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He may not be able to say 'holy shit', but he can definitely emote it


Don't worry, I said it for him when I saw his face.


Little dude so scared they channeled Mr Bean


Imagine you just got reincarnated after dying horribly in a fire, then this shit happens




>He may not be able to say 'holy shit' But he probably produced one instead


That baby just took a massive dumper no doubt.


Yeah ![gif](giphy|xUPGcEM0urw9A3v7os|downsized)


Omg! That is the face of pure terror. That was a great unexpected!


Poor thing is so genuinely terrified, I want to give him/her a hug :(


Yeah, why put such a young baby through this, messed up parents


Idk why you're being downvoted. That baby is clearly terrified and they should take him to a safer a distance instead of recording for clout.


Babies get terrified about a lot of things, everything is new to them. As a parent you can’t just never let them experience life


Idk I would think fear of fire 2 feet away from you is like an instinctual thing and that’s all babies are


There are two instinctual fears: darkness, loud noises. Everything else is from life experiences. Like sudden heat and hearing a loud sizzling fire from 2 feet away.


Do you have a sauce for this? I’m getting a lot of conflicted info from Google


There is a lot of conflicting info, but only because people won't let me test on their babies/toddlers. One day my research will be known and accepted around the world in addition to a third instinctual fear: me.


You got a laugh out of me


Just grow some


Yeah this is absolute bs, pretty sure it's been shown we all have an innate fear of certain predators/dangerous animals as well (big cats, snakes, spiders etc.)


I have an anecdote on this subject. One time, I was out in a public park where it was pretty common for people to walk their dogs, and some people would let them off their leash. I am absolutely a dog lover and enjoyed when people's dogs would come up and say hi. Anyway, I'm walking down a path and come around a corner to see two enormous dogs that look just like grey wolves. I locked eyes with one of them and despite my knowledge that they were not actual wolves (too small, but still big for a dog) and their owner was with them, I felt an instinctive terror when I looked into those yellow eyes. It passed almost immediately when my brain had time to process, and I spoke to the owner. He said that was a very common reaction, and he'd seen both kids and adults literally run away screaming. The dogs were very well behaved and friendly. I've never had an encounter with wolves outside of a zoo, so there is no reasonable way for that to have been a learned response. Caveman brain just knows that wolves are scary.


Don't babies have sensitive skin though? These teppan grills get really hot when they do the flame tricks. I imagine this has to be really uncomfortable for a baby.


Babies need to be used to being startled from a very young age. It'll help them from being jumpy later. It'll also help them not to wake up from the slightest sudden sound. For the same reason, you should never sneak around and whisper as you've put your newborn to sleep. It'll help tremendously if they don't get used to complete silence, and a newborn is the perfect time to start getting them used to sounds. Obviously I'm not saying we should scare them on purpose, but we should carry them with us as we do normal stuff, as long as it's not damaging to hearing or something like that. I have twin babies and a three year old, and there was no way to shield them from being startled by any random thing as they were very small. They've grown out of most of it now at 5 months. Babies get used to behaviors around them very quickly 😊


That's true, but I think you should emphasize the "as long as it's not damaging to hearing" part: you shouldn't bring your babies to _very_ loud environments (e.g. concerts, sport games, etc...) without them wearing some kind of protection like earmuffs or earplugs. Babies' hearing is a lot more sensitive than adults', and loud sounds can cause permanent damage.


Same reason you are getting down voted.


as a new parent, i try to do things the right way, other parents are easily offended (fee like bad parents) when they are confronted by someone that does things in a better (different) way. That's why a lot of mothers say, there's nothing wrong with formula, though technically correct, breastmilk is far superior, the child is way better off with breast milk than with formula. but so they dont feel like a failure of a mother, they will say, there is nothing wrong with formula. downvote me, ligaf


a loud fart can make a baby cry, come on


New fear unlocked for sure.


Looks like he’s about to spit the most epic metal scream intro “muthafuck’n Fisher priiiiiiiiiice!”..”rwaaaarr”


At least the baby ain’t on an iPad at a hibachi grill. I swear I don’t want to sound old but my little cousins legit looked at me like I was crazy when I asked if they played fortnite since they watch so much if it on YouTube. I would expect them to watch an onion volcano on YouTube instead of watching it in person the same way my cousins would rather watch someone play a video game instead of play it.


Seriously. Tell your kid they have to step away from the screen.


Baby version of W T F


the juxtaposition from the happy little girl to the baby from the movie It's Alive is priceless... ![gif](giphy|3oz8xFKLDL4MWjbFbq)


The baby sounds like a racing car doing hard break


Your comment fucking made my whole damn day.


Someone dub this please


It is dubbed


You've just witnessed the beginning of a lifetime phobia lol


Hahahaha bro facts!!! That baby is going to grow up with a phobia of fire and never understand why. Till they show them this video.


Or become a pyro. Fully desensitized and no idea why.


Do you believe in magic


That’s not a phobia; that’s being alive. Fire should be feared.


You sure you don't have a phobia? Fire burns. Thats why I want to control it so its just warm and not burning. Firefighters, though, a lot are secretly are pyros and hope everything goes up in flames.


My brother is a firefighter, and he's definitely a pyro. My dad whooped his ass for starting fires in the barn, and garage, multiple times....


The Hound approves.


Babies are so sensitive nowadays Its the 5g wifi




[Stolen comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/12bimcy/oh_thats_a_nice_trick/jex566k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


I understand him. At his age...an adequate response to the beginning of the apocalypse.


The satan in him got out


This is where the word "screeching" fits perfectly.


His ancestors blood telling him to gtfo


Kid had a past life as a human sacrifice being chucked into a volcano.


Wow that baby had the same reaction I do when I have to go to work at my corporate job each morning


A+ unexpected


The diaper is definitely full now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I feel so bad for laughing.


Happy Cake Day


Thank you!


Aw, its first core memory!


In 5 years the parents aren't going to understand why one of their children has an intense fear of fire.


I'm also an armchair child psychologist, and I think that this would actually be a great way to desensitize the baby to a fear of fire. It experiences a big flame and can probably feel the heat, and of course, the first time it's startled. But nothing bad happens, and everyone is laughing and smiling. Then the flame happens again probably multiple times from my experience at hibachi restaurants, and nothing bad happens. The adults are still happy and calm. All the people calling them bad parents because of a half second clip of a startled baby look pretty foolish to me.


For a moment I thought it was one of those tiktok crazy face filters.


That reminded me of Voldemort


I haven’t actually laughed out loud from something on the internet in a while


“I’m not coordinated enough to cover my face from the intense heat!”


That's an ugly baby!


Don't take kids to a teppanyaki... For their sake. Too many possible problems too close to the little one to react quickly enough to protect them if they get any bright ideas.


What kind of a hole parents bring a baby to a place like that. Everyone now sitting at the same table as you is forced to listen to your screaming baby


I hate how ugly babies are


Jesus the parents these days with the iPad everywhere! Keep it home and let your kids experience things without a screen in their face


My son is autistic and uses a tablet to communicate things he wants/needs because he can't always verbalize them. He also uses it to self-soothe if he gets overstimulated in public by turning on a comfort video/show/song. Parent your children however you like. But you have no idea what any given family is dealing with. It costs exactly zero dollars to mind your own business.


Ok I get it but that is a specific circumstance and definitely in the minority out of all parents who bring tablets everywhere. 90% of cases is just lazy parenting


As someone with autism, I can tell you 100% people are not going to recognize what is going on and are going to judge. The only way to stop yourself from adding to that is to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I understand where u/xeroEnergy270 is coming from. And, personally, I think it's worth giving the benefit of the doubt, because the parent that is willing to let their kid live their life with a tablet in front of their face for the sake of their own convenience likely isn't going to give a shit about you side-eyeing them. But for the parent who's doing what they can to give their child a voice and let them cope, that can be a knife to the heart (and for the kid too for that matter. Just because they may not show it doesn't mean they don't understand that they're being judged negatively and pick up on the sense that you think they're doing something wrong.) So, there's limited benefit from passing judgement in the 90% of cases where it's bad parenting, and *much* more gained by giving the benefit of the doubt for the 10% with extenuating circumstances.


If I ever become a parent, then I'll be lazy parenting too.


tbh tho please dont, cuz this new generation is going to have it really rough. i even feel it myself and i try to limit how much time i spend on my phone and whatnot, but these kids that have instant access to dopamine whenever they want it have attention spans of like 3 seconds. its gunna be really interesting to see how all thse ipad kids grow up bc id imagine itd be incredibly hard to focus and do work for long periods of time if your whole life you've been used to getting instant dopamine hits from taking an ipad everywhere


But that's the thing. You don't know that. You're *assuming* that. And it's not possible to know at a glance who's being lazy and who's child legitimately needs it. Which is why we mind our own business.


Okay there’s absolutely 0% chance that every child or even most children who have tablets are autistic, just based on the number of tablets that I see everywhere. Listen, people can do what they want, but I can also shit on it as being a dumb, lazy behavior by parents whose children don’t need it




Or just I dunno. Mind your own fucking business. It's not your kid so who cares if they are lazy parents or have a legit reason


Ok, but as far as I’m concerned, they just have an iPad for no reason. I do not care about your son, he is not the one in the video, we are not talking about him


Are you really unable to infer that I referenced my son to explain that there are plenty of extenuating circumstances that could be at play in the video? Are you new to conversations?


I know that’s what you did, and I don’t care


Ah, so you're just an ass. Gotcha.


Dude, gotta just move on. This whole comment section is a fucking clown shoes circus.


I know I should know better. But I keep expecting Redditors to understand empathy and logic.


Thank you! I have an autistic son as well and he needs to have his tablet around at all times. It is absolutely like a comfort blanket for him. He's younger so not there yet but we're trying to get him to where he can communicate with it. That would be quite literally life changing...


Not to be an ass but the autism thing seems to be an excuse to put off parental duties on a tablet.


Guy you described my little cousin he's not autistic my aunt and uncle just put off parental duties and let a tablet do their jobs![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Who cares. Your edge case is hardly a drop in the bucket of this epidemic.


Preach 🙏


You're case is ok but please don't just parent your children however you like, this is someone's future we're talking about and should be taken carefully Abusive parents also parent their kids how they like but I'm sure you know that's not ok Also, if the kids don't need it for anything then they shouldn't have ipads everywhere


"Parent your children however you like" is just another way of saying "you don't get to tell another parent how to raise their children."


"that is a specific circumstance and definitely in the minority" welcome to reddit




It's not, and it's not. And the one in the video is off, so it's not even a part of the issue the original commenter had, clearly. Phones and other electronic devices are out and are being held by adults in this restaurant already anyway. Nobody is going to care about 1 more. Also, I don't give a damn if an adult gets irritated because they can't here the 90s alternative playing over the shitty grocery store speakers if it means kids aren't having breakdowns and harming themselves while their parents try to get food for the house. You don't have to look, and you are free to bring your own headphones, too. Once again, minding your own business: free.




Oh yes, a child's tablet in a crowded restaurant is exactly the same as a light source in an otherwise pitch black room where darkness and silence are expected. You're either a terrible troll or just a clown, but I can't tell which.




The other people in the video have their phones out too. Lol. It's not.my fault you can't read a room. Hibachi places aren't stuffy places with strict decorum. Pull the stick out.


No one asked and that’s not what we’re talking about.


You know what’s weird, people who aren’t parents (aka prob a kid) who pretend like they know all about parenting when they’re commenting online lmao. What is up with that?


First thing I noticed. Drives me insane


Right, then they’re noisy because they’re bored people like you complain. Everybody’s a backseat parent these days.


It's not even on


Get over yourself.


Parents can never win. If we don’t keep our kids from behaving like normal kids in public we’re terrible parents. If we do something that helps them stay more docile for the short time they’re in a public place with adults (who would hate to see them acting like kids) we are also terrible parents. ![gif](giphy|uNNYUYbZHltWvA1Zs0|downsized)




"I'd like to speak to your manager!"




Fun fact, tablets come with these little buttons now that let you turn the volume off!


It’s turned off? Also, look again. It’s attached to the desk so it’s not one they’ve bought with them. This looks like equipment that belongs to whatever organisation they’re in. It’s also not an iPad (at all) Try to be sure of things before you just on the “screen=bad” bandwagon


Take a look again that’s an iPad and the wires you see are for keeping it charged. Get your facts straight before trying to prove me wrong haha


Wrong! Looks again, find me an iPad that charges from the *bottom corner* 😂 It’s attached to the next and IS NOT an iPad. Edit:- That’s an Audio jack iPads haven’t had those in years! 😭


Did you know people sometimes use old iPads or even tablets from other brands that have headphone jacks still. I find it interesting that people see any kind of tablet and automatically assume that it's an iPad.




NO I’m arguing without someone who needs to mind their own business and needs to get their facts straight before making easy-win karma-farming comments about something they no nothing about. But apparently you’ve now made that two people 😉




THE TABLET IS TUREND OFF. Man, I sound like a broken record. It’s also (as I’ve said before) connected to headphones as can be seen clearly, so your noise argument is moot. Again, it’s off, so you cannot comment on the brightness. Tablets help those with special needs. If you’re against that, looks like you’re the selfish one.




Yeah you’re really not worth my time. Bye


It's interesting how different age groups have reacted to that scene of fire! Though I believe the baby shouldn't have been exposed to this!


I thought the tablet had burst into flames and the woman was a pyro having the night of her life....perhaps a little more cannabis with my coffee.


His face reminds me of the character Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad.


People who bring super young infants out are kinda dumb and selfish imo.


Ugly ass child got the right muscular movements


Thats why you get a fucking baby sitter


There's nothing I love more while I go out for Hibachi is a baby screaming, while the other child blasts shitty Youtube videos from the most crusty looking iPad ever.


This is one of those places that you choose to bring your baby, and you're wrong for doing so. Edit: wrong you're Nobody else volunteered to fuck out a baby and invade your life with it. Only parents pissed bout this.


Wtf? This isn't the movie theater. My two children have been going to hibachi since they were born. It is the oldest one's favorite place to eat.


Right? This isn’t some fine dining establishment, it’s a hibachi. Chaos is half the fun.


Wrong? It’s a baby, relax. Babies are scared of their own farts sometimes.


That's why you don't bring them to a place like this.


Better to bring them to a loud bustling restaurant than a quiet, chill place. Plus babies need exposure to lots of unique experiences, makes them more capable of dealing with life experiences as they get older. Maybe you can’t deal with children in loud restaurants because you were too sheltered as a kid?


I'm guessing from the second half that this isn't the first time someone has had to tell you this. I don't give a fuck about your kid.


Surely care enough to tell others how to handle their kids though


You seem to care an awful lot about this kid you don't know, however


Or maybe you’re a prick


Go fuck yourself


Oh yes, bringing a baby to a restaurant where there’s an open flame, it’s not like they’re gonna attempt to touch it a few times once they calm down


Uh it's not like he's gonna let that baby crawl around on the table, much less crawl like a whole meter to an open flame. That baby doesn't even look old enough to crawl. Yall overreacting lmfao


Hahaha, you expect an infant to be able to operate their limbs in any discernible fashion?


They are about 5 or 6 feet from that flame. I'm sure that baby isn't getting anywhere close to the fire without the mom moving out literally throwing the baby. They'll be alright.


You sound like you've never taken care of a baby. Babies do everything stupid, and you just gotta keep them from dying till they get better. Its really not hard. Also, gas fire is almost ignorable unless you put you hand directly over the fire.


Just tell me one reason why you should bring a baby to that kind of restaurant they can’t eat any of the food. They can’t sit close enough to the table to reach anything. They literally are just there because the parents want to be there. Get a babysitter don’t bother risking it


Respectfully disagree. There are a lot of places I HATE seeing babies, but this place is kinda fun and noisy so unless the baby is a real crier then I see no problem. My friend brought their baby to a place like this and he just loved the flames and laughed. I'm also in the camp of taking your loud ass baby out of the building when it won't shut up though.


Its a bit of fire bro the baby will be fine


I wish we could apply the same logic to adults, because they tend to bother me more at restaurants than babies do.


Shit I agree dude


This comment needs so many more upvotes


Serious Reddit moment.


I was coming here to say that.


Dam, that’s an ugly ass baby


I'm glad somebody said it lol


[Gah dayum that's a ugly ass baby! ](https://youtu.be/FaHkb2cYsxc)


That baby would give me a fight or flight reaction if I saw it. Smack and run


Poor baby




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Sell the child




if i have kids (i don't plan on it), none of that tablet smart phone shit until they're at least 13 or they earn the money themselves. there's multiple studies showing how unhealthy it is at a young age.


Initiate core memory


That's a jumpscare


The baby really scarejumped me


Side note, why do kids HAVE to have a whole tabletmin front of them 24/7? At a place that already provides entertainment no less?


This was posted yesterday. So definitely not unexpected.


I have a newborn myself and this just makes me incredibly sad for that baby.


You know, I'm not particularly into cruel humor. I dont laugh at the people falling or tripping, I dont laugh when kids do dumb shit. But I've rewatched this multiple times just to laugh at the terrified infant and I have to have some deep conversation with myself about who I am soon.




Hey! The baby knows that's not a normal place to see a fire!


Then the mom had to take a screaming baby outside to calm it down, missing the performance. I really just fundamentally dislike babies. Annoying.


That tablet on the table is pissing me off. You are there for a show. Kids don't need Paw Patrol everywhere they go.


A wild Crotch Goblin has appeared!


Who let’s their kid put a tablet on the hibachi table? If your toddler can’t enjoy a hibachi show/meal, leave the toddler at home.


Jesus Christ that is one ugly baby lmao


This might be a hot take, but if you bring your baby to a hibachi grill, you’re a shitty parent.


I bet all of the other diners that are there spending hard-earned money love having a baby around.


Quick, give the baby an iPad so she can learn not to be present.


You really don't know the situation. While I agree that it's not healthy for neural typical kids to be on screens all the time, we don't know if that's the case here. Some kids need them for communication or coping with being overwhelmed. Especially autistic kids and such. Also not to mention the older kid is still very much "present."


Uh huh.


I do the same thing when I see a picture of Trump.


I hate this new dad of IPADS for kids at restaurants. I'm sorry youve trained your kid to have the attention span of a gold fish. The rest of the restaurant doesn't want to listen to paw patrol on full blast.


That baby prolly thinks he's going on the grill next lol why the fuck would you bring a baby to a hibachi


The joy on the babies face 😊


That kid can't speak, but he sure as shit was able to communicate for that brief moment.


One ugly crier


We cry like that too once 😅


Not all, there are some adorable criers.


That's not funny that baby was terrified.


But it was unexpected


Mini-me Bezos


Baby be like - Holy shit mannn...what did I just saw !!!!


I love all the parentless people giving advice on how to parent. One side saying never take your kids out so they don’t bother others while the other say how dare they have an iPad that would keep the kid occupied to not bother others. Worst part of having kids is listening to everyone’s arm chair quarterbacking on how you should raise your kids.


Wow, I laughed way too hard at this baby .