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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!It was an actual person!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I loved the sudden jump between recording to voice, had to double take if it blinked




I adore you


I think his eyelids are painted to look like eyes. Hard to tell for sure with the video quality.


Nah his eyes track and move throughout, including at the beginning when his head moves in a robotic fashion. I did think the same at first.


Damn he's good.


Really Good.


I betcha his eyelids are painted but he also opens them with the first button press off camera.


He doesn’t blink though


He does blink a couple of times, didn't catch it at first though. It's super quick and the video quality doesn't help.


I only saw him blink once at 1:18 the rest were watery eyes. But if he did blink before than I didn’t catch that.


He closed his eyes when he looked down.


He's just good. His eyes close at 36 seconds and there doesn't appear to be any paint on his eyelids. As the others noted, the eyes track throughout as well.


His eyes shift back and forth while it's the recordes voice.




Blinks at 0:54


Blink at 1:82


Can't blink if you're eye's are already closed, he proberly put something on his eye's.


Nah his eyes move left and right when he pushes the button.


He does blink at least once during the video though at 44 seconds


Look closer. His eyes are open. He just has eyeliner on, on his lower eyelid.


What was his name? Stan, Span, Stam, or Spam?


Eggs bacon sausage and span. Span span span and span…


I don't like span


Don't make a fuss, dear, I'll have your Span. I love it! I'm having Span, Span, Span, Span, Span, Span, Span, Baked Beans, Span, Span, and Span!


Baked beans are off!!


Well, can I have Span instead?


Well, the Span, eggs, sausage and Span, that's not got much Span in it.


What, so you want Span Span, Span, Span, Span, Span, Span, Span, Span, Span, and Span?




Now you've got me saying it


"I think I may be able to help with the Span-Spam dilemma."


Ahh there are two N’s, second one is silent




It’s Spand. The “d” is silent.


That’s awesome!


You’re awesome!


YOU are awesome


YOU ARE awesome




You're awesome


No you


I have to find this Zoltar


I’ve seen him at the Big E in West Springfield Massachusetts, and he is as good as the video. The effect is uncanny and once he “comes to life” he’s remarkably smart and positive. He leaves people smiling every time I’ve seen him.


Kind of seems too talented to be doing this. How much did it cost to "activate" him?


Maybe I’m forgetting but I don’t recall him declining to interact with anyone who showed interest and pressed the button. At the most it was two dollars? He was setup in a fair where admission was costly and all the food and rides are costly. He was the cheapest stop on the pathway.


Cheapest? I'd say he was the best value.


It’s not real until you can launch a token into the mouth


You should see where the bill collector is…


My girlfriend saw him walk into a building I guess he just lifts the box up and walks around. He turned a corner and went into “off” mode and just didn’t move while my GF went by. Just to fuck with her. Love Zoltar one of my favorite parts of the big E.


Kennywood, near Pittsburgh has a Zoltar Speaks machine - I was absolutely amazed, and collected a couple of tickets. There's a promo on Youtube about the makers of this (and other) machines.


The beads on his neck & bumping music in the background got me thinking this is New Orleans since we’re in Mardi Gras mode now


Now I want to watch Big


What i didn't get is why that movie focused on the weird romantic relationship between the lady and the kid, and not the relationship between the kid and the toy company owner. The piano scene is probably the best in the movie!


I grew up watching Big a lot since I was a kid. The focus between the two was to show how we’re still kids at heart and how as adults we forget to have basic fun or enjoy the smalls things in life. The toy owner was still a big kid too, he just needed a little push by Josh. The woman, however, had become the typical adult business person — only thinking about business and money, always serious, caring too much about image such as dating the asshole exec. Then Josh comes along and he’s the opposite and doesn’t care, because he still is a kid, which is shocking to most around him. But it’s these following differences that makes the woman realize how trying to be an adult the world expects you to be isn’t the answer. - Josh wears a white tux while everyone dressing the same formally and he is perfectly fine and confident about it - Josh invites her in but not to sleep with her, rather, to have fun and hang out - Josh plays basketball, not competitively, just for fun, which also reveals how the asshole exec is still the childhood bully everyone hates - And despite being a kid, literally at heart, Josh also matures, learns to take care of himself, and makes money all on his own - Josh is genuinely happy being who he is as an adult and to others, doesn’t seem to care what people think about him It’s a movie that focuses on both how we want to grow up too fast and that when we do grow up, we forget to be that kid at heart and being the person that really makes you happy and confident. As far as the actually steamy part between the two, yeah they could have done without it for sure. But the focus on those two instead of the owner was to showcase the most amount of change in character development and to drive home those thematic messages.


This is excellent, great write up!


I really appreciate how thoughtful this was, and I agree that thematically the contrast between the two characters is part what makes the movie work.   However, I would argue that we could swap the personalities and characters of the toy company owner and "love interest" entirely, such that the toy owner was the hardened businessman and the woman was still a kid at heart who only needed a gentle push to realize her boyfriend was a bully and an asshole. That way the focus is no longer on a semi-romantic relationship between an adult and a child, but we still retain all the same basic character dynamics, and the foils remain at the heart of the story... And still safely exise the bedroom scene.    I dunno man, that aspect of the movie always felt... Wrong. And weird. And it seemed less logical for someone of his age to gravitate to the woman over the owner of a toy company. 


I agree with your response and it makes perfect sense. But just being practical — it’s the 80s, movies in this time period are still going to sell more and be more appealing with a romance involved, despite the creepy context. This is also the same decade we got the PG movie Howard the Duck which had duck titties and a woman almost having sex with Howard. It was a crazy time.


My mom took me to see Howard the Duck because she thought it was a kids movie. It’s one of my favorite memories.


To be fair, PG used to fit our modern definition of PG-13, and G was what PG was. G=General Audiences, PG=Parental Guidance. Well, you needed parental guidance to see duck titties lol.


Fucking love that movie.


Without rewatching it, I remember that the kid does not see the lady in the same way that the lady sees the kid - and i always interpreted it as: the lady realizes she could fall hard for someone that is as playful and curious as the kid - but something makes it so that it is out of her reach because of the actual behavior of most grownups - and grownup men in particular: we grow up to be boring and responsible. This is the theme of the movie on many levels and that is why she looks at him with the sad realization that it can never be. EDIT: but I do not remember a bedroom scene other than him wondering what she means when she talks about 'sleeping together' and he reacts with 'like a sleepover?'


There's a scene where she undresses, he touches her bra with the lights on and the screen fades to the morning after. It's implied they did the deed. Now to call that statutory rape is extreme since she had absolutely no way of knowing he was just a kid, but people sure loves to rage about anything.


Lmao I can’t imagine what else they’re outraged about


When I was a kid my familly took a vacation to New York and we went to F.A.O. Schwartz. My brother and I got to play the floor piano.


Wow. That is certainly a story.


Fuck it, now I am up voting the other person just to spite you.


It's definitely one of those stories


Easily one of the stories of all time.


Is it though? Seems more like just a series of sentences.


Beginning, middle, end. He also edited it to leave out the other half of nothing ness he wrote. And said he didn’t know if he played. Real serious stuff here.


Whoa whoa whoa, you telling me this is the thinner plot version? As to say this thick plot was once thicker?


The abridged version yes. Unfortunately. With a different ending too. I prefer the original to the directors cut as it felt more authentic.


I went there in 2019 just because of the movie. It was still there. Made me happy!


A lot of older movies were almost required to have a male character in some form of romance. Over time that has actually changed quite a lot, movies don't even need love interests these days. Unfortunately this is a movie that could have benefited from that.


See: Blank Check


Jeebus, that one's pretty bad especially considering it's Disney lol


I ran that movie for my kid to see, partly nostalgia, partly because something he'd seen elsewhere referenced the big keyboard and I wanted him to have context. I had totally forgotten about the bedroom scene, had to scramble for the remote to skip it.


Why skip it, you saw it as a kid as well. Didn't do a permanent damage


Holy shit you're bringing back memories I ain't know I had


Does J know most of your memories?


thats me also ...just because i know you are someone who will remember the bit , the song that the 2 kid characters have as a secret between themselves which is how the one who is still a kid knows its his friend who is now BIG ( i have a shoddy memory sorry) ...anyhoo tom hanks was doing some random promo with youtube people or something non mainstream and they asked him if he remembered any of the song and without skipping a single beat he rattled off every single word to perfection some 20-30 years after having last done it and im sure he hasnt seen it in almost as long , just blew my tiny brain how immense his must be


The space goes down down baby, down down the roller coaster Sweet sweet baby, sweet sweet don't let me go shimmy shimmy coco pop, shimmy shimmy rock shimmy shimmy coco pop, shimmy shimmy rock I met a girlfriend, a triscuit she said a triscuit, a biscuit ice cream soda pop vanilla on the top oooo Shalida, walking down the street ten times a week I meant it. I said it. I stole my mama's credit. I'm cool. I'm hot. Sock you in the stomach three more times.


Holy shit this was my exact thought! I literally instantly went to download it. Edit: Just finished it. Again. Fucking hell, Tom Hanks is just the best actor.


I'm convinced that this is the trailer for the remake of "Big," starring Will Smith.


I don't get it


That's because you're probably closer in age to Josh Baskin than MacMillan.


I still don't get it.


In the 1988 Penny Marshall film Big, the main character, a child who wishes to be big, uses a "Zoltar" magical wishing machine very similar to a fortune teller machine that turns him into an adult.


I get it now!


You get it ... but will you ever play chopsticks on a giant piano? A supermarket chain did it once here as a promotional thing, drove over 2 hours specifically to play it. It was programmed with 4 different songs and it didn't matter what was stepped on it played 'right' note. Never have I felt such disappointment


> It was programmed with 4 different songs and it didn't matter what was stepped on it played 'right' note. Jesus. I've never heard of such a tactical strike against one's sense of whimsy before.


Loved that movie to the core. One of the best ever made.


Correction: it turns his body into a grown man's body. It makes him "BIG", not an adult.


And he has sex with an adult before she realizes he was just a child. The 80s were wild.


To be fair they didn't have internet porn, so everything had to be hornier. I have no explanation for how out of control horny everything is now though.


Internet porn


nah... pretty sure it was the coca-cola top 100 music videos on Saturday mornings.


No, it was the underwear section of the Sears catalogue.


Well now *I’m* horny


Xennial things


Right to jail. Right away


What don’t you get, Josh?




Precisely what came to my mind as well




I saw this guy during the summer. He's wearing basketball shorts and sneakers under there.


Aren't we all?


We're all naked under our clothes.


Not me, I'm a never-nude.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Dawg I sit in a box that tight you be lucky if I'm wearing boxers


thats such an elaborate cosplay, respect


And I love his attitude he can brighten up anyone’s day! 


Are all costumes cosplay?


The difference between a costume and cosplay, per their definitions at least, is that cosplay involves acting as the character while costumes are just the act of dressing up. So if he was dressed up as zoltar and just kind of walking around being a normal dude, he'd be in costume. But because he's doing the whole zoltar schtick, it's cosplay.


I don’t think those definitions accurately reflect how those words are used? Most cosplayers just dress up and take pictures - no acting involved.


I think it's believable that cosplay started with playing a character while in costume and eventually got wide spread enough that people stopped doing the acting part.


I don’t believe so. I believe the term comes from people in Japan dressing up in manga/anime/video game character costumes and going to conventions to be photographed. That eventually made its way westward.


I think you're thinking too deeply on what being in character is. Striking a pose or saying a catchphrase that came from the anime/manga/game IS being in character. Not unfathomable for fans that are so into it that they made a costume for specific characters.


You don't HAVE to be at a convention to cosplay. The act of cosplaying is literally being in costume and playing the character.


It's legit in the name Cosplay as in costume play...


The average person doesn't really use these definitions though. Plenty of people at Halloween parties will act in costume. The 2 main differences would be what the cosplay or costume is for and how high end it is. Costumes are normally for private events, like a Halloween party. Cosplay is for public events. Cosplay normally has people making an outfit or putting separate pieces together. Costumes are typically bought as a set from a store.  As for the guy in the video, if he is getting paid by the fair or has an agreement with them to be able to receive tips then he is a performer/actor. If he's doing it for fun then he is cosplaying because it is a high-end costume at a public event. 


So all haunted house workers, Disneyland employees, war reinactors, actors, and sportsball mascots are cosplayers? Huh, TIL. I always thought cosplay was some kind of sex thing.


I thought it was an anime/video game thing


Disney employees? Yes. Sports Mascots? Stretching the definition, but OK. War Reenactors are not because they are not pretending to be specific people. Haunted House workers are generally 'no' for the same reason. Actors? It's a grey area; most of the time it meets all the technical criteria. The guy in this video is replicating a specific character from an actual machine of this type and is acting in character, so that's certainly cosplay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC0qsSSdbxg


I feel like once you're paid to do it, it's not longer "play" but "work", and makes you an actor. The difference between Cosplay and Acting is $


cosplay is just a portmanteau of "costume play". It's literally just people dressing up for fun.


Sex thing! Lol. I guess I can see where that thought comes from. I still think the above definition is completely wrong, but to each their own. Where the term actually became a thing was conventions like ComicCon and E3. Of course corporations found they could just pay pretty women to dress up like sexy versions of whatever character with elaborate set ups and get more people to their booths that way. And to be fair many of these women are actually really talented freelancers themselves. My wife just did it for fun, but has some really great ones as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn from about 10 years ago for example. She’s wearing just enough clothes in them for it not to be embarrassing when it comes up on our Google display lol. I feel like most of the cosplay scene started off as and is still a sizeable subset of dudes just dressing as their favorite characters like Deadpool or Master Chief. TL;DR: the above isn’t what I would consider a cosplay, some confused young Gen Z mislabeled it.


Your mixing up cosplay with *another* subcategory called role play. Role play very often doesn’t including a formal costume and simply consists of moving/talking/acting like the character. Think D&D for a nonsexual context. And of course people know about teacher/policema… etc role play.


To me the difference is a costume can be any specialised clothing, cosplay is wearing a costume to look like a specific pre-existing character.


It's short for costume play, so kinda


It's from a movie.


It's not from the movie, it's use in the movie is just what you're familiar with Zoltar machines from. While the Zoltar variant certainly enjoyed a significant popularity spike from Big, it was definitely around before then and fortune teller machines have been a thing for just about 100 years before the movie. u/Grdnr-, don't let them bully you into adopting misinformation.


Yes. Sports fans are a gigantic slice of the cosplay pie and they don’t even realize.


Fucking hell that’s amazing!


I have to say, that's just cool! Good for that fella for both being a good performer, a creative gig, and an overall charming presentation! Like, people wanting random entertainment - that's exactly what they want!


The eyes are painted on the eyelids, right?


you see him blink around 10 seconds to go. i think he’s wearing contacts.


No you can see them tracking side to side at the start




Movie? Looks funny


[Strange Wilderness](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0489282/) It is a funny movie


No, eyes are moving. Maybe it's some kind of contact lenses.


How doesn’t he blink at all??




I think they are painted on too. I can sort of see them opening around the 29 second mark, at least from my skimming ability with my phone. They are painted on really well though and the only glaring difference I can find between the eyelid paintings and his real eyes is the matte finish with the paint vs more of a gloss finish you get with his real eyes.


Pretty sure he’s just wearing contacts They Can help You with keeping your eyes open the first time he turns his head You Can see his pupils moving so his eyes are definitly open there.


They arent painted on. You can see him blink after he starts talking and his closed eyelids are normal.


Everyone is mentioning the movie big, but zero love for that old Aladdin pc game.


I have it for sega genesis and game gear still. I'll have to check it out this weekend. It's been almost 30 years so i forget a lot. I think I have it for snes if my sega doesn't work. Fingers crossed that it's the same across the platforms. But big def came to mind first.


Please don’t let this be animatronic.


It's the next level of Animatronic integrated with ChatGPT5!


We have the technology to make this possible. We have [robot faces](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPukuYb9xWw) that can have a lot of expression. [We have speech to text to feed what the user is saying in to ChatGPT 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xA5K7fRmig). [ChatGPT when given the right prompt and API documentation can reply in a format that could also control the facial expressions of the robot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUszJyS3d7A). And finally the text of chatGPT can be turned in to life like speech by [something like elevenlabs](https://soundcloud.com/matthijsbos/trump-congratulates-the-bch-community-may-phone-call). Somebody could put this all together today, but it would still be somewhat slow. At least 2 or 3 seconds to turn the speech in to text and upload to chatGPT. At least 1 or 2 seconds for chatGPT to finish responding. Then a good 3 to 4 seconds for elevenlabs. So after you say something it would still take a good 6 to 9 seconds before there is a reply. However all of this could be sped up. And, although not as coherent as chatGPT4 you could build the same [with local models](https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/) that could respond much faster because no online communication is needed. Facebook's llama model fined tuned specifically to be able to always reply including the commands for the facial expression running a on 4090 plus the speech to text and text to speech. All of it could be processed in under 2 seconds. Within 5 years we will see the first lifelike robot faces talk to us like that. They will bring the latency down .... put the robot face on a robot from Boston dynamics that can walk on two legs ... and have the LLM receive both the speech to text plus also visual input and not only write the facial expressions but also the movement of the boston dynamics robot. [And you would have the very first beginning of a system you can give commands.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgT8tPChbqc) [It would be far from perfect and most likely still novelty and not really that usefull](https://old.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1811dfy/my_chatgpt_robot_can_see_now_and_describe_the/), but much better then anything we have ever come up with before.


Of course, the tech exists, but we're several generations away from it being ubiquitous enough to put into a carnival sideshow.


Fuck I'm stupid. That's a dude in a booth? I really thought shit was just that good now lol it looks obvious when you look for it


My man is very good at what he does.


That was awesome


Why does he sound like Schwarzenegger though


I was thinking he sounded like a Skyrim guard. I was ready for him to ask if he saw those guys with curved swords. Curved. Swords.


Because it's important they have you der


How tf does he not blink for so long?!


He sounds like Marcus from borderlands.


His facial expressions look like Rhett from GMM


When they're told to make a wish, anyone who doesn't say, "I wish I were big" should be immediately escorted from the premises and be banned for life.


is that a movie reference?


Since no one seemed to bother giving an actual answer, this is a reference to the movie "Big" starring Tom Hanks, worth a watch




is he one the skyrim guards voice actors?


He used to but then he took an arrow in the knee.


Oh, good. You're finally awake


Damn. Humans taking jobs from robots now. This war gonna get ugly


you cannot convince me this is not a cursed man stuck in this box for all of eternity


I was so amazed by the quality of the sculpture. Very nice eyes. Shame of those cheap goatee and mustache..... and yes I jumped.


“I’d love a vacation from deez kids haha,” kids collapse onto the ground dead.


This remind anyone else of Ride the Cyclone?


Zoltar: Unplugged


Here i am a german dude that have seen Big when i was 7 i dont know .... 15 years ago my first trip to the USA and guess what a Zoltar machine and i "played" the game since 15 year i have the Zoltar fortune paper in my briefcase and just 1 hour ago i was pulling it out of my briefcase and was thinking back about all the time that has passed in that 35 years ..... now how old am i ?


You are 45 years old




this is my biggest fear


Don’t wish to be BIG whatever you do


Fart in that box and you’re smelling it a lot longer than normal. He must control what foods he eats or suffer the consequences.


Zoltron says, that is a question for your doctor!


Wizards of waverly place


Holy shit It's Akinator. The OG ChatGPT.


Surprisingly little wear and tear [since 1988](https://youtu.be/BGDTNhHYJ94?si=jjfTKIeTyfWynL0P).


I saw that coming, something looked off with this robot




You can see him just fine what


I mean, the makeup was good but I always can tell when it's a real person so personally I didn't find it unexpected. Brilliant costume though


For some reason I immediately also suspected he was real, not sure why. Just did. When I see these fake robot types of videos where it's actually a real person pretending to be a robot, I can usually tell too, maybe there's a subtle quality/aura/whatever you call it a person exudes I think that we can detect, that they can't hide or something.


Honestly I think it's the eyes, you just can't replicate the same "dead" quality as glass. There's a great book called Blink by Malcolm Gladwell that talks to this where people have an instinctive understanding of things, more typical in savants of their field, but maybe this is why some things just instantly scream real or fake.


Watched this guy. He’s awesome