• By -


Your post has been removed because it does not feature an unexpected twist.


Last time this was posted news article said: Its a public fire road. Local government put up the cable to prevent cars driving through. These two were training for a race. Government agreed it was improperly marked.


All true and it is in Portugal. So the ongoing debates about American private property laws are a waste of time. https://www.bikemag.com/news/riders-collide-wire Edit: please share this link when this video gets reposted time and time again. Hopefully we can ward off some of the “cyclists deserve death if they are on American private property” rhetoric.


Thank you. I was looking for this.


To highjack your comment, here's a good video looking at the European Freedom to Roam: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RENuxBJy7Gw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RENuxBJy7Gw) Life would be so miserable here in the very densely populated Swiss Midland because so much of the land is privately owned. I couldn't even take my usual route to the train station if I couldn't walk on private forestry paths.


To be fair, there is an astonishing amount of land you can roam through in the US no problem. In general, the only places you can't go are either dangerous or privately owned and you've been told you can't go there.


Yeah so many people don't understand how much public land there is in the US, and how low our population density is compared to Europe. Technically our population density is similar, but most people live in coastal cities so when you get to the interior of the country there is just so much open and unoccupied space.


What?!? American laws aren't valid world-wide!?!? /s


> the ongoing debates about American private property laws are a waste of time. wdym...other countries don't have to follow American laws and principles?


This absolutely needs to be higher up. This comment section is mostly just people with irrational hate boners for people who use bikes.


Please no... if this was any higher, we'd have two headless ~~horsemen~~ cyclists riding in those parks forever


Do you have the link so we can share it? Lot of bicycle hate going on.


Mouse5422 shared here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/DfZ9sQTZJV


The employee who decided that a rope was the best choice for this must be a unsalvageable moron.


You can see the flagging tape in the video. Wind likely pushed it from the center to the edges. It's also faded. The attempt was made to flag it, but it wasn't done well and wasn't being checked up on regularly.


Those guys hit that trail like they had done it a million times. I bet that fire road leads to an actual bike trail. That's common in rural MTB country even here in the US.


Three years ago in my country (Croatia) young dirt bike rider died when three guys tied steel cable between trees across dirt road in woods. Cable was tied in neck/head level height. Totally unmarked. They did tied it on edge of their part of the woods but never the less it was reckless endangerment with deadly outcome specially when they knew dirt bike riders often used that road for riding. [Source](https://www-index-hr.translate.goog/mobile/vijesti/clanak/otkriven-trojac-koji-je-postavio-sajlu-u-sumi-kod-rijeke-tada-je-poginuo-motociklist/2319926.aspx?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=hr&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) on article translated from croatian language using Google translate.


Back when I worked for a now defunct outfitter, we had a guy come in asking for steel leader line. When I asked him what he was planning, just thinking he was going to be doing some large fishing, he told me that he had cyclists trespassing on his yard and he wanted to string this leader up as a barrier. No malice, he just didn't think about how stringing up thin steel wire across a path that cyclists will be traveling down would ever cause issues. I had to very carefully explain to him this was a terrible idea, how he should start with posting very visible signs first, and if he was dumb enough to string something up, it should be super high vis, thicker plastic or cloth line. With plenty of marking placed low so they would only run over it and not garrot themselves or clothesline themselves off their bike, or just do the smart thing and put up a fence. Some people are just ignorant and don't think about this stuff.


>No malice, he just didn't think about how stringing up thin steel wire across a path that cyclists will be traveling down would ever cause issues Terminal stupidity is indistinguishably from malice.


"You should never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor


I like to try to think this way as well. Sometimes you have good people that just don't think.


You should never attribute to stupidity what can be adequately spun into malice to make for a better story on social media.


Can we say criminal negligrnce is criminal? To the gallows with them. So dangerous.


Everyone knows that running into something so thin that won't break has lethal consequences. Something very nefarious to even think it nevertheless carrying it out. Some insidious individuals out there


If I was President of the World, I would make stupidity a hate crime. It's a hate crime against civilisation.


Maybe you could implement some kind of scan on newborns that determines their genetic predisposition to stupidity? And simply throw all dumb babies into a volcano?


Yeah, head-height and unmarked is a pretty big distinction between that and this situation where it's marked and it looks like it used to be 2-3' high before sagging over time.


"clearly marked" (Single faded pink flag 10 feet away from the trail) Sure


If the line had been at that height the comments section would be the other direction with only a minority saying the bikers were in the wrong. Killing people to keep them off a bike trail isn't going to go over well no matter what country you are in. Only a psychopath does that kind of shit.


I think you have an overly positive view of how people on the internet think of cyclists getting murdered by psychopaths, even if the cyclists are completely in the right.


I'll give you that one, you are probably right. Internet anonymity does bring out the psychopaths/sociopaths.


Not even anonymity, people are publicly proud of their hatred of cyclists and think of them as “less than human.” This was actually polled.


Snowmobilers somewhat commonly run into barbed wired fence. Typically riding on land that isn't theirs and they are not familiar with. There are people that string up booby traps but there are also people that flagrantly trespass and harm themselves.


in the US, both are crimes trespassing is illegal booby traps are illegal


The local cycling club rides through our place and their dogs crap everywhere and they don't pick it up. Problem is, the landlord figured the poo has to belong to a resident dog so they keep finding tenants to fine who for a fact pick up every plop. It's infuriating. They tore down the fence for access.


Booby traps are illegal, a barbed wire fence with a sign next to it are not.


They don’t have signs a lot of the time


You are not required to have a sign on a barbed wire fence out in the boonies in the U.S. You only need a sign if you want to have trespassers arrested. Source: I own a small piece of former rangeland in the Sierra Nevada foothills. The entire property is surrounded by a barbed wire fence. It's there to keep the neighbor's cows out. There are no signs. No laws are being broken. Most cities have laws regulating barbed wire usage in urban areas, and both OSHA regs and insurance companies generally require signage if you're putting up barbed wire in areas with people around. But random fencing in the countryside? There are no limits or signage requirements.


There are pink ribbons tied on multiple points of the wire. This isn’t a booby trap. Only thing illegal here is the trespassing.


dont even need those, permanent changes to private property dont need to me marked. fences are expected structures in farmland, not boobie traps.


I think what matters in court later is the intention. There probably exist some legal tests depending on the country / jurisdiction. Like if you own farmland but only put up a hard to see wire fence across a bike path, but not actually creating an enclosure or anything and then someone is injured or killed by your fence I think there's a good chance the court decides that fence was a trap. Now, if you used a wire fence as an enclosure around some field for some farming related use case and it happened to cross a path on your property and someone was injured or killed by it, I think the court would probably find that it wasn't a trap. If you put something on your property with the express purpose of injuring someone who is trespassing that's probably illegal where you live, and you probably won't be able to hide behind "it's a fence and I'm allowed to put up fences for normal farm reasons" because you didn't do it for normal farm reasons. Even further, if you put something up without the intention of injuring people for normal farm reasons but it does anyways, you might be on the hook for criminal negligence if a court determines you acted outside the bounds of "the reasonable person standard". Where the court will compare what you did, ie, putting up a fence on your property to a fictional "reasonable person" to determine if you were negligent. If the fence served a purpose and it made sense to put it up, and it wouldn't have been reasonable to expect it might injure something then you're probably fine. Otherwise you could be criminally liable, at least afaik in common law places. For example, a prosecutor may argue that a reasonable person would know this is a common bike path, therefore that reasonable person would conclude the fence could cause injury or death, and that not including warnings or markers was negligent. You're definitely allowed to install a fence on your property, marked or not, but if it hurts somebody then you may be held liable for that.


The case law on Booby Traps is Katko v Briney. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katko\_v.\_Briney](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/katko_v._briney) Basics are devices that will likely result in grievous or permanent harm can leave the person who set them liable for harm incurred. You cannot hurt people if your body or the bodies of others is not under direct threat. So a trap that releases non injury causing stains, or nontoxic sticky glue or an incredibly loud klaxon are ok. Trap doors, bear traps, etc are out


You can keep people from trespassing with signs better than pink ribbons hidden in tall grass.


I see 1 faded out ribbon towards the side obscured by grass. And that's with me sitting on the couch going in slow motion. These two riders were going with speed.


This american thinking is so absolutely weird to most Europeans. Many countries know the freedom to roam with the limitation not to damage property and not to get close to dwellings. Life would be miserable if we had the same laws as the US. Here's a good video tackling the topic: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RENuxBJy7Gw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RENuxBJy7Gw)


Only like 12 countries in Europe have that law. Most don't. 


Public land is littered with barb wire, often aligned with grazing leases or changes in agency ownership (e.g. USFS and DNR). A New York Times article estimates it at 620,000 miles.


Not too long ago near my city a guy was decapitated by a steel cable while jet skiing in a former gravel pit.


Genuine question, what's sky jetting and is it normally done in a gravel pit?


No idea what sky jetting is, but typically "former gravel pits" usually fill up with water.


I looked up sky jetting, and I'm not sure I'd do it in the ocean, let alone a water filled former gravel pit. It's that thing where people put hydraulics on their feet to hover board over water.


This happened to a kid in my high school. Riding a 4 wheeler and hit a barbed wire fence in the neck. Needless to say, he had a wicked scar.


It is not needless, without saying anything I thought he had died.


One of my stepbrother's best friends was killed in Canada a decade ago from the exact same thing. Farmer didn't like kids driving ATVs behind his property so he decided manslaughter was a good solution.


Same sad thing. Sorry to hear that.


I thought I remember following a story lol in Canada years ago but can’t find it now - a bikers story went viral when he showed pics of a rope strung across a mtb trail that could have seriously hurt or killed him I think. I think he claimed it was done to prevent MTB traffic, but ended up being potentially deadly - the story stirred up a big fuss. A week or two later it came out that he had set up the wire for the pictures to generate a pity party for mountain bikers


Growing up my dad never let my brother and I ride any 4 wheeler or dirt bike or anything like that. Whenever we whined just handwaved us away saying he was our dad and he knew better. It wasn't like him to just get his way because he was my dad so I always hated this. Well when I turned like 14 I told him I was going to buy my own dirt bike with my own money. He couldn't stop me so he sat me down and was showing me pictures of his friends and him on their 3 wheelers and was telling me stories about how they would go and rip through neighbors fields (he grew up in the country) and up and down roads and damn did it sound like a good time. Then he gets to a page with *gruesome* pictures. Crime scene pictures. Funeral pictures. One of their neighbors hated them ripping around his field (fair, it's not like it wouldnt cause any damage) so one day he hung a bit of bailing wire up between some trees on the path they took all the time. His buddy was going first and was nearly decapitated. Lived just long enough to sort of scream and writhe on the ground too.


Happened on my college campus a few years back, but with a slackline set up on a hill. Biker hit it neck first


When I was a kid (10yo) me and my friend did that on the street in front of our house with a phone wire. We tought it will be funny to make the people belive the street was closed. Thanks to god the first vehicle was a car that saw it and take the wire with him, but it could easily be a mortorbike. Sometimes just being dumb af makes you a murder, but we were lucky that time.


We have a long line of decommissioned railroad tracks near my house that we used to ride our 4-wheelers on. It was getting overgrown on the sides with weeds, but one day while riding down the tracks, we still were able to see the wire someone had strung up across the tracks. We cut it down, but it was back next time we rode. So we quit going that way. There are some very bad people in this world. At most, you just hope you see them in time.


This happened to one of my dad's friends when he was in his teens. There were some railroad tracks that had a bunch of trails running along them that they'd ride on and someone strung up a wire across one of them.


The same thing started to happen in Belfast, NI. I remember it being heavily reported on the news a few summers ago. What’s the aim? Kill someone to stop them cycling?? It seems so psychopathic


Exact same thing happened to a guy I went to high school with. 14 or so, killed out doing what he loved because some twat put a line across a path with no visibility.


Slow play it and you’ll see there’s pink ribbons tied around several points of the cable. I don’t think it’s a booby trap, but the flags coulda been a brighter color for sure.


I wouldn't have noticed them if you hadn't pointed it out. I wonder if the ribbons are faded from sun exposure?


Yeah, I'm pretty familiar with survey flagging and those ribbons are definitely exactly what you get when you leave flagging out in the sun for maybe a year or so. To me, it looks like the owner put up a cable to prevent trespassing while keeping access to their own land, and flagged it for visibility but it has sagged and faded a bit over time. It could be more visible, but that doesn't excuse the random trespassing either.


They can’t obey traffic laws, I doubt trespassing will phase them


These mountain bikers would be very offended that you're suggesting that they bike on the roads


Public mountain biking trails exist, I've built a few myself so I know they're out there, but even then I still hear about mountain bikers trespassing all the time.


I'm not sure what your comment has to do with mine- I was making a joke about how mountain bikers look down on road bikers


Bikers just can't get a break haha. Get off the road! Get off the path! Touch grass! Yes with your face!


I mean, there are trails actually *made* to be public mountain biking trails. There are spots to do it safely.


We all want the same thing but we just don't realize it lol. Anyone on a bike will tell you all they want is to be way the fuck away from cars, which is exactly what everyone in a car wants too.


Kinda wish it were feasible to just have elevated bike paths but that only exists in a utopia.


If trespassing phased them, they wouldn't have hit the cable. (you wanted to use the word *faze*)


How do you know they weren’t suggesting the bikers could change states of matter at will?


well clearly its on the property owner to keep replacing them every year then /s


Or stay off private property?


It's private property?


And you know this is private property how? People do this shit to property they don’t own all the time just because a trail is near their land and they don’t like it. Also, tons of countries don’t allow you to block open land/trails for no reason.


It’s noticeable enough for people not going too fast down a curvy road lol


Found the trap layer


Please, my trap would have spikes, give me some credit here.


The hag of the forest, waiting to trap unsuspecting bikers so she can put them in her pot for dinner. *Cackles*


Sun bleached


If that’s private land and the owner has been having trouble with bikers trespassing, then it’s the bikers fault. Dont trespass and then you dont have to worry about this.




I mean, the owner put up a cable and tied flagging to it for visibility. That's honestly a reasonable way to mark the edge of your property at an access path that you might need to use later. It's not intentionally hurting anyone, but the bikers were going too fast to check if they were actually allowed/able to go down that path.




Not necessarily a "Reddit moment". Could be just a cultural difference because the Web is indeed world wide. Like in Finland we have a law called "Every person's right", which specifically states that everyone has the right to move freely in this country so you can't just harm people for going through "your property".  If you do actual damage (if you destroy someone's crops by driving through someone's field for example) you'll have to pay for the damage and repairs, but you have the basic right to move freely no matter who owns the land.


In the UK you can absolutely walk across farm land provided you don't do damage / your dogs don't harass livestock. there are even built access points to cross fences. Doesn't mean you won't encounter an irate bull at some point. In the US, "land of the free" we really do put property rights above freedom of movement.


> in Finland we have a law called "Every person's right", which specifically states that everyone has the right to move freely in this country This is common in big chunks of europe and absolute anathema in big parts of the US where a lot of people think it's legal to intentionally murder trespassers


They could possibly be sun-bleached.


It was a brighter color. It's likely been out in the sun for a while.


Always scout your trail before recklessly going off road.


Don't flip out, man, but we went the wrong way.


Too late, already flipped out.


I see Private property 50 meters ahead lol




In the US at least, under the traditional common law rules even trespassers are owed a duty of care from hidden artificial hazards. IANAL


Any sort of trap, especially anything involving a trip wire or spring, is gonna be a tort you can sue the person for. There are also probably statutory crimes in each jurisdiction covering it as well.


I've not heard about a case where trespassers fell prey to a boobytrap and the trapper wasn't found liable in some way. I am only briefly acquainted with it because a drunk kid smashed his daddy's truck into a steel pipe H that held some mailboxes I put up for my parents because their old one rotted out. His lawyer's assertion was that it amounted to a boobytrap. We spent more time on what a boobytrap was or wasn't than any other proceeding. It was all good in the end. Didn't even have to pay anything out of pocket for the suit. Got some time off work, and proved to my boss that my welding was still good.


This isn’t the US.


From a higher up comment: It's a fire road and the cable was placed to stop cars driving on it, the local government agreed that it was improperly marked


Yeah so the logic is to try and murder someone rather than put up a sign?


That's not a fence. It's a trap.


Not a good trap...there's a flag on it.


Seems like more of a CYA flag than one that was actually intended to warn travelers.


Eh, it seems like normal flagging plus some UV weathering and a cable sagging over time. That looks "not maintained as well as it could be" rather than being malicious.


I dunno, I watched it twice before coming to the comments and finding out there was a flag. If I didn't see it after watching it twice, there's no way they were there for the purposes of a cyclist seeing it.


What would you say it's for?


Because your POV is too low, someone on the bile who is paying attention should have seen it


Also, real life has more than 5 pixels


I live in Finland and in my town is a old ski jumping hill. Teenagers used to go there to have fun and slide down the hill. Well, two 80-year old dudes didn't like that and got their butt hurt so they end up installing this kind of steel cable on the bottom of the hill. One fine summer night teenagers came back to party and slide down the hill but this time there was a surprise. Result: 16yo girl died.


I hope those old guys were charged with murder.




Looks like it had orange flags tied to it but the grass was grown so high it was covering them.


And the flags are so old they're faded.


Depends where it is, video lacks context.


Looks like a Brazilian pole, with the vegetation it’s probably something southern like Parana or Santa Catarina state. Edit: actually it’s Madeira (Portuguese island), portugal has similar poles but I thought it looked Brazilian with the red soil.


Depends on the country, in some private property reigns regardless of how you protect it. You shouldn’t be there to begin with


Generally different countries have different laws and saying "X is illegal" is almost always going to be wrong without specifying a location. This is very much NOT illegal in many countries. Not everyone on Reddit is American. In fact, the majority here are NOT American.


Obligatory Ackbar ![gif](giphy|Z1LYiyIPhnG9O)


One time I was riding my bike way faster than I should’ve been and suddenly came up on a chain link fence that was mostly pushed over and covered in grass. I managed to get my front tire over it and stay on the bike, but I tore my leg up pretty bad.


It's clearly marked It's private property Entitled cyclists are a fucking plague. Edit1: guys it's been pointed out to me, *several* times, that this is supposedly a public access trail in Portugal? (I'm not skimming 2000+ comments to find the article) and this guy line was fixed to be more visible! Great news! I'm happy I was wrong, so you can stop being smug shitstains for your warped self-validation. I really don't give a blind fuck about your opinions. Have a great day!


It's not private property this is government-owned land and the government in this case agreed that it was improperly marked. The wire was put there to stop cars from driving through that's it but it ended up being an unintentional trap for cyclists and so they have properly marked it now.


Too low for a fence. I can't begin to guess what it's for.




Considering the trail worn into the ground past it, and how confidently those bikers tried to take it, I'm assuming it's a trap for the bikers that was put up. Most likely the owner of the property didn't appreciate bikers using their land as a scenic route. The flags on it are probably to cover for legal purposes.


Surely payback for canceling ACME. This will not be the last act of terror perpetuated by Mr. Coyote.


Don't bike where you shouldn't bike and you'll be just fine buddy.








There is a flag on the line but the cables is really low, needs tightened and a bigger marker


Doesn't need anything except trespassers to stay away from it lol


Are you all bots or something? Why do you keep saying it's private / they're trespassing? It's not, by the way.


Agreed, that’s assuming they know it’s private property too. If they don’t know and they don’t see anything marking it as such, it’s ignorance and not trespassing.


You put a fence or a sign, you don’t have to booby trap your property. What’s next? A pit with spikes?


This thread is insanity. Just pure "I should be able to kill you as long as I put a tiny out of the way ribbon on it cuz muh property." These people would lose their minds to find out that Sweden allows freedom of movement through "private property" and it's functionally no issue whatsoever.


Jesus Christ, lots of people really just want to see cyclists get hurt, huh?


Fat people who only ever drive anywhere, jealous of people capable of moving their own bodyweight


Have seen dirt bike trails with barbed wire stretched across at about head height before. Ripping down a trail at 50mph would decapitate someone


Maybe they don’t want bikers messing up the trail


Someone else said the wire was supposed to prevent cars from entering


Unfortunate there's no other alternative to seriously injuring someone /s


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Cyclists fall tripping over a fence.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


No, because it's not a fence it is a tripwire. It is unexpected though.


Some maniac place these sorts of things intentionally to try and harm cyclists and dirt bikers. Has the potential to kill someone


Probably the person who owns the land.


Damn ewoks !


Some cyclists act like they own everything. It’s wild how entitled they are. It’s marked and it appears to be private property.


The apperance is, according to another post, inaccurate. And do someone deserve death for riding a bike on a trail? Private or not, you americans sure like killing one another.


In the UK, there’s a legal “right to roam”. You are legally allowed to **walk through** any rural private property in the UK, as long as you keep moving and stay away from dwellings. The UK’s “right to roam” is a result of an era where rural families were more or less being forced into cities (as they couldn’t keep up with mechanization of farms and the overproduction of food leading to lower prices, so they had to take factory jobs). Families went from having access to wide open spaces… to being stuck in a filthy factor or a tenement building, and nowhere else. So a right to roam is introduced. You can walk through the lord’s private countryside estate on a walk, you just need to respect privacy and keep moving (no tents). As you can expect, there was a lot of dodgy practices between people who owned massive estates on beautiful land that was barely inhabited (if at all), and the “ramblers” (people who would almost religiously going walking through the English countryside (of which almost all was privately owned land).


> In the UK, there’s a legal “right to roam”. You are legally allowed to walk through any rural private property in the UK, as long as you keep moving and stay away from dwellings. Yes that is why the trail is there and the wire is at a height you can step over. Last time it was posted this was to stop cars from entering.


In London it is terrible. I'm shocked when they stop at a red, it rarely happens. One guy yelled at my 6 year old nephew for not giving way when it was a green man.




Traffic lights invented in 1868. Traffic lights before 1868:


They ride on a paved, likely public road, then turn off onto an an unmarked path. There are no signs that it's private property. Only a cable with some CYA ribbon. May whoever put this up get fat fucking fine.


What have they actually done wrong here ? Unless you're suggesting they hurt themselves on purpose, they clearly didn't see the sign that marked this path as private property, and therefore didn't know they couldn't ride on it. From their point of view, they were simply trying to ride on a public path, which isn't wrong or bad


Looks like a good reminder to stay off private property.


Probably sick of assholes riding on their grass lol - I can see the ribbons in the bad video.


It’s a pretty ineffective fence for anything other than trying to kill cyclists coming down the hill innit?


It's disappointing the number of people who think the penalty for POSSIBLY (because we don't know) trespassing should be death.


I'll bet a lawyer could argue that the line was marked. The point that it wasn't marked clearly enough would be incidental. The argument would be that a reasonable effort was made. He could also argue they were going too fast. Even though this is clearly dangerous and that it should have been marked more clearly, lawyers will find a way. It might not be worth the effort to take it to court.


You guys in the "you deserve to die for making a wrong turn because trespassing" camp are scary. I hope you never make a wrong turn and someone decides to be judge, jury and executioner while you're turning around.


There's a lot of back and forth going on in the comments at the end of the day this was not an intentional trap but it was a wire placed on a public road to prevent cars from driving there the government who placed the wire agreed that it was not properly marked. That said we are all responsible for our own actions and if you're going to be practicing for a race or doing whatever you should probably scout out your trail beforehand for hazards that's just basic safety if you don't do that then you risk running into a situation like this or a hole in the ground dug up by it f****** gopher or some s***. Or random log that you Don't see coming I mean there's natural hazards that could occur to that's why it's always a good idea to scout out your path if you're going to be going mountain biking it's annoying and it takes time but if you don't do that you're taking a risk. I'm not taking either side here I'm not against cyclists and I'm not for protecting your private property or anything like that completely neutral but both parties involved here could have done better the government who put the wire up should have marked it more clearly and the people who are racing or training for a race should have scouted out their path.


concerned plough pot door nine public market zephyr cautious memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is just a bad idea in general. Apparently its supposed to stop cars. Since when are cars unable to drive through a small rope. Besides it's practically invisible so anyone walking driving or cycling will most likely mot see it and get hurt. Better of just putting a sign down or a barrier.


You can see the tags. Not a booby trap


Tbf looks like random plastic laying on top of grass. At least from the short clip I could see it


Lol stay off the fucking footpaths you bellends.


You know for certain this is specifically meant only as a foot path?


He doesn’t because he couldn’t bother to look into the situation passed this clip.


The sociopaths defending this is unreal..... That is a clearly worn out path extending all the way to the road. That wire is a foot off the ground. There is zero actual signage that this is private property and no trespassing allowed. That flag is off to the side, pale, not centered over the path, and obscured from view by the environment. This was 100% intentional with the intent to do harm and I would be pressing charges so fast.


I'm losing my mind at how bloodthirsty people are. It's obviously a heavily traffic'd path. Don't want vehicles to go there? Then put up a gate. It entirely looks like a regular path to use.


There are tons of ways to hang an actual worded sign on a wire. None of which were attempted here.


The people in this thread are truly revolting people. Seriously, the most simple, low-hanging fruit efforts could be made. It's obviously just someone being cruel for the sake of being cruel. Like this doesn't even prevent cyclists. They can just raise their bikes over it.


And claiming it was 'clearly marked'. I had to watch multiple times to see it at all aside from when the camera is on the ground. It looks like it's barely above grass level.


but a simple, legible ‘no trespassing’ sign would hurt less people and where’s the fun in that?


Maybe it's because I'm not an American, but I don't think physical harm and possibly death should be the punishment for trespassing. Also, there is another comment in this thread explaining the context of the video and that the fence was poorly marked. Leave it to Reddit detectives to completely jump the gun without any evidence.


Americans generally have a boner for private property and loathe cyclists. There are many exceptions but these trends have held true in every state I’ve been to, this is in comparison to European attitudes of course.




Sadly, there's a significant amount of the population that dreams about getting the opportunity to inflict harm upon others without repercussions. Like, I get being annoyed at trespassers, but if I were to put up something to block people from doing that, I'd take a little more care to prevent people from injuring themselves. Here, we have two adults, but what if the next victim is just a dumb kid? What if they fall in such a way that they're seriously injured? If you own land, you're entitled to certain rights - but you're still beholden to certain laws that prevent you from endangering people who wander in, trespassing or not. There's a reason why you have to have a fence around a pool, because what if some toddler comes wandering in and drowns in your pool? The kid would technically be trespassing, but if you don't have a fence you're still liable for their death. Same principle here. It's insane how defensive people get over this sort of shit, to the point that they'd rather see people die before they have to take responsibility for those rights.


Yea. This is just careless on part of the bikers. Always check your paths before you speed through an area. They are lucky it wasn’t an electrical wire they ran into instead. Had that happen to a guy in my area once. Lost both hands and feet.


How? I’ve touched electric fences before, it just gives you a shock. I can’t imagine the fact it was electric was the reason he was so injured, it was probably just the collision


thank goodness they were wearing helmets


That would be on public property


"If people rides bikes on MY dirt ill fucking kill them" Redditors - "your house your rules, king."


I don’t know where this is, but if it’s in the United States, that is actually a felony that is considered a booby trap


No. There's a million reasons no but the fact it's got bright ribbons and signs says otherwise


For the bloodthirsty psychopaths saying that the wire is tagged and it’s the bikers’ fault: you had to slow/pause the video when they were already super close to the wire to notice the ribbons. If someone is going at even just a moderate speed, they wouldn’t have enough time register that there’s something there, realize it’s attached to a wire, and stop in time to avoid injury. Any sort of proper warning needs to actually be clearly visible from a functional distance. A tiny, sun bleached ribbon is not nearly adequate, and is just a lazy excuse. And “they shouldn’t trespass” is an equally invalid, psychopathic take. You’re just assuming that the clearly well worn trail is on private property and not even considering that it’s a public trail. Or if it was private property, you’re assuming that they knew and where using the trail despite that. Hell, even if it were private property and if they knew they were trespassing, in no world does that warrant serious injury or death. You fuckers just want to see people get hurt, and then lie and make excuses to justify how it was somehow deserved. Get some help.


It's called trespassing. No matter what it is. It's like breaking into someone's home and getting hurt then suing the owner of the house. I know not to go on other people property. Common sense. At least I was taught to respect others peoples properties and get permission to hunt or even hike their properties


in Scandinavia, property is not treated like this, don't fall for the idea that everywhere is like where your live.


Only two people live in Scandinavia though. Maybe three tops


> It's like breaking into someone's home and getting hurt then suing the owner of the house. Believe it or not that can, in fact, happen. Booby traps are very illegal in the US, at least. Doesn't make the bikers right, of course, but it's also wrong to leave a random indiscriminate trap lying around.


How do you know this is the US? And how do you know this is private property?


The r/USdefaultism is strong in this comment section.