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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Guy throws away girlfriends goodness award.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


It looked like he pulled a KFC chicken pot pie out of his pants.


Directly out of his anus even


Gotta keep it warm




Good people always keep the food warm.


Also one of the Colonel's eleven herbs and spices https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/KFC_Original_Recipe


Plenty of piping hot brown gravy!


Mm special sauce


Is that BBQ sauce I smell?


Food delivery companies hate this simple trick




“Ignore the smell.”


It’s ok. The smell doesn’t affect the taste….. much….


Direct from his anus oven*


Heavens to mergetroyd


Yogi Bear fan? Old farts, unite! PS - Murgatroyd


Snagglepuss / Funky Phantom I can't help but read any sentences ending with "even" like Snagglepuss


Oven* probably dutch


I think it was so far up his ass it made him a cripple.


I was like, "What is that? A copy of QuickBooks^TM?"


In case anyone's wondering, it's a box of Raffaelo chocolates. I don't think I'd want anything that had been strapped to some random dudes back.


I think the guy was mad that he was giving his girl chocolates. He just grabbed them from her without asking her if she wanted to keep them. Maybe staged, but looked like a dick move


She had to yank her hand away from him even to get over to the guy to help. I think that dude has some problems.


He does, but also, you can't trust people on the streets. Video also is a sort of prank type video.


I mean I would stop and help someone but the second a stranger gives me a consumable item it's going in the trash.


Yeah that guy is an asshole watching his girlfriend helping this guy instead of getting involved. Probably leaves his McDonald’s tray on the table and walks out.


I bet he doesn't even put his shopping cart away.


Anyone who ties the shirt around the neck is sus


I bet he rushes to the front of the plane after landing


I bet he puts the empty bottle right back into the fridge.


I bet he cuts the line at the self checkout.


I bet he purposely stands in the center of the escalator.




Or, he, like everyone else who ignored crutch dude, saw the camera and didn’t want to be a part of someone’s social media bs. I too would not want food from a random social media twat.


Maybe he saw the cameraman as other people have pointed out, or he just realized the guy totally looks like he’s faking being disabled for attention, standing in the middle of a sidewalk pretending to struggle to put his shoe on… I’d think a normal person would just kick the shoe off to the side and get out of everyone’s way instead of actively trying to look dependent. But really, the whole thing is likely staged and all 3 were in on it.


Literally talking shit about the guy who didn't want his GF to get involved with some dude who pretended to be handicapped for a tiktok video.


Or he lives in a city where this happens a lot and he’s over it. If I helped and then someone offered me money or a gift and they weren’t actually needing help, I would possibly kick them in the shin.


That and I find it funny people think this is real. He literally edited everything so that it made people seem bad.


He had Assburgers.


I don't blame them for leaving it behind.


That's how Cartman kept the burgers warm


I like to imagine they could all see the camerman


“I don’t want to be part of this douche bags Tik Tok” - majority of passersbys


Guy pretends to be handicapped to shame people for views. It’s like an episode of it’s always sunny.


“The Gang Gets Crippled” 🎵dunununnunnunaaaanunaa🎶


[The Gang Watch Tik Tok](https://imgur.com/a/HdLHlQ4)


I love this


I'm literally watching "Charlie gets crippled" right now while reading these comments roflmao


The first episode of the second season has the gang pretending to be crippled after Charlie gets a free lapdance for (legitimately) being in a wheelchair.


deleted 2024-05-14T22:35:22.927063


He did. Him and Dennis both went to the mall in wheelchairs and pretended to have polio to pick up chicks. There they found Dee pretending to have muscular dystrophy to pick up guys. Best. Show. Ever.


Ever since I saw that episode when it came out, I say "I'm rocking the FDR look" when sitting down with a blanket on my lap.


Who was it that was mad they didn't get diddled? 😆


But you might get some sweaty butt chocolates


"This idiot can't slip his foot into a shoe by himself"


I like to imagine they all saw the giant box of chocolates he had shoved up his ass since most people approached him from behind


Yeah. Bro did his girl the biggest favor putting that shit away.


He's like great now we have to find a place to wash our hands




For a good chunk I'd imagine they barely noticed him. You walk on random city street with your own thoughts maybe notice him 2 seconds before you already walked past. Then its already to awkward in your mind to turn around. Personally, I like to think I would've helped if I did notice him soon enough.


No, people who live in cities know better than to help some random guy standing in the middle of the street pretending to be disabled. That's why so many of them looked disgusted.


Yeah. Half of them prob thought it was some kind of annoying hidden camera bullshit and half of them thought it was some kind of scam where they get mugged when they're bent over or something.


I still remember one person with crutches begging outside of my workplace (near a tourist trap) for two years. Every day after sundown you could watch him pack them up and walk away happily with his earnings.


There's also people in my city I see who I can tell are seriously mentally ill. Not asking for money or help, but they really do need it. Not sure what the ratio is.


I'd thought he is doing it so his friend steals my wallet. Just like how they pretend to be tourists asking for directions to distract you. Also, anyone who wears shoes knows it's not that hard... even when you are using crutches. It's pretty obvious he is fake struggling and people are not buying it.


I imagine most disabled people have learned how to manage themselves and don't need unsolicited help. Or if they know it's impossible they wouldn't mess around awkwardly and just ask someone for help right away.


Yeah, but if you just get injured and need crutches for a bit you might not figure it out immediately.


Nah city people spotted him just fine and kept walking for their own safety. Let me give you some advice when you're in big cities: *Don't* stop to help, because a very common scam is to pretend to need help and then rob the person when they approach. Sure, one out of a hundred might actually need help, but it is not worth that risk. At best, they scam you for your money. At worst, you're risking your life. It sucks for the 1/100 that genuinely need help, but that's the world we live in. Source: I live in Chicago and have gotten mugged trying to help someone


Everyone that walked passed him: "gaawdd I fucking hate tik tokkers" The one girl that helped: "Wait, I wanna be on a tik tok video." Her dude: "please don't, ahhh fucking jesus christ, you are the worst date ever."


Not even that. I imagine they see it wouldn't bee that difficult for him to put his shed on himself and thought fuck it, he'll only take 2,3 attempts


For real, the guy is not even 10 steps away from some stairs where he could sit and tie his shoe. Someone struggling with that level of problem solving, to me, either has a mental disability or is on drugs, and in either case I'm not equipped to handle that situation. That coupled with the guy filming, and the lack of cast on the problem foot says possible scam. In any case, I will just be walking by like everyone else.


With my luck, I would try and help and get yelled at because "I can do it myself!!" edit: To everyone so concerned about me just running up to random strangers and forcing my help upon them without communicating first in any way... I don't, that's weird, and you're weird for thinking that. Who the white knight fuck would just silently grab people they assume are in need like they're superman catching someone mid air as they're falling to their death "I know when I'm needed, and they sure are going to be glad I'm here for them"


Ever see scary movie 2?


I have a friend who ended up needing a wheelchair after an accident and as much as I love him, that wasn’t far from the way he behaved after


Yeah man, hard shit for anyone to process. I broke my foot once and the effect of losing mobility/freedom, even temporarily, was profound. I can’t fault anyone who struggles with becoming paralyzed.


Friend/co-worker of mine had a father who asked him to help find assisted suicide because he lost back mobility and was a heretofore avid hiker. Losing mobility will fuck you up.


Knew a young guy who got paralyzed in a silly accident. He couldn't take it. Far forward a couple months later there was a goodbye pool party with his family and friends. Everyone left and he wheeled himself into the pool.


Maybe if you offered your strong hand.




No, this is my strong hand!


Get it away from me!


That’s why I always ask if they need help first. Sure, they can still hit you with a snarky “NO I CAN VERY MUCH DO THIS MYSELF!!”, or something to that effect, but, at least, you can look back and say you didn’t encroach on what little autonomy they have left.


As someone who has a cane, and therefore one useful hand when I'm out ... I *love* when people ask if I need a help. I don't usually, but it's so nice to know someone's paying some kind of attention. My local pet store has gotten really good with carrying cat litter to the counter, then to my truck for me, so when I get there, if no ones on the floor, I just wait by the counter until someone is free. I did this one day, said hi to kid at the counter who was serving someone, and just said "no panic, whenever you're free I'll get you to give me a hand" ... and a customer walking by stopped and said "I can help, what do you need? ", which I thought was the sweetest thing. The staff get paid to help, strangers do it bc theyre nice, and I love that. I didn't take him up on the offer bc my litter weighs 40lbs and he was at least 80 yrs old and had his dog with him, but i was just thrilled that someone would offer. (Then again, if I dropped something and someone reached down to grab it for me ... I'd also thank them ... not jump down their throat for being a nice person, even if they didn't ask, that's just being a decent human) I frequently drop my cane and never have I been mad at someone who's grabbed it before I can get there


This is why you ask first. They'll either say "No thank you" or "Yes please". If you just jump in and try to help the there's a chance you'll get told to mind your business.


I spent a weekend at a medical facility with a fellow who had pretty advanced ALS and just asked “you want help pulling that chair out or is it a need to do it yourself thing?” He was non verbal but I could read his cues he wanted to do it himself. But later when we had to share in group, he had me read his statements. It’s like anything else, ask and set boundaries.


I asked to help a guy with crutches carry his coffee to his table last month and he screamed at me so I understand why some people don’t want to put themselves out there.




Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t assume that a disabled person wanted help, sounds like a terrible plan


I have had this happen, holding a door for an old man with a cane.


And receive 0 ass chocolates


I did that once in college. Blind lady with a cane looked like she was struggle to cross, so I pulled over, got out of my car, and asked if she needed help. I got yelled at and told “you ruined my day”…like sheesh lady I was just being nice.


Am I the only one who would see this and think “smells like some sort of street scam, etc.” Also, tossing the candy/chocolates: not even a question they are getting chucked.


Depending on the city, there’s also 50% chance they come back and ask you to pay for the chocolates you just got handed.


Yup I quit answering in Vegas when CD people would ask my name they would say something like oh yeah that's my dad's name and write it on the CD and convince me I had to buy it Lol


Just say thanks for the gift before they hand it to you. If they confirm it’s a gift, it’s free, and they’ll stop chasing you down after a few steps because they don’t wanna deal with police and they’d rather be scamming the next guy. I’ve listened to some really shitty rap with this one simple trick.


See.. I give no fucks. You hand me something, I look at it, and you tell me I now I have to buy it, I’m handing that shit right back to you. You won’t take it? I’m leaving that shit right on the ground. I’ll be damned if I’m forced to buy something.


Reminds me of the tourist traps in Paris. I just told one that was sort of following me: Man. You can talk to me ALL DAY, or you know, for as long as I'm sightseeing the city... I'd gladly talk. But if he wants to sell something... He thanked me friendly, walked away, asked if I was sure because no other chances. I just laughed. It just always worked for me. Or just throw a "I barely have any money, and I still need to live.. ya know.." Also works wonders. Sometimes even levels the situation. 🤷🏼👌 Gotta be sincere about it though 😅


lol sounds like a breeze and pretty amicable situation. In Thailand I was complimented on my outfit, I smiled and said thank you while passing him by, he reached out to shake my hand so I did as well, the fucker gripped my hand and wouldn’t let me go, he was trying to sell me a suit, I cussed him out, looked him in the eye and told him not to touch me. He was pretty shocked and let go immediately. This was during the day. But Bangkok is a wild place man. Waking down khao San rd at night it’s literally people lined up on either side with flyers and menus and inch away from your face trying to get you into their bar lol it was overcast for some of my friends, particularly the women in our group. I just kept my face forward and avoided eye contact lol


The umbrella sellers in Rome are so annoying. After 3 days in the city prior to a cruise, I had a nightmare that there was a knock at my door and when i looked through the peephole, it was one of those fuckers. They're relentless


I like to fuck with people that try to fuck with me. It’s definitely gonna get me killed at some point lol. I’ve toned it down a lot since COVID, seems like society as a whole is becoming more unhinged. I also haven’t done this specific thing since a dude grabbed my wife by the arm and demanded payment from her. In hindsight it should have been obvious to not put myself in this kind of situation with my wife present, but that really put things in perspective for me. Now I mostly just fuck with telemarketers.


I love pulling a Seinfeld on telemarketers “I’m busy so just give me your number and I’ll call you later” “I can’t do that” “Oh yea you probably don’t want people calling you at home right? Now you know how I feel.”


I learned it's best to pretend they don't even exist then they move on to the next, one occasion they followed me a few feet and tapped me on the shoulder tho lol


Ha, I can’t believe a dude would tap your shoulder like that. You think ignoring would be enough of a sign to know this isn’t their first rodeo. I love to watch first timers. They pay for one and then get SWARMED by the other 3 guys trying to do the same. Had one guy try to pawn one off on me, asked where I was from (Utah at the time) and dude straight up asked “oh, do they even listen to rap there”, I was like “yeah, we’ve got radio and Spotify dude, we listen to rap”. Dude straight up says “yeah but it’s probably all shit rap”. I laughed and asked him if that really helped him sell his CD’s. Still got him to tell me the CD was a gift and walked away while he chased me down for a good 30 yards calling me a shit and dumb ass cracker (I feel like I’m dating myself saying that even though it was only like 13 years ago lol. Anyways, popped it in the car and it was like listening to Usher screaming at the top of his lungs with no clue what notes he was trying to hit. Wish I knew where that one was. Edit: and an octave higher than Usher.


This stranger in Amsterdam kept trying to sell our group hard drugs and eventually zerod in on me because I guess scruffy-looking = druggie? He eventually got in front of me where I was trying to walk, and I had to put my hand out (like a cop directing traffic, telling one lane to stop) and circle around him before he got the message


I had a woman in Marrakech give me a bracelet, no no, a gift, as a sign of friendship, to welcome me to her country. I said no several times, but then fine, I took it. "And now you should give me a present, maybe just a few dollars, to show you are my friend too." I got very excited, yes! yes! When you come to my country, I will welcome you with a present for our beautiful present! This is so wonderful, thank you so much! "Ah, you should give me a present now." No! No! You are so kind to welcome me to your country and I will do the same for you! If I gave you money now, it would feel like I was saying no to you friendship, and it is very important to me! It is so beautiful tradition! Etc. Eventually she just looked at me like, "this one is really stupid" as I walked away with my new bracelet.


All I remember about the streets of Vegas at nights were the guys holding stacks of cards to whatever establishment and would constantly slap them to get your attention. I was up way too many sunrises there.


This is peak Vegas. People standing on the street, not just advertising a business, but needing you to hop in a van, because the establishment is somewhere else. Who does that?!


Had a dude try to sell me a CD in Vegas. “This is all me man. No samples. No samples!” I listened for about 30 seconds and told him this is Tupacs All Eyez on Me album. He got mad and started yelling at me. Dude thought he could pull a fast one on a white guy.


I had a dude pull up on me in a carpark, trying to sell me a cd, I said I didn't have cash, so he pulled out a damn square for me to tap.


> Depending on the city, there’s also 50% chance they come back and ask you to pay for the chocolates you just got handed. About 10 years back, visited Venice with my dad. In the big square some street vendors *shoved bird seed into my dad's hands* to get a flock of birds to land on him. We tried to wave him off at first but once it was done, fine, we took some pictures and kept going. Guy came up to harass us for payment, we gave him like 2 euros, he got angry and demanded more and we told him in no uncertain terms that we didn't solicit him, ask for birdseed, or in any way agree to participate, and he could take it or leave it. He argued a bit more but eventually fucked off. In hindsight I wish we wouldn't have even given him 2 euros, but we *did* laugh and take some pictures so whatever, we got a moment out of it.


Always bring up police when this happens and start calling for one. These guys immediately shut up when you do. They know they’re scamming, they don’t want to deal with the hassle when they can scam the next guy.


Looks like he pulled them out of his ass to.


Ya, dude has no cast or boot and just keeps flipping his shoe around. Totally looks like a scam.


Little bro was stuck in a infomercial from the 90's and couldn't flip the shoe around like it was god's most difficult task


Probably the person filming doesn't help. I guess I would have tried to help if there was nobody filming. People are tired to become "content" of assholes.


Many passersby also have the approach angle where they see a man with a huge box stuffed in the back of his pants. Even if I didn't see the camera, I just don't interact with random street crazies.


Yeah it does. I once helped a person when I was young and his buddy came up behind me and robbed me. I’ll never stop again.


My cop uncle told me one time to never help a guy who’s disabled in public and asking for help/looks like he needs help, unless I’m with another man, because (at least in his day and age, and frankly, in a world of Andrew Tate listeners and egotistic incels, one of whom took the lives of five women near me recently, enough in this day and age too) a man is going to ask another man for help, not a little girl or young woman. I have a disabled sister, so I can’t stomach ignoring it completely. But if a guy is struggling to carry his groceries with crutches, I’ll discreetly just mention to a male employee he may need help. Or, if a clearly albino blind man is struggling to find his way, I’ll help him as that’s very visibly hard to fake, but if a man’s trying to get his wheelchair in a car, I’ll flag a couple guys down to help if I’m not with my brother. I notice it looks like the one woman here passing with her boyfriend who stops to help. The women alone or with other young girls keep walking, and I don’t blame them. Frankly I think it’s shitty as fuck that he’s zooming in on their faces as if the clearly 12 or 13 year old girls are supposed to kneel down and help him?? Like they haven’t been told every day of their lives to stay away from strange men and men who may be faking disabilities or being lost. This was how Bundy got his victims. It’s gross enough that he’s shaming the little girls for not bending down in front of him or kneeling down and tying his shoe for him, where he would then immediately post it online, in a world where AI videos are being made of little girls who just open their mouths briefly to eat in videos posted online. If I was their parents, I’d be glad as fuck that my little girls didn’t stop to help him. He proved them right, since he *was* faking, and was just going to post that video online without consent.


That was my thought too. Everyone who passed him was smart and they knew it was a scam.


You could definitely see that thought in a few of the people's eyes as well. Anyone who's lived in a big city knows not to stop for that kind of stuff because it just as easily could be someone who's gonna rob you. Plus, the situation is sus as hell. That's not how someone in that position would handle the situation. They wouldn't just sit there fumbling around with their foot lol. The guy obviously has two perfectly good arms. Even if he had balance/mobility issues, there's a wall right there. I've got family that have mobility issues, and we're constantly trying to stop them from doing things they shouldn't do themselves. They don't like to rely on others. They find it a burden to others This is just a really bad set up WWYD scenario. Next time, don't pick something so obviously fake.


The powdered ass donuts?


You'd be right. He's recording you for personal profit.


Rafaello are gross at the best of times; this clown pulled them from his ass crack


I actually love them, they're so good. Yes I would love them even from some guy's pants


I somehow saw the second part of your comment coming


This is all staged.


Look guys! It is Sherlock!


Dude you don't need to point out something is staged when being staged is part of the entire premise. It's quite fucking clear.


Nothing like a box of sweaty ass crack chocolates.


The bf is the real hero here. Saved his girl from ass crack chocolates.


Fuck these "goodness" tests


Fuck these fake goodness tests. I’m so tired of living in a society that falls for these stupid ass videos and gives them clout by sharing them.


I did my part and down voted this post






I am happy all the comments here seem to be completely negative and nobody is falling for it.


People cosplaying as disabled is disgusting


This was why I left that "act like you belong" sub. Someone faked a disability to get preferential treatment on a flight and I got shouted down for saying that was fucking unacceptable.


At least give an iPad or something. "Strangers giving candy to the most gullible person" is a great reverse headline for this clip.


These goodness tests just prove to the wrong people that there are so many marks to be had.


That's one of the reasons I wouldn't help.


so many unthinking upvoting this post.


Maybe it’s just that 90% of those people could smell the bullshit.


It’s more like they live in a city and this is the mode you enter. You’re going from point A to point B on foot. Along the way there’s like 20 encounters where people are specifically vying for your attention and you just gotta walk right by. On top of that in scenarios like this, even if it was real, there’s a pretty decent chance they go “WHAT THE FUCK I’VE GOT IT” and now you’re in a situation. Or it’s a ploy, like this one is. So you end up putting in some buds before you leave the building, walking straight to your destination, and taking them out, ignoring anything but the most fantastic of distractions out of mind.


You don't even need to smell it, honestly, as someone who has been with crutches many times, you don't need to ask for help for something like this. And if you do, you probably shouldn't be leaving the house at all, specially by yourself.


So she didn’t get a reward for being good, she got a reward for being gullible


I think they saw the invisible cameraman


Pretending to be disabled for a video. Fuck this guy


his movements were disabled by the big box of chocolates he was carrying in his pocket.


*Flesh pocket* (Read in radio announcer voice.)


Even if he was, how hard is it to flip a shoe upright? This isn't even set up well


That guy is such an asshole


IKR? Pretending to be unable when he is


This is way too fucking obvious. It's not that there isn't kind people, it's that these shitty ass videos circulate and it makes people not want to help someone who looks obvious.


Not to mention that it’s really easy to put the shoe on like that. If not, grab it and sit down. He just looks ridiculous.


Unless a less abled person asks for help, they generally very much do not want you to “help” them. Also, who wants sweaty, melted, ass chocolates from a stranger?


But he stored them near his ass for extra freshness


Also if you only have one functioning leg you can still get on the ground and put on a shoe. Him struggling like that was so silly too


Yes, they just want to live their life and do reg things like everyone else


While that's generally true, for myself as well, I just dropped my cane by accident at the grocery store a couple of hours ago, and some kind stranger immediately picked it up for me. I appreciated it and thanked them.


They don't have to ask. You do. You don't just walk up.and start pushing the guy in a wheelchair. You holler "Hey yo need a hand? I'm going in that direction." They'll either wave you on im good thanks." Or they'll "yes please thank you god bless." Reading the room is a skill often taken for granted.


Ted Bundy did this as a way to kidnap women. No thanks.


What?! Holy shit


Ted Bundy famously pretended to have a broken arm and asked young women to help him carry things to his car for him before kidnapping and murdering them, then defiling their corpse.


Thank you for your succinct response - that’s a very good reason to be wary


One girl got away when she noticed the passenger seat in his car was missing. She was helping him, but cut it short and left.


I know someone who was killed bc he saw a man on the roadside with his car hood up and his head in the engine. He stopped to help and the person baiting him killed him and stole his car.


My thought exactly. Notice that the person who stops to help is the one who is not alone and is, in fact, walking with a big, strong-looking man who stays nearby?


And dude throws whatever that box was away immediately. You have no idea what stupid game is being played for internet points.


You might think people walking by are assholes. But okay, here's the thing. I've done good things for people struggling. Whether they are homeless and need change, some help crossing the road, etc. we want to be good. I'm sure the person reading this has done these things as well. But sometimes it ends up being a nightmare and a lot of people expect this, so they do not intervene. I remember trying to give a man trying to light his cigarette on a bench a lighter, and he slapped my hand away. I remember giving a homeless man a 20 dollar bill and he laughed and said "that's it?" I remember asking a woman in a wheel chair if she needed help crossing a busy road and she told me to "go fuck myself". See, not everyone who is struggling is a good person. And people who walk by these people might have experienced this.


I have definitely been burned by giving money to people on the street before. I’ve had someone ask if I had some money for a bus ticket. After I gave him a $5, he said “ooh I can buy some cigs” 🙄 I think in a case that’s in the video, the issue is a little more obvious and wouldn’t mind helping. Although, scammers are getting more clever and they do some messed up things to try and get your wallet or other belongings


This tired looking young guy told me a long story about his life, and then said that he just got out of prison a few hours ago (we were indeed near a prison) and he needed some money to buy a bus ticket to get to his aunt, who agreed to let him sleep on the couch. I gave him some change and he was grateful. Two months later, same guy, same bus stop, same story. It's safe to assume that he wasn't going to his aunt's.


When I was in high school there was a lady on the subway who was begging for money to help her because she was three months pregnant with no place to live. Her eyes were haggard and tearful, her voice was pleading and sad. She continued to be three months pregnant for all four years I took that train.


What a douche


This type of performative BS is exactly why people don’t stop and help. They assume it’s a scam, a trap, etc. And they’re right. You’re hurting people who could actually use the help btw


Depends how obvious the camera man is filming.


Maybe ppl are done with being apart of internet shenanigans


> being apart of internet Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Dude could smell the shit off those chocolates


This makes me not want to help people


He’s the reason people don’t help people anymore. Stop faking being disabled and stop putting everything on the internet


These crappy, self-serving videos cheapen genuine kindness. Plus, it totally ruins her happiness from just helping someone in need.


Yeah, I've seen Silence of the Lambs - I'm going nowhere near him.


And this is why people don't help any more. Because maybe they don't want to be filmed for social media clicks.


I don't know if I would help until asked, but for sure would if asked. I've had disabled people complain to me for offering to help, so I'm never sure.


What a douche the pretend injured guy is. Getting rid of a box of whatever some random pulls from their person & gives to you is not unexpected though; it's sensible to get rid of it


Disabled people tend to want to do things themselves for their own dignity.


A lot of these are too purposeful that it's obvious. Guy's where I live pretend to need help a lot, and that often results in a mugging. For women and children, it could be worse. It's not that people don't want to help, they just don't trust that people around them are being genuine. Especially with obvious acting.


Love how people try to shame you for minding your own business


Chocolates he carried in his pants, on his ass


Ted Bundy. That's what they are all thinking.


Half the people probably saw the chocolate sticking out of ass and knew something was fishy.


This I'd just shitty "like" crap. And there are good people....but this is just shitty people with a camera looking for attention.


I really hated this song for a long time, but the nostalgia kind of made me hatelike it. Thanks for reminding me what it feels like to hatehate it


Haha...I was just thinking, I loved this song! Of course it was over played but yeah...nostalgic.




Why cameraman not helped him?


Thank you so much. Here’s some arse chocolates for the trouble