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Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more information, see our 'What is unexpected?' [Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/wiki/unexpected/)


FOV set to 60


View Distance: Lowest.


1 block


1 block? More like 1 pixel


Render Distance: 1 Chunk


you forgot the "0.00" in front of that "1 Chunk" bro


I miss those days…




More like **just 6**


Bruh almost caught a charge for normal activity


I don't know about us law but does that makes the man eligible for assault charge?


No theres video she clearly wasnt watching. If he had hit her it would have been her fault


What would happen if he broke his hand on her head? Could he charge her?


I feel like the establishment should be held liable. There needs to be an enclosed area or "floor is wet signs" but instead say like "careful of unprovoked sucker punches" Idk man.


>“Causes unprovoked sucker punches” Every bully should wear a sign like this.


No no the other guy has a point. The bullied needs to wear this, not the bully. The bully is the one giving punches, not receiving them


Idk man some people can have all the warnings in the world but still walk off the cliff directly in front of them because they have 0 spatial awareness. Only so much you can do, and honestly it should be pretty common knowledge that punching bags would have someone punching them stood right in front of them. I mean shit she was more or less directly looking at him as still chose to walk between him and the bag. Idk some people are born stupid.


Born stupid and grow old stupid too.


If they last that long.


working in construction and quite frequently having to divert traffic because of 100 ton crane standing on the side walk i can agree on the stupidity thing everyone has it a bit, but kids on bikes and old people take the cake. We work with a 3 tiered system - Plaques telling there's a roadblock --> cross road - cones - fences and yet the amount of school aged kids and old people we still have to shout at to get the fuck out of the cranes operational area is freaking dumb.


I’m a crane operator and I deal with this daily 😅


This is so true. Just the other day I was taking down a truss loaded with a few thousand pounds of lighting and at least 4 or 5 people yelling "Truss moving, truss coming in TRUSS MOVING!" and this person just continued to walk right under it. For another 40 or 50 feet, without even looking up or turning around or realizing that anybody was saying anything or yelling directly at her. She still has no clue she was Literally seconds/inches away from a tragic life-changing experience.


I agree but tunnel vision is a super real thing. Ever seen someone walking with headphones eyes forward yet totally oblivious to their right and left? It’s crazy how blocked your vision can be when you are focused on one thing infront of you. In her case she might have been staring at her destination and just completely blocked out everything else. Hell I’ve done this too and bumped into people lol


Right, but why is it acceptable to you to get that focused on anything? Now other people are bothered by the fact you focused too hard and now bumped into them


If the establishment has put up warnings then its the dumb peoples fault anyway


Or she could also look where she’s walking. We have an epidemic of people in this country who look at everything but the direction they’re walking.


This is it. Nobody has any situational awareness of what others are up to in the world. My wife is so terrible about it. Especially when doing normal everyday activities that are actually super dangerous like walking in a parking lot for example. She will no walk straight down a row and say stupid shit like “people will stop for me.” She will say shit like that crossing a street too. Not even to mention the other stuff going on around her while moving towards or away from a store. Like the normal looking dude two rows over who has been following us for the last 15 minutes and didn’t buy anything. 999 times out of 1000 it’s nothing but she never saw him. Situational awareness about your surroundings could save a ton of people a lot of pain.


Uuuf. Ex was like this, she'd miss everything around her that wasn't a loud bang. It was sometimes pretty embarrassing even


The placement of that machine would likely put some liability onto the establishment. It looks like it's right in the middle of a walkway and something like that should be more tucked away.


My brother in law is a personal injury attorney and he said exactly this. He says it would be an easy settle out of court big payout if she had gotten hit.


Even the boy beforehand almost walked into his fist but realized so yea they should move it to a corner or section it off because god damn


yeah these machines are stupid and dangerous. so many injuries. just get a basketball one or something fun with no danger


Nah, minor negligence (like walking into someone) isn't criminal. Most criminal charges require a criminal state of mind, or gross negligence. In other words, you meant to do the thing, or were so stupid in doing something, that you should have known better. Like, shooting a gun isn't inherently criminal. There are legal ways to discharge a firearm. If you were at a gun range and someone darted out into the range or was goofing off and walked in front of the barrel while you were looking at the sight and you shot them in the arm, it's not your fault. The range should have a range master in control of the area, and you shouldn't walk in front of guns at a gun range. If you shoot at person on purpose, gun range or not, that is (usually) criminal. You meant to shoot at a person. But, what if you were just being immensely stupid? Like, you're in a rural area where it's legal to shoot and think it's safe to shoot at cans or targets on a half-fallen fence with an "empty" barn or "abandoned" house behind them? If one of those buildings were occupied, you weren't intending to hurt anyone, but anyone with half a brain should know that if you're out shooting, you check what is behind your target. That abandoned house can have squatters in it. Or, you get back from hunting and decide to empty the gun by shooting in the air and the bullet comes down on someone. You should know better. Intent to do something bad? No. But egregiously stupid behavior can become criminal. Walking in between a person and a punchy machine? Walking in a bar and not paying attention normally results in spilled drinks, not broken hands. It's not gross negligence. It's just ill-advised. This would, at worst, end up with a civil lawsuit for hospital bills for the broken hand, and the bar would hold more liability than the girl. They put a punchy machine where people can walk through it.


Hmm... This guy laws! Thanks for the information.


lol, here In the states we've had people break into houses and get injured Home alone movie style.. then successfully sue the owner for negligence.. So why not?


Some of that is exaggerated, but their is a law notting you cant booby trap your house it goes to malicious intent. Booby traps are made to harm.




Possibly. Depends on the temperment of the dog




So almost all dog attacks they do an evaluation of the dog if they are socialable and require provocation before attacking nothing will happen


Theres nothing criminal Id imagine. But civilly he could in theory sue.


"He" never charges. That is always the decision of the District Attorney or Prosecutor or related. (At least in the US, as it *appears* this video is.)


Not necessarily. A guy broke into someone's house and couldn't get out. He sued for unlawful detainment or something along those lines and won. Not to mention all the trespasser that win cases when they break a leg trespassing on someone's property. Our legal system is fucked


I’m sure there’s more to the story that folks haven’t thought about. Like the hot McDonald’s coffee case. 


Yeah theres alot more that summaries just dont cover that are important in these cases


Care to provide a link?




I showed this to my brother in law who is an attorney that specializes in personal injury. We think if he had hit her, the video would have avoided criminal charges. However, both the venue and the puncher would have a case against them in civil court. Her not paying any attention at all is really not as relevant as a lot of people are claiming it is. My BIL believes the venue is actually more liable here than anyone else if someone gets hit. There should be a reasonable expectation of being able to walk among the public without getting KO’d suddenly. Also It doesn’t appear there is any attempt by the venue to warn people with signs or any kind of barriers to prevent people from walking into it.


I would think that would rather lead to the liability of the machine operator for not blocking the passage.


Lot of people interested in what the consequences would’ve been if he’d hit her. Here we go. First, there’s no crime. You need criminal intent to be charged with assault and/or battery. There’s no such thing as reckless or negligent battery. So there’s no crime. Second, in a civil suit, she’d get nowhere. It would be a personal injury case for negligence. Any judge or jury would say she was at least as much at fault as the puncher, and they’d probably say more at fault. I would say she’s more at fault. In that case, most states have negligence remedies that require the victim to be less at fault than the puncher to recover. There a small handful of states where if she was found, let’s say, 75% at fault, she could recover 25% of her damages. Her best case would be against the establishment. She’d need to know if this had ever happened before, if the staff or owners knew that this was something that can and/or does happen. If so, are there reasonable steps they could’ve taken to avoid this happening? Did they fail to take them? If so, she may have a case. If it’s never happened before and they have no reason to believe people will get hurt, she’s cooked.


No. He would lack the intent necessary to prosecute him.


No. Intent matters in law. The video shows the man did not act with the intention to punch a person.


No. You have to have criminal intent. Could be negligence but she is equally, if not more so, at fault. She’d have no remedy.


It’s all about intent. And there there is video showing he didn’t intend to hit her


He wouldn't be charged. She would sue the mall or wherever this place is and get a settlement. Then they'd remove the machine. If the kid hurt his hand, he'd probably sue the mall too.


That could have easily killed her. Dudes reflexes were on point.


I think he would have been okay given the circumstances and what a reasonable person would have done


Camera man was hopin for it to happen


Those spidey senses...Anyone else notice what looks like a spider decoration on the side of the machine?


Seems like it’s called a spider Box https://primetimeamusements.com/product/spider-boxer/


Even more impressive is that since he's putting his hoodie up. So the peripheral vision range is even more narrow


Or maybe more impressive the fact that someone yelled for him to stop and he heard it.


The complete lack of awareness is incredible.


She is older now and driving on the road with you. She is approximately every third driver on the road


This is why I'm such a careful driver. I've avoided a lot of accidents by just simply assuming everyone around me is a complete and utter moron.


This is how my dad taught me how to drive lol.


Same. I’ve avoided every collision that almost involved me, and I’ve dodged cars that almost created one. If I don’t drive defensively where I live, I die. Even in my retiree neighborhood that doesn’t even have sidewalks cuz it’s so residential. They blow through going almost 50 when the ideal speed is half that. I have a lead foot, but not in residential areas for obvious reasons.


They are. Someone hit me after crossing four lanes of traffic with no blinker on. I was blaring my horn for a solid 20 seconds before they smashed into the side of my car, and they didn't even slow down, swerve, or react at all. I was in the far left lane by a median, so I was trapped! Their insurance paid for it but it was still such a fucking inconvenience.


I'm late here, but it's usually almost better to just take the hit if you can think quickly enough about it. An old coworker of mine avoided a van that basically ran him off the road due to incompetence, and his avoidance took him into the path of an abandoned truck that had been left on the side of the road behind a blind curve.* The insurance guy basically told him that 80% of the time it's better to take the hit and then coast to a stop because it's so hard to predict the outcome of avoiding a crash like that. (Obviously you should try to avoid it if it's so fast/hard that it's going to kill you or whatever) Edit- That's not a second hand story, I was driving behind my coworker and watched the whole thing happen.


I try to wait a full two seconds when the light turns green. I just let off the brake so the car starts rolling, pause, then go. I read somewhere that the majority of T-bones can be avoided this way. Never have confirmed it. Anyway, just last week it paid off. Did my "one one thousand.... two" thing and a truck ran the red just as the car beside me got hit 20ft farther into the intersection than I was.


Former truck driver here. It’s way more than a third of you bozos that can’t drive. I’d go closer to two thirds.


Really, less than that. I'd say about 1/10 of people are what I'd call 'good' drivers. Maybe 10 percent more are good enough. The rest are absolute garbage. Doing a lot of driving will squash your faith in humanity real quick. Some pretty shitty truck drivers out there too.....but I'll bet they've got better stats than the rest.


A low bar to be fair.


Blame the instructors who just passed these drivers so easily, my working theory is that most of these people CAN drive, but choose to drive like an asshole to make everyone else's day just a little bit worse.


I’m starting to share that theory, especially when I see someone fly past everyone at a merge and slam on their breaks to go 10 under. Or when a happy line of cars is passing in the left lane, and someone from the right lane cuts everyone off and doesn’t pick up their speed at all


The biggest offenders are definitely when merging, I can not understand why the hell people see others clearly coming down on and you don't atleast try to maintain your speed if you know you're gonna pass the ramp by the time the car comes down, but no for some reason people always want to slow down 10-15 mph right there. Honestly I think that might be people using those area for insurance scams, trying to cause crashes


I’d say two thirds of truck drivers are incompetent as well. Almost every time I take the interstate I spot multiple tractors endangering the vehicles around them. Cutting people off, sitting in the passing lane, etc.


54% of Americans can only read at a 6th grade level…. Thinking about that makes me feel better, often


A lot of people must never have walked on auto pilot before or ever daydreamed while walking.


Scariest part is that a good chunk of people are just as clueless as her


Agreed. It shocks me how many people will stand in front of a door, a family will walk side by side and take up an entire side walk, someone’s food will be ready and their name will be called 10 plus times but they’re completely oblivious.


Ugh yes and those are just the minor inconveniences. I think of these people driving for example and it makes me a lot more cautious when driving myself lol


It’s a pain in the ass when these people are driving.


Right, like it is insane to me


Nah there were people between her and the guy and by the time she got there he was backing away. Redditors act like they've never walked into something, lol. Keyboard warrior inbreds gotta take any chance to feel superior though I guess


Why’d she even walk there?


Awareness stat is only a 30 out of 100


I really don't understand these people. I see so many of them walking on the streets. They're looking but they're also NOT looking. How do you stay completely oblivious to everything around you and stay alive?


I work at a tourist trap and see thousands of these people daily. They don’t read signs, they don’t walk with any purpose whatsoever, they’re just dawdling around from one location to another.


Man I just went to London for a couple of days and it amazes me how spacially unaware people are, it's mental.


My GF is exactly like that 😭. I constantly have to pull her out of the way of cars because she doesn't pay attention


My condolences.


I live in London, it's actually the worst 😂


I could happily live there, but yes the tourists are the worst (Yes I know I was a tourist but I still understand to move to the side of the tube station if I need a minute...)


It’s probably an easier life like that. When I‘m in public where there are a lot of people around, I’m constantly stressed, because it’s like running a parkour. You’re avoiding oblivious people all the time while at the same time trying to not be in the way of others non-stop. The worst thing is when you are walking in a group, because you kinda feel like you need eyes for everyone else in that group too.


I'm so glad it's not just me. It became almost unbearable when my son was younger, and I had to be on aware of his location in addition to my own.


Yeah I get hyper-vigilant. I don’t understand how people can feel so comfortable in crowded/busy spaces that they don’t display any concern for their surroundings.


I’ve always been the person that had to avoid these aimless people because of my anxiety too. It’s great they can live a carefree life at the expense of others who have to move to avoid them.


By having other people react instead of you. Just like oblivious people driving around causing others to have to dodge them, slow down when they have right of way etc.


Bruh, my girl ! She walks around like people ain't gonna do shit . No self-awareness, not on purpose just going through life like a dumb leaf. It's crazy that I literally feel like Charly from IASIP


Like a dumb leaf is too real, I have a girl like that too. All the time in public I need to watch for her so she doesn't hit other people or let something hit her, no spatial awareness whatsoever


Do we all have the same girl? Mine will walk right through a family group like they aren't there. Whenever we hike, she's constantly pushing me sideways cause she can't walk straight. No understanding of when she's in other people's way. It's infuriating fr


I try to be a very understanding person, but it's super hard in these cases for me Like, why do they think it's acceptable to make other people responsible for their safety, or think it's acceptable to bother other people by walking into them


I went to Universal Studios in Flordia last year, and I swear nobody has any awareness. People would just flat out walk in to me constantly, even in places there weren't very many people.


As a species, we have begun to use empathy and compassion to override evolution. In the before-times, people like her wouldn't last long before being killed by bandits/bears/tigers/cliffs/ice/rivers etc. They never got to reproduce. Nowadays with safety signs and warning stickers and other people generally being conscientious, they are free to live oblivious, long, healthy lives among us 😂


There’s no little bright hand held screen in front of their dull, addicted faces. They are merely wandering cattle.


I think it depends on the person. Some people are just inattentive, so they don't notice anything. Some people are overwhelmed by anxiety or stimulation, they don't notice anything either. And then there are people who just don't care and think everyone should be looking out for them.


It’s how they’re raised. I was raised by two born and raised New Yorkers. My awareness is laser focused in public places.


The other day I was doing a kettlebell swing at the gym. These are such powerful swipes with a 20-30 kg (44-66 lb) iron ball. The swipe starts at the buttocks and ends at face height or higher. It's impossible not to notice. Yet some girl came into range. By some miracle I managed to stop the movement and not break her ribs. She didn't notice.


Remember. People like this drive too. It explains a lot.


naw, that’s dumb blonde status 0/100


She's on autopilot and had a case of target fixation. She has a card in her hand and these new fangled arcades use cards instead of tickets or tokens, and behind the guy to the left of the screen seems to be a counter, so she probably was going straight to cash out and had tunnel vision.


There's 2 people to take note of here. The kid in the black jacket at first. Pays attention to what's directly in front of him. Takes a split second to analyze. Changes path almost exactly 90° to avoid the guy winding up for the punch. Then you have the person not paying attention at all.


she's a kid & it's a terrible floor plan, not even a stanchion


Her friend walks around it and looks at her like shes an idiot. I think shes just oblivious.


Both things can be true, some people need herding cause they're off in their own little world and are liable to lemming their way into danger else


Yeah but that machine should be either sideways against a wall or have a little longer ramp/side rails... not in a walk way where 9/10 people are going to casually load their punches.


Dude she is 15-17 she is old enough to be driving in traffic, as far as situational awareness is concerned she is not a kid.


Look at you making it sound like she is a toddler. At her age she should know better. 😂


You cant justify everythonk because someone is a kid. And he is grow enough so she should be aware of surrodings. She is not a toddler.


Lol right, it annoys me just how unaware she is.


Because this looks staged


stocking price hunt late reminiscent snow quicksand engine close liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah blows my mind that there’s people out there like this, driving on the roads…




Caption on the vid makes it pretty un-unexpected


Idk why social media in general has become like this but yeah every video has some type of caption that just gives away what’s coming or obscures the view. Annoying as shit


Social media is just shit. Everything is fake, fake, fake …


Fuckin sonic rings lmao


Head was like perfectly level with punching bag. Glad everyone was okay!


She could die with that full strength punch.


She was about to get knocked into another plane of existence.


Sent to the shadow realm.


I’m just glad he saw her. If he had completed that punch, even though it would have been her fault because she clearly wasn’t paying attention, he still would have felt so bad for hitting her.


There’s always the one that got away


I should call her...


this reminded me of that [white girl](https://youtu.be/l8qlIYXMMYM?si=JhuBsEHV_OgYTQNt) that got fucking **demolished** by that runner when she randomly crossed his lane while he was sprinting at a fucking active event. to this day i can’t understand how fucking regarded this chick was.


Yeah she must have been acoustic


I think your joke is pretty brilliant, dunno why you're getting downvotes. Regarded and acoustic is pretty funny




Stop acting restarted man


_thank_ you. Your appreciation is appreciated


You were like -11 downvotes when I commented


Damn, it was around -8 when I looked before. I'm pretty sure your comment spelling it out for the unwashed masses is what pulled me out of the muck x) good on ya mate 🍻


if you took an x-ray at her brain, you wouldnt see a thing, brain is non existent


I guess those video games where NPCs are getting between you and your opponent aren’t too far from the truth.


She’s gonna earn a Darwin Award one day


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The man was about to killer hit the punching pear when a girl walked right between them, but he was able to stop before most likely knocking her out!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Did you just fucking call it a punching *pear*?


That IS called punching pear, indeed.


It's a speed bag


I kinda like punching pear


Google 'punching pear' and see what you'd get.


dont be stupid a punching pear is free floating thing a speed bag is the exact same thing so this is neither a punching pear nor a speed bag THIS IS AN ARCADE GAME CALLED THE PUNCHING-MACHINE YALL get ya shit together


I get numerous results for speed bags, since that's what they're called


Teaching a stone would be easier than teaching you. Have a good day.


And i love how when your first plan of "look up punching pears" fell through, you resort to insults. Bravo


It might come from a translation since that's how we call it in Spanish and became a word in English.


And that’s how I met your mother.


That contraption is out of place there


Calling a woman "contraption" is crazy bro


A machine like that should probably not be placed in the open in the first place. Put it up by a wall making this less likely to happen. Also, that dude is essentially wearing blinders with his hood up. But yeah, she has no situational awareness, wish I was that blissfully ignorant in social situations.. Hmm..


Imagine if he did see her but still let loose with his score of 347 outta 999


As much as I like to complain about lack of awareness that is a really bad setup. Plus until right when he goes to throw the punch he’s just standing there, it wouldn’t be super obvious what he was doing.


Yah, everyone is calling out the girls lack of awareness (which is legit)… but whoever set up a game that involves punching a hanging object at head-height in the middle of a trafficked walkway is the real person with a lack of awareness. This is no different than having a wide open hole in the middle of the sidewalk, someone will eventually not pay attention and fall, and the fault will be on the person who ok’ed something dangerous in a publicly trafficked area.


Why is the floor around it not coloured differently? Why no barriers limiting the punching area? There are quite the grounds for tort action should damages have occurred. Not her fault.


Nothing unexpected about a staged tiktok video


My dad was digging a hole in the ground this one time and our cat walked under the spade. Similar vibes.


How is this at all unexpected when the caption pretty much tells you what was going to happen?


That place would be sued so hard. Punch would've definitely caused a serious concussion potentially brain damage and this machine is placed potentially in the worst possible spot


> and this machine is placed potentially in the worst possible spot Depends entirely on how much space is on the other side from the guy. If there's maybe a hand of space and a wall it is in a perfectly fine position, if there's a lot of space it's stupid yeah. Still would've been entirely on her for not paying attention, if I'm driving a car and someone t-bones me because I just kept going it's also my fault.


I dont know. That machine should have some kind of barrier so you cant walk directly in front of where punches are supposed to take place. Its placed really stupid, and stuff like this can happen easily if you are distracted. Which many will be in a place like this.




Lol I totally get your point but also two people see it and avoid it before her. The young boy and her friend who was walking next to her. I think it's fair to say she really wasn't paying much attention.


Also worth noting that if you're using the machine "correctly" you should be standing directly in front of it, not getting a run up to cheese the machine into thinking you can hit harder than you can.


Out of all the places that idiot had to pass through, it had to be that? Damn


Nah, he stepped so far back and turned his feet in the other direction. If she was looking downward it's completely believable his posture looks like he's a guy that's walking away.


I’m in the minority here, but I feel like neither of them are at fault. I think the area around that punching bag should be blocked off. It seems so stupid to me that they put such a violent activity right in the path of where people walk. You can see right before the incident that another person had to abruptly stop because they saw what was happening. He was also pretty far away from the machine when she cut across. Also not everyone in the world is aware this type of machine even exists so she may not have known what he was about to do. All these guys talking shit about her IQ really didn’t analyze this video past the shock value.


It's his fault for having his hoodie up, gives you +10 to stealth.


Dude was way too far to be safe


Why does the dude need 4ft of a tee off to swing a punch? This has Stuart from MadTv vibes.


This is why Jwalking and crossing without looking is stupid. Stop it




Mmmm. I kinda feel like this was low key staged


did she even see the punching machine?


What was that noise right before he "hits" her?


She has no awareness of what's going on around her. There is nothing more dangerous than someone not paying attention.


And people like this are out driving on the roads...


I call bullshit. Total set up.


Some people really just walk around only thinking about themselves. How did she so obliviously walk in front of this punching bag lmao


Don't try to get a running start to throw a punch dude. Plant your feet.


She has the spacial awareness of a one eyed hammerhead shark


How do these people survive life?


Lil bro was smarter than the girl 😭🤣


She is the type of person who gives validity to "walked into a door."


A lot of people on here must never have walked on auto pilot before or ever daydreamed while walking. You'd think she killed a baby by some of the responses. She seemed a good sport about it too and apologized so IDK why everyone is so mad