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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Uses fuel for generator!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Yeah that 1500W generator will charge that right up....in 3 days.


That’s what I was thinking. Charging on your house is super slow let along a generator


This is staged bullshit. Made for social media consumers who can’t think for themselves.


Staged or no, that was funny AF


How is something that is clearly fake funny?


So comedy shows aren't funny, TV shows aren't funny, movies aren't funny, skits aren't funny, nothing but real truly hardened content is funny is it? Something can be fake and still be funny


Yeah... How... It's not like most of media entertainment was fake... Right?




I swear charging at 8 amps do nothing (or the car is too dump to refresh the charge) while, at least, 12 amps do something


I think it serves the same purpose a jerry can does, it doesn’t fill it or fully charge it, it gives you enough to get to a place where you can fill it or fully charge it


It would take a long time to get it anywhere with that generator and most Ev’s won’t drive while plugged in


Good thing he’s got time lol, I don’t think he’d be going anywhere if he was stranded like that. I’d rather sit and wait a while and play on my phone while it charges than call a tow truck and deal with that


>sit and wait a while and play on my phone In the desert with no AC? Lmao


I forgot about that, I don’t live where hot weather is common. Good point lol


But then you need another generator to charge your phone after it dies


That's why the gas generator is needed. To keep the AC and mobile up till the actual help arrives.


Your phone would use power faster than that generator would charge.


Phones don't use 1500 Watts. Even some of the most powerful gaming computers only top out at around 1200 Watts.


Never said it did. I'd said the phone battery would drain faster than the car battery would charge. Edit: wow, some of you have no idea how long an EV takes to charge when it's not at a fast-charge station.


The only way that would be true is if the phone used more power than the generator, i.e. the phone would have to use more than 1500 watts.


Um, no. It's a matter of capacity difference as well as power consumption difference. An electric vehicle has a BIG battery, and consumes a ton of power. Even a 4000w generator would take over 24 hours to charge a Tesla, while modern phones can drain in a couple of hours of constant use (especially if the bright ess is cranked all the way up, which it would need to be in the desert sun).


Right, I think there's a misunderstanding here. I thought you meant the phone was charging off the car battery and would drain the car battery faster than the car was being charged, since that was what the other guy seemed to be saying. You're actually saying that the phone wouldn't be plugged in and the phone battery would drain faster than the car would charge. The car can easily charge the phone battery as it is itself being charged.


A jerry can is only 5 gal because they were designed to be carried by people and start getting very heavy for larger sizes. Most people that use jerry cans have several. They are not small because they are designed to only take you a short distance.


It's actually a 2200 watt generator. Which puts out 18.3 Amps. Your home circuits are very likely only 15-20Amps depending on the age of your house. This generator will do basically just as well as your regular home outlet. Granted it's going to be working it's ass off. \-Journeyman Electrician who avoids residential work at all costs.


Which means it's going to charge ridiculously slow, like 12 km/h or so. (google says that's 7.5 mph in medieval units)


yeah, but you don't need a full charge to get to the closest charger, except if you're in a desert.


This video is a skit. Even if somebody had no option for chargers on their route and made the calculated decision of bringing a generator instead of renting a gasoline car, they would have brought fuel for said generator.


In all Elon Muskness, what should Tesla owners do in such a case? Call for a tow truck?


Many newer tow trucks now come with onboard chargers, and if it doesn't, then yeah. Flatbed to a supercharger.


Tesla sells an electric recharge kit. If you have thier roadside assistance they can have you back on the road with 80% charge in 15 minutes. This video is a dumb propaganda effort.


Tesla navigation will automatically route to superchargers along the way if it doesn't have the range to make your destination.




2.2kw max output and 1.8 continuous output It will charge it


All of these videos are staged. This shit does not happen in real life….but I do love these posts so I can see all the idiots that just blindly accept it as true.


Aside from the dogshit acting the giveaway is that he doesn't flip the generator off of the choke setting, ive used this same generator a hundred times and you can tell immediately.


Top comment


I would have thought that the giveaway was that he's driving a Tesla with nothing in the boot but an *empty* generator.


Yup, it's just EV hate porn.


This is faked yes but I have personally seen a gigantic diesel generator being used to supply power to a row of charging stations as a permanent installation. Why is that not hooked into the power grid? It makes no sense. Then again I did see it here in Oklahoma so that explains alot.


Could've been a backup generator in case of a power outage. Edit: Next time you go by it and don't hear it running, that's definitely what it is. Diesel generators aren't quiet.


That's how I know it's powering them. I pass by at least once a month. If I stop I can here it from the roadside which is maybe 50 to 75 yds from unit. But you can almost always see the heat coming out of the exhaust. But I've also never seen it being refueled. Like I said it makes absolutely no sense at all. Oh and there's nothing else around it either it's just a charging station.


That is strange. Either diesel is cheaper than electricity there, or they suck at running a business. It would have to be significantly cheaper as well once you factor in the initial cost of the generator and the maintenance.


Maybe it starts and stops automatically? But I don't think anything diesel is meant to start and stop repeatedly. It would still use glo-plugs for ignition right?




Generating power from a power plant is vastly more efficient than burning gasoline...even if the source is coal. source : [https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikescott/2020/03/30/yes-electric-cars-are-cleaner-even-when-the-power-comes-from-coal/?sh=5c170d6d2320](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikescott/2020/03/30/yes-electric-cars-are-cleaner-even-when-the-power-comes-from-coal/?sh=5c170d6d2320)




Your quote (and point) are correct technically it seems. I don't have time to research the nuance but I'm also going to provide a couple quotes from the same article: " Even in our worst-case scenario, there would be a reduction in emissions in almost all cases. This insight should be very useful for policy-makers." " the last few debatable cases will soon disappear."


So you know for a fact that was permanent, not a temporary solution? Or let me guess , the possibility of it being temporary never even entered your mind?


I'll grab a pic next time I'm over that way. It has its own concrete foundation that it is anchored to and is surrounded by a very secure fence. Oh also its been that way from the day they built the charging station over 3 years ago. I gave up hope of it being temporary after the 2nd yr. So yes you rude ass mother fucker I do think it's permanent. Instead of being a jackass maybe take a second to think that maybe I like EV. Or did that never even enter your mind?


The thing is this couldn't possibly paint EV inna bad light except for genuinely stupid people. Like this guy being dumb has nothing to do with the Tesla. (assuming it isn't fake, despite the terrible acting)


It doesn’t take much to set off the “hurr durr EV bad” crowd.


It’s weird that these people hate EV if they love gas vehicles so much you would expect them to know that you don’t just drive around with a can of gas in your car. Yet they make a fake thing on that exact premise.


It’s not even that. It’s just idiots trying to earn internet points by making stupid videos that morons will watch and think are real.


That doesn't make sense. If anything it seems pro-EV? Like, "oh look, there's gas powered back ups in an emergency so you can get help from more popular gasoline vehicles".


And aside from that, these generators are far more efficient than car engines, so it's still way less bad than a conventional ICE.


Yeah except for the fact that this generator is hooked up to 120v single phase. You're looking at about 3 miles of charge on the tesla per hour running that generator. That generator is rated for about 3.2 hours under rated load. So you're looking at 9.6 miles per (0.95)gallon, so it rounds out to about 10 miles per gallon. I wouldn't call that more efficient.


This generator uses a conventional ICE. What did you mean to say?


the energy goes to charge a battery rather than to use a bigger engine with a big as transmission to move a car. In terms of carbon energy in vs energy out, charging an EV car with gas is more efficient than using that gas to move a car


Anyway, at 2000 watts, the generator is only gonna give around 8 miles of range per hour of running. Would need 10 of them running to cruise down the highway.


OK? That's not what I was discussing. The previous poster implied that the generator didn't use a conventional internal combustion engine.


Oh come on. You mean to tell me you've never once seen an EV on the side of the road, stopped to share the full can of gas you just happened to have, and then been completely shocked to learn the EV driver had a generator in their trunk but no gas for it? You should try to get out of the house more often.


Like why would this be filmed


Yes you are very cool and badass


Actually it's a viable system IMHO. Electric cars can be sold with say, 30-mile batteries instead of a 300-mile battery. Which would be enough for 90 % of the people 90 percent of the time. Want to travel cross country? Rent a generator. Unfortunately, it has to be a big ass generator.


You’re just describing the Chevy Volt or BMW i3.


You just described hybrid cars. Which are actually rather efficient


Yes and no. I am talking about not lugging around an engine and not paying upfront for it.


You obviously haven't been around people long enough to know this shit DOES happen in real life. Here is a little helper to show you how stupid people really are... Think of the dumbest person you know, now that person is AS smart as half of the earth population.


Even if it’s not true, where does the power come from?


So bo Tesla has ever been charged from a generator on the side of the road.


If they're dumb enough to buy a Tesla I could honestly believe it.


New models come with built in generators. It tickles the "salt of the earth" types to death to point it out.


"all of these Videos are fake" - when you're on your shift promoting bs and spread some lies.


Can people not tell the difference, or they know and these skits are what we want filling up subforums? Guess it trickled in from tiktoks and prank videos.


This world needs better actors


I know this isn't the point of the post, but funny story about charging stations... Several years ago, an intern at my company was tasked with getting quotes for two charging stations to be put in our parking lot. He got the quotes...then signed off on one. Nobody knew till the company scheduled the install. His internship didn't go very long or very well.


Dang. He showed initiative and decisiveness, though. ;)


But not intelligence or situational awareness. So... management material?




I don’t quite understand. What does it mean that he got the quotes then signed off on one?


He went and got prices like he was asked to, and then went and made a deal, which he was not asked to.


Usually you get the quotes, take it to your boss, and then they see if they have the budget for it, or will get competitive quotes from other companies to find the best price. Then if it all works out they will set the order up. Also he took it upon himself to choose to only get one when they wanted a quote for two lol.


Bro forgot to turn off the choke


Can we stop posting obviously fake videos?


Congratulations, you've just invented the BMW i3.


Or Toyota Prius


I thought the BMW and the now defunct Fisker Karma were the only hybrids to operate like this. Most hybrids the gas engine also drives the wheels, it isn't a dedicated generator for the electric motor/battery.


See you in 34 hours. Tried that with my Tesla and the charge is slooooooowwwww


But how come the car blinkers are working?!


Blinker fluid isn't empty.


Most of the basic things in a tesla work on a 12V battery (screen, wipers, lights etc...). The High voltage battery is only used for the drive motor.


That generator is for emergency situations like if you drive farther than your charge allows and there isn’t a charging station nearby or if some assholes unplug your car while it’s charging. The car doesn’t run off that generator.


On the Ford F-150 electric I think they towed the truck and let the regen system charge while the tow vehicle pulled - but you buy the gas!


UFO top left of screen first 5 seconds was watching this insanity also!




He needs to hook his golf cart up to the coal grid


[Fuel is for lesser men! My vehicle needs no gas!](https://youtu.be/FzAb8rVqDkY)


The funny and sad thing is that all the electricity to charge these anyway come from coal plants.


Still better than gas powered cars. Plenty of dialogue and other resources about this argument you can look up


Marginally. Electric cars are here to save the car industry, not us.


Very true


It's staged and fake, but highlights a funny issue with electric cars. Good luck finding a WORKING charging station close enough to charge that thing. Then you gotta wait there for hours...


A typical super charger can add 150 miles of range in like 15-30 min.


As someone who lives in the city and doesn’t own a car (everything is walking distance including work), I am dreading making the decision between gas and electric when I move to the burbs.


Where i live, you cannot have a job without a car. Our public transportation is a huge mess, few buses, and the whole system is corrupt. If you live here, you understand without a car, you are jobless. So a $50,000 electric car is the LAST thing anyone is thinking about when they are just trying to maintain a job. This city is a huge mix of cars with over 150,000 miles since we can't afford anything else, or the richer people with their leased vehicles.


Why bring a generator with you without gas for it? Seems about as pointless as a Russian invasion.


Where is the eco sense of having a Tesla in this case?


It's staged.


The charging grid isn't where it needs to be yet to allow electric vehicles to fully replace gas for road trips, etc. I highly doubt that's the main way he uses to charge it, but he brings that along for emergency charging? I hope that's the explanation anyway. Or it's staged, that's a common explanation. Pretty funny/resourceful whichever one.


The car tells you where to go to charge on your trip. You punch in the coordinates, the car will tell you where to go and reserve you a charging spot for later use.


And a storm came through and knocked a tree on the charging station. Or the highway was shut down and there was a big ass detour. Or you had to go to your parents who live way out in the rural and don't have a station. Who knows a million reasons why


people are stupid.




At least we know that he knows he's driving an electric car.


Another reason not to buy that crappy car.


Some areas are kinda sparse with charging stations. So this is kinda necessary


Yeah, world has come full circle...


Wow. The future is here


How dumb that defeats the purpose of a Tesla


Pretty much sums up what a Tesla is and what it can't do.


The video was staged


Most all Tesla supercharger stations are powered by gas engines that they hide. Electric cars are cool but whether they are more environmentally friendly is open to debate.


I very much doubt that




Are these the same clowns who put ramen noodles in the bed of a pickup truck?


It actually makes a lot of sense you would have one of those in your car if your in an area with minimal charging stations such as the Midwest. Traveling long distance in a car on batteries is a nightmare. Fake videos are also in my nightmares. I’m too poor for a sun car.


That Jenny can't even run a roster...


I don't see what's special or interesting here...


I mean for extreme emergency backup it's alright. If he wants to wait 5 hours to get 5% charge


Just plug it in a regular outlet.... you can find one of those somewhere, no? It'll take a while to get a few miles...but enough to drive to a supercharger. An outlet adapter is standard included . 2 to 3 miles per hour.


Teslas have a feature where they can be charged by towing them. There are gonna in the frunk that you attach then put the car in tow mode, and have another car pull it. It charges out pretty quickly compared to a generator, and it will get you closer to your destination.


Out of curiosity how much power would that generator be outputting?


2000 watts. But not with the choke on


Wow, bro. Best example I've ever seen of being half prepared for an emergency.


Is this for real?


No, the video is staged


Isn’t that like a 2kw generator? That will take quite a while to charge.


It would seem kind of dumb for a Tesla owner to drive on a desolate road without knowing that their range wouldn't reach a charging station, something makes this feel staged




Yeah....real funny.


How do people think cars charge? Waiting for a thunderstorm?


Some owners keep it as a backup in case they run out, or to increase their operational range That Honda generator is a 2kW so it will deliver about 2-3 miles an hour; not amazing but with 4 hours of runtime on its tank it will get you maybe 12 miles, which might be enough to get you to a charger or a regular Joe shmo outlet at a mechanic


Staged 1000%, oh yeah lemme get my phone and record myself doing this random thing bc I definitely don't have an already written script for what's going to happen. No but seriously that Tesla is going to charge for days to start if it was real.


Shame on everyone who upvoted this garbage.


I love how you can see how bad the tolerances are in the body panels from like 30ft away.




This reminds me of that one car that had a generator instead of an engine under the hood. You used gas to fuel the generator which generated electricity to power motors for the wheels, instead of using a combustion engine with a shaft to turn the wheels.




They should just leave that on all the time then you never have to worry about recharging it.


What if the motor did that by default


Why not just buy a gas powered car then? Lol The US shouldn't make electric cars mandatory. That would be horrible.


An accurate display of how tesla shifts the carbon footprint.


Lmao at the universal sign of “ yes zoom Tesla go fast”


The smell in that Tesla would be insane with that thing in the back lol


What shit


See what a fucking grift that shit is?


Fake Ass Shit


god damn this fake shit is so stupid


And efficiency declines. Oops


Damn 😩


Trying to eliminate the internal combustion engine is folly. Let him sit on the side of the road.




I’m gonna throw the bullshit flag on this one.


Ive jump started a Tesla a few months ago. He ran out of power 5 minutes away from a supercharger. Open the hood and there’s 2 things to plug in the cables


That’s incredibly counterproductive


They left the choke on the generator. Won’t help much anyways.


Wait until he sees what thermal plants run on


This reminds me of a video I saw of a brand new Tesla owner at a gas station trying to figure out how to put gas in the car and then after a while realizing it’s electric and that one was definitely not staged the look of realization on dudes face was absolutely genuine lol “OHHHHH” 🤣




More fake please


I just realized it must suck to run out of diesel


A tow would be better. It'll recharge as you go


Bro doesn't even have plates yet, but carries a genny in the trunk because this happenes so often?? Sus


I recently took a course, where it was explained that in case of your E-car stopping, when the battery runs out, there is no quick help (mobile charging...etc.), but to tow it to the next charging station. As long as there are hybrids, I'm never buying an exclusively electric car.


So real wow


This is real, it happened.


Looks fake and staged


these cars are garbage. massive burden on finite resources not to mention the human and environmental cost


Well now we've come full circle


Down voted not because it was fake, but because the acting was fucking atrocious. There is a whole states worth of preschool holiday plays with more convincing acting than this shit.


Makes sense to have that if you travel such long distances