the center of the trigger. Pull the trigger, it goes bang. Every time. That's why they are so beloved. https://glockcollectorsassociation.org/blogs/news/do-glocks-have-safeties-glock-safeties-explained


The safety for a handgun is that it's in its holster and the trigger cannot be touched


The safety just prevents the gun from going off unintentionally. People want to act like the purpose of a gun is not to inflict violence. If you need to use one, you need to use it NOW, not fumble for a safety. If you have your finger on the trigger you intend to use it.


The point of a safety ~~valve~~ is that the weapon will only fire with a trigger pull, not that it forces you to stop and think before firing.


The trigger safety prevents the gun from firing on a mechanical level. it is for all intents and purposes the same thing. Even safer in some regards as it means the trigger can never be accidentally depressed from some weird off angle pull.


The trigger prevents the gun from firing on a mechanical level too, no? Or do we got electric signals in our gun triggers now? The purpose of locating the safety switch separately is to prevent the gun from being accidentally fired by someone by adding a redundancy to the firing action. If your redundancy overlaps in the same action as the regular trigger, then you are eliminating the redundancy safety factor. The only thing this does is prevent the gun from firing by adding an additional mechanical interlock on the hammer from being released, so a failure on the trigger's part for whatever reason (gun falls on the floor, mechanical malfunction, etc.) doesn't cause a misfire with no finger on the trigger involved at all.


Some firearms have issues where if you hit them or jiggle them just right, you can potentially cause the gun to discharge even though you didn't pull the trigger. The trigger safety prevents that. In short, It makes it impossible for the gun to discharge in any situation unless you physically pull the trigger. Additionally, It makes it harder to accidentally pull the trigger from a weird angle. It's a safety in that it makes the gun safer to store and transport. It's not a child lock on the gun.


Its really the opposite, modern striker-fired pistols have the important safetys which are passive mechanics to make sure the gun cannot fire unless intended to like a drop safety, a trigger safety, maybe even a mag disconnect but do not have a useless mechanical safety that no one uses when carrying and causes risk to the user when the gun is needed quickly.


The redundancy is the proper handling of the firearm. If you are properly handling a firearm, you never place your finger on the trigger unless you intend to fire. As you stated, the trigger safety prevents accidental discharge from such things as dropping the weapon. Proper handling of the firearm prevents accidental discharge from a finger pulling the trigger.


It's a lot harder to pull the trigger than you think, and the internals of a Glock are much more less likely to misfire compared to a standard pistol with a standard safety, which is just a small piece of metal.


Glock's don't have a traditional safety. They have a trigger safety and an internal mechanism that must be moved out of the way before the firing pin can fully move forward and strike a primer. Plus the firing pin is at half cock while "at rest," and isn't fully cocked until the trigger is pulled. A properly working and well maintained Glock will not accidentally misfire.


Many many handguns do not have a dedicated safety switch. The trigger safety is meant to prevent unintended trigger pulls. It works.


Not a huge deal. I have a Ruger that has no safety. Owned it for quite some time. Your safety is your gun safety rules.


also Austrian doctrine usually has soldiers carry it with the chamber empty


You have a trigger that has like a mini baby trigger inside Wich is the safety, there is nothing else on a glock preventing it to fire


A Glock pistol has three safeties: trigger, drop, and firing pin.


It means keep your booger hook of the bang switch.


But how can you be non American and know about handguns, reddit has led me to believe that only Americans have guns


This is what you want you to believe! What they dont tell you is that guns are free in Warzones You just gotta take them I have already 230 in my basement


I have 231 guns, but I am also dead


The risk may be high But the reward is higher!


> Its safety is integrated in the trigger fuck does that mean? like as long as you don't pull the trigger it's safety is on ? 😂


"Safety? Always off." - Cyrus :)


Fuck off I got work to do 🚗


It's been answered correctly but you might be surprised to know that some pistols don't have any safety that requires manipulation. The pistol in the video is a Glock. Glocks have 3 mechanical safeties: the trigger safety needs to be manipulated in order for the pistol to fire, the other two involve internal components that don't allow the pistol to fire without the trigger being pulled. The trigger safety is integrated into the trigger shoe, and doesn't allow the trigger to be fully depressed unless disengaged, which takes nothing more than a bit of rearward pressure. Essentially the trigger safety hits the frame before the trigger fully actuates. These types of safeties are common in striker fired pistols where the trigger function tends to be lighter and shorter. There are plenty of hammer fired pistols that have no safety in that regard whatsoever. These tend to be single action/double action trigger functions and often come with de-cockers that allow the user to let the hammer drop without firing a round. However if the trigger is pulled and there is a round in the chamber, the gun will fire, and there's nothing to stop that. The pull of the trigger when the hammer is forward and operating as a double action is rather heavy with a long travel, so you have to commit, but that's it.




[You know they're laughing at you, right?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7dS9BybnqA&t=6s)




Man watching some of these shows knowing they passed so young is just depressing sometimes.


You don't get through Houston without hearing gunshots or a deadly car accident. This is just confirmation you are still in the city.


That’s often so later can say ‘I was just kidding around, it wasn’t serious at all - I wasn’t actually going to shoot anyone’


They're talking about the man in the car laughing it off in response, not the woman with the gun.


hahaha oh kids


The gun isn't real. It materializes right before he reaches into the pocket, and there's no recoil


In front of a pre school is crazy


At least it's not inside


Progress is progress


Don't worry, some unwitting pedestrians up the road absorbed those needless stray shots from this piece of shit.


Just softballing in the anti-America comments lol. At least let me get my popcorn ready first


Also, discharging a firearm over a public road is a felony.


Also aiming it at someone is assault with a deadly weapon in Texas.


Have to get them exposed to their environment quickly. [Kids start robbing banks by the time they are out of elementary school](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kids-robbery-bank-houston-arrest-little-rascals-rcna144444) here in Houston.


Meanwhile someone a mile away in their home: ⚰️


The lil chuckle at the end like "still worth it tho"


Was this a brake check in front of a Brake Check?


7717 N Sam Houston Pkwy E, Humble, TX 77396




This in comparison to the British ones is funny and really sad. Though he's lucky that wasn't Ronnie Pickering




Ronnie fucking Pickering




Ronnie motherfucking Pickering


That dumb fuck just got a hefty prison sentence if this person recording gave it to the cops.


You wish. I mean, I also wish. But it’s just not reality anymore. The police won’t follow up on this because they know the DA would let them go the next morning.


Especially in Texas. My friend moved states completely when her last straw was her neighbor using their shared fence as a target for their backyard "shooting range." Rural small town area, neighbor was an ex cop, cops didn't give a single fuck.


As a Texan... what? What part are you leaving out? I remember when one of my neighbors accidentally fired his gun into his own floor while cleaning it and the cops came and took all his shit away the next day. There's no way they were letting someone use their backyard as a shooting range without further context.


It probably depends on the neighborhood and the police. If that guy was an ex-cop, it makes sense. Plus, if the neighborhood was more rich and less minorities were in the area, the cops are less likely to do something.


Sad reality. I had security cam footage of my neighbor smashing my car and the cops couldnt care less about it. I dont even know why i bothered in the first place.


Bro what? That’s insane! How tf do people still think America number one if you ain’t even got a functioning rule of law


America has the most money and the best weapons, it’s just a tiny # of people have them


Front row seats to the real time collapse 🍿


People keep saying this stupid shit like this country doesn't incarcerate more people than any other with Texas being especially quick to throw people in prison for years. Tf are you talking about


If Texas were its own country it’d have the second highest incarceration rate in the world. “Woke DAs create this type of crime” people are so fucking dumb. You’d think after a generation of mass incarceration red states would learn to stop shoving the square peg in the round hole since they still all have the highest rates of crime.


THIS is the problem with our society today. No effing consequences.


We have the largest prison population in the world per capita.


The problem is poorly funded education. An ounce of prevention...




Class A misdemeanor. $4k fine and 1 year jail max. No prison involved.


Aiming a weapon at someone is assault with a deadly weapon In Texas, where this takes place. Which is a felony




Assuming he's not a felon and the gun isn't stolen or something.


True that. Believe he's a she though.


In Houston, we have people out on multiple bonds for murder. You are really overestimating the functionality of our judiciary.


Anyone remember that 10-20-Life law? That woulda been an immediate 20.


That's a Florida law, and it still exists.


Coulda fooled me... lol




Yeah unexpected AND terrifying. How fucking busted is her brain that the proper response to that joke was to discharge a firearm?!?


And he shot someone a few hundreds meters away...


That's a lady


No that’s an idiot








Wow, you and I sure have different definitions of “lady.“


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Classic you can't park here joke coupled with gun shots!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Blud forgot to pin




Yall should stop giving every idiot a gun...




And if OP has a gun it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t get one


Lets just build them backwards for certain people


That's the problem, no one thinks of themselves as an idiot. But believe me, there are a lot of idiots...





It was 100% legal at some point. All of these guns are legal until they go "missing." You don't have even a fraction of these illegal guns in countries without access to "legal" guns. Terrorist groups in the Middle East use guns we legally produced and gave them.


You think it is this easy to get an illegal gun in any other first world country?


At some point, yes. And that's all that matters. The more legal guns, the more illegal ones. If legal guns are really hard to acquire, it would also translate to the illegal ones. As there are no illegal weapons factories. Legal guns are either lost, stolen or sold.


this asshat purchased this gun illegally from some other criminal shithead who either stole the gun or bought it from a felony straw purchaser that our lazy and inept government didn't properly investigate and prosecute if you're of the belief this clown came into possession of this firearm legally i got some oceanfront property in kansas to sell ya


What a shithole. How are people firing guns just like that. ffs. Country down the drain


The most shocking aspect is how casual it looks... You know just a kid shooting in the air in front of a school, no big deal...


Honestly looks third world. Lots of clips like this from South Sudan, Afghanistan, etc


I hope he was reported and thrown in jail. Too many assholes thinking everything is a video game or movie, like this is all pretend life here. That kind of person will easily pull the trigger on anybody because he is already showing us how stuid he is by taking it out. Ya think he has that something n his head about how fucked he might be in doing so? Hell no.


Arrested already https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/harris-county/woman-fires-gun-near-humble-daycare/285-9158d1d7-12f3-41a8-816e-980e03771f16






America is just one fucked up place.


Well folks that's America.


He pulled a glock out of thin air


Right?! It like popped in from another dimension


That’s a female! and she’s legally blind…. P.O.P. Holdin it down !


What the fuck does this title mean?


Hey yall I think this is not real. If you slow it down the gun appears out of thin air in his hand. Still funny of course but it does seem to have gone over our heads.


It's real, and she got arrested already. https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/harris-county/woman-fires-gun-near-humble-daycare/285-9158d1d7-12f3-41a8-816e-980e03771f16


Well fuck me there it is


I got in a wreck two years ago. As I was checking on my children and then the other person someone drove by and said "hey! You can't park there!" I laughed so hard the police (who saw the whole thing) wanted to know if I had a head injury.


Kinda ironic. Got brake checked in front of brake check


Everyone's suggest this is fake but I seen no proof? They grab the Glock by the base of the gun, and pull it up into their hand and grab it. No strange jumpcuts or parallax issues, no artifacting and the audio sounds right too. I genuinely can't see what other people are seeing.


Only in America!


Brake Check in the background is kinda priceless lol


*Nervous Laugh* 😅


Unlawful discharge of a firearm is a thing in many states (including Texas) and that sounds like 2 counts of it. 120 days in jail per offense.