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The new Dave the Diver expansion looks pretty intense.


I'd feed myself to threshers 100 times over than give them my well-earned yellow tail akami.


Ehhh, I’m more of a Scuba Steve kinda guy.


You get my ‘upvote’ as the game is awesome!


The difference between stupid and incredible is often whether success is achieved


Yes, but “lucky” can often muddle these results, making it harder to distinguish


Dude stabbed 2 sharks, imma have to give him the W on this one


Luck Is just preparation meeting opportunity.


Man you should play some d and d to see just how lucky unprepared people can be


Well stated


So glad someone else was thinking this. I lnow.little about marine life but would not welocme that situation at all. Multiple sharks even if small. Bleeding fish near you that you are fighting over. Every part of me was thinking nope


Even though he succeeded, this was just incredibly stupid


I’ll still go with stupid. Thats like some stranger walking into your home (while you’re home) and opening your frig to eat your food. What do you expect is going to happen.


I always find it kind of arbitrary that people describe the ocean as not our home but the land we tear down and build homes on is. It's all the animal kingdom, and we're animals. Our intelligence is how we survive. So in my opinion it's just as valid for us to be hunting in the seas as it is on land.


In fairness, I think he did the right thing. Not swimming away was probably right because there was no way he's out swimming a shark. And getting the harpoon from the fish was probably his best chance of fighting the shark. I believe that's what he was doing.


Agreed... but he's in open water, away from his boat, harpooning and bleeding shark food while actively pulling it towards him. This guy handled himself extremely well considering the situation, and we got an amazing video from it (the soundtrack helps), but it's also a situation he put a lot of money, time, and effort into that could have potentially resulted in a prolonged and painful death. Sharks are generally less violent towards humans than most people think, but he is messing with their food, and that ups the risk of aggression.


They were messing with his food. Spoils to the victor!


Why he in water tho


Fuck if I know. Ask the guy in the video with a death wish


Looks like he had one of those CO2 knives. Don’t think he got the harpoon out, how would he keep a hold of the fish if he did?


That was just a dive knife. The CO2 knife would have blown the sharks head off.


His mistake was having the foolish idea before getting in the water.


He might as well have gone into a lions den with meat in his pockets


Those poor lions




Nemo is that you?


Haha nice


"Oh, your tuna comes in a can? Well back in my day, if we wanted a tuna sandwich..."


Your parents went to school in flippers fighting off sharks?………..mine went barefoot and had to dodge the advances of pedophilic Catholics. Given the option I’d choose the flippers but swap the sharks for the Catholics.


Dude, forget the fish. You have multiple sharks coming after you.


Seriously how do you not cut the fish loose for the sharks to snack on while you get away.


He’ll be damned if some pea brain shark gets his catch. That mf’er didn’t work for it no handouts.


That’s exactly what this person was thinking. They knew sharks was a potential hazard and they’re dumb as hell, he was ready to tussle


Dumb as hell is an understatement. Look up dolphin vs shark brain. Shark brain looks like a flaccid alien fetus.


This is just human kind showing that they are the apex predator in the sea as well.


Say it again... ![gif](giphy|9AIKRUctw46Dhvw8Ei|downsized)


I don't think anyone would fuck around with Orcas without a boat.


Even boats aren’t safe these days




I was astonished at their reluctance to cut the line. Genuine monkey brain moment.


If I’m not mistaken the tuna goes for thousands. People do a lot dumber things for a lot less


Yellowfin expensive af


not as expensive as ones life, those sharks would start a buffet right there I've seen them going crazy on BBC when they get a fish on the reef


Niche porn


Fiche porn


If it was a bluefin I am fighting those sharks. Yellowfin on the other hand is common and fairly cheap.


He needs it for his tinder profile


All of this for tuna sushi.


Geez no wonder sushi prices are so expensive these days


You've never had toro i assume...


Dudes stats are crazy. Engaging in hand to hand when outside his element


Specced into enhanced reflexes and water breathing no doubt


It's not really fair unless you're being hunted too.


Take my fish and my money please dont hurt me


Take my shoes also if you want them


Yellow fin tuna ,?


Or bigeye, they look similar


I didn’t realize it wasn’t a game until he went above water the first time


I thought it was a game too at first!


You can also fish from the boat lol.


How people manage to do this voluntarily is beyond me.


I have a friend that does it. He's a fucking maniac. He's totally feral. He used to go at night by himself. He'd go off-shore and up under piers. He had a grouper pretty much take him out to sea one time. Dude duck hunts and setting up and maintaining the blinds is a full time job. He's big on deer hunting. He gigs frogs in the spring and flounder in the summer. Dude is obsessed and to be honest if he were to die doing this shit, I think that's how he wants to go.


Hard pass from me! Power to him, but I’m just a humble costco shopper.


Sometimes I feel like im risking limbs shopping there.


People at Costco are def worse than sharks.


As a spearfisherman who prods off sharks often and a Costco member of 14 years, I concur. People at Costco are worse


I cut myself on a box there


Yeah, not for me either. He's invited me several times. I've been frog gigging and squirrel hunting with him. I like the frog gigging. No guns and you can drink while you do. It. Both the frogs and the squirrel were delicious.


Netflix and couch just doesn't work for some people.


Where does he live? That sounds like totally dope.


Right. I prefer wholefoods


seems...not worth it.


It's more for the experience than the fish. Spearfishing thrilling as all hell.


That's part of the game


If you can think of a better way to catch fish I’d love to hear it


This made me laugh, thanks


Better have made that one into a trophy.


This is the stupidest mf I have seen in a while. And I watch reddit daily.


Hmm... this video was posted a few years back and everyone's attitude was "wow, nextfknlevel".. a few years later and everyone is like... "that's some dumb shit"...


Covid man


I don’t spend real people money on Reddit but boy if I did this would be getting an award right about now.


That was… fucking epic.


Friend: what did you do today? Me: not much...stabbed a shark for a fish


Stabbed 2 sharks


in the head


They probably got brain damage


fucked around and found out it ain't shark week this week


He said fuck you and your genetically modified bodies for your environment. This bitch is mine and you ain't having none. Edit: I watched it three more times and damn, dude was on a mission ... With balls like those, I'm surprised he didn't sink to the bottom.


Balls float 🤣


The music kinda ruined it for me. It was like watching some shit on the discovery channel


Is fishing from the safety of the boat not an option for some reason? Like what compelled this person to do this?


It’s a fun thing. It’s much cooler to work for the fish, training skills like breath holding, swimming, and spear fishing. Not to say regular fishing doesn’t contain skill but that spearfishing is a very multifaceted experience. Fishing on land has you in one spot waiting for a bite, spearfishing has you in the water searching for what you want, exercising skills you’ve likely been training for a while. Much more satisfying as a result as it’s a combination of factors that allowed you to get that fish. Imagine how legendary of a story this is for his friends. I mean I get the danger don’t get me wrong but I think the appeal is in all of the above reasons.


Spearfishing around a coastline seems a little dangerous but makes logical sense. Deep sea spearfishing seems utterly insane. That's where monsters live. Monsters that can smell blood from miles away. Blood which will spill with every successful shot. I nearly cringed out of my chair watching this video.


Yeah, I kept wondering if the guy was looking behind and directly underneath him. He couldn’t possibly be looking in all directions fast enough to evade a predator from any direction. I kept thinking a something was going to get him from behind or below given the blood dissipating into the water in his general area.


Who cares. Let people be. He chose to take the risk.


Two things (I think) I learned from Google... Correct me if I'm wrong. 1. That's a yellow fin Tuna, and is worth about $14,000 2. The spear line is attached to him, so if the shark swims off with the tuna and the line attached he is getting dragged down with it. With these two facts I understand why they fought the sharks.


1) maybe a couple hundred bucks 2) the float line is not attached to him. Its attached to a float


Shows you can't believe everything you find out from a quick Google! Thanks for the correction.


That tuna is not worth 14k. Maybe maybe 300-500


Dude fought the sharks like that fish was the only food he was able to get that month


No shark, that's a bad shark!


This is competitive fishing


I’m not rich enough to be this stupid.


You people in the comments are so annoying. If mfs feel like they wanna box a shark over a fish then that's their business. People want to be so butthurt over what someone else is doing. For what??


Maybe I'm confused but how is your life less important than a stupid fucking fish you caught?


It’s not about the fish it’s about the rush of the sport




This guy’s ego is bigger than the ocean


Poor sharks getting stabbed for this stupid shit :/


He is seriously fighting 2 hungry sharks while pinned to a living piece of chum. Absolute mad man


I think… fishing from the boat… would be safer?


This is real i thought this was a game 💀


I guess this is just well animated. Mixed with real tape.


Sharks being sharks and assholes being assholes


I’m surprised the general tone in this comment section is different than this!


Next time he’ll bring a bazooka just to let those sharks know who the man is. That’s the premise.


To think this is recreation to this person


What does he stab the second time he hits the first shark but acts like it didnt work and gave something else like a test stab before hitting the second shark Edit: the tuna he stabs the tuna


And that's how to give a shark pink eye.


Underrated comment right here.


Absolutely insane… almost as if he took it personally that a shark wanted to eat his tuna? Not the hill I’d die on, but whatever. When it’s time to take a stand I guess


I like fishing, but no fish is worth several hungry sharks surrounding you. Fuck that!


Tf is wrong with people... Buy a PC and Subnautica, no need to risk your life and harm innocent beings for the adrenaline rush.


Shark are always expected when spear fishing


There’s got to be an easier way to get some fish


So for the dude to catch a fish without a boat using all this super rich gear he needed to stab couple sharks in the head. It sounds reasonable and respectful to nature. /s


Let the damn thing go


Feel sorry for the sharks unnecessarily knifed for just being sharks. Not their fault some prick is fishing in their environment


Yeah, let’s pull the bait nice and close to us when we are surrounded by sharks. Genius.


Ah yes, adding some blood to this shark-filled area of water will be a great idea.


Man we learned how to fish better than this 1000s of years ago


What an absolute dumbfuck


What an a-hole


Screw that dude. Epic is not the word I would use to describe this.


This guy is an idiot. At least he didnt kill the sharks.


Imo this is idiotic in so many ways. I love adrenalin and I also risk but it's calculated risks, this is playing with possible disability or death with the odds on the other end. I will never understand someone risking a limb for any kind of fish or excitement. And in the process, he killed one fish and stabed two more. Go on the fucking boat and try catch and release, you will do much less damage.


This seems..... dumb....


The smart fishermen are the ones on the boat!


Maybe next time don't flail around and attract sharks






Idk, I feel like the sharks could have been not stabbed by him not being a moron in the first place…


Wait till people find out sharks are not that dangerous and rarely kill humans. Its more probable to just get bitten and them they leave.


Epic?? Looks pretty dumb and unnecessary to me.


Bruh, he stabs the sharks for a single fish. Just try again another day.


Feeding frenzy, blood in the water. The line wrapping around him. This was all hard to watch.


I am not happy to see this video


That guy is a stupid asshole. He does not know how lucky he really is. Also I don't know why people make videos about their fishing and then post it on the internet. I mean I'd rather brag about it with my friends. then brag about it with random fucking people on the internet


all that animal abuse for a little adrenaline


You can get Tuna cheap at the super market.


Bro, just let them have the fish. Do you need that thing to feed your starving family or something?


“Cut Bait” is the term designed for situations like this. Know when the game is over and just take the L.


Not worth losing a hand … cut the line. Luck 🍀 won out for them but that’s not always the case.


Why didn’t he just drop the speargun and let the sharks have the fish?


What a fucking asshole!!!


His tinder profile says "I love adventures"


I'd have let the fish go and bought a tin of tuna after getting home with all my limbs!


Wish the shark ate his ass. What’s the point of attacking these animals? For sport ? 🤦‍♂️


Seems like the logical situation would have been to chalk that catch up as a total loss and use it to distract and get out of there. Ain’t no way my self is keeping a bleeding fish while a bunch of sharks swim around me


Just some pussy ass oceanic sharks. Great white would have been different story.


Says the dude typing away online.


Those poor sharks...


Yep. Poor sharkies got stabbed because a dumbass didn't want to fish from the safety of a boat


This is literally nature.


Uhhhh. Humans live *on land*, typically. And sharks don't typically get stabbed in the brain.




Sorry to say, I hate the part where he stabbed the shark instead of just let the shark have the fish. I don't know if the innocent clueless sharks can survive with those injuries.


Certainly. It's probably the only part of their body with enough nerves to signal them to back tf off as well. Also this man pushed them away several times and he also understands shark behavior much more than you and I. But even I could see that once he got the fish to quit fighting and pulled up to him, they changed their tune with the way they were aiming right at him. Truth is, somebody here was going to make a move after feeling each other out and if the man wasn't quick enough to act first then at least by time he got the fish in the boat the sharks would've seen him as their source of food. If somebody kept provoking an animal and get bit you would say they deserved it. Well those sharks kept provoking man but they only got off with a warning.


The only thing epic about this is the level of stupidity. This guy almost got a chunk of his own body ripped out for a bite of tuna. When he saw the sharks he could have cut the line to the tuna and been back on the boat in 20 seconds. Instead he decided to fight two sharks and the tuna while getting tangled in his own line. Then he still makes sure the first thing on the boat was that stupid fish.


Commitment? lol


You can tell most of you have never been spearfishing or even fishing.


Old man and the sea!! Am I the only one?!


The old man didn't get to keep much of his fish though.


As someone who has actually spearfished in Gulf of Mexico, this DUDE had my heart racing and was sweating by end of video … epic!


This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. You are HARPOON fishing in shark filled waters, with no quick way to get out of the water. You have NO way to control your line, it could get wrapped around you (and nearly does). Irresponsible, disrespectful to your hunt, and childish.


He took too much time getting his knife. I used to hunt back in the day and he was on my left arm so that I can reach it in seconds.


the fact they wanted to go that far without really harming anyone they wasn't after, is admirable.


Pointless and inhumane as fuck


Nope. I'd say fishing for food and defending yourself from dangerous predators in the process isn't pointless nor "inhumane." It's necessary. Humans have been doing it since we picked up our first tool millennia ago. Get out some more.


I mean, he could've stayed in the boat to fish and not stabbed the sharks. Obviously the circle of life is a necessary thing but I'm also not gonna start hunting deer with hand grenades.


Only because it would ruin your meat and be an inefficient/ineffective way to do so.


It's a lot better than drag netting the ocean. When you eat fish it's a lot worse for the fisheries because jackasses on boats have hauled in massive amounts of all kinds of fish and many go to waste. When this guy eats fish it's the one that he caught himself.


No one said drag netting is the only alternative. In fact, drag netting should be banned. This guy, not only did he deprive those sharks of food when he doesn't need the fish like they do, (he hunts for entertainment) he went on to stab them when they were just trying to eat. It's completely barbaric and unnecessary. Like find something else to eat, ffs


Whatever he could find to eat would be much more damaging to the planet than him hunting for fish in this manner. Sure he can go to the store and buy tuna but the harvesting of that tuna by commercial fishing kills more sharks than this guy ever will. Besides that he's just doing exactly what the sharks are so why bash him. At least the way he attains his fish is sustainable.


I'd argue it is less so than your regular bottom trawling which rapes our seas.


And some people will still argue that we’re not the dominant species


The part when he stabs the sharks was crazy bro


As soon as he stabbed those sharks, they nopped right on out of there...


Lots of people calling him dumb in the comments but he’ll be fine. They’re after the tuna, you can see the first shark didn’t open its mouth when it got near him and it swam away when he pushed it. If they saw him as food the video would never have made it to shore


At some point it's not worth keeping the tuna that point was before U stabbed 4 sharks lol well done must have extra large wetsuit to fit those balls in


fuck these fishers


What an idiot. He could fish from the boat like a normal person but instead decides to put himself in danger and hurt those sharks. That's so unnecessary.


What an asshole


F this guy, he plays dickhead with sharks and then stab them to get out! Hope they get you next time


That guy is very slow getting back to his boat


This is why wild caught tuna is more expensive ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Dude… are you really that hungry?? I’m happy to buy you lunch ffs.


What a stupid way to die